Chapter 350
First of all, I'm sorry, there is only this chapter today, and there will be only one chapter tomorrow... Gujing is really busy these two days. During the seven days of the National Day, Gujing will honestly not go anywhere. He will code at home and try his best to make up for you guys.In addition, I am very grateful to Xingyueer for her kindness.Thank you Yuanlai is you, Chen Yu, Wenwen Xinxin's monthly ticket support! O(∩_∩)O Thank you for your support and love!

Seeing Huang Jiyun's figure from a distance, Wang Gonggong rushed over as if seeing a straw for life. He didn't wait for Huang Jiyun to approach.

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun frowned, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. This prince has been with the emperor for many years, and he is quite calm and prudent. Now he is so flustered that something serious must have happened!Huang Jiyun also quickened his pace unconsciously.

When Wang Gonggong rushed to Huang Jiyun's side, he grabbed Huang Jiyun and said: "Your Excellency, you can figure it out! Hurry up and enter the palace with the miscellaneous family, sir, the emperor is waiting." While talking, he pulled Huang Jiyun out.

Huang Jiyun smiled and said: "No matter how anxious my father-in-law is, I have to let me change my official robe." Then the father-in-law stopped, and looked back at Huang Jiyun in a daze, and found that Huang Jiyun was wearing a sandalwood satin robe with maroon silk The leader wears a train around his waist, and there is a turmeric beeswax bergamot pendant on his waist, which seems to be all right.Can't help but look up...

Huang Jiyun's gray hair, I don't know if it has just been washed, or because of some reason, it is only loosely tied on his head.The prince could not help but gritted his teeth, and said: "I don't care, Mr. Huang should enter the palace with the miscellaneous family. If you want to come to the Holy Majesty, you won't blame him." Thinking of the chaos when he left the palace, the sad and lonely figure of the emperor, the prince The corners of his eyes were red and wet.

When Eunuch Wang arrived, Huang Jiyun knew something was wrong, after all, the palace gate had already been locked at this time, if he was not in a hurry, Eunuch Wang would not have come at this time, but Huang Jiyun did not expect that he was so anxious.

Huang Jiyun's heart tightened, his eyes shone sharply, he stared straight at Wang Gonggong, and asked in a deep voice, "But the frontier news?" What Huang Jiyun is most worried about now is the report of the northern barbarian invasion from the northwest.

Seeing the prince shaking his head, Huang Jiyun breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing the prince's anxious face turning pale, he said, "Master Huang, you should go with the servant!" He asked in a low voice, "What's the matter! Father-in-law must give me an explanation, right?"

Wang Gonggong gritted his molars, seeing Huang Jiyun frowning and staring at him, he couldn't help sweating beads of sweat rolling down his cheeks and bridge of nose, and there was a battle between heaven and man in his heart.

Just as the prince came forward and was about to speak, Huang Jiyun heard Huang Shufeng's voice behind him: "Why didn't Ji Yun invite the prince to sit in the room?" The prince swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Huang Jiyun looked at Wang Gonggong's expression, turned around and smiled at Huang Shufeng: "Why did the third brother come here? I will enter the palace with my father-in-law right now, so I won't sit down."

When Huang Shufeng heard that Huang Jiyun was really going out with Wang Gonggong, he couldn't help being stunned and said: "Nonsense! Why don't you change your official robes soon?" Huang Jiyun just acted like he didn't hear, and dragged Wang Gonggong to go faster and faster.

Wang Gonggong couldn't help but thank Huang Shufeng very much in his heart, but he didn't know that at this time Huang Shufeng also went to Huang Mengxue's study with a solemn expression.

Seeing Huang Jiyun, who was dressed in a regular robe, and his hair was not combed well, and after a gallop on horseback, it was even more disheveled. The emperor was stunned, but he had no time to worry about it.He took two steps forward and grabbed Huang Jiyun without waiting for him to kneel down. He said in a deep voice, "Ji Yun doesn't need to be polite, just follow me to have a look."

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun frowned even tighter, and couldn't help asking as he walked: "My lord, forgive me for being rude, I don't know what it means to call me into the palace so urgently..."

Before Huang Jiyun could finish speaking, the emperor stopped, looked back at Eunuch Wang, nodded and said: "The eldest prince had an accident, the group of quack doctors in the imperial hospital were helpless, now all I can think of is Ji Yun. "The emperor looked unwilling to say more, but Huang Jiyun broke out in a cold sweat.

