Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 322 Maintenance

Chapter 322 Maintenance
Jia Huan looked back and saw Aunt Zhao like that, sighed, turned around and covered Aunt Zhao's mouth, and said in a low voice, "Mother! Do you want everyone to know?" After Aunt Zhao's tugging, she quickly went to the door.

Just when Aunt Zhao thought Jia Huan was going to inform her, Jia Huan stood at the door and looked around. Seeing no one around, Fang quickly closed the door and locked it from the inside.After doing all this, Jia Huan seemed to lose all his strength, and slid on the ground with his back against the door.

Aunt Zhao stared blankly at Jia Huan after all this, and there was a sparkle in the corner of her eyes, but it disappeared quickly.

Jia Huan looked at Aunt Zhao who was still stepping on the ground with disheveled hair, took two deep breaths, and tentatively asked in a low voice, "Mother, who else knows about this?" Aunt Zhao shook her head, Staring at Jia Huan, he said, "Who else can there be except you, a daredevil?"

After hearing Aunt Zhao's words, Jia Huanfang was really relieved, stood up, wandered around the room twice, returned to the couch, bent down and took out the little man in the cage.

The little man was very rough, just two pieces of gray linen stitched together, not to mention the nose and eyes, if it wasn't for the birth date written on it, no one would have guessed that this is a little man!

Jia Huan picked up the little man and stuffed it into the skirt of his clothes without thinking. Aunt Zhao became anxious when she saw this, she stepped forward and grabbed Jia Huan's hand and asked, "What are you doing?" Jia Huan Glancing at Aunt Zhao, she said angrily, "Mother, do you know that my wife's life or death is uncertain now, if this thing is discovered, you will be finished! We are all finished!"

When Aunt Zhao heard what Jia Huan said, she pursed her lips and said with a sneer, "It's better to die! Our mother and I will only come out after death!" Jia Huan suddenly found that many things about this mother in front of her really didn't make sense , So he stopped explaining, stuffed the little man and walked to the door.

Aunt Zhao grabbed Jia Huan and asked sharply, "Where are you going? Put your things down for me!" Jia Huan just ignored Aunt Zhao, but Aunt Zhao was determined not to. Let go, and the mother and son will inevitably fight, and no one can compete with the other.

Finally, Jia Huan flung the little man out of his arms in a fit of anger, threw the little man on the ground, and growled, "You're going to kill yourself!" Just about to bend down to pick up the little man, he heard Jia Huan crying.

Aunt Zhao, who was originally not very good-natured, suddenly became angry. She picked up the little man and knocked Jia Huan on the head, cursing incessantly: "You prodigal bastard! Do you know that this thing cost money?" How much money is my old lady! Huh? You are worthless, you will cry, what else can you do besides cry?"

When Aunt Zhao was scolding happily, there was an unexpected knock on the door.Aunt Zhao turned pale with fright, reached out her hand to grab Jia Huan, turned around and walked behind Jia Huan, trembling and whispering, "What should I do?"

Jia Huan was also stunned at this time, he was only a child of twelve or thirteen years old, how could he know what to do?That complexion is no better than Aunt Zhao's.

While Jia Huan was hesitating and Aunt Zhao was trembling, knocks on the door kept ringing.Jia Huan stabilized his mind, and asked in a low voice: "Mother, who is here at this time on weekdays?" Aunt Zhao gave Jia Huan a white look, and said angrily, "Where does anyone come to my house on weekdays? "

Jia Huan thought about it for a while, and she seemed to be the same, she couldn't help being even more frightened, and thought: Could it be that this matter of Fei Niang has been exposed?What can I do?
Jia Huan was worried, and sweat was profuse on his forehead. When he looked down, he saw Aunt Zhao holding her own arm, and also pulling the little man's arm. Ask who is outside the door.He heard the person outside the door sternly say: "Jia Huan! You still don't open the door for me!"

For some reason, although the people outside the door sounded fierce, Jia Huan inexplicably felt a lot more at ease, but Aunt Zhao's face turned pale in an instant.While breaking Aunt Zhao's hand, Jia Huan walked towards the door and replied, "Sister, here we come!"

It was Tanchun who came. In fact, Tanchun has been here for a while. Standing outside the door and listening to the dispute between Aunt Zhao and Jia Huan inside, Tanchun turned pale with fright, and hurriedly sent back the servant behind him.

Had it not been for Tanchun to go back and find Jia Huan slipping away, I am afraid that this matter would not have been exposed, but at this time, Tanchun couldn't help but think about it.After Jia Huan responded, Tanchun waited for a long time before Jia Huan carefully opened a crack in the door. Seeing that there was only Tanchun outside the door, he asked carefully, "Why are you alone?"

Tanchun glared at Jia Huan angrily, pushed the door open, and then closed it with his backhand, Tanchun was already standing in the room.

Staring into Jia Huan's eyes, Tanchun stretched out his hand, and said in a cold voice, "Take out the things!" Jia Huan was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Tanchun to know about it, so he said, "Sister, sister, listen to me... ..." Before Jia Huan finished speaking, Tanchun stopped looking at him, walked up to Aunt Zhao, stared at her coldly and said, "Take out the things!"

Aunt Zhao was furious when she saw this, she pointed at Tanchun and shouted, "You heartless bastard, you crawled out of my mother's stomach!"

Tanchun closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said, "If you weren't my mother, I wouldn't bother with you!" This was the first time Tanchun admitted in front of Aunt Zhao in so many years that she was her own mother.

When Aunt Zhao's words came to her lips, she couldn't help being choked in her throat, unable to swallow or spit them out.Even Jia Huan gets along with Tanchun a lot these days, and calls her "sister" in his mouth, but he also thinks in his heart that Tanchun is not the same as them.

