Chapter 320

I would like to thank Jianqi Lingtian and Kuyu Baby for their rewards and encouragement!


This time around, the invisible awkward atmosphere between the two brothers seems to have dissipated a lot. Jia Lian asked after some consideration: "How are you learning the Four Books and Five Classics now? Have you ever thought about giving it a try? Have you ever thought about it?" Not too young, when I got off the court for the first time, I was not as old as you."

Hearing Jia Lian's question, Jia Baoyu raised his eyes to look at Jia Lian, but seeing Jia Lian staring at him fixedly, he couldn't help lowering his head in a evasive manner, hesitated for a long time, and then Jia Baoyu replied in a low voice: "No."

Although Jia Baoyu said that he no longer said stupid things because he had seen the world, but he was still not interested in the imperial examination, but he was more and more fond of calligraphy.

Jia Lian didn't say anything when he heard Jia Baoyu's answer, but still looked at him.Seeing this, Jia Baoyu couldn't help being a little nervous, but he didn't know what to say, and he didn't know whether it was because of the wine or something else, the fire was scorching hot.

Jia Lian took a deep breath before frowning and asked: "You are not young now, you can't just stay in the mansion like this, you must have a plan, right? For the future, for yourself." Jia Lian's voice was very soft, but In Jia Baoyu's ears, it was like thunder rolling from the sky.

Jia Baoyu couldn't help holding the wine glass, a little lost in thought.Looking back carefully from my birth to the present, after all these years, it seems that my life has no goal, and I can't help but feel a little dazed.

Jia Lian didn't urge him either, but ate and drank wine on his own.But Baoyu fell into deep thought. This was the first time he had really thought deeply about himself and life when he grew up.I remember the last time I locked myself in the study, thinking more, it seems...

Thinking of his father, mother, and Daiyu, Jia Baoyu couldn't help but think of what happened in Huangfu at noon, and Jia Baoyu blushed even more.He looked up at Jia Lian secretly, but he was relieved to find that Jia Lian didn't look at him.

Jia Baoyu thought for a while and said: "I have been practicing calligraphy with my master for the past two years. The master said that I have made great progress. A few days ago, I sold some calligraphy for me and got some silver taels..." Speaking of this, Jia Baoyu Baoyu didn't know what he wanted to say, so he couldn't help but stop.

However, Jia Lian raised his eyebrows and looked at Jia Baoyu, his eyes were filled with approval and doubts.Seeing this, Jia Baoyu smiled awkwardly, but didn't know what to say.

Jia Lian suddenly changed the subject and said, "Have you thought about studying hard for two years? Although you are not young now, you are still very young." Jia Baoyu didn't understand what Jia Lian meant, so he looked at Jia Lian fixedly. .

Seeing this, Jia Lian shook his head and smiled, picked up a piece of beef brisket, put it in Jia Baoyu's bowl, and then said softly: "If you want, I can help you get a place in the Imperial College. You can go in and study well, and we brothers will also be in the same place in the future." It counts as a support." At this point, Jia Lian paused before continuing: "It's not for anything else, it's for the sisters, and it should be the same."

Jia Lian's words made Jia Baoyu a little overwhelmed. He never thought about what would happen to the sisters. Perhaps he had secretly prayed that the sisters would be together and never be separated.But now...Jia Baoyu understood that the sisters grew up, and they would leave the cabinet sooner or later... Without hesitating for a long time, Jia Baoyu nodded lightly.

Seeing that Jia Baoyu nodded so quickly, Jia Lian couldn't help asking, "But you think it through?" Jia Baoyu looked up at Jia Lian, took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "I understand what Lian's second brother means. No. Dare to say anything else, I will do my best.”

After finishing speaking, Jia Baoyu frowned and lowered his head, looking preoccupied.Jia Lian raised her eyebrows and smiled, but said nothing more, and just ate quietly with Jia Baoyu.

Of course Daiyu didn't know this, she was extremely exhausted when she returned to Nuanxiangwu, seeing this, Zhixuan wanted to fetch some hot water for Daiyu to take a bath, but Daiyu stopped her.Daiyu smiled and said, "The hot water should be cold after being brought from the big kitchen outside. It's not that troublesome, just wash it up." Zhixuan thought she was in Jia's mansion now, so she could only let it go with a sigh.

Although Mother Tang saw everything in her eyes, she didn't say much, but Shinan said quickly: "The girl came to this mansion to suffer? It's not even convenient to take a bath." After finishing speaking, she stomped her feet before turning around. Go out and fetch hot water.Seeing this, Daiyu just shook her head and smiled, after all, she was in someone else's home, how could she be so casual?
Jia Lian and Jia Baoyu didn't say anything about what happened to Jia Zheng in the Huangfu, but neither did Jia Lian, even Wang Xifeng.The girls who were locked up in the mansion naturally couldn't know, but they couldn't keep those guests from the Huang's mansion, and the news spread, and it was about Daiyu, and soon it was widely circulated, even the servants of Jia's mansion heard the news.

Nanny Lai hadn't been in the mansion for a long time, but after Lai Shangrong told Nanny Lai about this as a joke, Nanny Lai still couldn't hold back and went into Jia's mansion in person.