No one else knew that the eldest prince left Beijing and went south, but Huang Jiyun knew about it.At first, the eldest prince failed to return as scheduled, and he was thinking that he might be delayed somewhere. After all, although there were not many people around the eldest prince, they were all good players.Unexpectedly, the emperor summoned him at this time, and said that something happened to the eldest prince, Huang Jiyun couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and quickened his pace.

At this time, the eldest prince's bedroom had already been cleaned up, a group of imperial physicians and servants from the imperial hospital came out, the emperor's eldest grandson had already been carried down, and the awakened empress and the eldest prince retreated behind the screen before Huang Jiyun came in.

Seeing the emperor coming in, all the imperial doctors and servants were prostrate on the ground, but the emperor led Huang Jiyun to the eldest prince Chengde's bed without looking.

When Huang Jiyun saw the Eldest Prince's appearance, his complexion immediately changed, and without hesitation, he quickly stepped forward and supported the Eldest Prince's wrist.The emperor also stopped and held his breath, not daring to disturb him, and stared closely at Huang Jiyun's expression.

Huang Jiyun only held his pulse for a moment, then grabbed the eldest prince's other hand, beads of sweat dripped from his forehead and temples.Seeing this, the emperor's heart skipped a beat, but he forced himself to remain calm and did not make a sound to disturb him.But Huang Jiyun not for a moment, tremblingly put down the hand of the eldest prince, turned his head and looked at the emperor in disbelief.

Seeing this, the emperor felt like falling into an abyss, and dared not ask.Huang Jiyun had to ask, "When did you find out?"

As soon as the words fell, the old doctor Chen, who was kneeling on the ground next to him, hurriedly replied tremblingly: "I entered the palace at three o'clock in Xushi, and said that I have been in a coma for two days." Huang Jiyun ignored him and stared at The emperor, the emperor gritted his teeth and said: "The people who followed him are all dead. When they were found in Wulipo outside Tai'an City two days ago, they were already unconscious."

Huang Jiyun didn't ask any more questions, closed his eyes, supported the First Prince's wrist again, and lifted the First Prince's eyelids after a while, but saw that the white part of his eyes was already partially cloudy!Huang Jiyun couldn't help being startled again, took several deep breaths, and then slowly withdrew his hand.

Huang Jiyun turned his head and looked at the eight red sandalwood screens standing next to the eldest prince's bed, stood up and bowed to the emperor, "Please move forward, Your Majesty."

Huang Jiyun had just finished speaking, but the emperor hadn't spoken yet, and the empress couldn't sit still behind the screen, only heard a "clang", and the empress said anxiously: "Master Huang, please speak clearly!" The voice was not only eager, but also crying meaning.Huang Jiyun knew that the empress and the eldest concubine were probably behind the screen, but he didn't know how to answer at this time, so he couldn't help but look up at the emperor.

The emperor's face was still ashen, his lips were tightly pursed, he stared into Huang Jiyun's eyes for a moment, nodded, turned around and walked outside the bedroom.

Seeing this, the eldest prince concubine shook her body, not caring about the difference between men and women, she rushed out from behind the screen, stopped in front of Huang Jiyun, and said with tears all over her face: "I beg Master Huang to save the eldest prince!" He knelt down in disregard of the courtesy of the monarch and his ministers.

Huang Jiyun was so startled that he hastily moved aside, and the nurse and servant had already stepped forward to help him.The emperor also stopped in his tracks, and turned his head to see the eldest princess concubine with a pale complexion, letting the two nuns stand up, but staring at Huang Jiyun's appearance.He sighed and said: "Ji Yun just say it here, the queen also wants to know." He looked at the couplet screen full of worry.

Huang Jiyun also turned his head to look at the couplet screen, and then turned back to look at the emperor, seeing that the emperor nodded indistinctly.

Huang Jiyun gritted his teeth, and knelt down like those imperial doctors. The emperor's heart trembled, and he heard Huang Jiyun say in a deep voice: "Your Highness, the poisoning lasted more than a month, and the onset lasted more than five days... Your Excellency," Huang Jiyun raised his head and looked at the trembling emperor. He felt a chill on his back, but he still said, "I'm not sure."

The emperor suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Huang Jiyun just said that he was not sure, not that he couldn't.Just when the emperor breathed a sigh of relief, there was a burst of panic behind the screen, and another servant came out to report: "I report to the Holy Majesty, Your Majesty has passed out."

The emperor didn't care about Huang Jiyun's presence anymore. After turning around and entering the screen, the emperor's voice came quickly: "Send your empress back to the palace!" Old Imperial Physician Chen, Imperial Physician Zhou, and Imperial Physician Li stayed behind, and the rest will accompany Kunning Palace."

