Chapter 307
Seeing that old lady Jia seemed to be acting aggressively, Daiyu thought to herself: Is there something that I don't know happened these few days?

Daiyu really guessed right, the second day after they went to Zhuangzi, that is, the day when the three Xue family members visited Daiyu's Zhuangzi, Mrs. Shi Nai, who was waiting for Baoling, came to Jia's mansion. The second is to pick Shi Xiangyun back, but it happens that Shi Xiangyun went to Zhuangzi outside the city with Daiyu and his party.

When Mrs. Bao Linghou talked about Shi Xiangyun with Mrs. Jia, she tentatively mentioned Shi Xiangyun's marriage. , grew up beside me, and Baoyu also grew up together, the relationship is very good, but this matter should be asked to his parents after all."

The old lady Jia believed confidently that Jia Zheng would not disobey her mother if she was a filial child, but Mrs. Wang did not dare to refute her opinion, and besides, Jia Baoyu had been by her side since she was a child. grown up.

But she didn't expect that when Mrs. Wang was called to talk about this time, Mrs. Wang retorted: "Back to the old lady, Yun girl is not bad, but I am just such a son, and Yun girl died at birth. Parents..."

I didn't finish the sentence, but Mrs. Baolinghou didn't understand what Mrs. Wang meant?Then he turned to look at old lady Jia very dissatisfied.

Mrs. Jia was also furious because of this, but Mrs. Wang was extremely persistent in this matter, and even moved out of the palace Yuan Chun said: "Old lady calm down! It's not that the daughter-in-law disobeyed you. You know, Xiande The relationship between the imperial concubine and Baoyu. The empress said early in the morning about Baoyu's marriage that she has to decide."

Although these words were soft words, it also made Mrs. Jia speechless. Seeing this, Mrs. Baoling Hou was a little bit uneasy. After a lukewarm smile, she changed the subject and chatted for a while. Ju then excused himself to have something to do in the mansion, took his leave and left.

But in the end, this matter became a thorn in Mrs. Jia's heart!In the past, Mrs. Jia planned to betroth Daiyu to Jia Baoyu, so she naturally looked down on Shi Xiangyun, but now, Daiyu's marriage is not in her own hands, Baoyu can't delay because of this, Shi Xiangyun is serious anyway The daughter of the Hou Mansion.I don't know how much better than those merchants!

Mrs. Wang directly used Shi Xiangyun's parents to talk about the matter, and even moved out the empress from the palace. Mrs. Jia was angry and anxious at the time, but now, since she was looking for an opportunity, Mrs. Jia naturally wanted to get mad at Mrs. Wang.

While Mrs. Wang was explaining, Amber's voice sounded outside: "The master is here!" Mrs. Wang was very shocked when she heard it!

Ever since Jia Zheng came back from his foreign post, the relationship between the couple has been tense. Seeing that it has improved since the visit of relatives in Yuanchun, now Jia Zheng can say a few soft words, but if Jia Zheng misunderstood himself, " Disobedience" and "unfilial piety" are really unclear!
Just as Mrs. Wang was looking at Mrs. Jia pleadingly, explaining that she was only worried about the reputation of the girls and had no other intentions, Jia Zheng walked in.

Wang Xifeng, Shi Xiangyun, and Tanchun Xichun hurriedly stood up to greet them.Although Daiyu was sitting beside Mrs. Jia, she hurriedly got up and walked towards the door, but she didn't want Daiyu to salute, but Jia Zheng bowed first and said, "Your Majesty has seen the princess!" Daiyu paused. , hastily squatted down and performed a Wanfu salute: "Yu'er has seen the second uncle!"

Seeing Daiyu like this, Jia Zheng frowned, hesitated for a while, and said, "National rituals cannot be abolished!" When Daiyu heard this, she couldn't help laughing, but she said quietly, "Yu'er only I know that when my mother was alive, I often missed my brother."

Daiyu's voice was soft and soft, but it made Jia Zheng stunned again on the spot, and Daiyu stopped looking at Jia Zheng after speaking, but walked to the side, stood with Wang Xifeng and others, facing Jia Lao The wife said with a smile: "Grandma is afraid that she has something to discuss with the second uncle and aunt, so we will go back first."

Although Daiyu didn't know why Mrs. Jia was so angry, she also knew that this was not the time to participate.

Seeing Daiyu's salute, Wang Xifeng raised her eyebrows slightly, and understood, so she hurriedly bowed to Mrs. Jia and said, "The grandson's daughter-in-law has also gone back first, and she hasn't been at home for several days. I don't know what happened to the master, so the grandson's daughter-in-law can go back too." Zhang Luo Zhang Luo."

Although Old Madam Jia only guessed a part of Daiyu and Wang Xifeng's meaning, she didn't say much, she just nodded and said: "In that case, you go back first, and you all go back when you come back later. meal."

When Tanchun heard that she could leave as well, he was relieved immediately, followed by Shi Xiangyun and Xichun, and after saluting with Mrs. Jia, he retreated with Wang Xifeng and Daiyu behind.The maids and mothers who followed Wang Xifeng and Daiyu's party before walked out after Tanchun Xichun hurriedly saluted and followed.

In this way, only Mrs. Jia and Jia Zheng and her husband were left in Mrs. Jia's room, and of course Mrs. Jia's maidservants, including Caiyun Caixia who was beside Mrs. Wang, were also there. , but it has nothing to do with Daiyu.

