Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 303 New Clothes

Chapter 303 New Clothes
Daiyu can be regarded as a very good-natured person, but for some reason at the moment she couldn't help being angry, so she turned her head and opened her bright eyes to ask Old Madam Jia, "Grandmother, my mother doesn't go out until she gets married. ?"

When the old lady Jia heard Daiyu mentioning Jia Min, she became energetic all of a sudden, took Daiyu's hand and said with a smile: "How can it be? Those of the Poetry Club are busy, and there are several good friends. Today's Mrs. Jinxiang, and the younger sister of Yongchang's son-in-law, were very good with your mother back then."

Daiyu didn't look at Mrs. Wang's expression, and then asked: "Then mother goes out by herself? Or does grandma take it with her?"

The old lady Jia sighed and said: "At that time, your grandfather's mother, even if the old lady was still there, how could I walk around casually? I just sent two nuns." At this point, the old lady Jia paused, Pointing to Nanny Sun, he smiled and said, "Here, Nanny Sun is among them, walking around with your mother."

When Daiyu heard this, although the old lady Jia wanted to say more, Daiyu smiled at Sun Nanny first: "According to my mother's rules back then, Sun Nanny arranged a manpower, 27 came to pick me up, or..." When Daiyu said this, she turned her head and smiled at Tang Nanny, "Tang Nanny ordered you to go down, and it's okay to go out with a ceremonial guard."

Before Grandma Sun could react, Madam Tang responded, "Don't worry, the county lord, the princess left a half ceremonial guard that day, just because the county lord might need it for his trip."

As soon as Nanny Tang finished speaking, Mrs. Jia smiled and said, "It's good, it should be so." flushed.Teeth were clenched so that the cheeks were tense.

Daiyu smiled at Mrs. Wang even more wickedly: "Then Second Aunt can rest assured, there will be so many guards from the palace with her, so there will be no trouble."

When Daiyu said this, Mrs. Wang's face became even darker, but Mrs. Jia smiled and said, "Where can something go wrong under the feet of the emperor? Even if we don't know that it is a girl from Jia's house who is going out, we should know that Yu This county magistrate is not." Mrs. Jia's smiling face was in sharp contrast to Mrs. Wang's.

Before Jin'er replied, she had been standing in the middle, and she happened to have a panoramic view of the expressions of the two of them. If she hadn't been glared at by Nanny Tang, she would have almost laughed out loud.

Daiyu explained a few more words, sent Jin'er and Nanny Sun back, and hurried back to the Ouxiangxie, to inform Tanchun, Xichun and Shi Xiangyun of the news.He also ordered Zhixuan to invite Wang Xifeng over in person.

When Mrs. Wang returned to Rongxi Hall, she slammed the teacup and teapot on the floor again.Both Zhou Rui's family and Caixia Caiyun knew that Mrs. Wang was offended, but they didn't know how to comfort her, so they dared not say anything.

Wang Xifeng was a little surprised when she saw that Zhixuan came to invite her in person. After questioning, she learned that Aunt Xue had sent a post to Daiyu. She knew that Daiyu was now living in Jia's mansion, but she still sent the post to the Zhuangzi outside the city. Like a flower blooming, he raised his eyebrows and asked: "Is that face not pretty?"

Zhixuan shook her head very honestly at this time and said: "The masters are talking, and the slaves are naturally standing far away, so where can they see anything? If grandma wants to know, why not ask the girl earlier, the girl is still waiting. It's grandma."

Wang Xifeng glanced at Zhixuan, spat and said, "Your girl still points at me to do things for her, but now I can't even ask you a few words!" After Wang Xifeng finished speaking, she stepped up Go outside.Xiaohong followed beside Zhixuan, took a look at Zhixuan, and smiled with her lips pursed.

Although Wang Xifeng said that following Jia Lian over the years, she had restrained her temperament a lot, but she was still a hot-tempered temperament. When she arrived at Daiyu's Nuanxiangwu, she hurriedly asked Mrs. Wang about Aunt Xue's post.

Daiyu knew Wang Xifeng's knot in her heart, so she didn't point it out, she just tilted her head and smiled and said, "At that time, I was only busy joking with my grandmother, and I was going to arrange for Grandma Sun to go back to make dinner, so where did I see it?" Speaking of which, Daiyu She smiled mysteriously and said, "But my second aunt asked me to bring more people, because I'm afraid that sister Tanchun, sister Xichun and sister Shida will go out with me and something will go wrong."

As soon as Wang Xifeng heard this, Liu Mei immediately raised her eyebrows, and said with a thin face of anger: "It seems like she is nestled in the mansion and nothing will go wrong? What are you talking about? Whose daughter is raised in a cage?" of?"

Wang Xifeng's words were a bit exaggerated, but it made Daiyu laugh.It took a while for Daiyu to stop laughing, and said in a low voice, "So, I'll let Nanny Tang prepare the guard of honor, and when the guard of honor is ready, there won't be any trouble." He laughed and pointed at Daiyu for a long time without saying a word.

At this moment, Tanchun came hand in hand with Shi Xiangyun. Seeing Wang Xifeng smiling like that, he couldn't help asking, "Sister Feng, why is she so happy?"

Hearing Shi Xiangyun's voice, Wang Xifeng looked back and just saw Tanchun who came in with Shi Xiangyun, paused and said: "Isn't this Lin girl saying that she is going to Zhuangzi to relax? I'm happy if you don't like it?" Wang Xifeng finished speaking He asked, "Why are you two here together?"

