Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 313 Yu'er's Marriage

Chapter 313 Yu'er's Marriage

Gujing is sorry, the previous chapter has changed the mother and concubine of the fourth prince Chenghui to Concubine Ning, which has been changed...


The graceful and graceful woman in front of her was undoubtedly elegant in Daiyu's eyes. Just looking at the clothes and makeup, Daiyu had a good impression of the visitor, but the queen said that the visitor was the concubine of the fourth prince. The rumored one—Concubine Qi!
Concubine Qi saw Daiyu's hesitation, so she smiled and said: "Why? Yu'er said that she would come to visit me, and I left a lot of good things for Yu'er as a gift, but it was too late to wait for Yu'er to come. Come on, at this moment, Yu'er is still reluctant to show me a piece of silk?"

Daiyu paused, and hurriedly saluted, "Lin Hui has met Concubine Qi." The Empress hadn't heard of Daiyu's "Lin Hui" for a long time, and now she heard Daiyu calling herself so, she understood, so she smiled and said: "Concubine Qi wants to see Yu'er's silk, and Yu'er is not too persnickety, so let's have a look with Concubine Qi."

Upon hearing this, Daiyu handed the handkerchief to Concubine Qi, and said in a low voice, "Lin Hui is clumsy, I made Concubine Qi laugh."

Concubine Qi was also a female celebrity expert, took Daiyu's silk, held it in her hand and looked at it carefully, the more she looked at it, the more she liked it, the color was light and elegant, and the flowers and branches were delicate and agile.He fell in love with Daiyu more and more, so he smiled and said: "Yu'er doesn't have to be polite with me, but Huang'er often mentions you to me, saying that you..."

Concubine Qi paused, and seeing Daiyu's complexion tightened, Fang went on to laugh and said, "You are thoughtful and sensible." After Concubine Qi finished speaking, she looked at the empress and said with a smile, "If you say that Hui'er is not If you're young, why don't you show your love to Hui'er and show Yu'er to Hui'er. I also like it very much."

The queen's face froze slightly, and Fang smiled noncommittally: "I look very good at it, but the Holy Majesty said that I want to keep this girl for two more years."

With this tai chi move, the empress completely pushed the matter onto the emperor, not wanting to hear an extremely mellow and slightly majestic voice as soon as she finished speaking: "Who does the empress say I want to keep for two years?"

As soon as the voice came out, everyone hurriedly looked up, only to see the emperor, accompanied by the fourth prince Chenghui, the fifth prince Chengli and Wang Gonggong, pacing over.Since the queen, there has been no exception to stand up and salute.

The emperor took two quick steps, stretched out his hand to support the queen and said with a smile: "Where is my grandson?" The emperor snorted angrily, but it was not difficult to hear the joy in his heart.

The emperor didn't take the swaddling baby either, he just stretched out his hand to tease it, then took off a Nine Dragon Jade Pendant around his waist, and put it between the swaddling clothes, but he accidentally saw the red purse in the swaddling baby, took it out and saw that the stitches were delicate and flexible, and the color was bright and festive , immediately smiled and said: "Who embroidered this? It looks familiar."

Han Yi raised her eyebrows, covered her mouth with a smile and said, "How can my father look familiar? This is embroidered by sister Yu'er herself. It is obvious that my father is blind."

Hearing this, the emperor looked back at Daiyu, who was still squatting beside the queen, and shook his head with a smile, "Get up!" After he finished speaking, he looked at the purse carefully, and said with a smile, "I said So familiar, Huang Aiqing often shows off to me with his cover!"

After the emperor called out, everyone stood up one after another, and the four princes and others saluted the queen and the ladies of the palace.Seeing her son coming with Sheng Jia, Concubine Qi put on a more loving smile on her face, making her look even more gentle and elegant.

The emperor's words made Daiyu blush in a rare way, annoyed in her heart: Master is really too, how old is he?Why do you look like a child?Show off everywhere, don't let people think that I am frivolous.

But Daiyu didn't know, her pink face was blushing and her head was drooping, which made the fourth prince almost lost his soul.

