Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 302 Delicate

Chapter 302
I would like to thank miaozi123 for the support of the monthly ticket, and sister Dong for the reward~O(∩_∩)O~

Seeing that it was Wang Xifeng, the old lady Jia smiled and said, "You are a shabby hut, why did you arrive at this time? I told your sister Lin first, and later she posted a post to invite the girls from other provinces. You have to live well." Help, don't tire her out."

When Wang Xifeng heard this, she turned her head to look at Daiyu, then turned her head and cried to Old Madam Jia: "What kind of hard work do I do? I just helped this girl set up a table in the afternoon. , I didn’t see her thanking me in any way, but now I let the ancestors arrange my errands.”

While talking, the maids had already brought tea and fruit, and Xifeng personally held the tea and fruit for Mrs. Jia.Others only saw Wang Xifeng taking power and doing things now, but Daiyu felt more and more chills down her spine, so she hastily changed the subject.

Daiyu took old lady Jia's arm and said with a smile: "Since we said that we are going to invite girls from other families to visit, and my grandmother rewarded sister Xichun with clothes, we should prepare some clothes for sisters Tanchun and Shida. "

When Wang Xifeng heard this, she raised her head and tapped Daiyu's forehead and said: "You little heartless girl, I've been busy doing things for you, why don't I see you go and beg for good things for me? Don't think about anyone else!"

Seeing this, Mrs. Jia smiled and said, "All of them, all of them! No one else is missing!" After speaking, she directed to Yuanyang and said, "Go, pick out a section for each of the girls." After speaking, she saw Wang Xifeng looking eagerly at Looking at himself, he smiled again: "And your second grandma, pick a section for her too, it's pitiful to see how greedy she is."

Wang Xifeng didn't care if you said I was pitiful or what, as soon as she heard that she had a share, she hurriedly knelt down and saluted: "Thank you, ancestor, for loving me." After speaking, he shouted at Yuanyang: "Grandma's choice is good!" Yes!" Daiyu added at the right time: "The rose red one! That one is suitable for my sister-in-law!"

Everyone was chatting and joking about the material here, but they all forgot about Li Wan who was standing silently in the corner.

Seeing this situation, Suyun and Yindie behind Li Wan glanced at each other, feeling very dissatisfied in their hearts. The room was full of big girls and young wives, but their grandma was about to speak because no one mentioned it. , but was stopped by Li Wan.

Others didn't notice this idea, but it happened to be in Daiyu's eyes, so Daiyu got up and picked among the clothes that the mandarin ducks had just brought out, everyone thought Daiyu wanted to choose first, and no one thought it was wrong.

Not to mention that Mrs. Jia rewarded them for Daiyu in the first place, nor did she mention Daiyu's identity as the county lord, but that Daiyu just entered the mansion today and came here as a guest, so she should choose first Come.

Daiyu picked out a sapphire blue field with silver and white silk threads embroidered with folded plum blossoms. As soon as she got it in her hand, Old Madam Jia frowned and said, "Little girl, I told you just now that I want to dress up like flowers." Where are you wearing this color?" After finishing speaking, the old lady Jia accused Yuanyang very dissatisfied: "You also pick out such a color!"

Seeing this, Yuanyang was about to make amends, but Daiyu smiled and said: "Yu'er sees that this material is very good. In our house, only sister-in-law Zhu is suitable. Others may not be able to wear this smell."

As if she was afraid of being misunderstood, Daiyu explained: "Grandma doesn't need to talk about it, she has to wear some festive and rich clothes. The second aunt seems to have the same preferences as her grandmother. Sister Feng is young, so I can't wear such clothes. Taste, let alone us."

Speaking of which, Daiyu turned around and pulled Li Wan's hand to the middle, compared the piece of clothing material in front of Li Wan and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Zhu came from a scholarly family, and she has a bookish air on her body. This material is the most suitable for her." Elegant and dignified, I think it looks great." He tilted his head and looked at Old Madam Jia.

Old Madam Jia put on her tortoiseshell glasses, looked at them, and said with a smile, "Yu'er has good eyesight, and the material looks good on her."

The old lady Jia said so, and the people around were blindly flattering. Li Wan glanced at Daiyu gratefully, and said with a shy smile, "How could it be as good as what my sister said?"

But Daiyu said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Zhu thinks that I have bad eyesight? Or do you think the old lady's clothes are not good?" When Li Wan heard this, he panicked and hurriedly waved his hands: "No, No, no, there is nothing wrong." Seeing this, Wang Xifeng was the first to laugh.The people next to him naturally laughed too.

After a while, everyone got a piece of clothing material. Seeing this, Mrs. Jia deliberately said to Yuanyang with a heartbroken look on her face: "Hurry up and put away all my good clothing materials and put them here, I'm afraid they won't be there in a while." gone."

Yuanyang took the order to take back the rest of the clothes, but everyone was amused by Mrs. Jia's appearance, especially Shi Xiangyun, who laughed so hard that he couldn't stop it.

Ordered the maids to send back their clothes, and everyone chatted and laughed around Mrs. Jia for a while, and then Mrs. Wang came over and ordered people to set meals.

