Chapter 349
First of all, I'm sorry that I posted this chapter so late, and... I didn't finish it.Gujing was really busy at get off work these two days, and he didn't get off work until after nine o'clock.I'm really sorry.In addition, I would like to thank Calgary people, Chen Yu, Qian Yiyi Renyan, and xj Bean Sprout for their monthly support!Double monthly ticket~~~ Please support Gujing! O(∩_∩)OThank you

It was already mid-September when Gusu Lin's House received the news of Daiyu's engagement. The old housekeeper Lin Zhong and Lin Yi brothers happily packed their luggage overnight. Lin Zhong patted his younger brother Lin Yi's arm and said with a smile: " Finally, I can explain to the master when I go underground." As he spoke, tears welled up in his eyes.

Lin Yi also nodded and smiled with red eyes: "We have to tidy up and go to marry the girl. Don't let people look down on our girl and think that our Lin family has no one." Lin Yi then said Shouted: "Damn Linde! Go and pack up!"

Lin Zhong shook his head and said with a smile, "You! You're a few dozen years old, and you don't seem to have made any progress." As he spoke, he gave Lin Yi a look, and Lin Yi just smiled.

Seeing this, Lin Zhong ordered people to go to the Lin clan to inform the head of the Lin clan. After all, in Lin Zhong's heart, since Lin Ruhai had gone, the Lin clan was Daiyu's backer. The Holy Majesty granted the marriage, so naturally the patriarch was invited to come forward.

On the other hand, although Daiyu left the old house for many years, she left a lot of things in the old house. These years, the two brothers Lin Zhong and Lin Yi stayed here and didn't go anywhere, just because they knew about it. He wholeheartedly guarded the things for Daiyu, and at this time Daiyu was about to get married, Lin Zhong and Lin Yi discussed whether to take out these things and send them to Daiyu. .
It just so happened that the Lin clan also received the news and came over to discuss the marriage.The old patriarch even came in person.For Daiyu to have a home, both the old housekeeper and the old patriarch are very happy in their hearts.

Within two days, Lin Zhong, Lin Yi and the two old housekeepers took good care of the boat and packed up the household items, especially the big boxes that Daiyu had sunk in the lotus pond, and brought them up one by one. The eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law were sent to see off their relatives, and Yang Fan went north together.Even Mother Yang followed after receiving the news.

At this time, Mo Xuan had already received the imperial decree, and he led a dozen guards full of joy, galloping with Song Shi on horses, and entered the Gansu-Shaanxi region.

The gate of the Marquis of Yongding opened again. Knowing that the head of Yulin County was going to be married here, the female relatives of the various prefectures came to visit. Luo Sujuan even visited the mansion every day as Daiyu's teacher on the second day after Daiyu returned to the mansion. To help Daiyu, Mrs. Jia also sent people over every day, and Mrs. Xing also stayed in Beijing for a while, bringing her sister Qiao to accompany Daiyu.

But no matter whether it was the Gusu Lin family, or the old housekeeper, or the people in the Huang, Jia, and Yongding Hou's houses, no one thought that at this moment, a storm was coming to the inner garden of the palace.

September [-]th, originally a day that couldn't be more ordinary, the empress saw her eldest son who came out of Beijing secretly, and was quietly sent back to the palace without knowing anything about his personnel.Frowning brows, black face, pale lips, and sweat on his head.If it weren't for the slightly heaving chest, the queen wouldn't even be able to tell that he was still alive.

The queen's eyes turned black immediately and she passed out. If it wasn't for the quick eyesight of the mother and sister beside her, and the swift reaction of the Cai'e palace servants, the empress might have fallen to the ground.

The eldest concubine, followed by a dozen or so palace servants and the nurse holding the eldest grandson, stood in front of the eldest prince Chengde's couch. She couldn't believe that this person in front of her was the one who promised herself with a smile that she would definitely come back before the Mid-Autumn Festival. The First Prince, my own husband.