She didn't realize it before, but when she returned to Nuanxiangwu, Daiyufang felt tired, so she simply washed up.He loosened his hair, changed his clothes, and put on a robe similar to the bathrobe of later generations over the pink coat.Daiyu leaned on the soft couch, couldn't help going through the recent events carefully, always feeling as if she had missed something.

But now the changes in the situation are getting farther and farther away from the original, and Daiyu couldn't come to a conclusion after thinking about it, so she couldn't help frowning and closing her eyes in a disturbed state, planning to sleep for a while.But as soon as she closed her eyes, Daiyu suddenly sat up again, thinking about her guess before, she couldn't help being surprised, she forgot about it!
Daiyu raised her voice to call Zhixuan and asked, "Did Nanny Sun go back?" Zhixuan didn't understand why Daiyu asked about Nanny Sun, thinking that she had something to order, so she smiled and said, "If the girl has an order , I will send someone back to inform in a while."

But Daiyu said with a smile: "In that case, why don't you go to Rongyun Nishang Pavilion, the weather is getting warmer and it's going to be hot soon, go tell Hanxiao and ask her to give some money to the mansion for me." The ladies and grandmothers each made a set of clothes and sent them, there is no need to embroider any complicated patterns, just put some thought on the buttons. It should be as plain as possible.”

Zhixuan heard Daiyu's order, although she was puzzled, she also knew that if the girl wanted to explain, she would not wait for you to ask, if she didn't explain, it would be useless to ask, so she nodded and said: "Don't worry, girl, I understand Yes, I will report to Nanny Tang to go there in person."

Daiyu naturally thought of a person she had forgotten for a long time—Master Dongfu, Xichun's biological father: Jia Jing!
Daiyu remembered that Jia Jing seemed to have passed away after Jia Baoyu's birthday, but she was not sure if it was true, but she could have made preparations earlier... Thinking of this, Daiyu hurriedly got up and said, "Prepare your pen and ink!" I found out that no one paid attention to me!Can't help but go outside.

Xueyan and Qinghe were sitting on the twig next to the door, doing needlework, not noticing when Daiyu came out, and Zhixuan was also standing under the west window with Mother Tang, talking in a low voice.

After thinking about it for a while, Daiyu realized that Mother Tang must be telling her something when she heard that Zhixuan was going out, so she said, "Zhixuan, don't..." As soon as Daiyu spoke, she turned her back to her. Xueyan Qinghe who was sitting on the twig was startled.The two stood up quickly, and it was a coincidence that the little man followed suit.

Listening to the noise, Nanny Tang and Zhixuan turned around and saw that it was Daiyu who got up. The two rushed over, and Nanny Tang even gave Xueyan and Qinghe a look, and said: "Turn around and get the handbag yourself."

When Daiyu heard this, she hurriedly explained: "Nurse, don't blame them. After all, I was the one who frightened them."

But Mother Tang said with a stern face: "There are not many people in this mansion, and the county magistrate got up, but she and the two of them didn't know, so it was a miss. What's more, she behaved inappropriately in front of the county magistrate? " Daiyu wanted to persuade again, but Qinghe was the first to say: "Qinghe knows his mistake and is willing to accept the punishment!"

Tang Nanny looked back at Qinghe again, nodded slightly, and the expression in her eyes softened a lot. Seeing this, Xueyan no longer struggled, and followed suit: "Xueyan, I would like to be punished."

Having said that, how can Mother Tang fail to see Xue Yan's reluctance?But he didn't say much, he just turned around and smiled at Daiyu: "I don't know what orders the county lord has? Or do you want to wash up?"

Daiyu shook her head and said: "I'll write a letter, and Mammy will ask someone to hand it over to Sister Miaoyu. We must find the right person, and it's best to let Zhixuan go there in person."

After Daiyu finished speaking, Nanny Tang nodded and said, "Old servant, I'm going to prepare my pen and ink." At this point, Nanny Tang stopped and said with some hesitation: "Master, although there are not many houses in this mansion, there are not many houses in this mansion. It's okay to squeeze, Zhixuan is a bit too busy by herself."

Daiyu heard what Tang Nanny said, and then looked at Qinghe Xueyan at the door, then nodded and said: "Since this is the case, let Shinan come over by the way when delivering the letter." Daiyu turned and entered the room after speaking.

Daiyu hurriedly wrote a letter and confessed to Zhixuan: "If you don't have time, let Hanxiao deliver the letter, but it must be someone we can trust, and this letter must not fall into the hands of others. Understand?" Zhixuan was taken aback, what's wrong with the girl?There is never such a time as usual!Although she was puzzled in her heart, Zhixuan still nodded in response.

Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said: "I'm just telling you a few words in vain, oh, yes, you remember to tell Hanxiao not to make red or purple, keep it plain, blue, green, yellow, honeycomb or moonlight." White is fine, just work on the collar, sleeves, skirt and buttons, and save everything else if you can.”

Zhixuan looked at Daiyu, and asked in a low voice with some uncertainty: "Girl, what's going to happen? How about we go back to Zhuangzi?"

Zhixuan's eyes were full of worry, but Daiyu smiled and said, "Is there something wrong? It's just that the more complicated the color, the hotter it is." After speaking, Daiyu waved her coat: "Go ahead , when you come back, you'd better bring Shinan back, so that you won't be too busy all by yourself." So Zhixuan took the order and left.

(End of this chapter)

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