After dinner, Daiyu ordered Zhixuan to fetch fruit tea before Old Madam Jia could open her mouth. She knew that the Jia family had a habit of drinking tea after dinner, no matter it was green tea or black tea, drink it right after the meal They are all harmful to the body, but fruit tea is not listed here. Fruit tea has its own fruit acid, which can help digestion.

The crowd gathered around Mrs. Jia, talking and laughing and joking, with a cheerful appearance, which made Mrs. Wang, who had just come over for dinner, feel a little dazed, thinking that she had seen such a scene before, but couldn't remember it for a while.In fact, it is not only Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang who feel this way?Even Tanchun and Xichun felt the same way.

Only Li Wan looked at Daiyu, and understood in his heart that all this was because of Daiyu's arrival, which brought the sisters together again to Mrs. Jia, and also brought the struggle between Grandma Lian and the second wife into a stalemate. At this stage, I don't know what will happen to the mansion when Daiyu leans towards Wang Xifeng.

Without waiting for Li Wan to wait until Daiyu turned to Wang Xifeng, Nanny Sun and Jin'er went into the mansion together to beg to see Daiyu, saying that she had sent an invitation to Daiyu.It is very interesting that this invitation was sent by Xue's family to Daiyu Zhuangzi.

Mrs. Wang turned blue with anger when she found out, but Nanny Sun and Jin'er couldn't care less, and they came here today to see their girl, Daiyu.Seeing this, Mrs. Jia smiled secretly in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, so she ordered Yuanyang to invite Daiyu herself.

Not seeing each other for a few days, Grandma Sun couldn't help but smile when she saw Daiyu, accompanied by Nanny Tang and Zhixuan, enter Daiyu. Son, squatting down and saluting: "I have seen the girl, how is the girl here?"

Mrs. Jia was extremely displeased with what she said, as if she was saying that she had been wronged by Daiyu.Fortunately, as soon as Jin'er finished speaking, Daiyu smiled and said, "I'm at my grandmother's house, what can I do wrong? Put your heart back in your stomach and leave." After finishing speaking, Daiyu smiled at Jin'er, Then he went forward to greet Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang.

It can be said that what Daiyu said before was unintentionally pleasing Mrs. Jia. The old lady Jia, who was very kind to Daiyu before, even smiled so blindly that she hurriedly pulled her to sit beside her.

Mrs. Wang's complexion was not so pretty anymore. Mrs. Wang, who was very concerned about the rumors that Daiyu was going to enter the palace, was even more annoyed when she saw that the Xue family had sent Daiyu such a formal invitation. But the old lady's face couldn't come out, she couldn't help but clenched her teeth, lowered her head slightly, and made a trick of seeing out of sight.

Old lady Jia laughed and said, "Your second aunt's natal sister is the aunt who married the royal merchant Xue's family. Yesterday I sent someone to send you a greeting card, saying that she will be a guest at your village in two days. You two A family member couldn't decide to pay attention, so they sent you the post."

Mrs. Jia's words seemed to be an explanation, but in fact she was reminding Mrs. Wang that the imperial merchant Xue's family was her natal family, and now they are sending a post asking to see my granddaughter.

Daiyu understood the mystery, but she pretended not to know and smiled at Jin'er: "Let me have a look at the post." Hearing what Daiyu said, Mrs. Jia handed the post to Daiyu and smiled. Said: "Nurse Sun gave me the post, let me see what to do. I thought it's better for you to make up your own mind, so I sent a mandarin duck to call you."

Daiyu smiled and didn't say anything, but after reading the post, it turned out that Aunt Xue planned to take Xue Baochai and Xue Baoqin to Zhuangzi in person on March 28, but the post didn't say what was going on.After pondering for a moment, Daiyu looked up at Jin'er and asked, "What did the person who sent the post say?"

Jin'er looked at Nanny Sun, and Nanny Sun smiled and said, "I saw the person who came, and I didn't say anything, just said it was inconvenient for our Zhuangzi, neither the grandpa nor the second master came, only the wife and the girl I want to meet the girl."

After hearing this, Daiyu nodded and smiled, "Since Aunt Xue brought the two girls from the Xue family here, I will also bring Sister Tanchun, Sister Xichun and Sister Shida back together, and I also invited my sister-in-law to help. That's enough. Send me the list as soon as possible."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Mrs. Jia and said with a smile, "Grandma, would you be interested in visiting my village?" Mrs. Jia looked at Mrs. Wang from the corner of her eye, and said with a smile, "It's good that Yu'er takes the sisters there." , I won’t go.”

Daiyu didn't care at first, since Mrs. Jia refused to go, she stopped persuading her and sent Nanny Sun and Jin'er back. Before she left, Daiyu suddenly told Jin'er He said: "There are a lot of people going back this time, so you pack up the two rooms and come out, I'm afraid you will have a rest for a day or two, so please invite Sister Miaoyu to come with you."

Mrs. Wang seemed to have finally found a chance to speak, and said to Daiyu: "If you want to take the girls to play in your village, and bring more people, they are all very delicate and expensive, so nothing can happen. "

As soon as Mrs. Wang said this, not to mention old lady Jia was immediately angry, Jin'er and Nanny Sun were also angry, but Daiyu was immediately stunned. Could something happen in her own village?The girls in Jia's mansion are so delicate and expensive, so the people who usually go to their own village are all from Lower Liba? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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