Chapter 330
I would like to thank Wenwen 1975 for the support of the monthly ticket~Thank you for those who have been voting for Gujing~O(∩_∩)OThank you!Meme da╭(╯3╰)╮


Daiyu's crisp but serious voice sounded in the warm pavilion: "A batch of sheep were seized in the Northwest, and the clothes in front of the Holy Majesty are made of woolen thread. At present, we have no better way, we can only spin the thread by hand. , maybe there is, but the courtiers don't know. This kind of woolen thread is woven into clothes with simple craftsmanship and strong warmth retention."

The emperor looked at the short vest in front of him, his eyes were full of approval, but he still didn't make a sound. Seeing this, Daiyu thought for a while and said: "Nowadays, there are many women, especially those among refugees. Production."

Hearing this, Emperor Fang raised his head to look at Daiyu, squinted his eyes and asked, "Do you want to organize refugees?" There was no joy in the emperor's voice, but Daiyu shook her head and said, "If three 500 people , Your Majesty was originally sharing the worries of the Holy Majesty, but it needs to be mass-produced, please forgive me for being incompetent.”

The emperor raised his eyebrows and asked, "So, what do you want to do when you come to see me?" Daiyu had already prepared the draft, and then said with a smile: "I think that if you want to mass-produce, you need the support of the Holy Majesty. .”

The emperor nodded and said: "If it's reasonable, I will follow you, so what's the matter?" After the emperor thought for a while, he smiled and said: "Yu'er, don't be nervous. I allowed you to speak freely, and I will never renege on my words and become fat."

Hearing what the emperor said, Dai Yufang showed her first smile after entering the Nuan Pavilion and said: "My daughter is not nervous, and I also believe that the Holy Majesty is a wise king in this world, and I will not deceive my daughter, but my daughter believes that what I said today is not related to the matter. It's important, so I dare not speak nonsense."

When the emperor heard Daiyu mention that "the matter is important", he couldn't help laughing and said: "How important is the matter, Yu'er might as well talk to me in detail."

Daiyu nodded and said: "If this method is really feasible, firstly it can solve the farming problem, secondly it can solve the survival problems of many common people's families, and thirdly, it may even bring a lot of taxes to the imperial court. Fourthly, it is also the most important. The key is to prevent frontier soldiers from freezing to death and starving to death!"

Hearing what Daiyu said, the emperor couldn't help but nodded and said: "If you can take it seriously, I will remember your great contribution!" After speaking, he raised his eyebrows and smiled: "If you have great achievements, you will naturally be rewarded!"

But Daiyu said with a smile: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Your Majesty and Master and other ministers in the imperial court are doing their best for the country and the people. The ministers and daughters are cared for by Master, and His Majesty loves them. They should share their worries and solve Master's problems. The courtiers and daughters enjoy the taxes and salaries of the common people, so they should do their part for the common people."

Before the emperor could speak, Daiyu went on to say: "To realize the four points I said before, I still need the help of the Holy Majesty and the full support of the adults of the Ministry of Industry!"

Daiyu never asked the emperor for help in anything she did before. This was the first time Daiyu asked for help, or in other words, it was the first time Daiyu explicitly stated that the Ministry of Industry was needed. yes."

Daiyu nodded and said, "I have said before that this kind of thread is spun from wool. When Prince Yi returned to the court, my daughter heard that cattle, sheep and horses had been seized, and she threatened to buy all the hides and raw wool. So I invited the wife of the commander in chief of the frontier city to bring some wool that was shaved off when the sheep were taken out of the pen to the courtiers."

Speaking of this, Daiyu paused and continued: "After several experiments, this wool can indeed be spun into thread and made into clothes. The process is not complicated, and its warmth retention is better than cotton. More importantly, it is light and easy to move. "

After Daiyu finished speaking, she looked at the emperor steadily. Obviously, the emperor understood what Daiyu said about the lightness and ease of movement, so he smiled and said, "What's wrong with the craftsmanship?"

Daiyu shook her head and said: "Now the method used by my servants is to wash and spin threads by hand. The efficiency is relatively low, and my servants are thinking, can I ask the adults from the Ministry of Industry to think of a way to wash and spin threads in batches? .and then organize people to weave clothes by hand.”

After Daiyu finished speaking, she didn't stop, and then said: "It's better to study the dyeing and spinning problems again. If we can make the colors diverse and the wool fine, we can make all kinds of exquisite clothes and sell them overseas, just like our like silk, and earn gold and silver."

Daiyu's last sentence caught the emperor's attention, and she frowned and asked, "Can this so-called wool be the same as silk?"

Daiyu shook her head and said, "We are not selling wool. We can make clothes and various luxury items and sell them to foreign nobles overseas."

After hearing this, the emperor pointed to the short vest in front of him and said, "Do you think there will be nobles willing to wear this?" The short vest is not only short, but also a little thorny to the touch, not as comfortable as Daiyu said.

Daiyu smiled and said, "This is a sample that has just been tested, so of course it cannot be sold overseas, but wearing a middle coat and a short vest outside makes it warmer than a thin jacket."

The emperor pondered for a moment and then smiled: "It's better to try to make a batch first, so that people can try it. If it is true, I will definitely support it."

Daiyu said with a smile: "The meaning of the minister is to gather some merchant families to complete this matter together. This will not only allow the merchant families to focus on other places, reduce the enclosure of land, but also make some people I can make a living by myself. The most important thing is that the business tax is much higher than the land tax, if a businessman sees a profit, he will naturally not spend a lot of money to enclose land."

When Daiyu mentioned the word enclosing land, the emperor was very displeased, but he also knew that in the whole country, most of the aristocratic families with good land are concentrated, and the land in the hands of ordinary people is getting less and less. more reasons.

