Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 308 The princess arrives

Chapter 308 The princess arrives
I would like to thank the book friend 130825121341923, the monthly support of Nicaragua's stewed chicken feet! O(∩_∩)OThank you!Although Gujing knows that his writing skills are limited, and it is impossible to fight for the monthly ticket list, but since the publication of this article, there are many book friends who have supported Gujing monthly ticket. This is everyone's encouragement and support, and Gujing would like to thank you!Gujing will try his best to tell the story clearly and well O(∩_∩)O~

On the third day of April, Princess Hanyi suddenly came to Jia's mansion with her son-in-law without prior notice, without posting a post, or even spreading the word.

For a while, some people in Jia's house were happy and some were surprised.The old lady Jia was very happy, this is a great opportunity to improve the prestige of the Jia family!Even though Mrs. Jia knew that Princess Hanyi came to Jia's mansion because of Daiyu, there were always people who didn't know.

Those who were guests in the Lin Mansion before naturally understood the friendship between Princess Hanyi and Daiyu, but those servants, especially some people outside, did not know it.Looking at Jia Mansion's expression, it is not the same.

However, some people are happy, some are sad, and some are even resentful.Jia Baoyu was the one who was extremely sad, he couldn't forget the slap he received that day, but now that the princess and her son-in-law arrived, he needed to accompany his father and open the middle door to receive him.Even after Huang Shufeng heard the news, he gave Jia Lian a vacation and ordered him to return to Jia's mansion immediately to pick him up.

Mrs. Jia and the others are dressed up according to their grades. Of course, apart from Daiyu, the county lord, and Mrs. Jia, the lady of the Principality, there are still grades in the Jia family, and there is only one Mrs. Yunqiwei, who is a pleasant person. Wang Xifeng!You Shi, Jia Zhen's wife who lives in the East Mansion.Mrs. Wang's edict was taken back when Jia Zheng was demoted.

Naturally, Mrs. You also came to pick him up with Jia Zhen, but in the past, no one in Jia's mansion would have thought that Mrs. Wang did not have an imperial order now, but now they see that Mrs. Jia, who is headed by Yipin's imperial order and formal makeup, is wearing a full set of county lord costumes. Daiyu and Youshi, who also ordered to make up, stood beside Mrs. Jia, followed closely by Wang Xifeng, who was wearing five-grade pleasant clothes.

As for Mrs. Wang who could only follow behind Wang Xifeng, leading Li Wan, Tanchun, Xichun, Shi Xiangyun and others, standing at the end, everyone had their own thoughts.

When Jia Lian returned to Jia's mansion, Jia Zhen and Jia Zheng, led by Jia Rong, Jia Baoyu and Jia Huan, had opened the front door and waited for a long time.Seeing Jia Lian's return, Jia Zheng nodded and said, "Stand behind me quickly! Don't make a mistake." Jia Lian raised his eyebrows and said, "Nephew, let's go back and change into an official uniform first."

After Jia Lian finished speaking and bowed, he went to the East courtyard.It is not clear where Jia Zheng and others are left.When did Jia Lian have an official uniform?

But Jia Lian didn't keep them waiting, Ping'er and Xiaohong had been waiting in the big house for a long time according to Wang Xifeng's order.Seeing Jia Lian coming in, he hurriedly took Jia Lian's Yunqiwei costumes one by one, and then retreated.This is also the rule set by Jia Lian. Regardless of the maid, when Jia Lian is in the house, she doesn't have to wait in the house without a summons.

Jia Lian quickly changed his clothes and rushed to the main entrance. When everyone saw him in Yunqiwei's costume, they remembered that Jia Lian had a title!
Jia Lian didn't say much, and immediately followed Jia Zheng's previous instructions, and stood behind Jia Zheng and Jia Zhen, standing with Jia Rong and Jia Baoyu, with a cold smile on his lips.

Jia Baoyu was nervous physically and mentally, so he didn't notice the smile on Jia Lian's mouth, but Jia Rong happened to see it, and couldn't help asking in a low voice curiously: "Uncle, what are you laughing at?" Jia Zheng turned around and reprimanded in a low voice: "When is it? You're still joking!"

Jia Lian didn't intend to answer at first, but seeing this, he naturally raised his eyebrows and smiled at Jia Rong, not saying anything more.

Not long after, Han Yi arrived at Jia's mansion together with his son-in-law, wearing the full guard of honor of the eldest princess.Hanyi came here not just to visit Daiyu, but to announce the good news!

But since Hanyi is coming, she must give Daiyu enough face. After all, not to mention the friendship between her and Daiyu over the years, even if Wanyu asked herself to take care of Daiyu before she got married, Hanyi also wanted to support Daiyu.

However, just as he got off the carriage and before he got on his shoulders, Han Yi saw an extremely interesting scene.At first, Hanyi thought he was wrong, so he turned his head to look at the son-in-law beside him, but the son-in-law also had an unbelievable expression on his face, and stared blankly at the welcoming team of Jia's men!
Princess Hanyi suddenly felt that the Jia family not only hurt Daiyu's face, but also hurt her own face!Although there was no anger on Princess Hanyi's face, the nanny who had been with Princess Hanyi for many years clearly felt that the princess was angry!

Princess Hanyi stopped walking and walked straight in the direction of Jia Zheng and Jia Zhen.When the son-in-law and the others came back to their senses, Princess Hanyi had already stood three or two steps in front of Jia Zhen and Jia Zheng, and it was too late to stop her.

Before the son-in-law approached Princess Hanyi, she heard Princess Hanyi say: "I have always heard that the Jia family is the most respectful of rules, and there was one who dared to yell in front of the princess and this palace. .My palace also believes in the Jia family, so it's just a small punishment and a big reprimand."

