Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 314 Just like the master

Chapter 314 Just like the master

I would like to thank Fengwu and Jiutian for their monthly ticket support~O(∩_∩)O Thank you!


When the crowd dispersed, Hanyi took Daiyu's arm, raised his eyebrows and smiled at the empress, "Our Yu'er is very popular!" Before the queen could speak, Daiyu stomped her feet and stretched out her hands, Hanyi said to the princess: " Elder sister Hanyi even made fun of me, see if Yuer won't teach you a lesson." The queen smiled as she watched the two play and laugh as they walked towards Kunning Palace.

Back in the queen's palace, Dai Yufang collected her expression, walked up to the queen and bowed deeply, "Yu'er has a heartless request, and I will fulfill it to the queen's aunt."

Seeing that Daiyu was so cautious, the queen couldn't help but looked at Daiyu for a moment and then asked, "I don't know what Yu'er is talking about, so cautious?" Let my fifth brother grow up, so I can marry him in the future?"

Daiyu couldn't laugh or cry at Hanyi's words, but she still looked at the queen with blushing cheeks and said, "It's really about the fifth prince's succession."

As soon as Daiyu said this, Hanyi hurriedly asked: "Are you really planning to marry Xiao Wu???" Hanyi raised her voice very high, her eyes full of disbelief.The queen also frowned and looked at Daiyu, and said very tactfully: "Chengli is still young..."

Before the empress finished speaking, Daiyu stood up blushing and stomped her feet: "Why does the empress think so too?"

The queen was taken aback, Fang laughed at himself and said, "If it wasn't for this matter, Yu'er would just talk about it, what kind of unfeeling request is about Chengli?"

Daiyu pursed her lips, looked up at Princess Hanyi who was staring at her, and the empress who was full of curiosity, squatted down again and said: "Yu'er asks the empress to take Chengli into the palace and raise her."

Just finished speaking, seeing the queen frowned slightly, Daiyu hastily added: "Yu'er knows that this has made the empress embarrassing, but Chengli is really pitiful. I don't ask the empress to record Chengli under her name, but just keep it in the It is also good to have someone to take care of you when you are raised in the palace."

Seeing this, the queen nodded and said: "Yu'er cares about Chengli very much." Daiyu smiled and said: "Chengli is a good boy who knows how to be grateful, that is..." Daiyu paused for a moment before continuing to laugh : "His Royal Highness must have some help."

The words were tactful, but Han Yi's eyes lit up, and the queen nodded with a smile. Although she didn't agree directly, Daiyu knew that the queen was moved.So I didn't continue to mention it.

After staying in the Queen's Palace for dinner, Daiyu went out of the palace with Princess Hanyi, and Princess Hanyi personally sent Daiyu back to Jia's mansion. It is reported that Daiyu was brought back by Princess Hanyi herself.

Although the scene in the imperial garden was short, all the people who went there were the royal family and the four princes of the opposite sex, but Concubine Qi begged Daiyu for the four princes, but the queen declined, and the emperor directly pointed out that he would marry Mrs. Dong The daughter of the fourth prince is still rumored to be buzzing.

But the emperor also stated that Daiyu's marriage would be discussed with the Wujun Palace and Huang Jiyun, which broke the previous rumors that the emperor wanted to accept Daiyu into the palace.It made many people worry.

It is no secret that Daiyu lives in Jia's mansion, so before Daiyu returns to Jia's mansion, someone has already sent a message to Jia's mansion, or came to pay a visit, or invited Daiyu and Jia's grandma and wife to visit. The time is so lively.

Mrs. Wang was surprised and made Zhou Rui's family go out to inquire. After many twists and turns, they finally received the general news from today's imperial garden before Daiyu returned to the mansion. This immediately made Mrs. Wang think again, but she also remembered Hanyi's previous humiliation , It was hard to choose for a while.

Mrs. Wang can receive news, and Mrs. Jia is no exception. Compared with her natal family who has been offended by Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Jia is naturally more happy to see Daiyu marry Baoyu. Or in terms of interpersonal relationship, Daiyu will bring great help to the Jia family.

Daiyu didn't know the thoughts of Mrs. Jia and Mrs. Wang. After returning to Jia's mansion, she ordered Qinghe and Xueyan to send the various snacks brought back from the palace to Qiushuangzhai and Dongda courtyard respectively. Ling Zhixuan went to Rongxi Hall in person, and Shinan went to Hengwu Garden.And she herself took Mother Tang to Mrs. Jia's room.

Seeing Daiyu bring her some snacks in person, Mrs. Jia was very happy, especially when she thought of the news that she inquired about today, she couldn't help being even more kind.

Old lady Jia took Daiyu's hand and asked about today's affairs in the palace in detail. Daiyu didn't hide anything, but just passed on the rest of the matter. Tell Mrs. Jia's childish words as jokes.

Mrs. Jia heard the fifth prince's request in front of the emperor, but the emperor was not angry. In addition, although what Daiyu said was slightly different in detail, it was almost the same as the inquiring news, and she was convinced that Daiyu had never lied to her. She became more determined and happy in her heart.

Daiyu didn't know what was going on in Mrs. Jia's mind, so she chatted and joked with Mrs. Jia for a while, seeing that it was getting late, she got up and left Mrs. Jia and went back to her residence.

