Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 328 Daiyu Zhangzhuang

Chapter 328 Daiyu Returns to the Manor ([-])

The fourth prince rode his horse to the side of the carriage and asked with a smile: "Yu'er smells so good? But what wish did you make?" Hearing the voice of the fourth prince, Daiyu just took a deep breath, thinking of waiting outside the Muni nunnery. Yes, besides Jia Lian, there is such a prince!
Daiyu naturally couldn't see the earnestness in the fourth prince's eyes, but just thinking of the fourth prince gave her a headache, and she couldn't help closing her eyes tiredly, before replying: "It's just to visit an old friend of Gusu. , and pray for my parents by the way.”

After Daiyu finished speaking in a cold voice, she stopped talking, the eyes of the four princes outside couldn't help but dimmed a little, and the whole person paused, thinking that there were other people in the carriage, so she didn't say anything more, rode the horse and walked ahead .

No one spoke during the journey, it was not like the laughter when he first left Jia's residence, Tanchun couldn't help but feel a little depressed, whispered in Daiyu's ear and asked: "Is the fourth prince looking for sister Lin for something? Hearing this, Daiyu opened her eyes and looked at Tanchun, and replied with a half-smile, "I don't know about that. I don't know what sister Tanchun has..."

Daiyu didn't finish speaking, but Tanchun's face was already red, and Daiyu sighed when she saw this, "This royal daughter-in-law is not so easy to do."

After hearing Daiyu's words, Daiyu closed her eyes again, but Wang Xifeng opened her eyes after hearing Daiyu's words, and asked in a low voice: "Who will be the royal family's daughter-in-law? Tan Chun blushed and shook his head and said, "Where is anyone, listen to sister Lin's nonsense!"

Tan Chun didn't show it on the face, but he was actually a little annoyed in his heart, but he also understood that at this time, he must not be in a stalemate with Dai Yu, so after saying this, he also closed his mouth, tilted his head and leaned against the fence of the car.I don't know how long it took, but when Tanchun was in a daze, like a dream, the carriage stopped, and Madam Tang lifted the curtain of the carriage and called out, "Master, Zhuangzi has arrived."

Hearing the sound, Tanchun also opened his eyes, seeing that Daiyu had got up and was heading out of the carriage, Tanchun quickly stroked his bun and got out of the carriage.

Nanny Sun and Jin'er hadn't seen Daiyu for a few days, and they were a little excited to meet at this time.Grandma Sun asked if she was hungry, and if she wanted to take a bath first, but she didn't know what to do. Seeing this, Daiyu took Grandma Sun's hand and said with a smile, "Sister Tanchun's room has been cleaned up. Alright? Let's take her to wash up first."

Seeing the waiter waiting among Daiyu's servant girls, Daiyu shook her head and smiled, then ignored her, and said to Jin'er: "I have something to do ahead of me, so I will take my sister-in-law to rest first, and I will change my clothes." Let's go to the front first." Jin'er obviously knew about the arrival of His Highness the Fourth Prince, so she asked, "Where is the dinner?"

Seeing this, Daiyu raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Sister-in-law probably has to go back in the evening, so she will put it in the flower hall in the evening. They are all my sisters and brothers, so I will invite my brother to come in and have a meal together."

After Daiyu gave her orders, she walked inside. Linglan, An'er, and Ning'er led Jichun, Xia He, and Lvqing to surround Daiyu, but she didn't say a word. Jin'er told her that she was also busy Arrangement, only Mother Tang and Mother Sun looked at each other and followed with a smile.

Seeing this, Tanchun's eyes were filled with unspeakable envy, but seeing Wang Xifeng staring straight at him, he quickly lowered his head.Follow the waiter to the yard prepared for himself.

Daiyu changed into a stone-blue Kesi shirt, put on a cloud-like bun, and simply inserted a few jade hairpins to fix the bun, then hurriedly led Nanny Tang and Nanny Sun to the front yard. go.As soon as she got to the door of the ceremony, Nanny Tang stubbornly took out her veil to cover half of Daiyu's face, but she didn't know that this made Daiyu's eyes more vivid.

Jia Lian was full of thoughts and sat with the fourth prince in the front hall, not saying much, even the two of them seemed a little awkward.

However, the fourth prince knew that Jia Lian had an unusual relationship with the Lin family, especially remembering that Jia Lian broke into the palace for Lin Ruhai, so his attitude towards him was very gentle. Even today when he was so angry that he whipped someone, he never whipped Jia Lian.However, the fourth prince didn't know that the resentment in Jia Lian's heart was no less than being whipped.

In Jia Lian's heart, Daiyu is a younger sister who is closer than his own sister. Uncles and aunts have been kind to him, but they can't wait for him to repay him, so they go to heaven early. It is unbearable to leave a younger sister like Daiyu now. wronged.

