Chapter 317

After Aunt Luo left, Mrs. Wang was surrounded by people like stars holding the moon, but when Mrs. Wang returned to Jia's mansion, she was still full of anger and had no place to vent.

Seeing this, Jia Zheng asked in bewilderment: "Going to eat Pan'er's wedding wine well, why does it seem like you have been wronged by the sky?"

Mrs. Wang took a deep breath, forced a smile and said: "That is my sister's house, and Pan'er is my own nephew, so I will be wronged." He said to Jia Zheng: "But the master took Baoyu to Mr. Huang's house? What did Mr. Huang say?"

Jia Zheng was taken aback for a moment, he kept this matter in mind, but Mr. Huang is a first-rank official in the dynasty, a celebrity in front of the Holy Majesty, how can he see it when he wants to?After going there a few times, the three brothers of the Huang family were not in the mansion. Thinking of this, Jia Zheng felt quite helpless.

Seeing Mrs. Wang looking at him expectantly, Jia Zheng couldn't help but paused, and finally said with embarrassment: "Master Huang is busy with government affairs all day, how can he be so free? But I left a post, waiting for Master Huang So I took Baoyu to visit."

Hearing what Jia Zheng said, Mrs. Wang remembered that Jia Zheng was at home now, so she couldn't ask any more questions, so she nodded and smiled, "Then wait until Mrs. Huang is free, and the master will take Baoyu there. After all, the age of the two children I'm not too old, so I'm not in a hurry." So Jia Zhengfang nodded in satisfaction, said something else to Mrs. Wang, and then turned and left the main room.

Staring at Jia Zheng's leaving back, Mrs. Wang unconsciously twisted the silk in her hand, not even noticing that several places were scratched by her fingernails.Even the cheeks were bitten to death, and he cursed in his heart: "Damn goblin!"Don't be too complacent, sooner or later, you and your evil animals will be cleaned up!

Mrs. Wang didn't have time to clean up the goblin she was talking about, and even Jia Zheng didn't have time to wait for Huang Jiyun to be free, so he waited for the news of Huang Jiyun's wedding.

That day, Daiyu entered the palace to ask for a marriage order for her two masters. Although the queen refused, she conveyed the matter to the emperor. When the emperor heard about it, he immediately became interested. After several inquiries and confirmation, Fang I found an opportunity to marry Rong Yun, the treasurer of Nishang Pavilion, and Huang Jing, a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion.

After receiving the imperial decree of marriage, the emperor thought that at least Huang Jiyun should be very happy, but he saw that his face was pale, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he stood there for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.Immediately asked in puzzlement: "Why? Huang Aiqing is not satisfied with my marriage offer?"

Huang Jiyun was stunned for a moment, looked up at the emperor who hesitated to speak, but finally bowed his head without saying anything, and said, "I accept the order, thank you Lord Long for your kindness!"

Huang Jiyun almost never talked to the emperor like this, and even sometimes he would take into account the imperial power, but most of the time, Huang Jiyun still treated the emperor as a friend.But at this time, the emperor could easily hear the bitterness in his words.

The emperor took a deep breath, and for the first time wondered if his spy had been bought by someone, otherwise, according to the collected information, Huang Jiyun and that... that old embroidered lady should be in love.But now it doesn't look like it? !
The emperor frowned again, after thinking for a while, he finally asked, "If Ji Yun has any difficulties, why don't you tell me?"

Huang Jiyun looked up at the emperor, this time the emperor didn't call himself "Huang Aiqing" or even called himself "Zhen", which is actually very rare, but when the emperor called him this way, it meant that the emperor was willing to talk to him as a friend.

Huang Jiyun didn't want to say it at first, but now, the emperor has taken the lead in letting go of his stance, if he doesn't say it anymore, he will be ignorant of good and bad.

After hesitating for a while, Huang Jiyun finally smiled bitterly and said, "I'm afraid, Sujuan will decide...that it's my servant who begged the Holy Spirit to persecute her..."

Huang Jiyun's words obviously made the emperor stunned. He took a deep breath, but the emperor didn't know how to let it out!I have seen stupid, stupid, but I have never seen a stupid, stupid bachelor!The emperor couldn't help but doubt in his heart: Is this still my great scholar?The minister of my humerus? ?

The emperor couldn't help pointing at Huang Jiyun, and nodded for a while. Looking at Huang Jiyun's mournful face, the emperor suddenly smiled, shook his head and said, "Do you still think you're a [-]-year-old boy? You don't look like you at the beginning of love." Bar?"

After the emperor finished speaking, he slapped the imperial case angrily, then felt it was worthless and rubbed his painful hand, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, took a sip of the tea, frowned and stared at Huang Jiyun After a long while, Huang Jiyun still had the tragic appearance of going to death bravely.He couldn't help but sighed: "Don't forget, you are a senior scholar, a first-rank official of mine."

Hearing what the emperor said, Huang Jiyun couldn't turn the corner for a while, as if whenever he met Daiyu or Luo Sujuan, he couldn't turn the corner.The emperor didn't bother with him, and hated iron and steel: "So what if you really asked me for this will? As a man, how can there be so many mothers-in-law! If you like it, marry it home, and she is not married."

The emperor took another sip of his tea before he said leisurely: "Besides, you didn't ask for this decree. It was her precious apprentice who came to the palace to ask the queen. The queen just asked for it because it involved you." I."

Huang Jiyun suddenly heard this, he couldn't believe it at first, and then his old face turned red with shame, but the emperor smiled and said: "Look at your promise! Now you are not as good as your student? Or are you serious?"

Huang Jiyun smiled embarrassingly, thought of something, bowed suddenly and said: "I have something to do, so I'll take my leave first." After speaking, he turned around and ran away.

