Chapter 351

Sorry for posting so late.When you read this chapter, Gu Jing was still working overtime in the office... It will be fine starting tomorrow, please bear with me.In addition, I am very grateful to fgdc2255, Spring Bird's Nest, Always Learning, Ouyang Potted Plants, Erye, and Kuyu Baobao for their monthly support!


Daiyu didn't enter the bedroom, and didn't see the emperor. She only saw Huang Jiyun, who was wearing regular clothes and had a loose bun, in the corridor. She handed the two bundles into Huang Jiyun's hands, pointed to a black fine cotton bundle, and said, "It's useless backpack." ,"

When Daiyu said this, she kept her eyes fixed on Huang Jiyun's expression, and seeing Huang Jiyun nodded indiscernibly, she continued, "This is the needle box used by the master inside." Seeing Huang Jiyun looking up, Daiyu smiled slightly She smiled, nodded and pointed to another bundle, "There is a jacket that Yu'er made for the master inside."

Seeing that Huang Jiyun already understood, Daiyu knew that the matter was urgent, otherwise Huang Jiyun would definitely not be in his current appearance, so she didn't delay any longer, and went to Kunning Palace to meet the queen with the servants arranged by Wang Gonggong.

When Daiyu arrived, Xiu'e, who had just sent her there, came out to meet Daiyu.Follow Xiu'e around Fengping, pass through layers of veils and enter the apse.

The queen did not lie on the couch, but leaned on the soft couch with a pale complexion and wept silently. The eldest princess sat on the embroidered pier next to the queen with blank eyes.A group of mothers and maids stood beside them with bated breath.Seeing this, Daiyu paused in front of the door, and Fang followed Xiu'e in.

All the servants in the palace saluted Daiyu when they saw Daiyu coming in. After all, they alarmed the empress.Looking up, she saw Daiyu coming in behind Xiu'e, the queen nodded and said: "Here." After thinking for a while, she pointed to the embroidered pier next to the eldest concubine and said, "Sit."

The empress's voice was dry and hoarse, Daiyu was taken aback for a moment, Daiyu had never seen such a lifeless empress before, she couldn't help but salute with red eyes, then stepped forward and squatted on the footrest, enduring With tears in his eyes, he comforted: "Auntie, don't be like this. Your Highness needs someone to take care of you right now. Maybe you must not fall down."

Daiyu does not call her queen, but her aunt.The queen glanced at Daiyu, and couldn't help covering her mouth and began to cry. Daiyu was holding the queen's cold hand, and was thinking of words of comfort, but the eldest princess suddenly looked at Daiyu, and looked at her. Daiyu was taken aback for a moment, and it took a long while before she heard the eldest princess ask: "What's the matter with him?" The voice was also hoarse but urgent.

Daiyu opened her mouth, but she didn't make a sound for a long time. Seeing that the eyes of the eldest princess gradually dimmed, Daiyu said: "Everyone is doing their best now." She held the queen's hand tightly before she continued: "You are like this, His Highness will be very sad when he finds out. The emperor's eldest grandson also needs your care."

But at this moment, these words are so feeble, even Daiyu herself can't convince herself, how can she comfort the queen and the first princess?

After Daiyu finished speaking, she also fell silent, squatting on the footrest and silently holding the queen's hand, trying to give her a little warmth.Although the queen was restless at this time, she also felt Daiyu's kindness, so she shook Daiyu's slender white hand with her backhand.Seeing Daiyu looking at her, she nodded her head.

For a moment, the dullness and oppression in the back hall resumed before, and Daiyu had no intention of breaking it.It wasn't until the sky light came in through the window lattice that Daiyu realized that the whole night had passed like this.

At this time, Huang Jiyun was still busy with the three imperial physicians giving the eldest prince injections and dispensing medicines.The emperor sat aside with bloodshot eyes, staring closely at the unconscious eldest prince on the couch, with a hint of undetectable sadness hidden in his eyes.

Seeing that it was getting late, the prince reminded softly that it was time for the morning court. The emperor closed his dry eyes, nodded, and walked out without disturbing Huang Jiyun who was giving the eldest prince an injection.

Nanny Chenchu ​​brought the maids to bring breakfast, but the queen waved her hand and closed her eyes without saying anything. Seeing this, Daiyu had to persuade softly: "Auntie, use some, Your Highness wakes up." Only after you are alive, don’t you?” The queen looked at Daiyu and nodded with tears streaming down her face.

Seeing this, Daiyu reluctantly smiled, and wanted to get up to serve the queen's breakfast, but who knew that after squatting on the pedals for the whole night, Daiyu was dizzy when she stood up, she just moved her feet, and suddenly jumped out, If Mother Tang hadn't held her up, she might have fallen to the ground. Before she recovered her senses, she heard the Queen's voice yelling in a hurry: "Quick! Tell the imperial physician!"

Daiyu thought that something happened to the queen, so she didn't care about the numbness of her lower limbs, she turned around and looked at the queen, only to see that the queen was staring at her nervously.