Huang Jiyun bowed his head and stood to one side, then the servants, nurses, and maids of Cai'e palace came out in a file.Then the imperial physicians who knelt on the ground, except the old imperial physician Chen Zheng, followed the empress and the first princess to Kunning Palace.The eldest princess cried and refused to leave, but the emperor said to the prince in a deep voice: "Let your godson and Xia Shouzhong guard it together!"

Wang Gonggong knew that the emperor was also worried that the queen would not be able to bear it, so he hurriedly left the palace to make arrangements.

To be able to leave here, no matter whether it is the servants in the palace or the nurses and doctors, they are all relieved in their hearts.Although the emperor only ordered three imperial physicians, those who left knew that these three were the most skilled in detoxification and healing in the palace.

But the three left behind just wanted to cry in their hearts. After all, none of these three were quack doctors, and they all knew that the eldest prince had already been poisoned in his gut and was powerless to recover.He was very angry and indignant about Huang Jiyun's just saying "not sure" just now, but no one dared to say this.No one knows what the emperor will do after hearing the truth.

Does the emperor really not know?Huang Jiyun has already said that the poisoning lasted more than one month, and the poisoning lasted more than five days!At this time, the emperor was just holding on to the last glimmer of hope.

After everyone had left, and only the emperor, Huang Jiyun, old imperial physician Chen, imperial physician Zhou, and imperial physician Li were left in the eldest prince's bedroom, the emperor asked in a deep voice: "Look, Ji Yun, what should we do at this time?" The emperor said this When he was talking, his eyes were fixed on Huang Jiyun, and there was a tremor in his voice that he hadn't noticed.

Huang Jiyun didn't dare to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, thought for a while and bowed and said: "I can only try to use acupuncture to temporarily preserve my heart." Then he looked up at the emperor, and said: "Other things, I will be Do your best."

The emperor nodded, turned around and said, "Good cooperation!" He stepped forward to help Huang Jiyun, who had been bowing all the time, gritted his teeth and said, "De'er was also raised by Ji Yun," speaking with the emperor's eyes There was already a glimmer of water, and he endured it before continuing: "Ji Yun is troublesome, I will entrust him to you!" As he spoke, the hand on Huang Jiyun's arm tightened.

Huang Jiyun knew in his heart that the emperor had put a lot of effort into cultivating the eldest prince, and that the eldest prince had never disappointed the emperor and courtiers over the years, now that he was lying on the couch without knowing his life or death, Huang Jiyun was also very sad in his heart.

But with the current situation of the First Prince, Huang Jiyun really didn't dare to say anything, so he just nodded.Seeing this, the emperor couldn't hold back the tears anymore, and hurriedly took Huang Jiyun's arm and wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeves.

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, take care of the dragon's body, and I will do my best!" The emperor nodded and said nothing more.Huang Jiyun led the three imperial physicians left behind by the emperor, and returned to the eldest prince's bed again.

After several deliberations, Huang Jiyun didn't check the pulse, turned to the emperor and said: "My minister made a list, please send someone to Yongdinghou's mansion, I'm afraid others don't know, but there are many things that need to be prepared by Yu'er on my behalf. "

The three imperial physicians were taken aback when they heard this, but the emperor only remembered at this time that Daiyu, who had all passed on Huang Jiyun's true biography.He couldn't help but nodded and said: "Ji Yun writes it down first, and I will send someone to send it right away, just in time to pick up Yu'er and go to the palace to accompany the queen."

When the servant brought the note written by Huang Jiyun to Yongding Hou's mansion, everyone except the night watchman had already fallen asleep.When Daiyu heard that it was sent by the emperor, and saw that it was Huang Jiyun's note, she panicked inexplicably.

Daiyu ordered people to open the storeroom, took the things according to the note, and brought the robes that had just been made for Huang Jiyun, then she led Nanny Tang and followed the servants out the door.Before entering the palace, Daiyu ordered someone to stop the carriage, and turned to the Huangfu with the servant's puzzled eyes.

After Huang Jiyun left, Huang Shufeng found Huang Mengxue and told about Huang Jiyun's situation when he left.Huang Mengxue, who wanted to be calm, changed his expression after hearing a few words, dismissed the servants, and discussed with Huang Shufeng in the study.

When they heard that Daiyu had arrived, the two brothers were shocked. While sending someone to inform Luo Sujuan, they went to the flower hall to meet Daiyu.

