Chapter 348
Thanks to tatacoo for the reward and encouragement~ Thanks to Maggiexie, Chen Yu for the monthly ticket support! O(∩_∩)OThank you

Wang Xifeng saw Daiyu send the mandarin ducks away, leaned her elbows on the table, looked around Daiyu's room, looked calm and said with a smile: "The garden is beautiful, but this room is still too beautiful." I held back a bit, not to mention two people, just put more things, there is no room."

Hearing what Wang Xifeng said, Daiyu raised her eyebrows without turning around the bush and said with a smile: "So Yu'er wants to go back to Zhuangzi, sister-in-law must help me."

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Wang Xifeng sat up straight, widened her eyes and said, "When did it happen?" Daiyu didn't understand why Wang Xifeng had such an expression, so she couldn't help but paused and looked at Zhixuan who was waiting beside her. With a glance, Zhixuan nodded silently and stood guard outside the house.

Only Nanny Tang, Wang Xifeng and Daiyu were left in the room. Seeing that Nanny Tang was about to ask, Daiyu smiled reassuringly, "Mommy is not an outsider." Hearing what Daiyu said, Nanny Tang There was a smile in his eyes, and a smile on his face.

Seeing that Wang Xifeng was in a hurry, Daiyu smiled and said, "I will not hide it from my sister-in-law. The Holy Majesty's gift of marriage was unexpected to me, but since the Holy Majesty has issued a decree, I am afraid there is nothing I can do. But after all, I am a girl from the Lin family. There is no rule of waiting to be married in Jia's house."

Seeing that Wang Xifeng nodded thoughtfully, Daiyu continued, "But it's not easy to tell my grandmother about this. My grandmother is getting old, and my mother left early, so I can't be filial to my son. You have to make the old man worry about it."

After hearing what Daiyu had said, Wang Xifeng smiled coldly, reached out and nodded Daiyu's head and said, "Do you think she will be upset because she doesn't want to part with you?" Daiyu didn't hide, just grinned.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng sighed and said: "I just want to use you to get married from Jia's mansion, so that I can get involved with Cheng'en Gong's mansion." After speaking, she glared at Daiyu and said, "Besides, when you come Who knew that your dowry was originally prepared by Uncle Lin? Was it from the House of Internal Affairs? Or was it subsidized by Princess Wujun?"

After Wang Xifeng finished speaking, the disdain on his face became stronger, and he pursed his lips and smiled: "I don't know, I'm afraid they will think that Jia's house bought it for you, right?"

Daiyu saw that Wang Xifeng was thinking of what she thought of, so she also hit the snake with the stick and took Wang Xifeng's arm, saying: "So I thought it would be better to go back to the Zhuangzi outside my city."

Wang Xifeng seemed to be out of breath, took a deep breath before holding it back, and said in a low voice: "Since you are the eldest lady of the Lin family, why don't you go back to the Yongding Marquis' mansion? Could it be that your name is unfair?" After finishing speaking Then he stared straight at Daiyu.

Daiyu was taken aback for a moment, and it took her a while before she laughed. She turned her head to look at Nanny Tang, only to see that Nanny Tang also had a helpless expression on her face.Both of them actually forgot about this.He only thought about Zhuangzi outside the city, but he forgot that the Marquis of Yongding in the city was his home.He couldn't help smiling gratefully at Wang Xifeng: "Sister-in-law is more thoughtful."

Wang Xifeng didn't take the credit either, she just sighed and said: "Your elder brother asked me to bring you this story. It was hard to talk about the mandarin ducks here before, so I thought I would tell you about it in a day or two." Saying that it was Jia Lian's intention, the smile on Daiyu's face grew stronger, and she felt even more warm in her heart.

The aunt and sister-in-law had a few gossips, and then, surrounded by the maids, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, they went to Mrs. Jia's upper room.

Seeing Daiyu and Wang Xifeng coming hand in hand, Hu Po, who had been waiting outside, immediately smiled and said: "It can be regarded as waiting for the two of you." As she spoke, she lifted the curtain and let the two of them in.