When Nanny Lai entered the mansion, Mrs. Jia was sitting with Tanchun Xichun and Daiyu talking and joking. When she heard that Nanny Lai had come, Mrs. Jia was very happy, but when Nanny Lai entered the house, she saw the girl They all surrounded Mrs. Jia, especially Daiyu, who was also on the spot, and they didn't know what to do.

Seeing Nanny Lai's expression, Mrs. Jia couldn't understand, the smile on her face disappeared immediately, and even her eyes became sharper.

Old lady Jia stared at Nanny Lai in silence for a moment, then turned her head and smiled at Daiyu and the others, "Go and play first." Both Tanchun and Xichun looked at Daiyu.

Daiyu knew that Nanny Lai had something to tell Mrs. Jia, but Mrs. Jia didn't want to let herself and others know, so she got up and smiled at Xichun and the others: "It's been a while since I've painted, why don't I paint some more?" It’s pretty.” He shook Old Madam Jia’s arm and said, “I’ll show it to my grandma to judge which one is better, and the first grandma will be rewarded.”

Old lady Jia nodded with a smile and said: "Okay, since it is a pattern, I will take out a piece of material and cover it. When you finish the painting, let's open it and see whose pattern matches this material best. Who will reward this material, how about you?"

Tanchun thought it would be nice to be able to get a piece of cloth for nothing, but Xichun didn't care, since she could paint with Daiyu anyway, she was interested in painting anything.Seeing this, Daiyu left with Tanchun Xichun and their maidservants.

Seeing Daiyu and others leaving, Old Madam Jia immediately put away the smile on her face, stared at Nanny Lai with eagle-like eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

Nanny Lai looked at Yuanyang, but Yuanyang stood behind Mrs. Jia with a low eyebrow and did not move, but Mrs. Jia kept staring at Nanny Lai closely.Seeing this, Nanny Lai took a few steps forward, approached Mrs. Jia, and taught Mrs. Jia what Lai Shangrong said when she came back.

Mrs. Jia was so angry that she was half dead after listening to it, and asked sharply, "This happened yesterday?" Nanny Lai nodded and said, "Listen to my eldest grandson, it was Huang Dashi who happened yesterday." About the wedding banquet."

Old Madam Jia frowned, pondered for a moment and asked, "Which people in our residence went to the wedding banquet of Master Huang yesterday? Why didn't anyone tell me about this?"

Yuanyang knew that Mrs. Jia was asking herself this question, so she bowed slightly and replied in a low voice, "I don't know about this servant either, I just know that Miss Lin went with Lian's second master, Lian's second grandma. Look at the way they looked last night. My wife should have gone too, but it doesn't look like something went wrong."

Old lady Jia nodded, and ordered: "Go and call your second wife!" Yuanyang didn't have to go in person, she went to the door and ordered her own maid to go to Rongxi Hall to call Mrs. Wang. For a while, it was not Mrs. Wang who came, but the lady in charge of Mrs. Wang's side, from Zhou Rui's family.

Seeing this, Mrs. Jia suppressed the anger in her heart, and asked in a deep voice: "Where is your wife? Do you want me to invite you in person?" .

Although Zhou Rui's family was extremely nervous, they still had the guts to reply, weeping and mourning: "Yesterday, my wife went back from the old lady's house. She was fine, but I don't know what happened after entering the house. The servant saw the master was very angry. After leaving, I didn't dare to ask, but when I entered the house, I saw my wife didn't know about personnel affairs, now..."

Zhou Rui's family was a bit speechless, ever since she entered the house and saw Mrs. Wang like that, Mrs. Wang has been silent.At first, she covered her face and shed tears, but in the second half of the night, she no longer shed tears.

Zhou Rui's family was very sleepy this morning, I couldn't hold it back for a while, and dozed off for a while. When I woke up, Mrs. Wang's hand covering her face had been put down. He stared blankly at the top of the tent, not sure if he was awake or asleep...

When Zhou Rui's family saw the situation, they were taken aback. They held their breath and went forward to check Mrs. Wang's breathing. Seeing that she was still alive, Zhou Rui's family sat down on the ground, but the clothes on their backs were soaked in sweat. up.

After waiting for another half a day, Zhou Rui's family saw Mrs. Wang still looked the same. They didn't even know whether it was because of their heart or if it was true. Zhou Rui's family felt that Mrs. Wang's face was gray and pale, which was scary just looking at it.At Zhou Rui's house, I didn't know what to do, and when I was hesitating whether to invite a doctor to take a look at it, the person sent by Mrs. Jia also arrived.

Mrs. Jia saw that Zhou Rui's family was hesitating for a long time and couldn't explain the reason, so she couldn't help but said angrily: "Go! Go again and someone invited the second wife to come here!" Mrs. Jia's words frightened Zhou Rui's family. The wife wanted to send someone there, so she couldn't help crying: "Old lady, you have to save our wife!"

As soon as this remark came out, Mrs. Jia was stunned. What did you say?Mrs. Jia thought she heard it wrong, but she saw Zhou Rui's family kneeling on the ground, wiping away tears with their heads down.

Mrs. Jia took two deep breaths, then calmed down, frowned and said, "Speak carefully, what's wrong with your wife?"

(End of this chapter)

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