Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 321 My wife is not good

Chapter 321 My wife is not good

Thanks to mizhuomm for the monthly ticket support O(∩_∩)O~The moon is sixteen circles on the fifteenth day. I wonder how many relatives can see the moon tonight?Here at Gujing’s house, I didn’t see you yesterday, but tonight there is great hope~

Zhou Rui's family couldn't hide what they had seen, and besides, I really couldn't decide to pay attention. Now that Mrs. Jia came forward, it would be great, so Zhou Rui's family no longer concealed it. Mrs. Wang's situation and the current situation were discussed in detail with Mrs. Jia.

Old lady Jia felt bad just listening to it!He hurriedly got up and said, "Quick! Let's go and have a look."

All of a sudden, everyone inside and outside the house started to act. After all, Mrs. Jia is old and rarely walks when going out, and now she is anxious. Yuanyang is afraid that Mrs. Jia will do something badly, so she glared at Zhou Rui's family. After one glance, he hurriedly ordered someone to lift his shoulders and come over.

The woman carrying the shoulders also knew that there was no delay at this time, and carried the old lady Jia towards Rongxi Hall like flying.

Mrs. Jia entered the room and saw that Mrs. Wang was still wearing the sweater she had when she came to her room last night. There were many folds on the shirt, and something was dyed on the breast, leaving a circle around it. imprint.

Taking a closer look, Mrs. Wang's hair is disheveled, her face is gray, her eyes are staring blankly at the top of the tent. Although Mrs. Wang's lips have been soaked by Zhou Rui's family, they are already dry and cracked.

Mrs. Jia saw a thin quilt on Mrs. Wang's waist, which must have been put on by Mrs. Zhou Rui's family. She nodded secretly, and reached out to touch Mrs. Wang's hand, but she took it back abruptly.Mrs. Jia found that Mrs. Wang was not only unresponsive, but even her hands were cold and stiff.

Mrs. Jia was startled, and ordered Yuanyang to check her breath again.Seeing this, Yuanyang was also extremely frightened, but she still bravely stepped forward to try it out, then heaved a sigh of relief and nodded to Old Madam Jia.Old lady Jia frowned immediately, this situation is more serious than what Zhou Rui's family said!
The old lady Jia pondered for a moment and then asked: "Are you called a doctor?" Zhou Rui's family shook his head and said: "I don't dare to make decisions on my own, so I ask the old lady to save our wife." Saying that, Zhou Rui's family knelt down to the old lady Jia down.

Zhou Rui's family knew very well that if the second wife failed, he would still have to live in Jia's mansion. If he could make a good image in front of the old lady at this moment, it would be beneficial to him in the future. If the second wife woke up Well, knowing that I am doing this for her is also indispensable for my own benefit.

Seeing Zhou Rui's family like this, Old Madam Jia nodded and comforted her: "You are good, get up, first order someone to take the mansion's sign and invite the imperial physician."

The members of Zhou Rui's family hurriedly nodded and took orders, leaving only Mrs. Jia and her party in Mrs. Wang's room.Caiyun and Caixia, who huddled by the door and did not dare to get close, looked in the eyes of Mrs. Jia, but they were not a little worse than those of Zhou Rui's family.

Who can hide such a big commotion from Mrs. Jia's side?Wang Xifeng received the news early in the morning, she was very surprised, and hurriedly dressed up and rushed over.

Seeing Wang Xifeng enter the room, old lady Jia nodded and said, "You're here too, come and see, it's your aunt." Wang Xifeng didn't know what happened yesterday, but seeing Mrs. Wang's behavior Unknowingly lying on the bed, but the bottom of my heart is an indescribable pleasure.

Wang Xifeng didn't show it on the face, but he was laughing wildly in his heart: You also have today?You have today too! ! !This is retribution!retribution!It's your retribution for killing my son!

Thinking of the child who died before birth, Wang Xifeng stared at Mrs. Wang's face on the couch, her eyes were red, her body was trembling uncontrollably, and her fists were tightly clenched.Seeing this, Mrs. Jia nodded silently, and said to herself: After all, it is a family of flesh and blood, no matter how big it is, nothing can be difficult.

The news spread quickly, before the imperial physician arrived, everyone in the Jia family got the news.When Jia Zheng heard about it, he was stunned immediately, wondering why he said it was not good yesterday when he was fine yesterday?

Although Jia Zheng was annoyed because Madam Wang asked him to propose marriage to Daiyu to Huang Jiyun for Baoyu, which made him humiliated and humiliated, he never thought of Madam Wang's death!At this time, I suddenly heard that Mrs. Wang was dying, and I suddenly felt empty and unspeakably uncomfortable.

When Aunt Zhao, who had been suppressed by Mrs. Wang, got the news, she almost set off a firecracker to celebrate, and she felt indescribably refreshed, even more so than Wang Xifeng.

Aunt Zhao closed the door, quietly pulled out the cage hidden under the bed, took out a small doll with Mrs. Wang's birthday written on it, took off her shoes, and slapped it hard.

While patting, Aunt Zhao couldn't stop chanting: "Beat the villain, beat the villain!"I beat you to death!I beat you to death!Xu Shi has been suppressed for a long time, and at this moment, Aunt Zhao looks so crazy.

Recently, Jia Huan has been detained by Tanchun to study in Qiushuangzhai, and it was the same today, but the book servant suddenly came in and said something in Tanchun's ear, and Tanchun left in a hurry.

