Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 316 Xue Pan Gets Married

Chapter 316 Xue Pan Gets Married
I would like to thank Kathy Lanyan from Qidian Reading, and Dandelion’s monthly ticket support on QQ Reading. O(∩_∩)O~Thank you everyone!


Xue Baoqin left the pavilion, Xue Pan got married, and Daiyu didn't go there again, but she sent Lin De and his wife to represent herself, and asked Aunt Luo to go in person on behalf of Rongyun Nishang Pavilion.

Honor Nishang Pavilion now has a lot of business contacts with the Xue family. Of course, one is to support Xue Pan, and the other is because the Xue family has a deep foundation, the relationship network still exists, and the quality and price of purchases are considered reasonable.

Regarding the arrival of the Linde couple, Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai could still accept it calmly. However, when Aunt Luo arrived in a Qingni blue-draped carriage and escorted by four guards, Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai were both shocked and grateful endlessly.

Because of Aunt Luo's arrival, Xue Pan's wedding banquet was extremely lively, even a bit beyond imagination. If Xue's family hadn't owned a restaurant, the banquet would not be enough.

Not only several merchants who had business dealings with Rongyun Nishang Pavilion came to express their congratulations, but also some noble families came here one after another after hearing that the big shopkeeper of Rongyun Nishang Pavilion was here.Especially who doesn't know that this so-called big treasurer is actually the master whom Lord Yu officially worshiped?With Huang Jiyun, that is also on an equal footing!
But what touched Aunt Xue the most were those who were once close to the Xue family, but after the death of Xue Pan's father, they had no contact with them.Today also came to congratulate Xi, and even many couples came together, even if they couldn't come because of something, they sent capable stewards to come.

Madam Wang naturally also came, although she didn't come to add makeup with Xue Baoqin the first day, but as Xue Pan's aunt, she still came here in person when Xue Pan got married today.

Aunt Xue personally welcomed Mrs. Wang into the main hall, and happened to see Aunt Luo was chatting with Mrs. Shan Guogong, her expression was calm and calm, and her manner was elegant and generous.If he hadn't known his identity early on, who would have thought that this was the shopkeeper of Rongyun Nishang Pavilion?Who would have thought that this woman was just an embroiderer for the court?
From Madam Wang's point of view, all of this is just the favor of the Lin family's girl.This made Mrs. Wang even more certain about Baoyu's marriage to Daiyu.

Mrs. Wang stepped forward and saw Mrs. Shan Guogong sitting on the left of Aunt Luo, but she didn't know the other one very well, so she first smiled at Mrs. Shan Guogong and said, "I haven't seen Mrs. Guogong for a while, how are you doing recently? Our old lady misses you very much." As he spoke, he glanced at a young woman on the right side of Aunt Luo and said with a smile: "This face is very strange."

In Mrs. Wang's mind, even if this person doesn't give up her seat immediately, someone should introduce her and this person's identity. At least for the sake of the old lady, Mrs. Shan Guogong should give her an answer.

Mrs. Shan Guogong didn't refute Mrs. Wang's face too much, but everyone could see that it was just based on the friendship with Mrs. Jia for many years, and she didn't understand Mrs. Wang's question.

I only heard Mrs. Shan Guogong smiled and said: "Okay, it's very good, the weather is good recently, and I was thinking of inviting your old lady to bring the girls to our house as guests." Mrs. Shan Guogong said Turning to look at Aunt Luo, she said with a smile: "Master Luo must show his face at that time. I heard that the county magistrate likes lotus flowers very much, and my youngest son also likes them very much."

Although Aunt Luo didn't show what Madam Shan Guo said, she hated it in her heart, but she didn't know that it was Mrs. Wang who didn't like to hear these words even more than she did.

Mrs. Wang heard Mrs. Shan Guogong's words, and said with a cold smile: "Our girl Lin doesn't like to go out the most. You also know that the old lady is old, so how can she walk around? Miss Lin is also pure filial piety. In addition to playing with the sisters, most of the time is to accompany our old lady to talk and laugh."

As soon as Mrs. Wang finished speaking, the young woman on Aunt Luo's right smiled and said, "Didn't Princess Yu just go to the palace? I saw her and Princess Hanyi standing beside the empress."

This person's words immediately attracted the attention of other wives who were nearby, and hurriedly asked about the situation at that time, the young woman smiled and said: "If you want to say, Lord Yu County is really a kind person, and a wonderful person."

Mrs. Shan Guogong is the highest-ranking lady in this room, so she asked with a smile: "We all know good people. The Lord of Yu County donates porridge and clothes every year. But I don't know where to start? Grandma Cheng may as well Tell us in detail." At this moment, Mrs. Wang knew that this young woman who did not take herself seriously was the eldest daughter-in-law of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Cheng Zhihe.

Although Mrs. Wang was unwilling, the wives next to her were obviously more interested in Daiyu, and many of them knew her identity.

Grandma Cheng didn't hide her smile and said: "I didn't have the qualifications to go, but thanks to our wife, she took me to see the world. I don't know what happened first. After all, I It's still far away from the empress."

Speaking of which, Grandma Cheng picked up the teacup and took a sip unhurriedly. Although everyone was anxious, they didn't urge them. They only heard that Grandma Cheng had drunk the tea and put down the cup gracefully. Then he continued: "But then His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince suddenly ran out and begged His Majesty to keep Lord Yu County for him for a few more years. Everyone saw it."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Shu Guogong couldn't help but smile when she got the news. After all, no one took the fifth prince's words seriously, but he was just a child who didn't need to be seated.

Grandma Cheng smiled and said: "Guess what? The Lord Yuxian first asked him why he wanted to marry her, and then used this to encourage the fifth prince to work hard. It was the emperor who was stunned at first, and then They are all appreciated.”

