Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 333 Two Roads

Chapter 333 Two Roads (Part [-])
Thank you for Fengqi's monthly ticket support, and thank you for your continuous recommendation and support!Thanks!Gujing still owes a chapter, try to finish it tomorrow~(~o~)~zZ Furui is working hard, right? O(∩_∩)O~ Would you like some encouragement? (*^__^*) Hee hee...


As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Huang Jiyun suddenly nodded and said: "Yu'er is right. I want to give those clan children something to look forward to, but I can't give too much. I have to let them fight for it on their own. Now it's time to give it to them." There are too many, and the treasury can no longer afford it."

Hearing what Huang Jiyun said, Daiyu was very happy. She didn't want Huang Jiyun to look up at Daiyu and change the subject just after Huang Jiyun finished speaking: "But this is an internal matter of the royal family, we cannot participate."

Daiyu pouted for a while and nodded lightly. In the final analysis, she, the county lord, was only entrusted, and she was not a member of the royal family.

After she figured it out, Daiyu didn't bother anymore, and followed Huang Jiyun to change the subject: "The other way is to gradually divide the army's expenses from the household department." Huang Jiyun raised his brows, noncommittal.Daiyu could only continue talking.

While looking at Huang Jiyun's expression, Daiyu said softly: "The army is the foundation of the country and the most powerful force. But now the army has to compete with all parties in the household department for the little tax. This is extremely detrimental to the development of the army. Therefore, Yu'er thought that if the army's expenses were paid by the holy house, it would not only avoid this problem, but also capture the loyalty of the army officers and soldiers!"

When Daiyu used the word "loyalty", Huang Jiyun couldn't help but take a deep breath, looked at Daiyu, and asked, "Yu'er, are you sure this is also called 'loyalty'?"

Daiyu nodded with certainty and said: "Although it is very rough to say that if you have milk, you are a mother, soldiers and generals also have to support their families, so they can't charge forward by themselves, and they may even be shrouded in horse leather at any time, but The old and the young in the family can’t be guaranteed, right? Who wants to, and who dares to fight to the death on the battlefield?”

Hearing what Daiyu said, Huang Jiyun didn't feel comfortable saying anything. He really wanted to use the sage's words and principles to teach Daiyu a lesson, but he just thought about it and shook his head. This girl has a lot of nonsense. No time to waste arguing about this.Then he nodded and said: "Yu'er continue to talk, as a teacher, just listen."

Seeing this, Daiyu pursed her lips and smiled, and then said: "Not only that, but if the sage's internal treasury is abundant, he can naturally build an army well. Why not have a strong army?" Sheng'er said: "The world is huge, we don't need to focus on this three-acre land..."

Daiyu didn't finish her sentence, but Huang Jiyun already understood that, not to mention the emperor, he is a courtier and military general. Who wouldn't want to expand the territory and become a marquis in their lifetime?But, is this easy?
After Daiyu finished speaking, she first refilled Huang Jiyun's tea, then poured herself a cup, took a sip and said, "Yu'er said so much earlier, but the prerequisite is that the Holy One must have silver! Only with silver can you Think about which way to go and how to spend the money, right?"

Hearing what Daiyu said, Huang Jiyun heaved a sigh of relief and became excited.No matter how much you say before, no matter how good you say it, it is nothing more than a mirror image, the money is the key!

Seeing Huang Jiyun sitting up straight, Daiyu smiled and said, "But money won't fly into your pocket for nothing, so Yu'er thought about buying some property in the name of the royal family or clan." Daiyu just said Here, Huang Jiyun raised his head, stared at Daiyu and said, "Yu'er intends to make the Holy Majesty compete with the people for profit?"

Daiyu pursed her lips and took a deep breath, she was very dissatisfied and said: "Why do you all want to compete with the people for profit? What exactly does it mean to compete for profit with the people?"

Seeing Daiyu's appearance, Huang Jiyun hesitated, but Daiyu didn't wait for Huang Jiyun to speak, and said cracklingly: "Let's not talk about whether you are with the people or with someone else, first of all, this 'struggle' requires conflicts of interests on both sides. Can it be called a struggle?" Hearing what Daiyu said, Huang Jiyun raised his eyebrows and smiled with great interest: "Tell me specifically, Yuer."

Daiyu thought for a while, then turned and walked towards the door of the study.Seeing Daiyu coming out, Nanny Tang immediately looked over, Daiyu smiled slightly and said, "Mammy ordered someone to bring a message to Zhixuan, and asked her to take away the unfinished sweaters in my room, and those other people Bring all the wool over here." Mother Tang's many years of living in the palace made her order without asking.

Grandma Sun really wanted to ask, but she swallowed the words when she reached the point of her mouth.

After a while, Ning'er came over carrying a delicate leather suitcase, and Daiyu took the suitcase, nodded to Nanny Tang and the others, then turned and went back to the study.

Seeing Daiyu talking, Huang Jiyun ran to the door and asked someone to fetch something. Although he was very surprised in his heart, he didn't ask, and sipped tea leisurely by himself, thinking about what Daiyu said earlier. those words.

Daiyu put the leather suitcase in her hand on the big book table, Huang Jiyun recovered his senses and looked at the exquisite but simple leather suitcase in front of him, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Daiyu pointed at the sapphire blue cowhide box and said with a smile: "Master, our Rongyun Nishang Pavilion can make such a box, and it's just the most common one. I don't know how many other shops can make it?"

Hearing Daiyu's question, Huang Jiyun couldn't help looking at the box carefully.It is no more than one and a half feet long and one foot wide, roughly six or seven inches high and short. The twelve sides are all wrapped with copper edges, and the copper edges are carved with Chinese characters. The Ruyi copper lock, but no padlock.