Daiyu felt warm in her heart, and said with a sweet smile: "Aunt, don't worry, Yu'er is fine, but her legs are a little numb." After Daiyu finished speaking, she also laughed, the queen was relieved, and was about to say something. The imperial physician who was waiting in the side hall had bowed his head and walked in, saluted through the curtain and said, "Kowtow to the empress!"

The queen was taken aback, waved her hand and said: "It's okay, let's go down." The queen had just finished speaking, but Daiyu said: "Please ask the imperial doctor to help the empress and the first princess to get a safe pulse." Daiyu I'm really worried about the condition of the empress's first princess, especially the first princess.

After finishing speaking, Daiyu turned to look at the Queen, her eyes were full of sincerity and persistence, and she said softly: "Your Majesty has not slept all night, and you are worried about Your Highness, it is better to ask for a safe pulse, even the Great Prince and Concubine..." After finishing speaking, Daiyu He looked at the first imperial concubine, at this time the first imperial concubine was also looking at Daiyu, but said nothing.

The queen followed Daiyu's eyes and looked at the past, but saw that overnight, the radiant and radiant eldest prince and concubine looked haggard.The queen couldn't help feeling pain in her heart, and nodded slightly to Daiyu.

The imperial doctor stood aside, bowed his head, stared at his toes, and stood motionless.Daiyu was about to speak again, when she saw Youfu ran in with a happy face, stood half a step behind the imperial doctor, and said respectfully: "Qi Madam, the godfather said that the Holy Majesty has gone to court, your Highness is here for a while." Stablize."

Hearing Fuquan say: "For the time being", the Queen's body trembled slightly, but the First Prince and Concubine suddenly woke up, holding the hand of the nurse next to her and said: "Let's go, let's go and see Your Highness."

The queen was taken aback, and then got up and said, "Yes, let's go and have a look." Fuquan didn't expect this at all, and broke out in a sudden sweat, and looked directly at Daiyu through the curtain.The eldest prince and concubine walked out regardless.

Seeing this, Daiyu felt a little headache, but luckily her feet didn't feel so numb after standing for a while, so she hurriedly stepped forward to help the First Princess' hand and said: "If you want to go, there is no hurry, let's ask With a safe pulse, the empress and the holy majesty are also at ease, right?"

The eldest concubine looked back at Daiyu, Daiyu thought for a while and said softly: "If you fall down first, who will take care of His Highness and Little Highness?"

The eldest princess paused, nodded, and became quiet.The nanny next to her gave Daiyu a grateful look, Daiyu smiled slightly, and together with the nanny's palace servants and others, sent the eldest princess to the Nuan Pavilion to lie down, put down the veil and invited the imperial physician over.

After the imperial doctor finished asking for the Ping'an pulse, Dai Yufang asked softly: "I wonder how the eldest princess is doing? How about the empress?"

Just as the imperial physician replied respectfully: "Your Highness..." Daiyu interrupted: "Just tell me what medicine the eldest prince and concubine use, and what's going on with the empress."

The imperial physician was taken aback, thinking that Daiyu was a student of the University of Huang, so he didn't say any more, and just said: "There is no serious problem with the empress, she has prescribed a prescription for nourishing qi and calming the mind, the eldest prince and concubine, When the imperial doctor said this, he looked up through the curtain and only saw a vague shadow, then lowered his head and replied: "In my opinion, it's better to give acupuncture."

Daiyu's heart tightened suddenly, looking at the pale princess with sunken eyes, she stepped forward to tuck her in the quilt with great heartache.She saw her eyelashes trembling slightly, and the corners of her eyes were crystal clear.Taking a deep breath, she said softly: "The eldest concubine would like to rest for a while. I will accompany the empress to visit His Highness. How about reporting to you when I come back?"

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, the First Princess suddenly opened her eyes, Daiyu was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her, but was slapped by the First Princess.

Daiyu couldn't dodge it in time, and the incident happened suddenly, not to mention the maidservant beside her, even Daiyu herself was stunned for a moment, but she saw that the eldest prince and concubine had already lifted the thin quilt and wanted to get up.Xu Shi hadn't had water or rice for a long time, and he hadn't slept all night, and when he got up, he felt a little dizzy, which made it possible for the nuns and maidservants who had woken up to stop him in time.

Tang Nanny looked at the red marks on Daiyu's cheeks, she didn't dare to show any abnormality on her face, but her heart was burning with anger.

Nanny Tang was originally the nanny in charge of the concubine of Wujun, and she was a very respectable person in the palace of Wujun. Even the concubine had to be respectful when she saw her, but the concubine suddenly pointed her to Daiyu , At that time, Mother Tang had resentment in her heart.

But after following Daiyu for these years, Daiyu not only did not treat her as an outsider, but also respected her like an old man in the family, which made Zishu stay with the Prince Wu's mansion, homeless, childless and childless Mama's heart was not only moved, but also warm.

Not to mention that the princess of Wujun had ordered Daiyu to be taken care of by her thousands of times. If she followed Daiyu, she would be a master and servant for the rest of her life. The master humiliated the servant to death!Even Mother Tang felt extremely sad when she saw Daiyu being wronged.

