Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 336 Where is such a good thing?

Chapter 336 Where is such a good thing?
First of all, thank the Calgary people for their monthly pass support!This is today's Chapter 3. Gu Jing finally paid off all the debts owed in early September today~O(∩_∩)O~Come and congratulate Gu Jing~

Daiyu naturally has an idea, but whether this idea will work or not, Daiyu has no idea, so she tentatively smiled and said: "Master, look, Rongyun Nishang Pavilion, apart from the identities of Hanyi's sister and Yu'er, said After all, it’s just a merchant.”

Daiyu even added: "Because our Rongyun Nishang Pavilion also supplies the palace, from the ladies to the palace servants and officials' clothes, it is also acceptable to call it an imperial merchant."

Hearing that Daiyu identified herself as a business owner, Huang Jiyun's expression turned ugly no matter how free and easy he was.After all, for thousands of years, scholars, farmers, businessmen, and merchants rank last, but they are the most inferior people. This kind of cognition has long been ingrained in Huang Jiyun's mind.Suddenly hearing that his proud disciple identified himself as a merchant, Huang Jiyun immediately glared at him.

Daiyu didn't take it seriously, and then said with a smile: "Since Rongyun Nishang Pavilion can contribute funds, it is also possible to come to other merchants if you want, why not raise funds from the merchant's home?"

Huang Jiyun said angrily: "You are stupid when you think others? It's not good, who is willing to pay the money?" As soon as Huang Jiyun finished speaking, Daiyu immediately objected: "Master means that Yu'er and Princess Hanyi are both idiots. huh?"

Huang Jiyun paused, thought for a while and said: "Yu'er might as well talk about your thoughts with Master, and Master can help you think about it. If it is really feasible, Master will go back and fight for you from the Holy One."

Daiyu went around in circles for a long time, didn't she just want Huang Jiyun's words?Now that Huang Jiyun had opened his mouth, Daiyu didn't hesitate and said with a smile, "Yu'er's idea is actually very simple. In the eyes of the master and even everyone in the world, this merchant, a farmer, a businessman, is probably a farmer who can't even eat enough." It's not as good."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Huang Jiyun couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Obviously, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Businessmen seek profits, and what they earn is just a business that takes advantage of loopholes. Not to mention Huang Jiyun, even among scholars, there is no one who can do it. Look down on merchants.

But Daiyu smiled and said: "But the master only remembers the scholars, farmers, and businessmen, but doesn't he remember telling Yu'er that without agriculture, there is no stability, without work, there is no wealth, without business, there is no life?"

Huang Jiyun was stunned for a moment, he understood what Daiyu meant, squinted his eyes to look at Daiyu, and said in a very low voice: "Is Yu'er trying to take this opportunity to increase her status as a merchant?"

Daiyu frowned. Originally, she didn't want to point it out so early, fearing that Huang Jiyun would refute her, but after thinking about it, she has already reached this point, so she no longer hides it.Daiyu looked at Huang Jiyun and nodded seriously.

Sure enough, without waiting for Daiyu to speak, Huang Jiyun slapped the armrest of the chair, glared at Daiyu, and angrily said: "Nonsense!"

Daiyu bit her lip, she had never seen such an angry Huang Jiyun, and she was somewhat afraid and guilty.But calmed down, in Daiyu's view, there was no better opportunity than this, she insisted on gritted her teeth: "Yu'er is not messing around, like the life of the common people, the master knows."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she raised her head and looked at Huang Jiyun, her eyes were full of admiration, she said in a very soft voice, but she said firmly: "What kind of life do merchants live, what kind of life do farmers and craftsmen live like?" ? Even the scholars, many of them live a life without a break. Shouldn’t we do something?”

Seeing Daiyu's expression and hearing her words, Huang Jiyun couldn't help but sigh in his heart.Nowadays, most of the money is concentrated in the hands of honorable merchants, even the fields. The merchants’ homes are extravagant, but the people don’t even have land to cultivate. Most of them are reduced to tenant farmers. If the year is not good, they can only become refugees... …

Thinking of this, Huang Jiyun frowned and looked at Daiyu, and said in a low voice, "Yu'er, tell me what you think."

Daiyu knew that this was Huang Jiyun's first concession, and whether she could succeed or not depended on whether she could persuade him.Therefore, Daiyu did not speak in a hurry, but thought about it seriously, and after organizing her words, she said: "If you want to return the land to ordinary people, there are not many ways, except for a few."

Seeing the change in Huang Jiyun's expression, Daiyu smiled and said: "But Yu'er wants to come to the sage or master, I'm afraid she won't want to do this."

Huang Jiyun nodded and sighed: "If this is the case, I'm afraid it will cause turmoil..." Huang Jiyun also felt very tired when he said this.

Daiyu said with a smile: "But Yu'er has her own method, which can gradually return the land to the people. Although it can't be seen immediately, it can still have some effect, and it can also alleviate some unnecessary conflicts."

Huang Jiyun raised his head and raised his eyebrows, "Is that what Yu'er said about elevating the status of merchants?"

Apparently Huang Jiyun didn't think that elevating the status of merchants would have any effect, and of course Daiyu didn't think so either.So he smiled and said, "Yes, not all of them."