Daiyu didn't make any detours, and simply said that the emperor gave Huang Jiyun the note for herself, and then said in a deep voice: "Yu'er is here to fetch the needle box for the master." Huang Mengxue and Huang Shufeng looked at each other, Looking at Daiyu, seeing Daiyu frowning slightly and looking at the two of them, she understood in her heart, nodded, and asked people to lead Daiyu to Huang Jiyun's study.

The study room is still the same as it was when Huang Jiyun left. All kinds of books, calligraphy, paintings and rare objects collected by Huang Jiyun are piled up on the big book table and have not been cleaned up.Luo Sujuan was already waiting in Huang Jiyun's study, and Daiyu knew that time was running out, so she simply explained: "I'm afraid something happened in the palace, don't go out these few days, and don't worry too much, Yu'er will enter the palace immediately .”

Luo Sujuan grabbed Daiyu's hand and said, "When your master left, he didn't even change his clothes, so Yu'er took this burden with your master." Daiyu nodded and turned to the Duobao Pavilion behind Huang Jiyun's writing case , took off Huang Jiyun's usual needle box, but Bao Fu nodded and said: "Don't worry, Auntie, Master will be fine."

After seeing Luo Sujuan nodding, Dai Yufang left Huang Jiyun's study, bid farewell to Huang Mengxue and Huang Shufeng, and followed the servants into the palace.

According to the emperor's instructions, the servants sent Daiyu to Kunning Palace. At this time, the Kunning Palace was brightly lit, but the servants in the palace were cautious and held their breath.Before Daiyu saw the queen, the servant said that she wanted to fetch something and send it to Huang Jiyun.Daiyu thought for a while but shook her head and said, "The things inside are of great importance, so I'm sorry I can't give them to you."

The servant was stunned for a moment, then saw Su'e, the maid of honor next to the empress, came out, knelt down and bowed to Daiyu and said: "My servant has met Yulin county magistrate, empress empress knows you are here, please move to the back hall to talk. "

Daiyu thought for a while but said: "Sister Su'e, please report to the empress, the things I brought to Master Huang are of great importance, and it is not good to pass them on to others, so I have to hand them over to Master Huang in person. Please be considerate, Your Majesty." Su'e Hearing this, he looked up at Daiyu, saw Daiyu's eyes were clear, but insisted, nodded and turned to the apse.

After a while, the godson of the prince and Su'e who were serving in the queen's palace came out again. The godson of the prince was named Fuquan. After seeing Daiyu, he bowed his head and said to the servant: "Come on, you have nothing to do here. Son, my lady asked me to accompany Yulin county magistrate for a walk."

Seeing this, the servant wanted to say something more, but he heard Fuquan say, "You can't afford to delay the work of the Holy One!"

Only then did Su'e smile at Daiyu: "Your maidservant will go with the county master." The smile was forced, but Daiyu also understood that it was not the empress who had the accident in the palace, but her heart couldn't help but she couldn't help but followed closely After Fu was in his body, he asked Su'e in a low voice, "Is Your Majesty alright?"

Su'e was taken aback for a moment, looked up at Daiyu, nodded with red eyes and said, "Your Majesty is fine." After she finished speaking, she kept silent.

Fuquan personally carried the palace lantern and led Daiyu to the eldest prince's bedroom. Seeing that she had never been in this direction, Daiyu couldn't help but look at Su'e from the corner of her eye and asked, "Is the empress okay?"

Su'e was puzzled, looked up, finally sighed and shook her head and said, "Your Majesty is in a bit of ailment, and there is an imperial doctor waiting on her. The county magistrate doesn't need to worry." Daiyu couldn't help tightening the bundle in her arms, and squeezed She tightened her lips and frowned slightly, but stepped up her pace.

From time to time, he would come outside the eldest prince's bedroom, the prince had been waiting here for a long time, but he did not see the little servant who had brought Daiyu into the palace before, but Daiyu didn't have the heart to ask any more questions at this time, she just nodded and asked in front of the prince: "My lord Are you and the master inside?"

Wang Gonggong understands that Daiyu has a special place in the emperor's heart, and also knows the relationship between Daiyu and Huang Jiyun, so he waved his hands to Fuquan and said: "You go back and report to the empress first, and say that the county master is here. Send the county master there, so that the empress doesn't have to worry."

Seeing that Fuquan and Su'e turned back to Kunning Palace, the prince sighed and said: "The county master and the old slave come, the Holy One and Master Huang are inside." After speaking, he walked inside first.

Daiyu looked at the palace in front of her, and knew that this was not the emperor's bedroom, nor the residence of the harem concubines, secretly guessing that some prince had an accident.But the footsteps followed the prince who led the way without slowing down.

(End of this chapter)

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