Nanny Tang was about to go forward, but Daiyu turned her side slightly, blocking her behind, while continuing to go forward to comfort the eldest princess.

Seeing the chaos behind the curtain, the imperial doctor knew that there must be something loud, so he didn't dare to make a sound, lowered his head even lower, and when he was at a loss, there was the clever servant who secretly ran to report Queen.

When the queen came over, the eldest prince and concubine hadn't been appeased yet.Seeing that the imperial physician was still standing there bowed, the queen frowned and glanced at Xiu'e who was next to her. Xiu'e understood and led the imperial physician down.

So not only the imperial doctor breathed a sigh of relief, but everyone in the Nuan Pavilion, except the eldest prince and concubine, felt relieved.Seeing the empress came, everyone saluted one after another, but this gave the eldest concubine an opportunity. If Xiu'e hadn't just turned in from the outside, rumors about the empress' disgrace would have spread quickly.

After all, the eldest prince was murdered and fell into a coma. Apart from the imperial physicians of the imperial hospital, the only people who knew about it were the Kunning Palace and the eldest prince's dormitory.If something gets out, it will be extremely detrimental to the eldest concubine.

Seeing this, Daiyu hastily stepped forward to make amends and said: "The courtier is incompetent and did not take good care of the eldest prince and concubine." At this moment, the empress only cared about the eldest prince and the eldest princess, and she didn't care what Daiyu said, just He ordered: "Bijiao, let's go and see De'er."

Daiyu was startled, and wanted to stop her, but she was pulled back by Nanny Tang, who shook her head at her.Daiyu paused, nodded, and silently followed behind everyone.Seeing this, Mother Tang showed tenderness in her eyes.

The emperor has never established a crown prince, so the eldest prince did not live in Yuqing Palace, but lived in Jingyun Palace not far from Yuqing Palace.

The empress took the eldest prince and concubine with them in a soft sedan chair, Daiyu, Tang Nai and others followed behind the soft sedan chair, and a group of people marched mightily to Jingyun Hall where the eldest prince was.When the emperor received the news, he frowned, hurriedly dispersed the morning court, and rushed over.Instead, he bumped into the Queen and the others in front of Jingyun Hall.

The emperor didn't say anything, and entered the eldest prince's bedroom together with the empress, the eldest princess naturally followed in, but Daiyu and others were left outside.

Neither the queen nor the emperor noticed the bright red marks on Daiyu's cheeks, but Nanny Tang was very anxious to see it, and wanted to find ice to boil it, but there was no chance, so she stayed in the palace for a while. Outside, Mother Tang asked in a low voice with concern: "Is the county magistrate okay?" Then she looked at the red palm print on Daiyu's face.

Speaking of it, it's not that the eldest prince concubine has much strength, but that Daiyu's skin is too delicate and delicate.As for Daiyu herself, not to mention her current life, even her previous life, she had never been slapped, so she felt very sad.But thinking about the situation of the eldest princess that night, he just shook his head, smiled comfortingly at Nanny Tang, and didn't want to say anything more.

Seeing this, Nanny Tang didn't want to say anything, she just quietly dipped a silk cloth in cold water and stroked Daiyu's face.I didn't want to see Fuquan come in and bowed as soon as I touched him, and said: "Master Huang wants to see the county magistrate. Please move the county magistrate."

Daiyu was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't think much about it, but Nanny Tang looked at Daiyu's cheek, and hesitated to speak.Coincidentally, Nanny Tang's expression fell into Fuquan's eyes, and following Nanny Tang's gaze, she saw the red mark on Daiyu's face that had not faded, which was clearly a slap mark.

The masters are all in the inner hall, who dared to beat the county master?Fuquan was startled, his back was covered in cold sweat, but seeing that Daiyu had already got up, he had to lead her to see Huang Jiyun first, and then quickly reported the matter to his godfather, the prince.

Wang Gonggong was also surprised when he heard this, after all others didn't know, but he knew that Daiyu was different in the emperor's eyes!Thinking of the situation in the inner hall, the prince was a little uncertain.While hesitating, he saw Huang Jiyun leading Daiyu over with a very bad expression on his face.

The prince's heart skipped a beat, and he looked towards Daiyu's cheek. A piece of silk, as thin as a cicada's wing, blocked Daiyu's mouth and nose like a veil.Eunuch Wang's forehead was covered with cold sweat, Fuquan was right, the Lord of Yulin County was beaten in the outer hall...

Seeing Huang Jiyun's uneasy expression again, Eunuch Wang confirmed his guess, and hurriedly stepped forward with a smile on his face, "Master Huang, is this?"

Huang Jiyun sighed, and said in a low voice: "Elder-in-law is also very clear about the situation inside. Now, we can only see if Yu'er can stop the Holy One. Don't be impulsive. This is a major matter related to the country."

Wang Gonggong was taken aback, looked at Daiyu, thought he understood Huang Jiyun's intentions, no longer entangled in Daiyu's beating, but secretly decided that no matter who it is, one day it will be found out!
(End of this chapter)

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