Then Daiyu didn't wait for Huang Jiyun to ask questions, and continued to explain: "The big merchants have eaten enough, drunk enough, and have enough money, but their status is low. I don't know what the master thinks that the merchants want most now. Land ? Or status?"

Huang Jiyun thought for a while and said with a smile: "Naturally, it is a position recognized by others."

Daiyu nodded and said with a smile: "The master said that it is recognized by others. In fact, the status of merchants has already been far higher than that of ordinary people in many places. Why don't we just rectify their names?"

Seeing that Huang Jiyun frowned again, Daiyu laughed before Huang Jiyun got angry: "Of course, this name rectification will not be that easy, even businessmen, we can give them a class. Isn’t it? How to distinguish this naturally depends on how much the merchants have contributed to the country.”

After Daiyu finished speaking, she picked up the teapot, refilled Huang Jiyun's tea, poured another cup for herself, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile: "Building bridges and paving roads are naturally contributing to the country. But now we people in the northwest The northern barbarians suffered a disaster, and the Yellow River basin is experiencing drought, isn't it time for one side to be in trouble and all sides to support it?"

Huang Jiyun thought for a while and nodded, "Yu'er meant to classify businessmen into several grades intentionally, and the criterion for classification is how much contribution they have made to the country. How should this contribution be divided?"

Daiyu said casually while drinking tea: "It's hard to say about this Yu'er, it must be discussed by the court adults, right? But Yu'er feels that this contribution must not be a one-off, otherwise, for the court I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense. It's best to check it every year."

When Daiyu mentioned this, Huang Jiyun smiled and said: "You are thinking that Fang'er will ask for money from merchants once or twice, and they may give it to you, but no one is a fool, right?"

Daiyu heard what Huang Jiyun said, but she said seriously: "You can't say it like this. If the merchants are classified, the goods will naturally be classified. Merchants with corresponding grades can do corresponding business. Besides, the shipping will be opened in the future. , that is the real business world, such a business, how can everyone do it?"

Huang Jiyun understood what Daiyu meant, but he still asked, "But this is far away water, so it can't quench my thirst."

Daiyu tilted her head and smiled, "Yu'er found that Master has become more and more stupid since getting married?"

Huang Jiyun was stunned for a moment, and scolded with a smile: "You girl! You can make jokes about being a teacher?" Daiyu raised her eyebrows, stopped talking, and thought for a while before saying: "Now raising funds, Yu'er is a little For immature thoughts, the master will help Yu'er make up his mind."

Seeing Huang Jiyun's nod, Dai Yufang said: "Rongyun's Nishang Pavilion doesn't have a lot of stock because it is custom-made clothes, but there are still some. I think other shops have a lot of stock, so we can hold a charity auction and get two taels of silver." Donate it. Auction the store with the most silver taels, and ask the Lord for grace to raise it by one level from the original level."

After Daiyu finished speaking, Huang Jiyun raised his eyebrows and said, "According to what Yu'er means, is this a way to force the courtiers and the Holy Majesty to agree to the businessmen you mentioned?"

Daiyu was startled, but this method needs the court to announce the classification of merchants before it can be effective.Can't help hastily explaining: "Yu'er didn't have that kind of idea, but thought that every merchant has inventory. In this way, the inventory can be disposed of and some practical benefits can be gained. Merchants are willing to think about it. Therefore, Let the master decide."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Huang Jiyun nodded noncommittally and asked, "Is there any other way?"

Daiyu couldn't help being a little frustrated because she didn't think carefully before, she lowered her head and said in a low voice: "If you want merchants to pay money, you must either be famous or profitable. Being famous is neither the master's decision nor Yu'er's decision. But that benefit can be expected. As long as the news is released, Rongyun Nishang Pavilion will be chained nationwide, with unified layout and unified shipment. But a franchise fee will be charged."

After finishing speaking, Daiyu pouted and looked at Huang Jiyun and said, "But this method still uses Rongyun Nishang Pavilion's money, and Rongyun Nishang Pavilion has no obligation to do so!"

After finishing speaking, Daiyu took a deep breath, didn't look at Huang Jiyun's expression, and said in a low voice: "In the final analysis, some people want money from others, but they don't want any benefits to be taken away by others. Where in the world is there such a good thing? Where does such a reason come from? You have taken advantage of all the benefits of love!"

After finishing speaking, Daiyu glared at Huang Jiyun, and seeing Huang Jiyun's somewhat embarrassed expression, she continued: "Besides, the money in the family's house was not blown by strong winds. They traveled all over the country and circulated supplies. Isn't this family's goods Didn't they buy it with money first? If they can't sell it, don't they still bear it?"

What Daiyu said made Huang Jiyun speechless, but Daiyu didn't seem to intend to let Huang Jiyun go, or let go of this opportunity.

Daiyu went on to say: "People put money in it first, and goods are transported back and forth from south to north. One is that people need money for themselves, and the other is that they also take risks. Yes. Master, let’s look at the nobles in the court today, besides the ancestors who contributed to the founding of the country, how many are still contributing to the country now?”

In the end, Daiyu muttered: "Besides, the commercial tax is not low, much higher than the agricultural tax. Merchants all over the world don't do business, they go to farm. The household department doesn't have that much money to collect." Daiyu said she was muttering. , but Huang Jiyun still heard clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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