Tanchun's eyes were slightly red, and he frowned and asked again: "Can you take it out? It's a terrible thing!"

Jia Huan gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "What are you using it for? If someone finds out, it's troublesome for you to be different?" Trouble?More than trouble!If someone really found out, especially at this juncture, Tanchun's life might be over.

But Tanchun didn't say anything, just stared into Aunt Zhao's eyes and asked again: "I'll ask for the last time, can you take it out? If you don't take it out, I'll call someone!"

Jia Huan's heart tightened, unexpectedly Tanchun planned to call someone!Aunt Zhao also felt a chill in her heart, the touch when Tanchun admitted that she was her biological mother just now disappeared.Aunt Zhao stared at Tanchun and sneered, "You are calling people! You are calling! You are a dignified third lady, of course you can call people. We are nothing but slaves, and we live in the way of your eyes!"

Aunt Zhao's words were almost yelling, and Tanchun also froze on the spot, not knowing what to do for a while.

At this moment, the waiter went and came back, and hurried in. Without looking at Aunt Zhao and Jia Huan, he stood beside Tanchun and whispered, "Girl, Miss Lin, come this way." Here we go, what should we do?"

What the servant said surprised Tanchun, and he didn't know what to do for a while.Not to mention Aunt Zhao and Jia Huan, who had already panicked when the servants entered the house.

When the four of them were frowning, Daiyu's voice sounded by the door.I only heard Daiyu laughing and saying: "It's so lively, I didn't want to come here, but I have something to discuss with Sister Tanchun." After speaking, Daiyu walked in gracefully.

Looking at Daiyu, Tanchun opened his mouth, but was speechless for a moment.Aunt Zhao looked at Daiyu with evasive eyes, and even her psychology was extremely complicated.Over the years, every time Daiyu gave gifts to the brothers in the Jia family, she never missed Jia Huan's gift, but she never gave her own.

She didn't know what kind of attitude Daiyu had, so she was even more afraid to speak.But Daiyu didn't even look at Aunt Zhao, turned her head to Jia Huan and said with a smile: "Before I heard that the third sister was teaching Brother Huan's homework, and you thought you were hiding in Qiushuangzhai. Ask, Brother Huan slipped away first, and Tanchun chased him out, what's going on now?"

Seeing that Aunt Zhao and Jia Huan were silent, and unable to guess what Daiyu meant, Tanchun also stood there silently.

Daiyu shook her head, and said with a smile to the servant: "The servant went to see where that girl Xueyan was. My silk was dirty just now, and I asked her to fetch the clean one, but I haven't come here yet. Don't go astray." The secretary looked at Tanchun, but didn't dare to go out.Tanchun frowned and thought about it, then nodded lightly.

After the servant went out, Tanchun walked up to Daiyu as if he was going all out, looked at Daiyu steadily, and asked softly, "Sister Lin, will you help us?" Tanchun asked very uncertainly.Daiyu sighed, looked at Jia Huan, who had her head down and clenched her fists, and glanced at Aunt Zhao.

Daiyu laughed and said, "Let me guess, it must be Brother Huan who made Sister Tanchun so nervous, right?"

Hearing what Daiyu said, Aunt Zhao panicked immediately, and rushed forward to make amends, laughing, "What did Miss Lin say? Huan'er just came to see the servants." Don't look at Aunt Zhao's domineering in front of Tanchun. , but in front of Daiyu, she didn't dare to go beyond the slightest bit, and she was very careful when speaking.

Daiyu raised her eyebrows, tilted her head to look at Tanchun, and asked with a smile, "Then Brother Huan caused trouble? Or should I come and see Aunt Zhao? Or..." Daiyu turned her head when she said this Looking at Aunt Zhao, she asked, "It's Aunt Zhao, what trouble did you cause?"

Aunt Zhao was startled, and she couldn't help showing a look on her face.Seeing this, Tanchun was about to speak, but Jia Huan hurriedly said, "My mother didn't cause any trouble!" Then he lowered his head, not knowing what to say.

Seeing this, Daiyu finally sighed, looked at Tanchun and said, "I don't know you, or what they did, but I know one thing, that is, they don't believe you." Tanchun opened his mouth , but didn't say anything, but heard Daiyu continue to laugh: "But you are protecting each other."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she didn't say any more, turned around and walked towards the door. When she got to the door, she turned her head and smiled casually, "By the way, I'm here to see Sister Tanchun for something. If you are free, come and find me in my room." Then he stepped out of the gate.Standing outside the gate, he muttered: "Why hasn't this snow goose come yet? Could it be that he really lost his way? Even the waiter didn't know where he went."

Aunt Zhao was still a little confused, but Tanchun had tears in her eyes, looked at Jia Huan and said softly: "I am your sister, can I still harm you?"

It's rare that Aunt Zhao didn't say anything. Jia Huan thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "How convenient is it for you, a boudoir girl? I'm going out of the house right away, and I'll deal with this thing as far away as possible." Tanchun seemed Suddenly he found that Jia Huan had grown up, and looked at Jia Huan in disbelief.

Aunt Zhao murmured: "My 50 taels of silver..." But Jia Huan ignored her, only looked at Tanchun, and still asked uncomfortably: "Are you looking at Mother here, or... ...?"

Tanchun first gave Aunt Zhao a blank look, and said bitterly: "Auntie really has money!" Then he turned to Jia Huan and said, "Be careful on the road, go back quickly, I'll wait for you here."

Hearing that Tanchun said that he was waiting here, Jia Huan looked at Aunt Zhao with some anxiety, and asked tentatively, "Why don't you go back first?" Tanchun just shook his head.Seeing this, Jia Huan said nothing more, nodded to Tanchun and Aunt Zhao, and left.

(End of this chapter)

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