Chapter 306
I would like to thank Hongchen + Boke, Brother Dingfeng for their rewards and encouragement!Thank you for encouraging and supporting Gujing’s QQ reading these days: Cai Zi, Lan Xi, Dandelion in Madness, Aolei, Moxiang, Xi Xixiqian, Phoenix, Waiting for you~ and Qidian’s mizhuomm who has been supporting Gujing, Reminiscing Yirenyan, Stephanie9, Xiaoye Shengxiang, Hanyan Lanzhi, Super Dark, Xishuili, Providence C, False Walker, Self-smile is busy all his life, Lishui Shop, Xingyueer, Chen Yu, dmimi, Ten Fang Xiao Mo Dao, Nicaragua’s stewed chicken feet, sweeping flowers in Luxiang, baby cool fish and other relatives╭(╯3╰)╮I won’t list them one by one, but Gujing has seen them all and kept them in my heart!


After negotiating that Daiyu will be a guest at Xue's mansion on the seventh day of the next month to add makeup for Xue Baoqin's wedding, Daiyu led everyone to the back garden.In the afternoon, the girls played the piano and sang songs, painted pictures and wrote poems, so happy.

Aunt Xue and Wang Xifeng sat aside and talked about Xue Baochai's future.Wang Xifeng knew about Xue Baochai's desire to be worthy of a scholarly family, but there was nothing he could do about it.After all, her own natal family is a military general, and although her husband's family is honorable, it is also a martial arts family, and the old relatives who come and go are also Wu Xun's family.

Wang Xifeng looked at Xue Baochai who was reciting poems and painting with Daiyu and others, thinking that it was already twenty-nine years old, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious, but she could only sigh.

After a while, Wang Xifeng said uncertainly: "If you say that our master knows a lot of people in the Imperial College, and now that the competition has just ended, there are many outstanding talents staying in the capital. Why don't I go back and ask my master about it? "

When Aunt Xue heard it, her eyes lit up and she smiled and said, "Feng'er has become my aunt's timely help!" She even took Wang Xifeng's hand and promised, "Don't worry, Feng'er, no matter whether this matter can be done or not, in the future, sister Qiao When you get married, even my aunt can't do without her dowry."

Wang Xifeng didn't expect Aunt Xue to say this, she was stunned for a moment and then smiled and said, "Why are you being polite, Auntie and I? We are all blood relatives. Besides, Miss Qiao is still young. I still think about it once or twice." Younger sister Nian is married, take her back and send her to be educated by her side."

Hearing Wang Xifeng talk about Daiyu's marriage, Aunt Xue hurriedly lowered her voice and asked: "I heard that Miss Lin will enter the palace in the future. Is this true?" Wang Xifeng paused while eating tea, and asked: "Auntie, where did you hear that?"

When Aunt Xue heard Wang Xifeng's question, she couldn't help but looked at Wang Xifeng in surprise, and then at the girls who were playing with tables on the edge of the lotus pond. Seeing that no one was paying attention to their side, she lowered her voice. Er told the rumors that Daiyu was favored by the emperor.

Aunt Xue didn't know that the emperor she was talking about was sitting in the imperial study, looking at the note sent by the secret guard.

The emperor frowned and looked at this note for a long while. There was not much content on the note, just a few words: "On March 27, the fourth prince led the secret prince and the third son of Zhuangjun Wang Shizi, who stopped the road outside the villa and talked about Concubine Qi. Meet with the Fifth Prince who invites Lord Yu into the palace."

Seeing that the fifth prince invited Daiyu into the palace, the emperor didn't think much about it, but when he mentioned Concubine Qi, the emperor frowned.Wang Gonggong stood aside and saw that the emperor's expression changed for a while, just when Wang Gonggong was hesitating whether to remind the emperor aloud.But the emperor suddenly stood up and said as he walked, "Show Jingren Palace!"

After the emperor finished speaking, he had already left the royal study. The prince couldn't see the expression on the emperor's face at the moment. Before thinking about it, he knew that the emperor was not in a good mood, so he didn't dare to ask more questions, and hurried to arrange a ride.