Shan Guogong's wife immediately smiled and said: "This Yu County Lord is not only a kind person, but also a wonderful person. I usually heard that he is extremely intelligent. From this we can see that this statement is true."

Most of the people here originally came for Aunt Luo, and the reason why they came here for Aunt Luo was because Aunt Luo was not only the big shopkeeper of Rongyun Nishang Pavilion, but also Daiyu's master. A well-informed person said that the head of Yuxian County, who worshiped Aunt Luo as his teacher, was even before Bachelor Huang.

The wife next to him, seeing that Mrs. Shan Guogong and Grandma Cheng were praising the Lord Yu County so much, naturally they were not willing to let others praise him.Aunt Luo listened to the wives and wives beside her who kept saying all kinds of good things, she felt proud but also worried for no apparent reason, so she didn't show anything on her face.

But Mrs. Wang felt an indescribable feeling in her heart at this time, because she had previously rejected Mrs. Jia's proposal.If I had agreed then, wouldn't it be my daughter-in-law who is praised by these people now?

Mrs. Wang thought about the discussion with Jia Zheng a few days ago, and her heart calmed down a lot. She secretly said: "Praise, praise, no matter how much you praise, she will be my daughter-in-law in the future!"Is it not up to me then?

Look at the crowd surrounded in the center, although there is no expression on the face, but according to Mrs. Wang's prediction, there must be Aunt Luo in her heart.Mrs. Wang snorted again in her heart: What are you proud of?The Holy Majesty didn't say anything about Miss Lin's marriage, you can decide!
At this moment, Aunt Xue led the two congratulatory wives in again. Seeing that Mrs. Wang was still standing there, she couldn't help but wondered, "Why don't sister sit down?"

As soon as Aunt Xue said this, everyone realized that Mrs. Wang was really standing in front of Aunt Luo... Not to mention Mrs. Wang, even Aunt Luo felt very embarrassed. Aunt Xue also knew that she had said something wrong, but at this time But it's hard to get overwhelmed.

Mrs. Wang gave Aunt Xue a hard look, which happened to be seen clearly by Xue Baochai, and she felt displeased, but she didn't say it out at this time.

Seeing this, Aunt Luo smiled and said: "I've been here for a long time, and I can't leave the store without people, so I won't stay longer, and I'll go back first." Aunt Luo stood up, looked at Mrs. Wang, and thought about it. She still smiled and said: "Yu'er, her second aunt, sit down quickly, Yu'er is in your house, so please take care of her."

Aunt Luo's words were earth-shattering. Although many people knew the identity of Mrs. Wang, the fact that Princess Hanyi reprimanded Jia Zheng in front of the Jia Mansion, and then punished Mrs. Wang at Yimen, cannot be hidden from anyone. .

Those servants in Jia's mansion, aren't they the ones who push the high and trample the low?The matter of Mrs. Wang has long been spread and everyone knows.That's why Mrs. Wang has been here for so long, and no one greeted her.On the contrary, some small merchants wanted to approach her to make friends with her, but Mrs. Wang seemed to have her eyes high above her head, so why would she want to talk to her?

At this time, I heard that the main target of my coming here was to leave early, and there were many people who wanted to leave with them, but I didn't expect that the master of Yu County Lord, the big shopkeeper of Rongyun Nishang Pavilion, would actually talk to Mrs. Wang like this, The minds of these people became active again.

Especially some small merchants were secretly delighted, these honorable wives and wives left, and their chances came!After all, Mrs. Wang and Aunt Xue are biological sisters, but they will not leave early like Aunt Luo.

Since Aunt Luo suggested that she had something to leave, Aunt Xue, although she felt regretful, did not want to do much to persuade her to stay. She knew in her heart that Aunt Luo only came to congratulate Daiyu for Daiyu's sake.But it was hard not to say a word of hospitality, so Aunt Xue hurriedly smiled and said: "Even if you are busy, don't be in a hurry, you might as well go and see the new wife before leaving."

Aunt Luo nodded obediently, and Mrs. Shan Guo and Grandma Cheng laughed hurriedly when they saw this: "I have been out for half a day, and there are many things at home. We also went to see the new wife and then went back."

Although Aunt Xue was very displeased in her heart, she didn't show it on her face, but Mrs. Wang stared at the backs of Mrs. Shan Guogong and Grandma Cheng, but her face was not so good-looking.

Mrs. Wang was sitting in the seat where Aunt Luo had been sitting just now, even before the chair was warmed up, the people sitting on her left and right hurriedly got up to leave, how could this make her angry?How to get better complexion?But today is the marriage of my own nephew, and besides, the wealth of the Xue family... Mrs. Wang has a scale in her heart.

The original heroic face of the new daughter-in-law was softened by the soft and delicate cloud brocade gauze on the wedding dress. The wide belt embroidered with gold and phoenix tassels made the bride's originally slender waist look even more slender, making her whole person soft and soft. , Seeing that it is charming and majestic, even Mrs. Shan Guogong is full of praise for it.

Grandma Cheng smiled and said: "Oh, when I got married, why didn't I have such a beautiful wedding dress? Look at the girl who was originally very beautiful, but now she looks like a fairy." Said Turning back to Aunt Xue, she smiled and said, "Your son is so obsessed that he doesn't know the south, east, north, south, and north."

No matter how the bride came from the family of a general, she is from a girl's family. How could she not be shy after hearing this?Aunt Xue looked at the new daughter-in-law who had blushing cheeks and bowed her head, revealing half of her snow-white neck, and said with a smile, "It's great that they are a harmonious husband and wife!" There was indescribable satisfaction and lust in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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