Chapter 319 Returning to the Palace
I would like to thank Meng Wei, book friend 151231070435445 for their monthly ticket support~ I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!Happy and complete ( ̄▽ ̄)"


Although she was happy in her heart, Daiyu was too busy all day long to give Aunt Luo a wedding, and then go to the Huangfu to watch the ceremony, and then to help entertain the wives and wives who came to congratulate her. Must be dry mouth.

The little bit of surprise when he saw Mrs. Wang was quickly distracted by everyone's words.Although Wang Xifeng was very unhappy seeing Mrs. Wang, she also understood that today is a happy day for Mr. Huang, whom Jia Lian and Daiyu value very much.

Under Daiyu's deliberate care, Mrs. Wang got along happily with all the wives and wives in the backyard.Even after discovering Daiyu's attitude towards Mrs. Wang, not a few people came to chat with her.This made Mrs. Wang extremely happy, and it was a world of difference from Xue Pan's marriage a few days ago.

However, when she left after dinner, she found that not only Jia Zheng hadn't waited for her, but Jia Baoyu had already gone ahead!
Daiyu looked at Mrs. Wang standing there alone, a little at a loss, frowned and sighed, looked at Wang Xifeng, and whispered in her ear: "If there is anything to do, let's go back, today is the two masters of Yu'er I am very happy." Wang Xifeng took a deep breath, and although she was extremely reluctant in her heart, she still nodded and sent someone to inform Jia Lian.

Jia Lian was very clear about the departure of Jia Zheng and Jia Baoyu, but he didn't expect that these two people left Mrs. Wang here, and I don't know whether they did it on purpose or they really forgot.Jia Lian quickly sent for two carriages, and Wang Xifeng took one by himself, while Daiyu rode with Mrs. Wang, and Mrs. Wang was more satisfied with Daiyu.

During the journey, Mrs. Wang didn't know whether it was because she was in a happy mood or something else. She had never had a passion for Daiyu. Sometimes she praised Daiyu for her good temperament, and sometimes she praised her for being sensible.

Daiyu kept talking without saying a word, Mrs. Wang didn't blame her, she just felt that Daiyu was too tired this day, so she put her arms around Daiyu and said with a smile: "When Yu'er is tired, she can rest by her aunt for a while. We'll be home in a while." Daiyu was shocked in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, she was quietly held by Mrs. Wang in her arms, motionless.

Mrs. Wang looked down at Daiyu who was leaning against her arms, with a faint smile on the corners of her eyes and brows, recalling the general manager in Huangfu today, especially those wives and wives who came to congratulate her, surrounded her Son, Mrs. Wang was even more proud of all the good things she could say. For Daiyu, she felt that she really made the right choice this time.

Mrs. Wang, Daiyu, and Jia Lian and his wife returned to the mansion together. They went to Mrs. Jia's room and briefly explained what happened today. After ordering a good rest, he let a few people disperse.

Until now, Mrs. Wang's mood throughout the day can be described by the word "Flying".

Mrs. Wang returned to the east courtyard of Rongxi Hall, but she saw that Jia Zheng did not go to Aunt Zhao's place, but sat in her room instead.Mrs. Wang's mood was even more joyful, even the obvious gloom on Jia Zheng's face, she just thought it was her late return.Hastily stepped forward to refill Jia Zheng's teacup, smiled and said softly: "Master doesn't wait for me anyway."

But Mrs. Wang never expected that Jia Zheng, who had been distracted before, did not notice her return. Awakened by her voice at this moment, his face when he looked up at her became a little hideous. He stretched out his hand and slapped Mrs. Wang on the face. Go up, cursing in the mouth: "Ignorant stupid woman!"

With this slap, Jia Zheng didn't understand his resentment, and then he gritted his teeth and stared at the bewildered Mrs. Wang, and said bitterly, "You're so proud of letting my master lose face so much? What do you really care about? "

Mrs. Wang was completely stunned. She didn't understand the meaning of Jia Zheng's words at all. Just as she was about to speak, Jia Zheng flicked his sleeves, narrowed his eyes slightly, and lowered his voice towards Mrs. Wang. Sinisterly, he said word by word: "Give it to me, master, so I can stay in the mansion and learn the rules! Don't, go, go, throw, people, show, eyes!"

After Jia Zheng finished speaking, he strode out, leaving Mrs. Wang with half of her face red and swollen, standing blankly in the middle of the room, tears streaming down her cheeks unexpectedly, and sliding down her fingers.

The previous total joy has disappeared at this moment.Mrs. Wang didn't smash objects as usual, she didn't cry loudly, she didn't even move a bit, she just quietly covered half of her face, tears still falling silently.

Seeing Jia Zheng angrily leaving the room, Zhou Rui's family quickly entered the room, but unexpectedly saw a Mrs. Wang whom she had never seen before.

Today, in order to go to the Huang family's wedding banquet, Mrs. Wang specially ordered someone to tailor it. The purplish red gown with the cloud and Wanfu stand-up collar was already soaked by tears, but Mrs. Wang still just stood there blankly, motionless, Even Zhou Rui's family didn't notice anything when they came in.Such Mrs. Wang scared Zhou Rui's family!