Concubine Qi is undoubtedly a beautiful woman, but unlike the queen's dignified atmosphere, she looks extremely delicate and gentle.

Knowing that the emperor came here at this time, Concubine Qi was surprised at first, and then overjoyed. Knowing that the emperor had not been in her palace for a long time, she hurriedly ordered Gong'e to change the hairpin and clothes before going to the palace. Greet the saint at the door.

When the emperor arrived, he saw Concubine Qi in a lavender palace dress from a distance, surrounded by maids and nuns, standing at the gate of the palace waiting for him.

The emperor came to find Concubine Qi originally as a test, one was for the fourth prince to invite Daiyu to the palace on her behalf, and the other was for the fifth prince.But the emperor didn't expect that Concubine Qi didn't know whether she was concealing it on purpose or if she really didn't know as well as she did. She didn't even know where the fourth prince was recently.

And the emperor came and went, especially after the emperor arrived, he only asked a few questions about his daily life at the beginning, and everything else was about the fourth prince, which made Concubine Qi a little flustered, especially thinking of the fourth prince. The plan I told myself made me feel even more scared...

After dinner, Aunt Xue led Xue Baochai and Xue Baoqin to bid farewell to Daiyu. Daiyu tried to persuade her to stay again and again. The time is also much closer. But now that girl Baoqin is going out of the cabinet, why don't you have to let Brother Xue be busy preparing to marry a wife?"

Seeing what Aunt Xue said, Xue Baoqin also showed shyness on her face, Daiyu didn't force it, and together with Wang Xifeng, Aunt Xue, mother and daughter were sent out of the Yimen.

The remaining Daiyu and others played on the Zhuangzi for another two days, and then when Jia Baoyu came to pick them up, they were ready to return to Jia's mansion with some unfinished thoughts.But Jia Baoyu also took this opportunity to meet Miaoyu whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Looking at Miaoyu who was wearing a light blue gauze dress, wearing a single snail bun, with a jasper gourd hairpin inserted between her buns, Jia Baoyu was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.It wasn't until Shi Xiangyun coughed a few times in dissatisfaction that Jia Baoyu woke up.

When Shi Xiangyun looked at Miaoyu again at this time, he was no longer as pleasing to the eye as before, especially when he saw Miaoyu under Jia Baoyu's gaze, her cheeks were glowing and her eyes were full of affection!Gritting his teeth and taking a few deep breaths, Shi Xiangyun smiled at Jia Baoyu: "Isn't Baoyu here to pick us up? Let's go now. Be careful for a while, the old lady is in a hurry."

Ever since he met Princess Hanyi in the Lin Mansion and had a new understanding of his identity, and then saw Jia Baoyu being beaten, Shi Xiangyun didn't know why he stopped calling Jia Baoyu "Brother Love" but directly called "Baoyu" up.

At this time, Shi Xiangyun took Jia Baoyu to go out, and he forgot the rules he had cultivated with great difficulty.When Daiyu and Wang Xifeng came out, they happened to see Miaoyu staring in the direction Jia Baoyu was leaving in a daze.And Jia Baoyu was being dragged away by Shi Xiangyun.

Daiyu shook her head involuntarily, took a deep breath, but heard a sigh coming from beside her, and when she turned her head, she saw Wang Xifeng looking over with a half-smile on her eyebrows.Daiyu was taken aback for a moment, but then she smiled and said, "It's also due to an evil fate, let's see how it develops in the future."

Speaking of this, Daiyu paused and asked Wang Xifeng: "Sister-in-law thinks that Sister Shi and Baoyu...?" Wang Xifeng didn't wait for Daiyu to finish, then shook her head and said, "Don't think that the second wife is not in front of the old lady. She didn't say anything, but I want her to accept girl Yun," Wang Xifeng glanced at Daiyu at this point, and then said affirmatively: "I'm afraid I can't."