In Mrs. Jia's room, as Yuanyang said, boxes and cages of all sizes were placed all over the floor. Even Daiyu and Wang Xifeng, who were used to seeing good things, couldn't help being stunned, from porcelain to ornaments, from jewelry to Not to mention a large stall of clothing materials, there are two large boxes on the kang table in front of Mrs. Jia.

When Mrs. Jia had her [-]th birthday on the bridge of her nose, Daiyu was carefully flipping through the booklet with her polished pair of Moyu Baibao crystal glasses.Seeing Daiyu coming in, he stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Yu'er, come and have a look."

Daiyu took a look at Wang Xifeng, stepped forward and sat beside Mrs. Jia as she said, and said with a smile, "Grandmother is going to do business?" The opened cages said: "Otherwise, why even put up the stalls?"

The old lady Jia laughed, and said with a smile: "You narrow girl! The old woman is picking your dowry! You are still making fun of me." After speaking, she gave Daiyu a look, and pushed the booklet in her hand to Daiyu. Er said: "Yu'er, take a look, if there is anything you like, I listed the brochure separately, and that field..."

Before the old lady Jia finished speaking, Daiyu sat upright and said very seriously: "What is grandmother doing? Don't let people say that the Lin family can't even bring out anything to marry their daughter. Grandma arrives If you want to add makeup to Yu'er, Yu'er will be grateful, but now, Yu'er can't bear it."

Seeing Daiyu's expression, old lady Jia couldn't help frowning and said, "Your parents left early, what's wrong with my grandmother buying you a dowry? Who can say anything?"

Daiyu felt helpless, but had no choice but to put on a shy look, leaned on the old lady Jia, and said softly: "Yu'er understands grandma's wishes. But after all, Yu'er is a girl from the Lin family." After speaking, she was afraid of Jia. The old lady said something else, and then said: "Besides, my mother prepared it for Yu'er when she was alive, and Yu'er wants to use what her mother prepared."

Old lady Jia heard Daiyu say that her dowry was prepared by Jia Min, so she couldn't help but paused for a while, when Daiyu thought that old lady Jia let go, old lady Jia said in a hoarse voice: "Your mother loves you , you are also thinking of your mother's good son, grandma is very happy. Only your mother has been away for so many years, I am afraid that some of them are not applicable. "

The old lady Jia spoke tactfully, and Daiyu also pretended to be embarrassed and said: "There are also rules for the marriage of the county magistrate. When the time comes, the mother will prepare it, and then the father will buy it later, plus it will be given by the adoptive mother, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and everyone. The makeup of the elders is probably going to be overstepped."

After seeing Mrs. Jia, she wanted to say more, and Daiyu was about to give her medicine, so she smiled and said: "When the Holy Majesty bestowed the marriage, he first said that Yu'er was a girl from Yongdinghou's mansion, and then he said that Yu'er was from the prince's mansion of Wujun. I'm afraid I'll have to move back to Yongdinghou's mansion in two days, otherwise I'm afraid the Holy One and Empress will be unhappy too."

Sure enough, when she heard that Daiyu was going to move back to the Marquis of Yongding, Mrs. Jia's thoughts immediately changed, and she didn't care about the dowry or not. Life in Jia's mansion these past two years has not been so easy. On her tenth birthday, Wang Xifeng let a large number of people go out in the name of accumulating blessings for herself.

Old lady Jia grabbed Daiyu's hand and asked anxiously: "Is Yu'er not going to accompany grandma?" Daiyu reassuredly shook old lady Jia's hand, and said casually: "I'm not in a hurry. In a short time, although it is cleaned every month, it has been empty for many years, and I am going to order someone to go back and tidy it up."

The old lady Jia couldn't say anything for a moment, she just pursed her lips and stared at the box on the kang table without making a sound, Wang Xifeng came up to this and said with a smile: "Oh, old ancestor, are you still afraid that these good things are gone?" People want it? Lin girl doesn’t want it, I want it.”