Concubine Qi saw her son's expression in her eyes, so she smiled and said: "The concubine and elder sister just discussed Yizhi and wanted Yu'er as a daughter-in-law. I wonder if the Holy Majesty is satisfied?"

When the fourth prince heard this, he immediately looked at Daiyu with bright eyes, and couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth.Unexpectedly, the emperor frowned slightly, and turned to look at the queen, who hurriedly smiled and said, "I don't dare to be the master of the fourth prince, besides, the sage also said that he would keep Yu'er for two more years, but the concubine Qi let the minister This concubine is in trouble."

After the emperor heard this, Fang nodded and said with a smile: "I also like this girl very much. If King Wujun hadn't taken the lead, I would have wanted to accept her as a righteous daughter!"

As soon as the emperor said this, the expression on the face of the fourth prince froze. Let alone the fourth prince, the concubines and noble ladies present were so shocked that they forgot to speak?Even the way Yuan Chun looked at Daiyu was different.Even Daiyu herself was taken aback for a moment, but the queen seemed to know this beforehand, she smiled calmly and said nothing.

Concubine Qi smiled and said: "It's fine as it is now, since Yu'er missed being the daughter of the Holy Majesty, why not be the daughter-in-law, it's the same. After all, I should honor your Majesty, does the Majesty say so?"

The emperor looked at the fourth prince with a smile that was not a smile, but saw that the fourth prince had already restrained all his expressions after hearing the emperor's words, and he could not see anything strange when he lowered his head and eyes.Emperor Fang raised his thick black eyebrows, looked at Concubine Qi and said with a smile: "I see that Mrs. Dong's daughter and Hui'er are a perfect match."

Jinkou Yuyan, since the emperor has said this, there is absolutely no possibility of changing it. While Daiyu breathed a sigh of relief, the fourth prince has already clenched his fist secretly, biting his teeth but can only swallow blood, his face is already a little pale .

Seeing this, Concubine Qi was heartbroken, she hurriedly stepped forward two steps closer to the emperor and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is really joking, then Mrs. Dong's daughter is very good, but doesn't Your Majesty like Yu'er more?"

The emperor raised his eyes to look at the delicate and charming concubine Qi, and said with a smile: "After all, Yu'er is a girl from the royal family of Wujun." The emperor paused for a moment, then raised his voice slightly and continued, "It's Wenyuan Pavilion University. The beloved apprentice of Shi Huangqing's family!" After saying this, the emperor pretended to sigh again: "I still have to ask those two about Yu'er's marriage."

After the emperor finished speaking, he laughed loudly and said, "You can't let people say that I'm domineering and domineering, so that you don't want parents to interfere with your children's marriage, right?"

After the emperor finished speaking, he stopped looking at Concubine Qi, and the other concubines and noble ladies all had alarm bells in their hearts when they saw this, and they looked at Daiyu with different eyes again.

Standing beside the empress, Daiyu listened to the emperor and concubine Qi talking about her future in front of her face. Even though the emperor rejected concubine Qi, or the fourth prince, it still made Daiyu very embarrassed. He couldn't help lowering his head and biting the corners of his lips blushing.

The fourth prince cast a glance and saw that Daiyu was also affectionate to him. Thinking that the emperor wanted to marry Mrs. Dong's daughter for him, he felt even more painful. He took a deep breath and thought, "Don't worry, Yu'er, I just can't marry her." As a concubine, you will definitely not be wronged!
If the emperor knew what the fourth prince Chenghui was thinking, he would probably sneer.Not wronged?If you really don't feel wronged, why would I betroth her to someone else?
Just when everyone had different thoughts, they heard a soft and clear voice: "The queen mother said that the father will keep sister Yu for a few more years, right?" The fifth prince's big bright eyes were fixed on the emperor. For a rare time, the prince looked at the emperor without flinching.

Seeing this, the emperor became very playful, and said with a smile, "Did I say that?" The fifth prince Chengli lowered his head and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "My father didn't say anything, but my mother did, saying that my father said that I would Stay with Sister Yu for a few more years."

The empress was happy when she got her eldest grandson. Seeing that the fifth prince had clear eyes and red lips, he was really cute, so she smiled and said, "I didn't say how many years, but you sister Yu, you can't stay for a few more years."

