Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 334 Vertical Integration - Waste Utilization

Chapter 334 Vertical Integration - Waste Utilization

First of all, thank you: Baby Nini obediently and book friend 130825121341923 for their monthly support!Secondly, Gu Jing will try his best to repay the last chapter owed today, but since he will be discharged from the hospital at noon, there is no guarantee!Please forgive me!


Daiyu Zhuangzi's secret report and Huang Jiyun's profusely written more than ten pages were sent to the emperor's case one after the other.

The emperor was interested in this excerpt, but because Daiyu entered the palace yesterday, the secret report was not so important in the eyes of the emperor.When the emperor saw what was mentioned in the booklet: "Increase the income of the internal treasury, and only with silver can you control it freely.", He was even more tempted.

Especially the construction of the navy and the opening of waterways are the achievements of expanding the territory. Which emperor would not want it?

But Daiyu's proposal to plant dyes in the royal gardens made the emperor dumbfounded, not to mention the territory of Tian//Dynasty, where can't a piece of land be designated to grow dyes near the capital?She actually came up with her idea here, she couldn't help laughing and said: What kind of idea is this eccentric girl up to?
Thinking of this, the emperor picked up the secret report and glanced at it, but he couldn't help frowning.He didn't expect that after he had clearly announced that he would give Dong Wenqing's daughter and the fourth prince to the servant of the wedding department, Cheng Hui would still run to Daiyu Zhuangzi, more and more blatantly every time!Can't help thinking about Daiyu's marriage again.

Thinking of Daiyu's marriage, the emperor couldn't help but think of Mo Xuan who was far away in the northwest... Thinking of Mo Xuan, the emperor picked up Huang Jiyun's booklet again, which mentioned setting aside a grassland in the northwest as a special place for raising sheep. pasture.

Planting dyes is nothing more than a trivial matter for the emperor. To mark out the land in a suitable place is to be taken care of. As long as this matter is ordered, someone will naturally do it properly, so there is no need to worry.But Northwest Ranch, it looks easy, but it is not easy.

This is not just a matter of raising some sheep, nor is it a plot of land. Although it is not comparable to a horse farm, it also needs to send troops to guard it.

Northwest... The emperor couldn't help but frowned, and tapped his fingers on the table of the imperial case. Dongri, the border city, had just experienced a moderate battle and had just returned to calm. Planning how to get revenge!

Wang Gonggong stood aside, seeing the emperor frowning and thinking, he didn't dare to disturb him, and seeing that the emperor's face was not angry, so he couldn't help thinking about something else, at this moment, the emperor suddenly ordered: "Go, Prince Yi, the Ministry of War Both Shangshu and Huang Jiyun were found for me."

Eunuch Wang was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly came back to his senses, and took the order to leave.As soon as he walked to the door, the emperor thought of something, and suddenly said: "Forget it, Minister of the Ministry of War, let Prince Yi and Huang Jiyun move faster."

Wang Gonggong seldom saw the emperor like this, and he couldn't help wiping cold sweat from his heart, especially in his heart, he was glad that the emperor didn't notice that he was distracted just now, and hurried out of the imperial study.

Huang Jiyun was on duty at Wenyuan Pavilion, and Wenyuan Pavilion was not far from the emperor's study, so he came here very quickly.

Seeing that Huang Jiyun arrived first, the emperor joked: "Ji Yun is now messing around with that girl Yu'er, and put his idea on the royal garden, and even wrote it on the brochure." The emperor was just joking, but Huang Jiyun was right With a look on his face, he said: "The sage has learned from you, I am not fooling around."

Huang Jiyun's expression and words caused the smile on the emperor's face to stagnate. He stared at Huang Jiyun for a long time before narrowing his eyes and said: "Huang Aiqing, let me explain in detail."

After Huang Jiyun bowed and saluted, he said in a deep voice: "Yesterday when Yu'er talked about this matter with the official, the official reprimanded her for messing around, but Yu'er said: 'I want to buy a piece of land to grow dyes, not to mention the royal family. It's just her or Rongyun Nishang Pavilion, it's just a trivial matter.'"

After Huang Jiyun finished speaking, he looked up at the emperor, and didn't continue talking, but the emperor frowned. Thinking about it, Daiyu is not short of money. To her, buying a piece of land is just a trivial matter, so why? And so much trouble?
Thinking of this, the emperor finally turned serious, and said to the prince: "Serve tea and give me a seat!" After the waiter brought the chair and Huang Jiyun Xie En sat down, the emperor asked: "According to Huang Aiqing's words, that girl's move has a deep meaning. Huang Aiqing might as well talk to me in detail."

Huang Jiyun didn't hesitate or postpone, and even showed a smug smile on his face and said: "My lord doesn't know, but when my minister reprimanded Yu'er for messing around, Yu'er replied confidently: 'From raising sheep, collecting wool, to Growing dyes, dyeing wool, weaving them into garments, and finally selling them is called vertical integration.’”

When Huang Jiyun saw that he proposed 'vertical integration', the emperor raised his eyebrows and smiled: "When Yu'er said it, the minister didn't know what it meant, so Yu'er explained: 'Sell clothes, sell shoes, sell hats It also sells various jewelry accessories, which is called horizontal integration. From the beginning of production to the completion of sales, it is vertical integration.'”