This kind of craftsmanship is not complicated, but it is recreated by melting copper coins. It is beautifully polished, but it is not difficult.

Huang Jiyun stretched out his hand to touch the leather case, it was oily and moist, not only not rough but rather delicate.Huang Jiyun couldn't help but looked up at Daiyu and asked with a smile, "What does Yu'er want to say?"

Daiyu didn't hide anything, and while opening the suitcase, she said: "Such a suitcase, if you talk about other things, I'm afraid many merchants can make it, but for the leather and coloring, it's our Rongyun." Unique to Nishang Pavilion, other stores, even if you let him do it, he can't do it. Of course, they can also do some sales, and we don't care about it."

Speaking of this, Daiyu smiled and said: "But the consumers we are targeting are nobles and wealthy households, and have nothing to do with ordinary people, so how can we talk about competing for profits with the people?"

Huang Jiyun was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Daiyu to talk about this for a long time, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, Yu'er is right, so what exactly is Yu'er trying to say?"

Daiyu stopped what she was doing, looked at Huang Jiyun and said very seriously: "As long as we can find other industries that only we can do and others can't, we can make money." With a lot of silver, we can do what we want. It’s like the money earned by Rongyun Nishang Pavilion opened two shelters.”

Huang Jiyun understood now that Daiyu was encouraging or encouraging the Holy Master to make money!Huang Jiyun didn't object to this, but after thinking about it, he couldn't help asking: "In this world, after thousands of years of development, someone has already done what can be done."

Hearing what Huang Jiyun said, Daiyu realized that Huang Jiyun had loosened a bit, so she took out the sweater yarn from the box with a smile, put it in front of Huang Jiyun and asked with a smile: "Then the master said, there are people doing this besides Yu'er now. ?"

Huang Jiyun had already seen this thing in the imperial study today. Seeing Daiyu take out this thing, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "No one makes this thing, but how much money can it make? Can it support the entire royal family or support the construction of the army?" gone?"

Daiyu took a deep breath and said confidently and seriously: "I dare not say anything else about this thing. If it works well, it can at least support the expenses of an army!"

Daiyu's words startled Huang Jiyun, even Huang Jiyun couldn't hold back, stood up abruptly, stared at Daiyu and asked, "Is what Yu'er said true?"

Daiyu nodded and said: "Yu'er doesn't need to talk big in front of the master, and Yu'er is not so confused as to talk nonsense to the Holy Master. This kind of thing is not a joke. Although Yu'er is young, she understands."

Huang Jiyun stared at Daiyu for a long while, then slowly sat back on the chair, and said in a deep voice, "Yu'er, tell me in detail." Huang Jiyun had already dipped his pen in the ink, and it was obvious that he wanted to talk here. Started recording.

Daiyu fiddled with the colorful yarn balls in the box. She didn't tell Hanyi the truth today. In fact, Daiyu has already dyed wool of various colors. Of course, the cost is relatively high.

Huang Jiyun held the pen and waited for a while but did not see Daiyu speaking, so he raised his head to look at Daiyu and asked, "What is Yu'er thinking?"

Daiyu smiled and said: "Yu'er is thinking about where to start. There are several steps in this matter, but some steps need to be started at the same time." Start with the simplest and easiest."

After getting Huang Jiyun's order, Daiyu said with a smile: "Since that's the case, there are two things that Yu'er thinks are the simplest and easiest. One is to build a large-scale breeding farm in the northwest, specializing in raising sheep."

Just as Huang Jiyun was writing a few words, he couldn't help but pause, and looked at Daiyu puzzled.Daiyu explained: "This kind of wool is made of wool, and it needs a lot of wool. If it is less, it will not make a good climate, and there is not much profit. But if you raise cattle and horses, you will not be able to benefit immediately. .”

After receiving Daiyu's explanation, Huang Jiyun nodded and continued writing.Daiyu continued: "On the other hand, it requires a lot of dyes, plant dyes. If you buy them, the cost will be relatively high. The best way is to plant them yourself. And Yu'er knows that the royal family has many gardens, which can be ..."

Before Daiyu finished speaking, Huang Jiyun interrupted: "Yuer, is this the idea of ​​the royal garden? The royal garden was originally just for the royal family to watch, not for planting anything!"

Daiyu smiled and said: "The huge garden is planted with these dyes, as long as it is properly arranged, it will be very beautiful, and it will be changed every season, won't it look angry?"

Huang Jiyun thought about it for a while and wrote it down, and Daiyu continued to say: "In this way, just by selling the dyes to Rongyun Nishang Pavilion, the Holy One can increase a lot of income, and the Holy One has so many caregivers. People of flowers and plants, why don’t they make good use of them? Besides, reducing the cost of Rongyun’s Clothes Pavilion naturally increases the shelter’s income in disguise.”

Seeing that Huang Jiyun didn't look up at herself, Daiyu continued: "With the silver in his hands, the Holy Majesty can expand the navy and make it a real navy, and sell our surplus products overseas in exchange for the supplies we need, or Yes, gold and silver."

Daiyu stopped talking when she finished writing, Huang Jiyun also stopped writing, looked at Daiyu and said with a smile: "According to what Yu'er said, it may not be a matter of three or five years. Bar?"

Daiyu thought for a while and nodded and said: "If you want to open up the sea route, it is indeed not something that can be achieved overnight, but if it is just to earn a sum of money, Yu'er thinks it will only take a year or so."

Huang Jiyun saw that Daiyu was very confident in what she said, and thinking carefully that Daiyu hadn't said any big words in these years, and seeing that it was getting late, he nodded and said: "Since this is the case, Yuer, let's go to rest and tidy up for the master. Fan Minger will talk about other things after seeing the Holy Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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