Tanchun laughed and said, "Because I heard that I was going to Sister Lin's Zhuangzi, this Buyun girl thought about making new clothes, but she couldn't make up her mind, so she came here to ask Sister Lin for advice."

As Tanchun said that, he took over the cloth that was held in the hand of the servant. It was the old lady Jia who rewarded him that day. She said that she made new clothes for the banquet when she waited for the next post, and now she is going to Daiyu Zhuangzi. , simply took it out.

Seeing that Tanchun had already taken it out, Shi Xiangyun also ran to Daiyu's side and took it out, laughing, "Sister Lin has the best eyesight, please help me to see what looks good?"

In Shi Xiangyun's hand was a crimson brocade with phoenix tail and spring peach pattern, which was gorgeous in color.Daiyu looked at it and said with a smile: "The color of this material is bright, and the color is full, and there is no need to embroider any more. It is very beautiful to make a skirt with honey-colored smoked falling yarn, especially Sister Shi is tall and tall. It must look good in clothes."

Shi Xiangyun gesticulated on his body, and he felt extremely satisfied. Wang Xifeng even smiled and said: "Yu'er is right, Yun girl wears a skirt is very beautiful, and there is no need to match it with gauze or shawl."

Shi Xiangyun pouted and said, "Where can I find Yanluosha now? I want honey-colored ones..."

Seeing her like that, Daiyu lowered her eyebrows and thought for a while, then told Zhixuan: "Go and take out the honey-colored smoked gauze in my box." Hearing what Daiyu said, Shi Xiangyun hurriedly He waved his hand and said, "I just came to ask Sister Lin for a look, how can I ask Sister Lin to give me the material?"

Daiyu said nonchalantly: "No matter how good the material is, putting it in the box will only press the box, and it will show the value of the material when it is made into clothes and worn on the body. Why bother to be polite to me?"

Just as Daiyu was talking, Zhixuan had already taken out the honey-colored smoked gauze that Daiyu wanted, Daiyu gestured twice, frowned and muttered: "There is no honey-colored one, this color is a bit lighter after all. "

Seeing this, Shi Xiangyun smiled awkwardly: "Sister Lin, you've bothered, I think it's very good." But Daiyu ignored her, and continued to gesture with two pieces of fabric, seeing Daiyu like Wang Xifeng and others She didn't dare to make a sound, and after a while Daiyu smiled and said: "Yes!" She looked up, but saw several people staring at her, so she asked in puzzlement, "Why are you looking at me?"

Wang Xifeng didn't answer but asked: "What's there, tell me quickly." As soon as this was mentioned, Daiyu also changed her mind, and said with a smile: "The color of this honey is a little lighter, but we can spread it on the smoke falling gauze." Isn't it good to embroider roses? It looks pretty."

As soon as Daiyu said it, Shi Xiangyun hurriedly took Daiyu's arm and said with a smile, "I just said that Sister Lin has the best vision!" Even Tanchun and Wang Xifeng's eyes lit up.Several people discussed the style for a while, and Daiyu smiled and said, "Sister Shi can make another dress out of this material."

Shi Xiangyun smiled and said: "It's all thanks to Sister Lin, otherwise how could I have thought of this?" He happily put away the piece of crimson cloth he brought, and the piece of honey that Daiyu gave to him fell into smoke. She smiled and said, "I'll let the maids embroider along with me later, and I'm sure I'll be able to get out before going to Sister Lin's Zhuangzi."

Tanchun saw that Shi Xiangyun's clothes had been confirmed, so he also pushed his light pink palace satin to Daiyu and said with a smile, "Sister Lin, show me too."

Daiyu looked at the rose-red hibiscus flowers on the light pink satin, frowned and thought for a while, "This is very good for a straight-fronted shirt, just do something else on the collar and sleeves. "As she spoke, Daiyu thought for a while before asking uncertainly: "Sister Tanchun likes the water cloud pattern or the Hui character pattern?"

Tanchun looked at Daiyu puzzled, a little unsure, and said: "Sister Lin thinks that is good?" Daiyu smiled and said, "Where is it that I think is good? If you like water cloud pattern, we can match it with shallow A blue horse-faced skirt is very good, if it is a back pattern..."

At this point, Daiyu looked up at Tanchun and continued with some hesitation: "The back pattern is embroidered with gold thread, and it should be paired with a pleated skirt sprinkled with gold."

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Wang Xifeng interjected, "I'll see that the pattern of the characters is good. It's dignified and the color scheme is good." Daiyu looked at Tanchun and waited for her to make up her mind.

Hearing that Daiyu wanted to use gold thread to embroider, Tanchun hesitated. It's not a festival, how can there be so much gold thread for her?Mrs. Wang has it, but she won't give it to her.

Daiyu saw that Tanchun had been undecided and was about to think of another idea, but Wang Xifeng sighed and said, "Come on, where can I get the gold thread?"

After what Wang Xifeng said, Daiyu just remembered that there is a quota for embroidery thread in this mansion, let alone Tanchun as a concubine, even Wang Xifeng will not get a lot of it, but since Sister Qiao Following Mrs. Xing to Dengzhou, Wang Xifeng seldom made clothes by herself, but it saved a lot, but it would not be too much.

Wanting to understand the joints, Daiyu smiled and said: "Since I gave the golden thread to Sister Shi Yan Luosha, I will give the gold thread as well. Then I asked Zhixuan to get it. Tanchun hurriedly dissuaded her, but Zhixuan only With a faint smile, he turned into the back room.

(End of this chapter)

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