Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 335 Vertical Integration - Northwest Ranch

Chapter 335 Vertical Integration - Northwest Ranch

Chapter 2 Oh~ No accidents at night, there is another chapter!Eleven o'clock sharp! O(∩_∩)O~ Furui still keeps his word, right?


The Seventh Prince suddenly heard the emperor's mention of building a ranch in the northwest, and when he asked again, he didn't raise horses but sheep. He couldn't help being surprised and said: "This good pasture doesn't raise horses and sheep? It's not a mistake, right? Besides, even if we want to build a ranch, the northwest is not suitable, and now is not the time."

Hearing the Seventh Prince say that now is not the right time, Huang Jiyun just remembered that the northwest border town suffered from the invasion of the northern barbarians just a few years ago, and now it is not known how it has recovered.I don't even know when Beiman will come to take revenge after suffering such a big loss, but Huang Jiyun is obviously not worried, and even a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

What Huang Jiyun could think of, the emperor obviously thought of it long ago. Seeing Huang Jiyun's expression, he even smiled and said, "Ji Yun said what he wanted, why bother to have fun there alone? That girl Yu'er always mentioned refugees, afraid Is that the idea of ​​fighting?"

Huang Jiyun was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is wise, Yu'er really has the idea of ​​the refugees. If the refugees can survive, most of them are young and middle-aged. Those old and weak women and children, if the imperial court can provide money to appease and support them, It would be a good idea to reorganize the young and strong among the refugees into the Northwest Frontier Army."

Prince Yi immediately frowned and retorted: "Isn't this nonsense! As long as the refugees don't make trouble, how can we give them weapons and armor? How can these people shoulder the heavy responsibility of guarding the border?"

Seeing Prince Yi's rebuttal, Huang Jiyun didn't speak, but looked up at the emperor. The emperor shook his head and smiled and said, "Ji Yun is not happy to play tricks with me like this."

Having said that, the emperor didn't mean to blame, and even took the initiative to explain to the Seventh Prince: "Food is the most important thing for the people, and these refugees can't get enough food and clothing. As long as they are given enough food, I believe they are very willing country's effectiveness."

Prince Yi thought for a while and then asked: "But in the end, these refugees are just farmers who have lost their fields and put down their hoes. They will come to commit crimes, and it’s good that these untrained refugees don’t make trouble! My disciples still don’t agree!”

However, Huang Jiyun said confidently: "Without training, is it possible that we can't train? If the generals in the army have been in battle for so long, if they can't even do the training...the silver taels in the household department are not so sufficient."

What Huang Jiyun said was tactful, but the meaning was obvious. However, if these generals were not up to the task of training refugees into recruits, then the imperial court would not need to spend a lot of money on them.

Because of the training of the navy by the king of Erwu County in the south, the emperor had a deep feeling in his heart.Aren't the so-called water troops recruited by King Wujun just fishermen and ordinary people before?Then he also laughed and said, "Naturally, the generals are in charge of the training. Besides, didn't the veteran in this world come from a recruit?"

Hearing what the emperor said, although Prince Yi still had a lot of worries in his heart, he didn't say anything more, he just asked: "Even so, where can the imperial court get so much money to settle the refugees? Going to the northwest, the expenses along the way are not small, what about the remaining old, weak, women and children?"

When Prince Yi said that, the emperor also paused, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Huang Jiyun.You must know that Daiyu came up with this idea, and the emperor didn't believe that Daiyu didn't come up with a feasible solution.

It's true that Daiyu never mentioned this matter to Huang Jiyun, but who is Huang Jiyun?All these years were not in vain.

Huang Jiyun smiled and said: "Since we want to breed sheep extensively, and we need to cut and shear sheep in spring and autumn, we need a lot of manpower. In my opinion, those female relatives are very suitable. Children can be classified and cultivated, and they can also be regarded as reserve talents for the imperial court." .As for the old man, I'm afraid not many will survive? Let's send them to the shelter, isn't it okay?"

After Huang Jiyun finished speaking, he looked at the emperor and Prince Yi, and then said with a smile: "As for the food along the way, let the northwest border town come out! Didn't they get a large batch of cattle and sheep? This meat is more fragrant than rice noodles! !” After speaking, Huang Jiyun laughed.

The emperor looked at Prince Yi with a smile, he didn't want Prince Yi to listen to what Huang Jiyun said, this large group of people passed by, and the northwest frontier army came out to eat on the way, he couldn't help but change his face.

Prince Yi could not forget the scene he saw when he led the troops to the northwest border town, especially those people who starved to death and froze to death.

Prince Yi suddenly said angrily: "Lord Huang is a good idea! The imperial court doesn't have much food to send to the northwest border towns, and if they want to send the refugees there, do they want to snatch food from the mouths of the people in the border towns who have managed to survive? Yes! In Master Huang's opinion, what should the people in the city over there do?"

Prince Yi said this very bluntly, and it's not hard to hear the anger in it, but Huang Jiyun smiled indifferently: "If the frontier soldiers are short of horses, I don't know if they can keep those cattle and sheep? If they can't, the people in the border city What should we do? Just rely on the troops of the Xishan Camp? Your lord, don’t forget that the Xishan Camp is for the purpose of defending the imperial city.”