Hearing what Huang Jiyun said, the emperor couldn't help laughing: "I'm afraid this is another new word invented by that girl herself?" In the previous life, I heard people say...

After laughing, Huang Jiyun continued: "Yu'er also said that this kind of vertical integration, in fact, is the case for many businesses, it's just the size."

The emperor let out an "oh" when he heard this, and Huang Jiyun could easily hear the astonishment in it.But Huang Jiyun continued as if he didn't hear it: "Yu'er also said that no matter whether it is a large scale or a small scale, it seems that they have not yet formed consciousness, but we can't show our heads."

After Huang Jiyun finished speaking, he raised his eyes to look at the emperor, saw that the emperor was frowning in thought, thought for a while and said, "Yu'er said, we can no longer enclose the land, we have to leave the land for the people to cultivate food."

Huang Jiyun's voice was very soft, but the emperor heard it very clearly, he couldn't help but looked up at Huang Jiyun, and said in a deep voice: "Ji Yun also don't want to play tricks with me, what else did that girl say, Ji Yun might as well say something Speaking in a tone, back then I promised her that she could speak freely, and you don't have to worry about me punishing her."

As soon as the emperor's words fell, Huang Jiyun knelt on the ground and said loudly: "On behalf of the wicked, I thank the Holy One for your kindness!"

Huang Jiyun's actions were just to fulfill the emperor's previous words that he would not punish Daiyu. Seeing this, the emperor couldn't help pointing at Huang Jiyun, and said dissatisfiedly: "Ji Yun, Ji Yun! It's in vain that you and I have known each other for so long. After ten years, you don't trust me like that girl!"

Hearing what the emperor said, Huang Jiyun somewhat understood in his heart why the emperor indulged Daiyu so much, he couldn't help feeling deeply moved.When he raised his eyes to look at the emperor again, he felt even more sympathetic, and thought to himself: Is this the extreme coldness at a high place?

The emperor didn't give Huang Jiyun much time to express his feelings, he sighed and said: "Get up quickly, Ji Yun doesn't have to be like this, I won't embarrass that girl. And tell me what that girl said."

Huang Jiyun quickly got up and said, "My minister complies with the order!"

After Huang Jiyun finished speaking, he sorted out his thoughts before he opened his mouth and said: "The grain output of the Celestial Dynasty is not abundant. If we use fertile land to grow dyes, the gains will outweigh the losses, and merchants all over the world will follow suit. The imperial garden is large enough, and there are many full-time staff in the garden. Taking care of the flowers and trees, but the Holy Majesty and all the empresses seldom go there, how about..."

Even though Huang Jiyun got the emperor's guarantee that he would not blame Daiyu, he still felt a little uneasy when he said this, so he couldn't help but paused and said, "No, use waste!"

Huang Jiyun's four words "waste utilization" choked the emperor who was about to drink tea, with an expression of disbelief on his face, he repeated: "waste utilization?" After speaking, the emperor took it back and was about to pick up the tea cup hand, said with a smile: "When did my garden become a 'waste'?"

When the emperor asked, Huang Jiyun's forehead was covered with cold sweat. Seeing the emperor's smile, he wiped his forehead with his sleeve and replied: "Yu'er said that the garden was built for people to admire. But the Holy Majesty and the ladies don’t go there often, maybe not even once in a few years, that’s ‘waste’.”

The emperor raised his eyebrows noncommittally, and signaled Huang Jiyun to continue talking.

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun continued: "Besides, there are many people who take care of the garden and maintain the flowers and trees in the garden. These people need money, food and drink, but because the garden is empty, these people can't produce benefits, so they also rule Classified as 'waste'."

Hearing this, the emperor was completely speechless, and he stopped interrupting Huang Jiyun, allowing him to continue talking.

After Huang Jiyun finished speaking, there was a smile on his face and said: "And all kinds of dyeing materials are originally part of flowers and trees. They are planted in the garden and taken care of. They don't take up much land, and the color matching can form a unique style. The landscape of the garden, even if the Holy Majesty and the ladies pass by by chance, can still be refreshed."

After Huang Jiyun said so much, how could the emperor not understand that he was persuading himself to convert several royal gardens in the suburbs of Beijing into dye plantations?But what Daiyu said was not unreasonable. After all, many flowers and trees are extremely beautiful even if they are dyes, such as irises and gardenias.

Thinking of this, the emperor waved his hand to Huang Jiyun and said with a smile, "Okay, I know about it."

After the emperor finished speaking, he didn't mention this time anymore, because he had seen the prince come in twice, and saw that his side was talking, so he didn't interrupt.At this moment, the emperor had finished what he wanted to say, and he had an idea in his mind, so he asked, "But Prince Yi has arrived?"

Wang Gonggong hurriedly smiled and said: "Prince Yi has been here for a while, and he is having tea in the side hall. Does the Holy Majesty want to invite you here?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows and looked at Wang Gonggong, who saw that Wang Gonggong smiled uncomfortably and said, "Slave, please go and invite His Royal Highness Prince Yi to come here." After speaking, he quickly bent down and slowly exited the imperial study.

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun couldn't help being surprised, what happened to the prince today?No matter how you look at it, it feels strange.But the prince is the emperor's close servant, so it's inconvenient for Huang Jiyun to think too much...

(End of this chapter)

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