After finishing speaking, the queen couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.Unexpectedly, the fifth prince became impatient when he heard this, and he stepped forward and pulled the emperor's sleeve and said loudly: "Father, please stay with Sister Yu for a few more years!"

Although the words of the fifth prince's inheritance are very in line with Daiyu's wishes, yes, please keep me for a few more years, I am still young!I don't want to marry early... I'm underage, so that's considered early marriage? !But I was also surprised in my heart, why did the fifth prince Chengli say such a thing.

Daiyu didn't have any doubts for a long time, because the emperor had already asked the question for him. The emperor touched the fifth prince's little head and asked, "Tell me, why do you have to stay for a few more years?" Seriously, full of prayers, he looked at the emperor and said, "When Chengli grows up, marry Sister Yu as his wife!"

In a word, Daiyu was stunned for a moment, but the emperor, empress and others couldn't hold back their laughter.The emperor pinched Chengli's pink cheeks and said: "You are a big kid! How old are you? Are you thinking of getting married?"

Although everyone's laughter made Chengli a little embarrassed, he still looked at the emperor unyieldingly, and promised anxiously: "Father, I promise to be very good to Sister Yu! Please keep her more for my son. In a few years, my son will eat a lot and grow up quickly." After speaking, there was a trace of crying in Chengli's voice.

The emperor looked at the queen helplessly, shook his head with a smile and said, "Come on, go play with your sister Yu." He was about to put the purse in his hand back to the grandson of the emperor, but he heard Hanyi laughing: " If the emperor doesn't look at it, did Yu'er give the little guy something?"

Hearing what Hanyi said, Emperor Fang raised his eyebrows and glanced at Hanyi, then turned his head to look at Daiyu, who had been held by Chengli, and opened his purse. When it had a translucent emerald green luster, all the concubines next to it, except Concubine Qi who was in a state of confusion, were all surprised.

The emperor was more surprised than them, because the red spot happened to be pinched between the emperor's fingers, but the emperor saw it clearly, and when he looked back at Daiyu, there was a hint of depth in his eyes.

However, the emperor just nodded and didn't say anything, he put the jade back into his purse and put it in his swaddling clothes.But the fifth prince Chengli asked Daiyu softly and nervously: "Sister Yu, will you marry you when Chengli grows up? You don't want to marry the fourth brother."

The emperor originally thought that Daiyu would be shy at least, but he didn't expect that Daiyu's face was normal at this time, looked at Chengli and asked with a smile: "Then Chengli can tell my sister why you want to marry my sister?" Mouth pursed, ears blushed and replied: "Because Sister Yu is the best to Chengli."

Daiyu chuckled and said: "Then Chengli studies hard, practices riding and shooting, and when Chengli grows up to be a son, many people will like Chengli and be good to Chengli. Do you understand?"

Chengli, however, had tears in his eyes, and asked anxiously, "Will Sister Yu also like Chengli? Will she always be nice to Chengli?"

At this moment, let alone the emperor, even the empress, concubines and the four princes are all pricking up their ears to hear Daiyu's answer.Daiyu smiled very calmly: "In my sister's heart, Chengli is a sensible and well-behaved child, so my sister naturally likes Chengli, understand?"

The emperor, the fourth prince and the others understood that Daiyu was making excuses in disguise. The emperor couldn't help laughing in a low voice: "What a cunning girl, she came to deceive my emperor's feelings." Followed by a muffled laugh.

Chengli heard Daiyu's words, but his eyes were bright, and he nodded with red cheeks: "Chengli understands, Chengli will study hard and practice martial arts, and grow up quickly." Daiyu nodded: "Well, Chengli He is a good boy who works hard, and many people will like Chengli in the future!"

Just when Chengli was about to say something more, the nanny next to the queen reminded in a low voice: "The auspicious time has come, Your Majesty." When the queen heard this, she smiled at the emperor: "My lord, the auspicious time has come, and it's time to be washed for three days." Afterwards, I hope the Holy One will give you a name." The emperor smiled and said, "I won't stay any longer, so I will give you a name: Yikun."

(End of this chapter)

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