In the past three dynasties of the emperor's eldest grandson, Concubine Qi asked the imperial decree to marry him face to face. If the Holy Majesty agreed, Jia Lian would naturally wait for him today. However, the Holy Majesty refused, and still said that he would marry someone else for the fourth prince.What is the intention of the fourth prince looking for Daiyu at this time?Where do you want to put Daiyu?

As long as Jia Lian thought of these things, his heart felt as if he was burning with oil, but he couldn't do anything, so he couldn't help but quietly squeezed the teacup tightly and clenched his teeth.

Seeing Jia Lian's expression, the fourth prince was unwilling to lower his status to please him. In the eyes of the fourth prince, he was unworthy and unworthy.

Therefore, both of them are holding teacups, thinking about their own thoughts.When Daiyu came in, she saw Jia Lian staring down at the teacup, rubbing the rim of the cup, wondering what he was thinking, while the fourth prince was spinning the teacup back and forth in his hands boredly, playing with it like a wine glass.

Seeing Daiyu come in, both the fourth prince and Jia Lian raised their heads at the same time.Jia Lian seemed hesitant to speak, but the fourth prince's eyes were full of astonishment.Especially Daiyu's azure black tapestry dress, with a halo shining in the backlight, plus Daiyu's face is still covered with a veil at this time, making her look even more hazy and ethereal...

Dai Yu nodded slightly to Wei Wei and said: "Brother has worked hard to treat guests for me." After speaking, she went to the center of the hall and knelt down to salute the fourth prince.Hearing Daiyu's words, the fourth prince was a little embarrassed at first, but when Daiyu came, he was distracted.

As soon as Daiyu squatted down, the fourth prince had already got up and took two steps forward, as if he just remembered that there was Jia Lian next to him, and that there were two nuns behind Daiyu, so he stopped again, his eyes closed He stared at Daiyu closely.It seemed to see through her, but also to remember her firmly.

The fourth prince was engrossed in watching it, but for a moment he forgot to ask Daiyu to get up... Jia Lian was a little annoyed at the sidelines, and put the teacup in his hand heavily on the small table, and with a "bang", he woke up the fourth prince .

Seeing this, the fourth prince also coughed lightly in embarrassment, and hurriedly called out.Daiyu then got up slowly and went to sit down next to Jia Lian.Obviously, Daiyu is sitting here as Jia Lian's younger sister, not a county lord.After the fourth prince was also seated, Dai Yufang looked up at the fourth prince and asked, "I don't know why the fourth prince is looking for me today?"

Daiyu asked straightforward questions, and when she finished, not only Jia Lian looked at him, but also the two nuns behind Daiyu.The fourth prince couldn't help but smiled and said, "What's the matter? Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?"

Not to mention the others, even Daiyu herself was taken aback, she didn't expect the fourth prince to answer like this.The fourth prince reached out to pick up the teacup again, brushed the tea foam lightly twice, glanced at Jia Lian and Madam Tang, and said with a smile: "I heard that the garden on the main Zhuangzi of Yu County is unique, I wonder if it is possible Please let me have a look?"

Seeing this, Daiyu frowned slightly. Even Jia Lian, Aunt Tang and Nanny Sun also had unfriendly expressions on their faces, but they restrained themselves.

Daiyu hung down the only thing left outside the veil, with a pair of eyes that looked like autumn water, she pondered for a moment before she raised her head and smiled and said: "The fourth prince is joking, is there any garden in this world that is comparable to the Imperial Garden?" The prince smiled and said: "Since that's the case, then I wonder if I can ask Lord Yu County to do me a favor, and when will we go for a stroll around the Imperial Garden together?"

Daiyu obviously didn't expect the Fourth Prince to change the subject so quickly, she couldn't help frowning and asked: "Does the Holy One know that His Highness is here? Does Your Majesty know about His Highness's invitation today?"

The fourth prince's eyes pondered for a moment, and Fang said in a very serious voice: "The concubine mother's request is beyond everyone's expectations, but it can be seen that the concubine mother really likes you." The fourth prince said There was a pause here, but seeing that there was no wave in Daiyu's eyes, she couldn't help asking: "You, don't you believe me?"

Not to mention that Daiyu was startled from ear to ear by the fourth prince's words, Jia Lian also stood up abruptly, and Mother Tang behind Daiyu immediately scolded: "Fourth prince! Please be careful! "

But the Fourth Prince ignored the reactions of others.He just stared at Daiyu closely, staring at her for a moment, as if he wanted to find the answer.Daiyu took a deep breath, lowered her head and thought for a while before laughing: "The fourth prince was joking..." Before Daiyu finished speaking, the fourth prince interrupted rudely: "I didn't joke!"

After the fourth prince finished speaking, it seemed as if he had never mentioned any embarrassing topics. He quickly recovered the previous expression on his face, paused and said lightly: "Xiao Wu misses you very much, let me ask , when will you enter the palace and tell him a story." The fourth prince stared at Daiyu with a smile and said, "You promised him."

