Chapter 315

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Holding Mrs. Jia's arm, Daiyu tilted her head and smiled and said, "Grandmother, Aunt Xue's niece and daughter, Xue Baoqin will come out of the pavilion to put on makeup, thinking about it, Yu'er also brought Tanchun and sister Xichun to see the excitement. , and take it easy. How would you like it?"

After finishing speaking, Daiyu saw that the old lady Jia was silent, so she added: "Sister Baochai has not seen for a long time. It is always good for the sisters to move around more and meet the girls outside. See you later. Girls from other families don’t shy away, do they?”

Hearing Daiyu talk about girls from other families, old lady Jia became interested and said with a smile: "Mrs. Dear, if Yu'er doesn't want to go, it's fine, but the wife of Duke Cheng'en's mansion also set up a peony banquet, so please go there together."

After the old lady Jia finished speaking, she looked at Daiyu but smiled and said nothing. Daiyu naturally understood what the old lady Jia meant. , that is to catch up with the descendants.

Daiyu smiled helplessly. She wanted to refuse, but she thought that Duke Cheng's Mansion was not only the natal family of the Empress Dowager, but also the natal family of Princess Wujun, and could be regarded as her own uncle's family, so she nodded and said with a smile: " If that's the case, it's fine according to grandma's wishes."

Seeing that Daiyu obeyed her arrangement, old lady Jia was very happy, so she smiled and said, "If Yu'er doesn't think your two sisters are clumsy tomorrow, then take them to Xue's house for a walk."

At this time, Daiyu had lost her previous interest, she just nodded and smiled and said, "Sister-in-law is also going, so where is it Yu'er's turn to take the younger sisters? Besides, I am afraid that the second aunt also received the invitation to go. " Hearing what Daiyu said, Mrs. Jia didn't talk to her, not to mention Mrs. Wang, even she herself didn't receive the invitation, but it's hard to say.

Since they were going to add makeup to Xue Baoqin, they all prepared gifts.Needless to say, Daiyu picked out two pieces of festive satin, and some purses embroidered on weekdays, as a gift for makeup. Seeing this, Tanchun and others naturally picked out some things they usually made themselves, Or something you like, it doesn't matter.

In the early morning of the second day, Wang Xifeng ordered his mother-in-law to set up three cars, Tanchun and Xichun sat in the back, Wang Xifeng led Daiyu in the front, and at the end the mother-in-law and maidservant sat in the car.Under the guard of a dozen servants, he went to Xue's mansion.

Red lanterns had already been hung in front of the gate of Xue's mansion, and happy characters were pasted on it. There were even two long tables at the door, and red bean cakes were being distributed.

Daiyu watched the long line of people in various clothes lined up to receive pancakes through the curtain of silk gauze, so she smiled at Wang Xifeng, "Sister Bao has a heart. This is much more meaningful than setting off firecrackers." " Daiyu understood that this must not be Aunt Xue's idea, and Xue Pan must have never thought of it.

But Daiyu didn't know that this was not actually Xue Baochai's idea, but Xue Biao's idea that Daiyu never remembered. Because Xue Biao was also marrying his younger sister, Aunt Xue followed him.

Wang Xifeng said angrily: "It's about putting on makeup, you just see how many people can come today."

Daiyu was taken aback when she heard this, but then she felt relieved. If Xue Baochai's father was still here, it would have been extremely lively. Now that people are leaving tea, how many people can remember the Xue family of the four great families in Jinling?Just looking at the Wang family and historians, it is difficult to say today.

Sure enough, when the servant led the carriage into the courtyard gate and stopped in front of the moon gate, the courtyard was still deserted and there was no movement.Waiting in front of the moon gate were Ying'er who was next to Baochai, and a little maid who was always with Aunt Xue.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng shook her head, but didn't say much, never thinking that just as she got out of the car, Xue Baochai helped Aunt Xue to drive out.