Wang Xifeng didn't talk much, but Daiyu understood that it wasn't Xiangyun and Baoyu, but Mrs. Wang simply couldn't tolerate Mrs. Jia's natal niece-Shi Xiangyun!

Daiyu is helpless about this, but thinking that Shi Xiangyun really married the young master of the Wei family as in the original book... Thinking of the ending of Shi Xiangyun described by Cao Gong, or the deduction of later generations, Daiyu shook her head and sighed for a while, but at this time I don't know how to help her.

In the end, everyone bid farewell to Miaoyu, and Daiyu ordered Jin'er to personally send someone to send Miaoyu back before rushing to the city.Before dinner, I finally returned to Jia's mansion.

Old Madam Jia saw Daiyu and the others return, although she was happy in her heart, she kept a straight face on purpose, pulling Daiyu and asking, "Why have you been here for so many days? I don't know if I came back with a message. To leave my wife alone."

Seeing this, Daiyu felt a little helpless, but fortunately, Nanny Sun smoothed things over in time: "The old lady doesn't know, the lady misses you, and the lady's grandma is also filial to you! The young lady saw that the vegetables in that field grow very well, so she knows how good you are." That one bite, I went to the field with my grandma to pick a lot for you, and I made it for dinner. It’s just picked, it’s fresh.”

As soon as Nanny Sun finished speaking, Mrs. Jia was full of smiles before she had time to speak, Madam Wang didn't even look at Nanny Sun, she just angrily scolded at Wang Xifeng: "You are a dignified lady, the prince's mansion What kind of filial piety is this? It’s a disgrace to the Jia family! How do you take care of them?”

Mrs. Wang spoke very seriously, and Wang Xifeng's smiling face suddenly turned cold, but before she could speak, she heard Mrs. Wang reprimand again: "At the beginning, I said that I should bring in more people to avoid accidents. What's wrong, the old lady didn't believe it, and handed all the girls to Feng girl, how old is she, and what rules does she know? And..."

Before Mrs. Wang finished speaking, Mrs. Jia was not happy anymore. With a "slap", she slapped the red sandalwood Arhat bed on the kang table, and said angrily: "Enough!"

The old lady Jia took a few breaths after yelling, and then she opened her eyes, stretched out her hand and pointed at Mrs. Wang with a trembling hand, and said angrily, "The girls just came back, what are you shouting about? Could it be that they are doing something for me?" Don’t you like it? Or don’t you want me, an old bastard, to get in your way?”

Mrs. Wang was also taken aback by Mrs. Jia's slap on the table, she didn't dare to say anything, and when she heard Mrs. Jia's words getting louder, she hurriedly stood up and argued: "The old lady must not say that, the daughter-in-law is also for... ..."

But at this time, Mrs. Jia didn't know if she was really angry, or if she did it on purpose to show Daiyu, she interrupted Mrs. Wang again and said, "Get out! Get out!" Old Mrs. Jia even shouted to the door: "Go and call me the second master!"

When Mrs. Wang heard that she was going to call Jia Zheng, her face turned pale with fright, and she hurriedly said: "Old lady, please calm down, old lady, my daughter-in-law also said something wrong in a moment of impatience. Please forgive my daughter-in-law this time, don't, don't Tell the master to come over." The old lady Jia said without even looking at her: "I let you go out! Didn't you hear?"

Seeing that Mrs. Jia's attitude was so tough, Daiyu couldn't help but wonder if something happened that she didn't know about during the few days when she and others were not in the mansion?Daiyu looked at Wang Xifeng suspiciously.

But this change happened too suddenly. One moment before, Wang Xifeng herself was still being criticized by Mrs. Wang, and the next moment, Mrs. Jia had already shown her power. Could it be that Mrs. Jia was standing up for herself?Wang Xifeng didn't dare to think about this!Daiyu also looked puzzled when she saw Wang Xifeng, and shook her head slightly to herself.

Daiyu glanced over, and at this moment, not to mention Tanchun, even Shi Xiangyun was startled by the old lady Jia's appearance, but Chun seemed to be indifferent and silent.

(End of this chapter)

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