Daiyu paused, she remembered that she had indeed promised Chengli... Thinking of this, Daiyu couldn't help hesitating, looked at the fourth prince and asked softly, "Your Highness Fifth, how is he?"

The fourth prince raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "You will know if you go and see for yourself?" Daiyu paused, lightly bit the corner of her lips under the veil, then raised her head to look at the fourth prince and said, "Please tell the fourth prince Your Highness Fifth, Lin Hui will go to the palace to see him in a few days."

As soon as Daiyu's words fell, Jia Lian said in a low voice, "Nonsense! Do you know what you're talking about?" It was the first time Daiyu saw Jia Lian angry, especially angry at herself, and unconsciously lowered her head. .

The fourth prince narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Jia Lian. At this moment, the fourth prince realized that this Jia Lian not only had an unusual relationship with the Lin family, it should be said that he had a great influence on the Lin family!He lowered his eyes and thought for a while before he remembered that Jia Lian's master was Huang Jiyun's elder brother... The fourth prince looked at Jia Lian and involuntarily glanced at Daiyu.

Jia Lian had already turned his head at this time, staring at the fourth prince like an eagle, and asked in a cold voice: "May I ask the fourth prince to come today, what is the matter?"

The fourth prince was a little embarrassed when Jia Lian asked him this question, but he still looked at Daiyu without changing his face and said, "I'm also looking forward to the story of County Lord Yu."

As soon as the fourth prince finished speaking, Nanny Tang was already extremely angry. She turned her head and told Nanny Sun very seriously for the first time: "Send the county master back to the backyard!" After finishing speaking, Nanny Tang stood beside the fourth prince and Dai Between the jades, the Fourth Prince was blocked from looking at Daiyu.

The fourth prince stared at Nanny Tang for a while, then turned to look at Jia Lian. Jia Lian looked back at the fourth prince without fear. After a while, the fourth prince sneered: "Today, you hinder me. Don't regret it!" the fourth prince said, shaking his sleeves and walking out.Walking to the door, the fourth prince stopped and said softly: "Xiao Wu, I really miss you."

The fourth prince didn't know that it was not just Jia Lian and Nanny Tang who were angry and anxious, but also the hidden guards sent by the emperor who were hiding in the dark.

Before the fourth prince left, the hidden guard was so surprised that he forgot to react for a while, until the fourth prince walked out of the hall, walked out of Daiyu's Zhuangzi, and rode his horse away, the dark guard finally realized.

The hidden guard did not dare to leave this matter in words, so he rode his horse into the palace by himself, knelt down in the imperial study as the hidden guard, and taught the emperor verbatim what he had seen and heard today. After going through it once, the dark guard himself was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground, touching his forehead to the ground, not daring to move at will.

Standing behind the emperor, Wang Gonggong had countless regrets in his heart, why didn't he withdraw earlier?Why did you stay here?Can others hear these words?The cold sweat on Wang Gonggong's forehead also trickled down his cheeks.

The emperor turned his head slightly and glanced at the prince. He was so frightened that the prince fell on the ground and dared not speak. The emperor sneered, "What? You are all hot?"

The emperor's tone was very light, even with laughter, but both the prince and the hidden guard knew that at this moment, the emperor's mood was absolutely not good.

Seeing that neither of them answered, the emperor threw out the paperweight on the imperial case in a fit of anger. He didn't know whether it was intentional or not. The paperweight wiped the head of the hidden guard and hit him on the shoulder. After snorting, he quickly held back, not daring to make any other noises.

The emperor squinted and stared at the hidden guard for a long time before asking coldly, "Who else knows about this?"

The hidden guard quickly replied: "Besides the lowly position, I'm afraid only Jia She's son of Dengzhou Daotai in Jia's mansion, Yunqi Lieutenant Jia Lian, and the two nuns who are close to Lord Yu know about it."

The emperor nodded after listening, and reconfirmed: "What did that girl say?" The secret guard shook his head and said: "Master Yuxian only said that he will come to the palace for a few days to visit His Royal Highness the fifth prince." The emperor asked again: " How does that girl look?" The dark guard replied: "Master Yu was shocked at first, and then calmed down." Hearing this, the emperor raised his eyebrows and waved the dark guard to retreat.

After the hidden guards withdrew, the emperor said coldly to the prince: "The secret guards in the girl's house can be replaced." Upon hearing this, the prince took a deep breath and quickly responded.

The emperor frowned, thought for a while, and then ordered: "Send this group of people to the northwest." When Wang Gonggong heard that these people were still alive, he couldn't help being a little surprised, but at this moment, he couldn't help thinking about it, so he quickly responded and bowed. backed out.

(End of this chapter)

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