Before the emperor could think it over clearly, Daiyu laughed and said, "Actually, Yu'er wants to say that if the Holy Majesty pays this sum of money from your small treasury, this property will be counted as the royal property, and we will buy more such items in the future." Wouldn’t it be better for the royal property, the small treasury of the Holy Majesty, and even the salaries of members of the royal family to no longer have to come out of taxes in the future?”

Daiyu didn't claim to be a courtier's daughter this time, the emperor was surprised at first, but after hearing what Daiyu said, he couldn't help but sullenly asked, "What does Yu'er mean?"

Daiyu looked at the emperor calmly and said, "If the royal property has enough rich income, why do people need to support it? In this way, the national treasury will be filled a lot, and the conflicts between court officials and royal clan members will be reduced a lot. In the future, if there are more properties, the royal family will be able to take care of them, and there will be fewer idlers."

The emperor took several deep breaths before suppressing the annoyance in his heart. It's not that the emperor didn't know about those idlers Daiyu said, but no one dared to raise it in person.

Seeing the emperor taking a deep breath, Daiyu also knew that the emperor might be angry, and because she promised to speak freely, she smiled and said: "Yu'er, for example, sister Hanyi, if there is no matter about Rongyun Nishang Pavilion, I am afraid Just like other princesses and princesses, they just eat tea and look at flowers, and chat every day."

Seeing the emperor's eyes, Daiyu paused for a moment and smiled sweetly: "But now, because of the Rongyun Nishang Pavilion, sister Hanyi not only has to check the account books, look at the ready-made clothes, but also check the blueprints every day. It is also very busy. of."

The emperor raised his eyebrows and said: "According to Yu'er, it is to make me and the people compete for profit?" Daiyu shook her head and said, "Rongyun Nishang Pavilion is not the only clothing store in the capital, but the business is the best, isn't it?" Because of Hanyi’s name as sister and princess, but because we are genuine and have exquisite workmanship. How can this be regarded as competing with the people? Besides, we have made a start in Rongyun Nishang Pavilion, and there are imitators in clothing stores everywhere, and we have no Stopping it, how can it be said that it is fighting for the interests of the people?"

After Daiyu finished speaking, she did not continue the previous topic, got up and handed a small bag in front of the emperor, and took out another smaller bag from it.He smiled and said, "My lord, help Yu'er take a look, maybe this thing can be sold for a good price?"

The emperor was thinking about what Daiyu had said before, when he suddenly heard Daiyu talk about the bag, he subconsciously looked down, it was a big beige sheepskin bag, the length of two palms, about half a foot high, with tourmalines and golden silk flowers, silver Carved and trimmed, it looks extremely delicate.Look at the other one, but it's the size of a palm, inlaid with gold threads and silver strands with hundreds of treasures.

The emperor raised his head and smiled and said, "It's an exquisite object, but it's not like I haven't seen it before." Daiyu nodded and said: "There are indeed some in the market, but this style, this pattern, is unique to our Rongyun Nishang Pavilion. Especially the craft of leatherworking."

The emperor was stunned, and looked up at Daiyu, who also looked into the emperor's eyes and said: "For example, this wool, the way of making and weaving this wool is unique to us, and the objects we sell are not ordinary. Common people, how can it be said that they are competing for profit with the people? When the technology matures in the future and is widely promoted, especially after our sea routes are unblocked, merchants will naturally follow suit, and the eyes of merchants will gradually shift to business? Your Majesty It can also be used to improve the status of merchants, so that merchants and farmers can also be distinguished, otherwise, look, which merchant does not enclose a large number of land?"

Hearing what Daiyu said, the emperor then asked: "Didn't you also say that you want the Ministry of Industry to help mass-produce and recruit refugees?"

Daiyu nodded and said: "This business has to provide military supplies, so Rongyun Nishang Pavilion can't do it, but in the same way, mass-produced, the natural craftsmanship is not as exquisite as our Rongyun Nishang Pavilion, so we face it The right crowd is naturally different. Rongyun Nishang Pavilion mainly caters to nobles and wealthy households, and will sell overseas in the future."

Seeing the emperor raising his eyebrows, Daiyu thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "Since our Rongyun Nishang Pavilion can use the money we earn to let the Holy Majesty open an asylum, why can't we think of other ways to earn money to build academies and bridges?" How about paving the road, subsidizing the sergeants, and treating the military families favorably? How can there be no money for all these things?"

After hearing this, the emperor took a deep breath and said: "I understand Yu'er's intentions, so why don't I want the country to be rich and the people safe? I'll see about this matter, you'd better hang out with your sister in the Rongyun Nishang Pavilion first, try Let’s do it, the effect will be good, let’s talk about other things.”

After the emperor finished speaking, he saw that Daiyu wanted to say something more, but he suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, Yu'er is very clear about the northwest, and also very concerned about it? Why don't you care about the southeast? Isn't your father over there?" Daiyu paused, and was about to explain, but the emperor laughed loudly, waved his hand and said, "Go to the empress's palace, Xiao Wu is also there." Then Looking at Daiyu's eyes, there is an indescribable deep meaning.

Daiyu knew that the emperor was going to drive her away, and when she gritted her teeth and knelt down to salute, she felt: "My lord, if it is our own craftsmanship, and this craftsmanship is our only one, we should earn the money." The money we earn ourselves can be used where the Holy Majesty wants, without going through the courtiers." After speaking, Daiyu got up and left the Nuan Pavilion.

After the emperor heard Daiyu's words: "There is no need to go through the courtiers", he was also deeply moved. He couldn't help but think that if this girl was not afraid of being accused of buying people's hearts, she might have acted already?Thinking of this, the emperor couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly. He stretched out his hand and called Wang Gonggong, ordering him to summon Huang Jiyun to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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