Mrs. Wang was even more troubled when she got the imperial cakes delivered by Zhixuan herself. At this moment, Jia Zheng walked in. Seeing Mrs. Wang looking at a plate of dim sum in a daze, she didn't even notice when she came in, so she couldn't help asking Said: "What is this thinking?"

Mrs. Wang came back to her senses when she heard the sound, and hurriedly stood up to give up her seat to Jia Zheng, and ordered the servant girl to serve tea.Seeing this, Jia Zheng frowned and asked, "Don't worry about those people, what are you thinking?" Obviously Jia Zheng's mood is not very good, and he is already a little impatient at this moment.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wang stopped beating around the bush, and asked tentatively, "Now that Baoyu is getting older, I don't know if the master thinks that girl from the Lin family is the same as our Baoyu..."

Hearing Mrs. Wang's words, Jia Zheng frowned and stomped two steps: "In terms of age, temperament and knowledge, Miss Lin is very good, but I'm afraid her status doesn't match her?" Jia Zheng said uncertainly. He said, but after he said it, he became more and more sure. Didn't he just get humiliated because of his status?
The more Jia Zheng thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, so he shook his head and said, "Young lady Lin is not right, there is no need for people to say that we are high-ranking."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang said dissatisfiedly: "What are you talking about? Our Baoyu is the successor of Rong Guogong, and he is also the brother of the Xiande concubine and his mother. How is this status different?" Speaking of which, Mrs. Wang is a little bit Sullenly, he added: "Besides, our Baoyu was born with visions, so he is not an ordinary person."

Seeing this, Jia Zheng sneered and said, "After Rong Guogong? I am still the son of Rong Guogong! Can the royal family look up to you? Besides..."

Before Jia Zheng could finish speaking, Mrs. Wang interjected, "Then girl Lin is still your sister's daughter! This aunt's cousin, what is her identity? Besides, this girl lives in our house now! "

Seeing Mrs. Wang's insistence, Jia Zheng couldn't help asking with some doubts: "Didn't I hear that you don't like that girl?"

Mrs. Wang was also hesitant at first, but somehow she became more and more sure as she talked. After hearing Jia Zheng's question, Mrs. Wang replied angrily: "Why don't I like Miss Lin? If I don't I like her, she will remember to bring me some snacks every time she enters the palace?"

Hearing Mrs. Wang's words, Jia Zhengfang pointed to the Jun Kiln white porcelain dish on the table and asked, "You mean, Miss Lin brought it back from the palace for you?"

Mrs. Wang smiled complacently: "Isn't that right? I don't know how many good things I gave to the emperor's eldest grandson when I went into the palace. I brought such a little snack when I left the palace, and I brought it to me eagerly." Said Looking at Mrs. Wang, she said with a smile: "If you want to talk about our Baoyu, it is better than yours..."

Before Mrs. Wang finished speaking, her face was already blushing. Jia Zheng also coughed a few times in embarrassment, and changed the subject: "Baoyu has grown a lot in the past two years, and the former son-in-law also treated him the same way." Appreciate it." Mrs. Wang was even more proud after hearing this: "Isn't it? Our Baoyu was born handsome, but now he is willing to work hard."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Wang lowered her head and added shyly: "Just like the master." Jia Zheng coughed lightly again, but stopped talking.

Mrs. Wang didn't need him to answer, and continued: "I see that Lin girl is better than Shijia's Yun girl. Although they all have no parents, but after all, Lin girl still has her as a treasure." My master, and the Prince of Wu County as the backer, and the relationship with the royal family is also very good, so it will be good for Baoyu in the future, won't it?"

When Jia Zheng heard this, he nodded and said, "Can we talk to the old lady about this?" Mrs. Wang was not happy when Jia Zheng mentioned the old lady Jia, so she said with a straight face: "It's an old saying: Parents' love If the master thinks the words of the matchmaker are appropriate, why don't you go and find out what the Huang family has to say."

Seeing Jia Zheng looking towards her, Mrs. Wang explained: "Today, the emperor's eldest grandson Xisan, Concubine Qi took the opportunity to ask the emperor for an order to marry the girl from the Lin family to the fourth prince. Perhaps the emperor didn't like it and chose another one." The daughter of Mr. Dong's family. Let me tell you that the marriage of that girl of the Lin family is decided by Senior Scholar Huang."

Jia Zheng listened to Mrs. Wang's words, nodded his head and said: "It should be so. You will be a teacher for one day and a father for the rest of your life. Besides, University Scholar Huang knows my brother-in-law very well. It is appropriate for His Majesty to arrange this way. "

Speaking of which, Jia Zheng laughed and said, "Since that's the case, I'll take Baoyu's nasty barrier to have a look with Master Huang in another day. If I can be appreciated by Master Huang..."

Before Jia Zheng finished speaking, Mrs. Wang continued, "If you can get the appreciation of Master Huang, this marriage can be settled." After thinking for a while, Mrs. Wang added: "It's best to be in Wu County. Before the concubine returns to Beijing, she will make a decision on this matter, so as to save those royal relatives and relatives from looking at us with displeasure."

Mrs. Wang said with a smile after finishing speaking: "Scholar Huang is similar to people like us after all, and we can talk together. Besides, the master also likes those poems and songs very much, and he has something to say with Bachelor Huang. In the future The master has someone to talk about." Jia Zheng nodded in satisfaction after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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