Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 332 Two Roads

Chapter 332 Two Roads ([-])

When Huang Bingyuan came and went back and forth, Daiyu had already coaxed Huang Jiyun to be good, and the two were about to discuss what they said in the palace today, but Jin'er came to report: "Master Yuan is back, the city gate has been closed, let's go in tonight." Can't get to the city, girl, do you want to place Uncle Yuan in Songtao Garden or Cuizhu Pavilion?"

Daiyu looked back at Huang Jiyun, saw that Huang Jiyun didn't express anything, so she ordered: "It's hot, but it's cooler at the Cuizhuxuan, please first invite the elder brother to have some tea in the flower hall, and let Lin De accompany you." Let's go. Let someone go to Cuizhuxuan to smoke the mugwort, and then ask the elder brother to go over, so that the family members can be quicker and burn more hot water for delivery."

Jin'er listened to Daiyu's instructions and said with a smile: "Young lady, I'll know if you don't tell me. Don't worry, Lin De is with you over there. I'll take someone to clean up the house."

After Jin'er withdrew, Daiyu looked at Huang Jiyun and asked, "Master has been working all day, why don't we talk about it tomorrow? After all, there is no hurry." Huang Jiyun glanced at her and said angrily. : "The holy majesty asked me to write a detailed scripture for my teacher tomorrow."

A simple sentence made Daiyu dumbfounded. Even if she worked in the company in her previous life, she didn't propose a plan today, and she will plan the case tomorrow!What's more, it can't be implemented immediately, waiting for urgent use, it's just a long-term plan...

Seeing Daiyu staring at him blankly, Huang Jiyun sighed and said: "Yu'er, don't think too much, tell me your thoughts in detail, let's see how to write a detailed memorial." Daiyu At this time, I also came back to my senses, pouted and said: "How can you be so anxious? It's just a long-term plan, but I'm so anxious to ask for it. Master is still early tomorrow!"

Seeing Daiyu, Huang Jiyun couldn't help laughing and said: "In the future, if Yu'er has any ideas, you might as well talk to your teacher first, but now you can't complain." Huang Jiyun got up and went to the big book case.

After thinking for a while, Daiyu followed to the front of the big book case. Huang Jiyun was already spreading the paper, so Daiyu gently rolled up her sleeves and stood beside her rubbing ink.

Daiyu's quiet and silent appearance caught Huang Jiyun's attention, and he couldn't help laughing: "What's wrong with Yu'er?" Daiyu raised her head and said with a smile: "What I said in the palace today with the Holy Majesty actually involved quite a lot. I just talked to the Holy One about the path we can choose in the future, but now I want to compile it into a booklet, but Yu'er has no idea in her heart."

Huang Jiyun frowned slightly when he heard the words, and said: "How can the Holy One not understand that what Yu'er said is a plan that will take a long time? But, there must be a step in every plan, so let's list them next to each other. How to choose, then Let’s see what His Majesty means.”

After thinking about it, Huang Jiyun looked at Daiyu seriously and added: "The king is the king, and the minister is the minister. It is the duty of a minister to give advice. How to make a choice is the business of the emperor. Yu'er Have you ever understood?"

Seeing Huang Jiyun's seriousness, Daiyu knew that she had lived too comfortably these years, and she was a little carried away, so she nodded and said: "Yu'er understands, and I will follow Master's instruction."

Huang Jiyun stared at Daiyu for a long while, seeing that Daiyu was finally looking up at him, Fang nodded with some relief and said, "My teacher, Xiao Yuer, has really grown up!" Yes haha ​​laughed.

After laughing, Huang Jiyun said seriously: "Now, Yu'er and Wei Shi, let's talk about your thoughts."

Daiyu lowered her eyebrows and thought for a while, then said very seriously: "Actually, in the palace today, Yu'er just made two suggestions to the emperor, and these two suggestions lead to two different endings. As for the emperor's choice and thinking Yes, Yu'er doesn't know."

Huang Jiyun recalled what the emperor said to him today, nodded and said: "Since that's the case, Yu'er will share two suggestions with my teacher. The Holy Majesty summoned my teacher today and said a lot, but he didn't say clearly. Two suggestions from Yuer."

Daiyu really wanted to ask what the emperor said to Huang Jiyun, but after thinking about it, she didn't ask, and said directly: "These two suggestions, one is to separate the expenses of the royal family from the tax system, and the other is to Military spending is taken out of the tax system."

As soon as Daiyu's words came out, Huang Jiyun's eyes widened. He looked at Daiyu in disbelief, pointed at Daiyu with trembling hands and said, "Nonsense! Nonsense! It's just nonsense!"

Seeing Daiyu shrunk her shoulders and lowered her head after speaking, she couldn't bear it anymore, took two deep breaths to calm down, and said in a serious voice: "Since you have already told the Holy One, and Let’s talk about it in detail, as a teacher, it’s good to consider the booklet.”

Huang Jiyun understood that since Daiyu had already told the emperor at this time, it would be bad if she kept it a secret.There was no other way, so I had to ask Daiyu to talk to him in detail again, carefully considering the words, hoping not to arouse Longyan's anger.But Daiyu muttered: "Yu'er is wholeheartedly thinking about the country and the sage..."

