Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 329 Women are not allowed to participate in politics

Chapter 329 Women are not allowed to participate in politics
I'm sorry that I didn't reply to the message yesterday. I have been infusion and it is inconvenient to type.First of all, thanks to: czmindway, sime9, tatacoo, water bird 6088, Calgary native, book friend 130825121341923, yzakrr, Maggirxie Fengwu, nine-day monthly pass support!Thanks to: Qiaoge Muyong, tatacoo, and Xingyueer for their encouragement.Thank you for your continued support and encouragement!Secondly... Gujing remembers that he still owes everyone two chapters, and will try his best to make up for it in the near future.


Jia Jing is Jia She's cousin, so Jia She doesn't have to be a filial piety for him, and besides, he's also on duty, so it's not easy for him to leave his post without authorization.Therefore, after Jia Lian wrote a letter to Jia She, Jia She only wrote the booklet, but did not follow it.Of course, neither Jia Lian nor Jia Amnesty wanted to receive anything else.

How much effort did it take to get Dafang and his family out of the capital?It was a last resort for Jia Lian and his wife to stay in Beijing.Now, Jia Amnesty is flourishing in Dengzhou.

On the bright side, he is just a Daoist, but who wants to offend four kings and eight princes?Who is willing to offend the four great masters who share the same sympathy?

I'm afraid those Shangfeng who gave Jia She the green light all the way, who have been flattering Jia She's colleagues and subordinates, no one knows that Jia Lian not only brought New Year's gifts to Jia She during the Chinese New Year, but also brought a person, a A person specially arranged by the emperor.

Although this person is now with Jia She, he is planning to build the Dengzhou Navy with Jia She.And because of the experience of the king of Erwu County in the south, it is still small-scale, how could the emperor allow Jia She to return to the capital at this time and go to the muddy water?
Everyone in Jia's mansion waited until after Jia Jing Wu Qi, before they received the sacrificial banner sent by Jia She and the letter stating that they were too busy to leave their duties without authorization.

The old lady Jia frowned, but she didn't say anything. The people next to her were all the juniors of Jia She, so naturally they couldn't say anything, and Jia She had a job, so it was reasonable that she couldn't come back, but Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng were very loose. Take a breath.

The fourth prince sat in the pavilion where Daiyu told stories to Chengli before, carelessly playing with the Jun kiln pastel tumbler in his hand, but a storm was brewing in his eyes.The little servant who was waiting on the sidelines bowed his head and stood tremblingly. Anyone could see that the Fourth Prince was in a bad mood.

The fourth prince waited in the palace for a few days, but still did not wait for Daiyu to enter the palace, he couldn't help feeling a little impetuous, and now the fifth prince was sent to the empress's palace by the emperor's decree...

The fourth prince thought about it and stood up suddenly, the servants on the side were shocked. Before he could react, the fourth prince ordered: "Let's go, Jingning Palace."

Looking at the son who was wearing a brocade long gown, wearing a beaded silver belt, and wearing a dragon crown, the kindness in Concubine Qi's eyes overflowed unconsciously, and she said with a smile: "Why is the emperor free to come over today?" Did you see the concubine?"

The fourth prince couldn't help but feel soft when he saw Concubine Qi who was getting thinner after the emperor's eldest grandson went through three dynasties.After taking two steps forward to salute, she smiled awkwardly and said, "Come and see, Mother Concubine is feeling better. By the way, I can ask Mother Concubine for something." Concubine Qi pulled the fourth prince to sit beside her, and looked at the fourth prince. With a handsome face, he said with a smile: "What did the emperor look at in the palace of the concubine?"

The fourth prince looked at the kindness in Concubine Qi's eyes, hesitated for a moment before replying: "I remember that there are a few black lotus plants in the palace of the concubine mother, which are even rare..."

Concubine Qi raised her eyebrows and asked puzzledly: "When did the emperor fall in love with these flowers and plants?" Seeing the hesitation on the face of the fourth prince, she couldn't help but smile and said: "Okay, okay, mother and concubine don't ask the emperor. Son." After finishing speaking, Concubine Qi ordered to the big court lady beside her: "Bring over the few black lotus plants I raised." Hearing what Concubine Qi said, the Fourth Prince hurriedly said: "One plant is fine."

Seeing this, Concubine Qi didn't force herself, she nodded towards the big palace maid, and the palace lady squatted down to salute and turned to leave.

At this time, the fourth prince Fang took out something from his bosom and stuffed it in Concubine Qi's hand, and said with a smile: "Mo Lian, who is not in vain, I got a bunch of good things, and I want to send them to my concubine. On the way Suddenly, I remembered that Mo Lian from my concubine's place asked for one."

Concubine Qi lifted up the object in her hand, and her eyes lit up involuntarily.Eighteen honey-yellow cat's eyes the size of lotus rice are inlaid on the red gold hundred treasure bracelet, especially the light bands in the cat's eyes are actually three. Concubine Qi couldn't help laughing and said: "Where did the emperor get such a good thing?" ?” He said, looking up at the fourth prince.

The fourth prince raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Don't worry about it, anyway, it's my son who honors you. Don't you like the cat's eyes the most? I'll get the yellow-green one tomorrow, and I'll put a necklace on it for my concubine."

Hearing what the fourth prince said, Concubine Qi smiled while rubbing the bracelet in her hand: "Keep good things if you get them, and give them to Miss Dong in the future. Concubine Mother doesn't lack anything here." Mentioning the Miss Dong whom she had never met before, her expression turned cold.He said coldly: "Concubine Mu, don't mention Miss Dong any more."