The eldest prince and concubine stood blankly in front of the couch, staring blankly at the unconscious first prince, even the queen empress fainted and was in a mess behind her, she didn't know it.

"What's the matter with the eldest prince?" A deep and deep voice sounded in the silent palace.Dressed in court clothes, the always calm and calm emperor, now with a gloomy face, walked in with big strides.

This group of imperial doctors from the Imperial Hospital lay prone on the ground.Gu Shi lowered his head, trembling.Even the servants and servants beside the empress and the eldest concubine also hurriedly knelt down to greet them.The emperor didn't bother to pay attention to these things, as soon as he stepped into the side hall, he saw two nuns helping the queen to the soft couch, and the eldest prince and concubine neither bowed nor evaded, and only turned her back to him.

The emperor's original frown was squeezed out with a deep "Chuan".With a wave of his hand, the prince immediately stepped forward cautiously, and changed the eldest prince and concubine twice, but the eldest prince and concubine stood there in a daze, motionless.

The emperor glanced at the queen, and asked, "Call the imperial doctor! How is the queen?" At this time, the imperial doctor sent him to get up, stumbled, ran in tremblingly, knelt on the ground, and stared at the big tapestry on the ground. Blanket, across the silk to give the queen a pulse diagnosis.

But the emperor was already standing in front of the couch of the eldest prince Chengde!Not to mention that the empress would faint, even the emperor himself felt dark in front of his eyes, and the world was spinning.

It took a while for the emperor to recover his voice, and he said dryly and condensedly: "Xuan University scholar Huang Jing sees you!" The prince was so excited that he didn't care about the stunned eldest princess, and glanced behind the eldest princess The nanny ran out quickly.

The emperor looked back at the group of imperial doctors who were prostrate on the ground, closed his eyes, and said coldly: "Save the life of the eldest prince! Otherwise, I will be buried with the heads of you and others!" Kicked over the drum stool in front of the couch.

The eldest prince concubine was rolled on a drum stool, and only then did she wake up, "Ah!" After a shrill cry, the eldest prince concubine collapsed without knowing anything.

Seeing that the queen hadn't woken up yet, the eldest princess fell down again, and the eldest grandson of the emperor was still lying in the swaddle, hugged by the shivering nanny in her arms.The emperor clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. Huang Jiyun has become the emperor's last hope...

At this moment, Huang Jiyun was in the study, rummaging through boxes and chests to choose the dowry for Daiyu, such as postcards, famous paintings, ancient books, ornaments, curios.

Huang Mengxue passed by by chance, raised her eyebrows and smiled when she saw it: "Your nephew is getting married, and your niece's daughter is getting married. I haven't seen Ji Yun so willing to do it?" Huang Jiyun turned around and clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Isn't there a brother here? Why is Ji Yun Dare to step over and take over?" Huang Mengxue shook her head and smiled, "Aren't you going to save some money for your future son?"

Huang Ji raised his eyebrows but didn't speak. Seeing this, Huang Mengxue asked, "Fourth brother and sister have no objections? Do you want to persuade you?" Huang Jiyun smiled proudly, "Yu'er is not only my apprentice." Huang Mengxue came to her senses when she saw this, shook her head and smiled wryly, "Yes, Ji Yun regards Yu'er as his own daughter, so I can't be stingy as an uncle."

Huang Jiyun brushed off his sleeves, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Let me, younger brother, go to the big brother's study to pick out two?" Huang Mengxue was choked and was about to speak, but saw a young boy stumbling in.

Huang Mengxue immediately reprimanded with a straight face: "Why are you so reckless? Are there any rules?"

But the young man ran to Huang Mengxue and Huang Jiyun without hesitation and panted, "Fourth Master, hurry up, Wang, Eunuch, I'm waiting for you to enter the palace."

Huang Jiyun and Huang Mengxue's expression changed immediately, the two brothers looked at each other, Huang Mengxue nodded, Huang Jiyun strode towards the main hall in the front yard.

(End of this chapter)

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