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun didn't know what to say. After all, Daiyu was just a child in his eyes, and a girl in the boudoir... He could only look at Daiyu helplessly.

But Daiyu didn't think so much, she lowered her head and thought for a while, then turned to the door of the study, and said to Zhixuan: "Go and invite Nanny Tang and Nanny Sun over here, hurry up!"

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun knew in his heart that what Daiyu was about to say must be extremely important, so he stopped talking and waited for Daiyu to make arrangements.

Not long after, Nanny Tang and Nanny Sun came together, and Daiyu bluntly ordered: "Thank you, the two nuns will guard the door for me for a while, and then I will call in the guards left by the princess to surround the study. Get up, but you must be ten steps away from the study!"

Before Grandma Sun understood what Daiyu meant, Mammy Tang already showed shock in her eyes.Without waiting for Daiyu to say more, without asking why, she immediately saluted and said, "I would like to follow the instructions of the county magistrate."

Although Madam Tang has always respected Daiyu and abided by the rules of master and servant, after all these years, under Daiyu's request, she has seldom saluted.After today's big ceremony, Grandma Sun also understood that something was wrong, so she swallowed the words that came to her lips, and hurriedly followed Madam Tang to take orders.

Not long after, the outside of the study was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. Seeing this, Daiyu ordered someone to bring a chair, and sat with the two nuns five steps away from the study, and said: " After the door of the study room is closed for a while, no one can surpass Mammy. Mammy must guard this door for Yu'er."

Seeing Daiyu's serious expression, Mother Tang knelt down and saluted, "Don't worry, the county lord, no matter who is today, if the county lord doesn't open the door, as long as the old slave is alive, no one can get through!" Zhixuan had never seen her before. After such a battle, her complexion changed at that time, and even Nanny Sun had a thin layer of sweat unknowingly on her forehead.

But Daiyu didn't even look at it, and told Zhixuan: "Now this place is handed over to the two nuns, you go back to my room and watch it immediately." Daiyu paused before asking: " Do you understand?" Zhixuan looked into Daiyu's eyes, there was seriousness and affirmation in them.Zhixuan didn't say anything else, she nodded, turned around and walked towards the backyard.

After arranging everything, Daiyu went back to the study. Seeing Huang Jiyun sitting behind the big book case, looking at herself, Daiyu said with a smile: "It's a matter of state affairs, and this Zhuangzi is no match for the palace compound. Yu'er has to be careful." .”

Without waiting for Huang Jiyun to speak, Daiyu opened all the doors and windows in the study by herself.This is also the habit left by Lin Ruhai when he was alive.

Grandma Sun saw that Daiyu had opened all the doors and windows, and knew that what her girl said to Mrs. Huang in the study tonight was no small matter, so she also cheered up.

Huang Jiyun got up and stood on the edge of the window, looking outside at two steps and one post, five steps and one whistle, he couldn't help laughing and said: "I'm afraid that even the guards of the storehouse have been summoned by Yu'er?" He didn't laugh, just nodded and said: "Compared to what you said today, what is the warehouse?"

Huang Jiyun was startled when he heard the words, turned his head to look at Daiyu, saw Daiyu's eyes were clear and calm, but her lips were tightly pursed, and sighed in his heart, if Ruhai was alive, maybe Yu'er wouldn't have to work so hard ?

Thinking of this, Huang Jiyun shook his head, somewhat guilty in his heart: This is his disciple, everyone in the world knows it, but after thinking about it, although his disciple can't stand above the court, now he is no worse than those champions What... Huang Jiyun's eyes were unavoidably tinged with complacency.

Seeing Huang Jiyun staring at her, Daiyu felt a little embarrassed, and said softly, "Master, let's talk inside."

Huang Jiyun looked at Daiyu's small appearance, couldn't help smiling, nodded and walked inside.Daiyu made a pot of tea for Huang Jiyun before returning to the tea table, and brought it over.

Daiyu poured a cup of tea for Huang Jiyun and put it by her hand. Before Huang Jiyun could speak, she said softly what was on her mind: "I have told my master before that today I have suggested two ways to the Holy One. This is a choice. These two paths, Yu’er thought for a long time, and felt that they are very good for the country, the people, and the Holy One.”

Seeing Huang Jiyun frowned and nodded, Dai Yufang went on to say: "One way is to divide the expenses of the royal family members from the taxes of the common people. Now that the country has been established for more than a hundred years, there are more and more royal family members. In addition, it is not a small sum of money just to offer silver, but because of this offer of silver, there are many members of the clan who do not seek to make progress, and if things go on like this, it may not be beneficial to the country and society."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she carefully observed Huang Jiyun's expression, but she didn't see anything for a long time. Huang Jiyun was eating tea by himself, not expressing anything.

Daiyu bit the corner of her mouth and continued: "Since this is the case, if there is no Fengyin in the future, only a certain amount of property will be assigned to the clan and the clan's mansion will be in charge, then the clan's children will have to continue to develop for their own pockets. I am afraid that those who are not good at this way should also think about finding an official position. In this way, there will be a fair competition above the court, and the conflict between the royal family and the courtiers will be much less."

(End of this chapter)

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