If it wasn't for that Mo Lian hadn't been brought yet, the fourth prince would have already flung his sleeves and left, and now the one he hates the most is that Miss Dong.Seeing this, Concubine Qi couldn't help being a little anxious, grabbed the fourth prince's arm, and said in a low voice: "There are many good girls in this world. If the emperor doesn't like Miss Dong, she will be the side concubine in the future. Don't do it." ..."

Before Concubine Qi finished speaking, the fourth prince smiled and said: "What the concubine mother said is that it's just a seat, and the emperor wants to give it to Miss Dong, so what's the harm in giving it to her?"

Concubine Qi saw the instant sarcasm in the fourth prince's eyes, and the tenderness in her eyes now, her heart tightened and she was about to speak when Mo Lian had already been brought.

Looking at the fish, insects, flowers and birds, which are carried up by two servants, the white-bottomed blue and white pots, the green and tender lotus leaves are only the size of two palms, and the ones are as big as a fist. The purple-red and black lotus flowers have already bloomed four or five , and several small buds hidden among the lotus leaves.It can be seen that it has been carefully raised, the lotus leaves are thick, and the flowers and leaves are shiny.

When the fourth prince saw Mo Lian, he hurriedly got up, wandered around twice for the vase, and said with a smile: "I have thanked my mother and concubine." After speaking, he called out loudly: "Xiao Haizi!"

He had been with the fourth prince before, but at this time the little servant who was left outside the main hall hurriedly bowed in when he heard the call. After saluting to Concubine Qi, he bowed to the fourth prince again.

The fourth prince was in a good mood at this time, so he smiled and said: "I am looking for two people, so I will carry it carefully." After finishing speaking, the fourth prince looked up at Concubine Qi and said: "Mother and concubine take care of yourself, I have something to do, I will see you later .”

Seeing this, Concubine Qi felt even more worried, and wanted to say something more, but the fourth prince had already stepped out of the palace, and the servant called "Little Haizi" also called two servants over to carry the flower Can, after apologizing to Concubine Qi, hurriedly followed.

When the Fourth Prince took the ink lotus plant obtained from Concubine Qi out of the palace gate and rushed to Daiyu's village, Daiyu and Princess Hanyi drove to the palace in a carriage.

Han Yi took the pink short vest in his hand, looked over and over again, and smiled with eyes full of novelty: "How did Yu'er's head grow? How can she think of everything?" Daiyu laughed and said: "What's the point? If sister Hanyi likes it, she can make a shawl for her later, which is prettier than this one. It's just for keeping warm."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Hanyi became interested, looked up at Daiyu and smiled, "Don't forget, Yuer, I'm waiting for your shawl." After speaking, Hanyi looked at the short vest in his hand He smiled and said, "I don't want this color, make me a pink one."

Daiyu couldn't help laughing with some headaches: "Pink is not necessarily, and now I only make this kind of rose red, there is another kind of beige, and the other is natural taupe." The mouth said: "Then I still want this kind of rose red, look at the festival."

Daiyu and Hanwen entered the palace without paying homage to the queen first. Although this was extremely unruly, they didn't care about it at this time and directly used the plaque that the emperor bestowed on Daiyu. This was Daiyu's first Use once.

The emperor was reviewing papers at first, and when he heard that Daiyu and Hanyi were begging to see him with the signboard of his award, he couldn't help being curious, thought for a while and ordered: "In this case, take them to the Xilang Nuan Pavilion." The prince quickly laughed Go with the lead.

Rose red and beige two short woolen vests were presented in front of the emperor, and Han Yi smiled proudly, "How will Father reward us?"

The emperor looked at Han Yi with raised eyebrows, frowned and asked, "You made this?" Han Yi shook his head and said, "Where can I think of these things? This is made by Yu'er, isn't it good? It's soft, and I heard from Yu'er that it's warmer than a jacket."

The emperor smiled and said: "Since you didn't do it, why should I reward you?" Han Yi pouted and said: "If you don't reward, you won't reward. The emperor must reward Yu'er."

Hearing this, the emperor raised his eyes and looked at Daiyu with a half-smile, but didn't speak.Seeing this, Hanyi was about to speak, but Daiyu was the first to speak: "If this thing can be mass-produced, not to mention sold overseas, it will be excellent for our frontier soldiers to keep out the cold in winter."

Han Yi was taken aback for a moment, never thinking that Daiyu had such an idea, she couldn't help but looked at Daiyu in surprise, but saw Daiyu's face was calm, but her eyes were full of seriousness and seriousness.Looking back at his father, his face was also serious.Han Yi couldn't help feeling tense, and said to Dai Yu in a low voice: "What nonsense is Yu'er talking about? Women are not allowed to participate in politics!"

But the emperor didn't let Hanyi continue talking, and directly ordered: "Hanyi, go and see where your mother is, your mother even misses you."

Afraid that Daiyu would be punished, Hanyi hesitated to argue for Daiyu, the emperor stared at her, Hanyi's heart tightened, she shrugged her shoulders and whispered to Daiyu, "Don't make your father angry." Then He raised his voice again: "I'll go to the mother's place to have a look first, and Yu'er will hurry over here in a while." After speaking, she walked out accompanied by Wang Gonggong.

The emperor couldn't help smiling when he saw this, until the prince returned to the warm pavilion again, the emperor said: "What's your idea, tell me in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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