Old lady Jia glared at her and said: "Your sister Lin's parents left early, I feel sorry for her, there are things like you, a monkey everywhere!"

Wang Xifeng also knew what Old Madam Jia was thinking, so she comforted her: "The old ancestor is still afraid that people will treat Sister Lin badly? Then you will go and ask Sister Lin in person. You are Sister Lin's grandmother, who can say anything? I am afraid that Princess Wujun will not be able to say anything, so I have to ask you to be the host."

The old lady Jia thought about the same thing, so she reluctantly nodded and said: "Since this is the case, Yu'er should take a look. If you like it, just pick it."

Daiyu breathed a sigh of relief, but smiled quietly and said, "Grandmother is reluctant to give it to Yu'er? Yu'er is young and has little knowledge, so how can she compare to her grandmother's vision?" Mrs. Jia Hearing what Daiyu said, she felt better after all, she nodded and said: "You girl, you just have a sweet mouth, it's okay, grandma picked it for you."

Mrs. Jia didn't expect that Daiyu said she would send someone back to clean it up, but within ten days or so a family member came to report that it had been cleaned up.Mrs. Wang pursed her lips when she heard about it, and said, "Now I'm thinking of severing relations with our family!"

The old lady Jia glared at Mrs. Wang in dissatisfaction and said, "Since the Holy Majesty has not taken back her father's title, she can only stay in the Marquis Mansion when she is to be married. How can there be any reason to live in a relative's house? Even the Majesty's face is not worth it." Looks good, when the time comes, will the empress have a better life in the palace?"

When Mrs. Wang heard this, her heart stopped and she stopped talking.Daiyu returned to the Yongding Hou's mansion after a long absence with great fanfare and with her maids and maids.

Returning to the Marquis of Yongding's mansion after being away for many years, not to mention Nanny Sun and others, I was so excited, even Daiyu couldn't help but her eyes were red, especially when she went to the house where Lin Ruhai lived when she was convalescing, she couldn't stop crying That's why she had to move out.

Tang Nanny frowned when she saw this, but she couldn't say anything, but Sun Nanny stepped forward with red eyes and said comfortingly: "The girl is going to get married now, and I can only be happy when I see the master and wife when I come back here. The girl is not happy to be so sad, there is no need to make the master and wife feel uneasy."

Daiyu looked up at Nanny Sun's red eyes, nodded and said, "You all go out, don't guard me. I want to be alone, and when I turn around, I will pack up the salutes and give them to Gusu." Bian'er has a message. The two Lin Bos have been with the Lin family for several generations, and now that I'm getting married, I always need to let you know."

Grandma Sun nodded quickly after hearing this, and said, "Yes, that's right, and Manager Zhang and Manager Song will also send someone to notify them over there." Zhixuan laughed and said, "Mammy is confused! Master is in the south with King Wujun, and Director Song is in the northwest with uncle, are you afraid they don't know?"

Zhixuan's voice was clear and bright, and her words were cheerful. It was not difficult to see that the people around her were very satisfied with this marriage. Daiyu smiled helplessly, and waved her hand to interrupt what Nanny Sun was about to say. : "Let's all go out, I'll be quiet."

Seeing Daiyu's disgusted expression, everyone didn't dare to say anything more, but Nanny Tang couldn't help being a little worried, but no one said anything, and they all quietly retreated.

After leaving the house, Nanny Sun pointed to Zhixuan and said, "Of course, there will be someone from the Holy Lord to inform the prince, and there will be someone to deliver the decree to the new son-in-law, but Manager Zhang and Manager Song, no matter what We should let our own people know, this is also respect! There will be many times when we girls will rely on them in the future."

Speaking of which, Nanny Sun looked back at the closed door, sighed before packing her luggage.After hearing Nanny Sun's words, Zhixuan realized how big a mistake she had made, so she couldn't help sticking out her tongue, and quietly guarded the door.Because Mother Tang had something on her mind, she didn't say anything more and went into the backyard.

(End of this chapter)

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