Chapter 352
The seventh prince, Prince Yi, did not know when he would arrive. When Daiyu followed Huang Jiyun and Wang Gonggong into the main hall, she saw the seventh prince kneeling in front of the emperor. Daiyu and others came in without raising their eyes.

Wang Gonggong took two steps forward, Huang Jiyun had already led Daiyu, not far behind the Seventh Prince, knelt down to salute.

For a long time, the quiet needle dropping could be heard in the hall, and no matter whether it was the emperor or the seventh prince, even Huang Jiyun and others saluted, there was no sound at all.The emperor ignored Eunuch Wang, and only waved his hand to make him retreat, then raised his eyes to look at Huang Jiyun, and asked coldly, "Academician Huang is also here to persuade me?"

Hearing that Huang Jiyun was called "Huang University Scholar" in the imperial city, Daiyu knew something was wrong, but before Huang Jiyun could answer, she heard the emperor sneer and said: "I will also call Yulin." When the emperor said these words, although he was cold, but Take your time.

Just when Daiyu's heart was tightening, the emperor suddenly threw the teacup on the ground, raised his voice and angrily said: "Are you trying to force the palace?!"

First of all, I would like to thank Jinghong for the generous reward, and thank Fengwu Xuanhuo, hjh199874, Dong Yansheng, Yuan Lai is Ni, Chen Yu, and riamon for their monthly support!May you all have a wonderful holiday.Secondly, Gujing is sorry again. I updated so late today. I really went home in the morning. I couldn’t hold on anymore. I slept until after one o’clock in the afternoon... There is another chapter in the evening. Gujing will honestly code at home this holiday! (*^__^*) Hee hee...


Daiyu was startled, couldn't help but raised her head to look at the emperor, only to see the emperor's eyes were red, his face was ashen, his lips were tightly pursed into a line.For some reason, Daiyu felt her eye sockets were moist, she quickly lowered her head, and knelt down behind Huang Jiyun, unwilling to raise her eyes to look at such an emperor again.

The emperor didn't know what Daiyu was thinking, but his gaze fell on the small figure kneeling behind Huang Jiyun involuntarily.

The emperor stared at Daiyu for a long time with a cloudy expression, and finally recovered from the Seventh Prince's deep and powerful voice: "Brother Huang".The emperor closed his eyes very tiredly and said: "I have made up my mind, so there is no need to say it now."

At this time, Huang Jiyun was ahead of the Seventh Prince and said sonorously: "Your Majesty, please think twice. Establishing a crown prince is a major matter related to the country, and it must not be hasty." He fell down and touched the ground with his forehead, without looking up.

Looking at the shining stone bricks of the main hall, Daiyu suddenly raised her head, not only worried about Huang Jiyun's forehead, but also shocked by the word "Li Chu" just heard.

At this time, the Seventh Prince also followed suit: "Brother, the eldest grandson of the Emperor is not yet one year old, and has not yet had his teeth..." Before the Seventh Prince could finish speaking, the emperor angrily shouted: "Enough!"

From the words of the Seventh Prince and Huang Jiyun, Daiyu now fully understands that the emperor wants to make the emperor's eldest grandson the crown prince!Daiyu tried her best to suppress her panic, and before the emperor could speak, she crawled forward two steps, passed Huang Jiyun and the Seventh Prince, but the emperor didn't wait for her to speak, and scolded: "Is Yulin trying to interfere in the government affairs?"

Both Huang Jiyun and the Seventh Prince were shocked, this hat is so big!But Daiyu had already stabilized her mind, she knew in her heart that once she opened her mouth at this moment, she would really be meddling in politics!But Daiyu still looked up at the emperor, and said softly: "Yu'er is just afraid that my aunt will be sad again, and that the majesty will regret it in the future!"

Not to mention Huang Jiyun and the Seventh Prince, not to mention the prince standing beside him in cold sweat, even the emperor was startled. He lowered his head and looked at Daiyu's eyes exposed from the veil. They were bright, clear, and sincere... But the emperor After looking at Daiyu for a while, Daiyu didn't say another word, but just looked straight into the emperor's eyes.

The emperor thought for a while and waved his hand to send the prince away. The prince gave Daiyu a grateful look, and then retreated carefully.But the prince thought in his heart: You are Guanshiyin alive, save the suffering!Today's favor, the old slave will definitely repay in the future!

When only the seventh prince, Huang Jiyun, Daiyu and the emperor were left in the hall, the emperor did not expect that Daiyu turned to look at the seventh prince, and said in a soft but clear voice: "Please, Yi, dear, Wang, back, avoid."

The Seventh Prince was stunned for a moment, looked at the emperor, and saw a hint of surprise in the emperor's eyes, then lowered his head again, pretending that he hadn't heard anything, but he couldn't help but think in his heart: This child is getting bigger and bigger!

Seeing that the Seventh Prince was unmoved, Daiyu sighed. This sigh was so clear and soft in the empty hall, but the Seventh Prince somehow felt like a sledgehammer hitting his heart. Some flustered look at the emperor.

Daiyu didn't wait for the Seventh Prince to think any more, so she said softly, "Yulin doesn't know who is seriously ill in the back hall, but it's not hard to guess from the situation of the Empress and the First Prince." Daiyu said Here, the emperor's face became more and more ugly, and there was deep pain in his eyes, but he clenched his fists and said nothing.

Daiyu continued: "If His Highness is well, with His Highness's bearing, talent, learning, and identity, he is the best candidate for the heir apparent. Over the years, His Majesty has put so much thought into training His Highness, which is obvious to all."