The girls seldom meet each other, so there are endless topics to talk about, so Aunt Xue smiled and said: "It's rare for your sisters to meet, so I'll take them to play in your sister's room, and send someone to come over later to use it." Meal." Xue Baochai refused to mention it, so Aunt Xue and Wang Xifeng went to the main hall together.

When passing by the courtyard of the main hall, Daiyu saw the dowry boxes tied with bright red silk satin, placed one by one in the center of the courtyard, full of them, and the maidservant standing beside her guarding, it can be seen that Aunt Xue did not treat Xue Baoqin badly.

Tanchun even laughed softly: "I'm afraid there are more than [-] lifts?" Xue Baochai turned back and laughed, "People like us can't compare with others, and it's only [-] lifts. The heavy ones have already been sent over. , Minger will only carry these lightweight ones."

When Xu Shi heard Xue Baochai's words, Aunt Xue turned her head and smiled and said, "Mom will also prepare the dowry for you in the future, so don't worry." I don't know what kind of brother-in-law Bao will be like in the future?" One side secretly envied: I don't know if I might get this half in the future?

Looking back at Daiyu again, Tanchun guessed Daiyu's dowry in his heart, but then remembered that when Mrs. Wang accidentally heard that Daiyu dedicated most of the Lin family's property to the emperor, and now only After leaving the Zhuangzi's land, I couldn't help but sigh: Sister Lin looks at the scenery, but she is also a miserable person.

Thinking about it, Tanchun felt that Daiyu was always better than himself. Looking at Xichun who was silently following Daiyu, he couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Even the fourth younger sister will be better than her in the future." Are you okay...

Before Tanchun could figure it out, Aunt Xue and Wang Xifeng had already left for the main house, while Xue Baochai led Daiyu Tanchun and Xichun to the backyard.

Aunt Xue went back to the house and sat down with Wang Xifeng separately. Aunt Xue asked Jia Lian about asking Jia Lian to inquire.Wang Xifeng smiled and said: "Auntie is too impatient, just finish this side first, and our master will inquire over there, and finally find a good one for Bao girl."

Aunt Xue heard what Wang Xifeng said, although she felt a little disappointed, she couldn't say anything more, she just told her: "Chai'er is also your younger sister, Feng'er should pay more attention." Wang Xifeng naturally nodded in response , smiled and said: "People in this world, aunt can't trust others, so it's possible that she can't trust me?"

Aunt Xue heard what Wang Xifeng said, she was afraid that she would be annoyed if she continued talking, so she just smiled and nodded: "Of course I trust Feng'er, so I entrust this matter to you."

Xue Baochai led Daiyu and others directly to Xue Baoqin's house. Along the way, Xue's mansion was full of flowers and willows, and it was very elegant. But Daiyu and others found that the population was too few, so Tanchun asked: "Why didn't Sister Bao find Renyazi to buy some maids and servants? It's so lively to watch, isn't it?"

Xue Baochai turned her head and said with a smile: "there are few people in the house, so it's just that Baoqin and I stay at home with my mother all the year round. My elder brother and younger brother are busy with business and are often on the go, so I don't need so many people to wait on me. Besides, now that Baoqin is married, There are only mother and I left in the mansion, even if a new sister-in-law comes in tomorrow, she will also bring her own maid."

Daiyu nodded after hearing this, but said nothing. Baochai's meaning was very clear. Although Xue Pan has improved a bit now, the Xue family is not as good as before.

Seeing that Daiyu didn't speak, Xichun followed them silently, without saying a word.Tanchun looked back and forth, and muttered, "Such a big yard, someone must clean it? There's not even a single person, it's scary."

Xue Baochai heard it, but she could only smile awkwardly, and didn't explain further.Seeing this, Tanchun secretly thought: Don't they all say that there is a lot of snow in a good year, and pearls are like earth and gold is like iron?Could it be that the rumors outside are all false?It can be seen that Sister Bao's behavior when she was in Jia's mansion doesn't look like she is short of money...