Jia Huan couldn't help being curious, and ordered someone to inquire, but he got the news that Mrs. Wang was dying.Seeing that Tanchun was not there, he also slipped out, ready to report the good news to Aunt Zhao, but she couldn't open the door of Aunt Zhao's room, so she couldn't help but raise her voice, "Mom! Open the door quickly, I have something to do." Let me tell you."

When Aunt Zhao suddenly heard Jia Huan's voice, she panicked for a moment, and hurriedly stuffed the little person with Mrs. Wang's birth date under the bed together with the cage, before she had time to put on her shoes, and just ran like that Go and open the door.

Seeing that Aunt Zhao opened the door, Jia Huan was about to tell Aunt Zhao the happy news, but before she could speak, Aunt Zhao scolded her: "You bastard, you want to scare me to death?"

While talking, Aunt Zhao looked behind Jia Huan and saw that there was no one else. She breathed a sigh of relief and asked doubtfully, "Didn't you go to the garden to read the Lao Shizi book? Why did you come back? But Then the heartless one doesn't care about you anymore?" He said and twisted Jia Huan's ears.

Jia Huan was in pain and kept dodging, and then suddenly noticed that Aunt Zhao was not only scattered, but also only wore one shoe.

Jia Huan couldn't help asking: "Mother, what's going on? Why do you look like this?" Aunt Zhao became even more angry when she heard that: "What does my old lady look like? Tell me, what does my old lady look like?" Already?" The voice was getting louder and louder, and the hand that twisted Jia Huan's ear didn't seem to relax a bit.

Jia Huan knew that he had said something wrong, so he quickly changed his words: "Mother, mother! I have something to tell you. It's a good thing, a very good thing!"

Hearing what Jia Huan said, Aunt Zhao let go of Jia Huan's ear, looked Jia Huan up and down, and asked in disbelief: "Tell me, what good things can you do? It's a great good thing." What!" When he lowered his head, he saw that Jia Huan was wearing a pair of new shoes, and he couldn't help but raised his chin and asked, "Who gave you these shoes?"

Jia Huan was about to talk about Mrs. Wang, but when she heard Aunt Zhao's question, she also lowered her head and looked at the shoes. The powder-soled black cloth boots fit very comfortably on her feet, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously brought out With a smile, he nodded and said, "Well, my sister made it for me." When it was over, Jia Huan asked again, "Isn't it pretty?"

Seeing Jia Huan like that, Aunt Zhao was actually heartbroken, but she pretended to be disdainful and said, "Look at your good idea! They bought you for making you a pair of shoes?" Said: "I don't even look at how many things she has made for that baby lump."

Hearing what Aunt Zhao said, the joy in Jia Huan's heart suddenly stopped, and she felt that she couldn't express it, and she was depressed, but she didn't know what to say.I had to look down at the boots on my feet.

Seeing this, Aunt Zhao sighed, reached out and tapped Jia Huan's head, pulled him into the room, and asked, "Didn't you say you have something good to tell your mother? Why don't you tell me soon?"

Jia Huan looked up and was stunned for a moment before remembering that he came here just to tell mother about the second wife?Then he lowered his voice, and said with a mysterious smile: "Mother, you don't know, don't you? The one in the room in front, can't do it!"

After speaking, Jia Huan looked at Aunt Zhao with a smile in her eyes, waiting for Aunt Zhao to praise him.But who knows, Aunt Zhao spat at him after hearing this and said, "What good news do I take! But he's dead? He hasn't died yet, what good news can he say?" Then she went looking for shoes on her own.

Jia Huan failed to please Aunt Zhao, so she couldn't help feeling a little guilty. Seeing Aunt Zhao was looking for shoes, she hurriedly squatted down to wipe Aunt Zhao's shoes.When Aunt Zhao saw Jia Huan's hand stretched under the bed, she panicked and was about to pull Jia Huan up when she heard Jia Huan say suspiciously: "Mother, something is holding your shoe down."

After Jia Huan finished speaking, he turned his head, and Aunt Zhao's voice sounded at this moment: "Get up quickly, what kind of shoes are you looking for me?"

But Jia Huan was already in a daze, as if he didn't hear Aunt Zhao's words, staring directly under the bed.Aunt Zhao panicked and wanted to pull Jia Huan to get up, but Jia Huan raised her head, looked at Aunt Zhao with disbelief in her eyes, and asked, "Mother, what is that?"

Seeing that Aunt Zhao didn't answer, Jia Huan stretched out her hand and pulled out the cage. Of course, they came out together, except for the cage that hadn't been closed and half of a small person was exposed outside, and Aunt Zhao's embroidered shoes... …

Aunt Zhao looked at the cage dragged out by Jia Huan, she was also stunned, her eyes dodged, she didn't dare to look at Jia Huan, especially she didn't dare to face the disbelief on Jia Huan's face.

Jia Huan squatted for a while, seemed to have calmed down, got up hurriedly and went to the door. Aunt Zhao became anxious when she saw it, and pulled Jia Huan by half of her sleeve and shouted: "You have to learn from the heartless, Lian Niang!" Don’t you even recognize it?” Seeing that Jia Huan ignored her, Aunt Zhao shouted with tears, “Who am I doing this for?” After speaking, she burst into tears...

(End of this chapter)

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