Daiyu paused for a moment with red eyes, and said in a soft voice: "I think His Majesty must love His Highness very much." In this Tianjia, which doesn't show affection, this is the first time someone said who he loves in front of the emperor. .It's not love, it's not love, it's love.

The emperor's eye sockets were also slightly moist, but he tried his best to listen to what Daiyu wanted to say.And the Seventh Prince's eyes widened even more, and he didn't care about the many people looking up at Daiyu's profile, he couldn't help sighing: No wonder Ji Yun wanted to ask this girl to come in, I didn't expect her to be so bold!

Daiyu had already said so much, but she couldn't stop at this moment, and continued: "But now the sage wants to disregard His Highness's only flesh and blood, why? What mistake did His Highness make? Monarchs, ministers, father Father and son, is the Holy One not His Royal Highness's father, but the emperor's father?"

Speaking of that, Daiyu's eyes had already shed clear tears, soaking the veil along her cheeks.The words "Father Emperor" and "Emperor Father" made the Seventh Prince tremble with fear, and regretted that he did not listen to Daiyu's advice to avoid going out.

Thinking of this, the Seventh Prince sized up Huang Jiyun from the corner of his eye. Seeing Huang Jiyun's body kneeling on the ground, he also trembled slightly. He must have been afraid, right?
Huang Jiyun was really scared, he didn't expect Daiyu to pull out so much... He felt somewhat regretful, but he heard Daiyu sneer: "The eldest grandson of the emperor is cute and cute, but he is not yet one year old, and the uncles around him are even The uncles and grandpas have already grown up and even hold important powers, but the Holy One has the heart to put him in such a whirlwind and dangerous situation."

After Daiyu finished speaking, she saw that although the emperor's face remained unchanged, but there was already hesitation in his eyes, Daiyu persisted and said: "Your Majesty can now protect the emperor's eldest grandson well, and even bring the emperor's eldest grandson to his side to teach him personally."

Daiyu's words actually alluded to the crown prince back then, the emperor understood, who in the hall didn't understand?Can't help but break out in cold sweat, but Daiyu suddenly said again: "But when the emperor's eldest grandson was weak, the Holy Majesty was already a rare year!" After speaking, Daiyu followed Huang Jiyun's example, gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and turned to the ground Knocked down suddenly.

Not only Huang Jiyun's heart trembled when he heard it, even the emperor stood up suddenly when he saw it.But Daiyu said: "Please forgive me, please pity this child, he is still so young, he can't bear this!"

Speaking of which, Daiyu lowered her voice and muttered: "If there is really a long live in this world, why should there be a crown prince? I think the Holy Majesty is very good. Since you want to set up a crown prince, naturally there is no such thing as a long live and a thousand years. Rare, the Holy One is already over half a hundred years old..."

Although Daiyu's voice was not loud, she could even lower her voice, but the hall is so quiet, how could she not hear it?Especially Huang Jiyun and the Seventh Prince, who were kneeling beside Daiyu, looked up at Daiyu in panic, and looked at the emperor together.

But before the emperor could say anything, the prince rushed in without hesitation. Before the emperor got angry and scolded him, he knelt down on the ground, stumbling, and said, "Qi, Qi, my lord! East, southeast, eight, eight hundred miles... "

Before Wang Gonggong finished speaking, everyone in the hall changed their expressions. Daiyu also ignored the previous events, and suddenly raised her head to look at Wang Gonggong. Shaking uncontrollably.

The emperor had already got up, raised the prince on the ground with one hand and scolded: "Speak clearly!" The seventh prince and Huang Jiyun also got up at this time, and stood beside the emperor.

With a sad face, Wang Gonggong took a deep breath and said, "There is an urgent report from eight hundred miles from the coast of the South China Sea!" After Wang Gonggong finished speaking, the emperor shook, and the seventh prince stepped forward to help him stabilize himself. It took a while Then he threw Wang Gonggong on the ground.While walking out, he said, "Putting out the imperial study!"

Huang Jiyun and the Seventh Prince looked at each other, and they could see deep worry in each other's eyes. Huang Jiyun nodded, turned his head and explained to Daiyu: "Yu'er stay here and don't go anywhere. I will see the queen in a while. Hurry up and get out of the palace!"

After Huang Jiyun finished speaking, he strode to catch up with the Seventh Prince and followed the emperor to the imperial study.Daiyu stayed where she was, but her mind was already confused!

Nanhai Yanzi's emergency report at eight hundred miles at this time is definitely not a good thing. I am afraid that it has something to do with the Nan'an County King, and remembering that his adoptive father, Wu County Prince, is in the southeast, and there are Zhang Zheng and his son on the sea, and I can't help but feel even more confused. , I don't know what happened...

Just when Daiyu was thinking wildly, the eldest princess rushed out, stared at Daiyu coldly, and was about to say something, the old mother beside the queen came out with the eldest princess' maid.

But the First Prince and Concubine didn't even look at it, she slapped Daiyu's face with resentment before Mammy could say anything.

This is already the second time in a day that Daiyu has been slapped by the First Princess. The last time was probably unintentional, but this time, the anger in the First Princess' eyes is not deceiving.Daiyu was dizzy from being slapped and fell to the ground.The old nun next to the empress was so frightened that she cried out in alarm, and hurried up to block between the eldest concubine and Daiyu.

While winking at the nanny next to the First Prince Concubine, he comforted Daiyu who was helping him up: "Your Highness is also overly sad, the county master has a lot..." But when she saw Daiyu's red and swollen cheeks and the bruises on her forehead Sometimes, some are speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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