Su Gonggong happened to come in to deliver the booklet to the emperor, and almost bumped into Huang Jiyun, but he saw Huang Jiyun bowing with joy and saying, "I've offended you, I've offended you." The father-in-law's eyes were staring straight at him. Although this Grand Scholar Huang once had a wild and unruly life, he is very stable now!

Eunuch Su held the memorial and walked to the royal case in a very puzzled manner, sorting the memorials and putting them in the emperor's hand. Seeing that the emperor also had a smile on his lips, he couldn't help but whispered: "Why is this senior scholar Huang with such an idiot?" Looks like a kid?" After finishing speaking, he bowed and whispered in the emperor's ear, "I assure you that I didn't get dazzled just now, Grand Master Huang really started running."

As soon as Su Gonggong finished speaking, the emperor couldn't help laughing out loud, and he stopped after a while, but there was still a smile on the corners of his eyes and brows. Seeing Su Gonggong looking at him very puzzled, As if waiting for an answer.

Such a fun thing, the emperor naturally needed to share it with others, so he smiled and said: "You are really right, aren't you just a brat?" After speaking, he laughed again.

However, Huang Jiyun ran out of the palace gate all the way, under the surprised eyes of the guards, he restrained his expression just now, coughed a few times in embarrassment, his old face was flushed from both excitement and embarrassment.It took a while before ordering the young servant waiting outside the palace gate to lead the horse, and not letting anyone follow, got on the horse and headed for the Glory Nishang Pavilion.

However, Huang Jiyun rushed all the way to the front door of Rongyun Nishang Pavilion, saw people coming and going, and turned to the back door, but lost all his courage the moment he knocked on the door.The half clenched hand stopped on the black oil door, but it couldn't fall down.

After a long while, Huang Jiyun finally sighed, took his hand back, and walked around by the back door of Rongyun Nishang Pavilion, looking at the closed door, wanting to knock on it and enter?Don't dare... just turn around and go back?Unwilling...

But Huang Jiyun didn't know that when he was hesitating by the back door, Luo Sujuan, Aunt Luo was holding the imperial edict she had just received, with mixed feelings, tears soaked the front of her clothes, and her cheeks were blush. The unspeakable thousand-fold taste gathered in my heart.

And it was also at this time that the Huang family also received the news that the Holy Majesty had bestowed a marriage on Huang Jiyun.Old Mrs. Huang doesn't care who the Holy Majesty bestowed the marriage on, as long as it is the mother's, Old Mrs. Huang is extremely happy at this time.

Mrs. Huang took the eldest daughter-in-law and the third daughter-in-law, and kept ordering this and explaining that, such as betrothal gifts, wedding rooms, everything was comprehensive, and everything was considered. It can be seen that it has been planned for many years.

It was Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Huang, who were also extremely happy, and their hands and feet were very nimble. Before the old lady gave orders, they had already arranged for the servants to do it.They are afraid, because they are afraid that they will be happy in vain.This Huang Jiyun's marriage is a major event placed on the Huang family's head, and it is almost a matter of heart!
Now that the Holy Majesty bestowed a marriage, it not only solved the serious problem of the Huang family, but also made them look decent, how could they not be happy?I also heard that the woman is also Daiyu's master. Although Mrs. Huang thinks her status is a little lower, she also thinks that person is very good.

Mrs. Huang doesn't care about her status at this time, as long as she is an innocent girl, she doesn't care about anything else. As long as Huang Jiyun is willing to get married, it's better than anything else!Since she got the news, Mrs. Huang's mouth has never closed.Even Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Huang are extremely happy.

When Huang Jiyun returned to Huang's mansion, he suddenly found that the whole Huang's mansion was decorated with lights and festoons, and it was almost a sign of happiness.As soon as he entered the door, he was invited by the little maid beside Mrs. Huang.

Of course Daiyu didn't know these things at this time, but she couldn't resist the early morning of the second day when Mrs. Huang came to Jia's mansion. With such a joyful face, when Daiyu first saw her, she thought it was the girl Bilian who had ordered her. It's a good day, I never thought that it turned out to be a master! ! !

Daiyu suddenly became excited, took Mrs. Huang's hand, and kept asking where to ask. After a while, Mrs. Jia couldn't stand it anymore, so she smiled and said: "Yu'er let Mrs. Huang have some tea first. How can there be such a thing." After speaking, the old lady Jia smiled at Mrs. Huang and said, "Yu'er is also happy for her masters."

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Huang burst out laughing, cast a sidelong glance at Daiyu, and then smiled at Mrs. Jia: "I'm afraid the old lady doesn't know, but for Ji Yun's marriage, Yu'er should go to the palace to ask for their will." Woolen cloth!"

Mrs. Huang's words are really shocking and endless!The old lady Jia was stunned for a while, she forgot to drink the teacup brought to her mouth, and asked uncertainly after a long while: "Madam Huang is saying? Is Yu'er going to obtain this imperial decree?" Mrs. Huang nodded, while Mrs. Jia still looked at Daiyu in disbelief.

Daiyu seemed to know that she had done it, she smiled awkwardly, thought for a while, then raised her head, and said confidently: "One day is a teacher and a lifelong father. The two masters, a man and a woman, are not Yu'er's parents? After finishing speaking, Daiyu looked at Mrs. Huang, then at Mrs. Jia, summoned up her courage and said, "Men are unmarried and women are unmarried. The daughters are already this old!"

After Daiyu finished speaking, she carefully looked at Mrs. Huang and asked, "Auntie, what did Yu'er do wrong?" He shook his head and laughed out loud.Even Nanny Tang and Yuanyang who were standing aside couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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