Hearing what Princess Hanyi said, Jia Baoyu's face flushed with embarrassment when he stood behind, and he didn't dare to raise his head.But Jia Zhen and Jia Zheng didn't know what happened back then, so they hurriedly saluted and said with a smile: "Thank you princess for your compliment!"

Hearing what they said, not to mention Princess Hanyi, even the son-in-law who just walked beside Princess Hanyi almost laughed out loud. Where did you hear this compliment?
Princess Hanyi was laughed out of anger, and said coldly: "Mr. Jia, this really opened my eyes!" As soon as these words came out, Jia Zhen and Jia Zheng were taken aback, and then continued to listen to Han. Princess Yi sneered and said: "Back then, there was someone who was not polite, and I just thought it was young and ignorant, and now even the patriarch doesn't pay attention to etiquette!"

As soon as these words came out, Jia Zhen and Jia Zheng turned pale with fright, this princess is not comparable to other princesses!This is the emperor's favorite eldest princess, the eldest princess born of the empress!And at this moment, if the words spoken by this princess reached the ears of the Holy Majesty... Jia Zhen and Jia Zheng would be shocked!If this is the case, it will be over for Jia Shi!

But up to now, Jia Zhen and Jia Zheng also don't know where they are wrong, so they can't help but look at each other.Jia Zhen fell on the ground tremblingly and said, "Princess, please tell me clearly!"

Seeing this, Princess Hanyi was so angry that she was speechless. Seeing this, the son-in-law smiled and said, "General Jia, who is this next to you?" The son-in-law spoke softly. He replied: "The person next to Xiaguan is Xiaguan's clan uncle, the son of Rong Guogong, and the father of Xiande Concubine Empress."

The son-in-law originally thought that he had already given a clear indication, but he didn't expect Jia Zhen to answer him like this, so he couldn't help being stunned.Then Princess Hanyi asked in a cold voice: "I don't know what I heard from my father, the son of Rong Guogong was named a first-rank general and was sent to Dengzhou as an errand? Why did you sneak back to the capital! Why did you come to pick him up?" Without official robes?"

When Jia Zhen heard Princess Hanyi's words, she only thought that Princess Hanyi was angry before, but she mistook Jia Zheng for Jia She, so she hurriedly explained: "Reporting to the princess, my uncle has two sons, the eldest son Jia She, the second son Jia Zheng. The first-class general that the princess said was the first-class general who went to Dengzhou to serve as an errand is the eldest son Jia She. The person next to the lower official is the second son Jia Zheng."

This foreign official has no purpose to return to the capital, but it is a serious crime. If it is not done well, it will be ransacking the family and exterminating the family. , is still working in Dengzhou, please learn from the princess!"

Hearing Jia Zheng's reply, Princess Hanyi smiled and said, "Since that's the case, what rank of official are you, and where are you? Why don't you come here in official uniform?"

What the princess said made Jia Zheng pause, his face blushed, and he was speechless for a while.Seeing this, Jia Zhen had no choice but to explain hurriedly: "Princess, there was something wrong with the uncle's business last year, and the Holy Majesty ordered the uncle to be dismissed from his post and think about it at home."

As soon as Jia Zhen finished speaking, Princess Hanyi scolded angrily: "In this way, it is a white body! The white body actually stood in front of Captain Long and Captain Yunqi to meet them. I would like to ask which dynasty and generation this is from. Rules? If I remember correctly! Captain Long and Captain Yunqi are both fifth rank! They are the personal guards of the Holy One!"

Containing the princess's words, Jia Zhen and Jia Zhengju were sweating, and Jia Zheng didn't dare to say another word. Jia Zhen had no choice but to argue in the name of the patriarch: "Princess, please learn from me. Seniors and young are orderly, clan uncle, he..."

Before Jia Zhen could finish speaking, Han Yi sneered and said, "Senior and young are orderly? So, this is the rule of your Jia clan." When Jia Zhen was stunned on the spot and didn't know how to answer, Princess Han Yi scolded angrily. : "The rules of your family are actually above the etiquette and rules of the court? Are they above the Holy One?"

Princess Hanyi's series of pressing questions, not to mention Jia Zhen, even Jia Zheng couldn't stand it anymore, and hurriedly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed: "I don't dare! In fact, when I heard about the princess's arrival, I was so happy that I was negligent." , I beg the princess to forgive me!"

Who knows that Jia Zheng's "lower official" is used to saying it in the past. He opened his mouth and didn't notice it at this time, but the son-in-law laughed and asked at this moment: "I don't know that this is the second son of Rong Guogong, the virtuous concubine Biological father, what grade of official is it?"

Jia Zheng was taken aback, covered in cold sweat, and kowtowed again hastily: "I made a mistake! I beg the princess to forgive me!" They all knelt down and kowtowed for mercy.

Seeing this, Princess Hanyi took a deep breath and said: "Seeing that you are sincerely repenting, and also because of the friendship between Princess Lin Hui, the righteous daughter of Prince Wu County, and my palace, for the time being, let me forgive you!" Princess Hanyi finished speaking , and then turned back and walked towards the shoulders surrounded by the nuns, maids and servants.

The old lady Jia and the others who were waiting at the door of Yi could not help being surprised when they saw that Princess Hanyi hadn't come in for a long time, and they were about to send their family members to inquire, when they saw Chief Manager Lai hurried over and shouted: "The old lady is not a big deal. Alright! Something is wrong!"

Mrs. Jia was startled, and hurriedly asked: "What happened up there?" Manager Lai learned from Mrs. Jia what happened at the main entrance, and Mrs. Jia hasn't gone back yet. God, I saw Mrs. Wang rushing forward a few steps, and slapped Wang Xifeng on the face. The action was so fast and urgent that no one reacted.

(End of this chapter)

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