Zhou Rui's family has been with Mrs. Wang for 30 to [-] years. What kind of Mrs. Wang has she never seen?But she had never seen Mrs. Wang who was so quiet at this moment, with very empty eyes.With a trembling voice, she called softly, "Madam? Madam?"

But Mrs. Wang didn't seem to have heard it, she was still standing there, shedding tears silently, or it can be said that at this moment, Mrs. Wang, if you don't test her breath, I'm afraid that the tears will still come out. Move, nothing else.

Seeing this, Zhou Rui's family frowned, boldly, they wanted to help Mrs. Wang to lie down on the couch, or sit on a chair, which would be very good.

Zhou Rui's family thought that there would be many difficulties, and they would be slapped by Mrs. Wang, but Zhou Rui's family did not expect that when he went to help Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Wang did not resist, and moved back with her strength. on the couch.She helped Mrs. Wang to lie down, but Mrs. Wang didn't respond, and she lay down along with her.

Zhou Rui's family took off the hairpin for her, but Mrs. Wang didn't respond. She took off her shoes and socks, but Mrs. Wang remained motionless, with her left hand still touching her cheek.Zhou Rui's family could naturally see that it was a slap. Thinking of Jia Zheng who was furious just now, it is not difficult to guess who slapped Mrs. Wang.

If it was usual, Zhou Rui's family would definitely feel happy in their hearts, but for some reason today, seeing Mrs. Wang like this, she felt blocked in her heart, an indescribable feeling.

Before Jia Baoyu had time to eat lunch, he followed Jia Zheng and left the Huang's mansion. When he returned to the mansion, he locked himself in the study.Jia Zheng just felt ashamed to meet people, so he ignored him and went straight to Mrs. Wang's house.

If Jia Lian hadn't come out of Mrs. Jia's room, she had confessed to Wang Xifeng, and then went to Jia Baoyu's study outside. I'm afraid no one would know that Jia Baoyu had shut herself up in the study for a whole afternoon, even at noon. Meal and dinner have never been used.

Carrying the food box in his hand, Long Er followed Jia Lian to the outside of Jia Baoyu's study. Seeing the darkness, he couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Master, is there no one there?" Jia Lian stopped and turned to look at Long Er. With a glance, he stretched out his hand to take the food box, but ordered: "Go and watch outside the yard, and no one is allowed to come in without the master's order."

After Jia Lian finished speaking, without looking at Long'er, he went straight up the steps and pushed open Jia Baoyu's study door with one hand.

Hearing the noise, Jia Baoyu looked up. Jia Lian was standing at the door under the moonlight.Instead, Jia Lian stepped forward and grabbed him.

Jia Baoyu smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, I've been sitting for a long time." Jia Lian didn't say anything good, put the food box in his hand on the table, reached out and picked up the torch and lit the candlestick. precious jade.

Seeing that Jia Baoyu was a little embarrassed under his gaze, Jia Lian smiled self-deprecatingly, and said, "Haven't you eaten yet? Sit down and eat something." As he spoke, he opened the food box, took out four small dishes, and one Jug of wine.

Jia Baoyu sat down as he said, but saw that Jia Lian had brought out the wine, and looked at Jia Lian with some puzzlement. Jia Lian ignored him and said to himself: "It seems that we brothers have never drank. Let's have a drink together." He shared the bowl and chopsticks with Jia Baoyu, and sat down by himself.

Seeing the unremarkable but piping hot four side dishes on the table, Jia Baoyu knew that Jia Lian had bought them from outside, so he couldn't help being moved.Then he raised his eyes and looked at the cousin in front of him whom he was very familiar with, but he hadn't dealt with much, or he had never met before, Jia Baoyu couldn't express how he felt in his heart for a while.

I didn't think much of it before, but in the past two years, Jia Baoyu has been in contact with outsiders more and more, and he also understands that it is very inappropriate for his parents to occupy the magpie's nest in Jia's mansion, but he has no right to speak, and these things are not He can manage it, so he doesn't have to face the people in Dafang.But sitting face to face with Jia Lian today, Jia Baoyu felt very embarrassed.

Jia Lian didn't know what was going on in Jia Baoyu's mind, and he didn't want to know. He didn't come here to discuss this with Jia Baoyu.

Jia Lian didn't look at Jia Baoyu, didn't even say a word, just silently filled a glass for himself and Jia Baoyu, raised the glasses, and swallowed.Seeing this, Jia Baoyu hurriedly picked up the cup and swallowed it in one gulp, but then he coughed uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Jia Lian laughed sullenly, got up and turned behind Jia Baoyu, patted Jia Baoyu's back, and said softly, "Slow down, order first." Sit back again.

This time around, the invisible awkward atmosphere between the two brothers seems to have dissipated a lot. Jia Lian asked after some consideration: "How are you learning the Four Books and Five Classics now? Have you ever thought about giving it a try? Have you ever thought about it?" Not too young, when I got off the court for the first time, I was not as old as you."

(End of this chapter)

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