Thinking about it, Tanchun couldn't help but look at Xue Baochai again and again, but he saw that Xue Baochai was wearing a brand-new X-color straight-sleeved shirt, covered with orange-red silk tapestry, and a skirt with apricot yellow flowers.The two jasper hairpins on the head are crystal clear and moist, and one can tell at a glance that they are made of the highest quality.Tanchun couldn't help feeling even more puzzled, but stopped asking.

Tanchun's sizing up, Daiyu and Xue Baochai had a panoramic view, even Xichun could see clearly, but no one said anything, just talked and laughed at the anecdote they heard recently, and walked towards Xue Baoqin's room.

The two sisters Xue Baoqin and Xue Baochai live together behind the courtyard of Mrs. Wang's main house, living separately from east to west.Xue Baochai is the elder and lives in the East Wing, while Xue Baoqin is the youngest and lives in the West Wing.The white walls, red windows, green graphite and green tiles all look brand new, presumably Xue Pan tidied it up carefully before moving back.

Two young maids, Wen Xing and Zhen'er, stood outside Xue Baoqin's door. Seeing Xue Baochai leading Daiyu, Tanchun and Xichun coming, Wen Xing hurriedly opened the curtain and shouted inside: "Girl, the eldest girl is leading Daiyu." Girls from Jia's and Lin's houses are here to add makeup to you."

This Wen Xing has a childlike heart. As soon as this remark came out, Daiyu couldn't help laughing first, looked at Xiaoluo and said, "If I don't have the makeup gift, wouldn't you still let me go in to see your family?" girl?"

Xue Baoqin was close to the maidservant, and Xiaoluo came out first when she heard the commotion outside, and just happened to hear this, so she smiled and said: "Miss Lin will definitely not. Why don't you see Miss Yun coming today? Could it be true? Are you reluctant to part with the makeup gift?"

Seeing this, Tan Chun smiled and said, "Miss Yun was afraid that you would ask her for a make-up gift, so she went back to Bowling Hou's Mansion early."

Xue Baochai didn't know about this episode, but when she heard what Tanchun said, she couldn't help but glanced at Daiyu, and Fang asked, "Why is this? Didn't it mean that she was going to live in her uncle's house and be released back? Why did she go back again?" "

Tanchun shook his head and said, "How can I know what's going on here? Even the old ancestor can only follow the arrangement of her uncle and aunt." Daiyu, who didn't want to keep silent, now Shi smiled and said: "After all, she is the daughter of the Hou family. Now that she is getting older, it is not good to always live in someone else's house. I see, it would be great to go back."

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Tanchun asked in puzzlement, "Could it be bad to live in our house?" Before Daiyu could answer, Xichun also asked softly, "So, will Sister Lin also go home someday?"

Daiyu was taken aback, looked at Xue Baochai, and seeing Xue Baochai looking at her smiling, she also shook her head and smiled and said, "I can't live in your house forever, isn't it normal to go home? I'm just doing my best for my mother and grandmother It's just filial piety."

Hearing what Daiyu said, the light in Xichun's eyes dimmed a lot, and she murmured in a low voice: "Yes, you all have places to go..." Before Daiyu and the others heard it clearly, Xue Baoqin had left He came out, looked at Daiyu and the others and said with a smile: "I won't come out to invite you, but you are standing at the door and not going in?"

Seeing this, Xue Baochai led the three sisters to Xue Baoqin's house. Seeing that most of the things in Xue Baoqin's house had been packed into boxes and cages, the three of them took out their makeup gifts, and sat down with Xue Baoqin to play and joke together. Son.

Daiyu saw a pipa hanging on the wall of Xue Baoqin, and a sword hanging beside the pipa, and thought to herself: This is probably the female in the mandarin duck sword that Liu Xianglian gave to Third Sister You in the original book to make love, and then Third Sister You used the mandarin duck sword to kill herself. sword?Unexpectedly, Liu Xianglian still uses the family sword as a token of love.

Daiyu wanted to take a closer look, but this sword was a token of affection, so Daiyu couldn't open her mouth in the end.Many years later, Daiyu still felt dissatisfied with someone for not being able to appreciate the sword carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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