Prince Yi took a deep breath, closed his eyes and calmed down, and said lightly: "In short, I don't agree with the Northwest Frontier Town to provide such a huge amount of food, and they can't provide it either!" After finishing speaking, Prince Yi He closed his eyes and stopped talking.

The emperor shook his head and smiled when he saw this: "It is true that a batch of cattle and sheep can be produced from the northwest side, and some can be produced from the household department, and some can be produced from my internal treasury, and some can be produced from Rongyun Nishang Pavilion. Come on. There is more," the emperor said here, looking at Huang Jiyun with a half-smile and saying: "Huang Aiqing and I think of a way!"

The emperor didn't even look at Huang Jiyun's expression after he finished speaking, but laughed out loud.The method was proposed by Huang Jiyun and Daiyu, and Huang Jiyun was Daiyu's master. The emperor thought it would be best to leave this matter to Huang Jiyun.

Prince Yi saw that the emperor took the initiative to take part of it from the inner treasury, so he couldn't say anything more, so he just nodded and said: "Since the emperor has said so, I can't repeat it, but please give me your permission. At that time, let the younger brother go to the northwest to preach the decree."

The emperor raised his eyebrows, knowing that the Seventh Prince had a special feeling for the first city he saved, even though the northwest border city was just a small city, so he nodded in agreement.He also ordered: "Since that's the case, Prince Yi obeys the order!"

The Seventh Prince quickly got up and knelt down, and the emperor said in a deep voice: "The continuous drought in the Yellow River Basin has caused the people to be displaced. Now Prince Yi is ordered to collect the refugees at the junction of Shaanxi and Gansu. The men and women will be sent to the northwest and handed over to the Northwest General Town. The old man was brought back to the capital and handed over to the shelter, and the children..."

In the emperor's mind, sending these children to the Lin Family Academy is the best choice. However, the Lin Family Academy is just a private private school for the clan. Not to mention whether so many children can be accommodated, even if they are, it will be troublesome in the future, so I can't help but hesitate .

Huang Jiyun obviously understood the meaning of the emperor, so he respectfully said: "Your Majesty, if you send children to the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of War, they can also learn skills."

The emperor raised his eyebrows, and said noncommittally: "Children, let's see how many there are. Come over with the last booklet, and I will think about it again."

Seeing that everything was settled, Prince Yi did not delay any longer after receiving the order, got up and prepared to leave the imperial study, and went back to prepare to go to the Shaanxi-Gansu border in person.But the emperor stopped him suddenly and said with a smile: "I saw Brother Xuan, tell him to do a good job, I'm waiting to reward him!"

Getting such support from the emperor was beyond Huang Jiyun's expectations, so Huang Jiyun left the imperial study very happily. As for the matter of remodeling the royal garden into a plantation, Huang Jiyun didn't take it to heart, it was just a trivial matter Well, if the Holy Majesty agrees, it can be done properly after ordering.

Because the northwest ranch involved the investment of Rong Yun's Nishang Pavilion, after leaving the palace, Huang Jiyun returned to Wenyuan Pavilion, explained something, and then went to Daiyu's Zhuangzi outside the city again.

When Huang Jiyun said that the Holy Majesty wanted Rongyun Nishang Pavilion to pay the money, he didn't expect Daiyu to look at him blankly and ask: "This is a major military matter, how can we let Rongyun Nishang Pavilion pay the money? "

Even though Huang Jiyun felt that his head was getting bigger, it was just a trivial matter in Huang Jiyun's opinion. After all, Rongyun Nishang Pavilion funded two shelters, and letting the refugees go to the northwest was also what Daiyu proposed earlier. Now Why don't you want to pay money?
Seeing that Huang Jiyun's expression was not good, Daiyu smiled and said, "Master, our Rongyun Nishang Pavilion is just a joint venture between Yu'er and Princess Hanyi. The holy majesty set up two shelters, just to watch the suffering of the people, to share the worries of the king and solve the problems of the people."

Huang Jiyun also understood from the bottom of his heart that what Daiyu said was the truth, but now Prince Yi has ordered to win over the refugees.When the refugees gather up one after another and spend money, if they can't spend the money to buy enough food by then, I'm afraid there will be big troubles!Huang Jiyun couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

But Daiyu calmly boiled tea for Huang Jiyun, and said slowly: "This is the business of the Holy Majesty, why bother Master to embarrass Yu'er? If Yu'er pays this money, won't she come everywhere in the future Ask Yu'er for money? Even if Yu'er has a mountain of gold, I'm afraid she won't be able to support it."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Huang Jiyun also sighed, and sat down frowning, not saying anything more, thinking about how to go back and have a business with the Holy One.

Seeing Huang Jiyun's frowning expression, Daiyu felt a little shy, after all, Huang Jiyun had treated her very well in the past ten years, even her own father and daughter were no different.

Daiyu lowered her head and thought for a while, then held the freshly brewed tea to Huang Jiyun, and said with a smile: "Master, there is no need to be so difficult. The family and the country are the world, and the world is the family's country. This world is the world of the sage, and this world is also the world of the common people. The world. Although the country is not rich and the people are strong today, it is still a peaceful country and a peaceful people, right?"

Hearing what Daiyu said, Huang Jiyun knew that Daiyu must have some kind of evil plan, so he raised his head to look at Daiyu.

(End of this chapter)

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