Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 354 Bestowed by the Holy One

Chapter 354 Bestowed by the Holy One

Starting to add updates today, this is Chapter 1~ If Gujing does not break his promise, please vote for it~O(∩_∩)OThank you

Song Shi followed Lin De very early in the morning with great interest, and went to Tongzhou Wharf to pick up Brother Lin Zhong, Lin Yi, and the accompanying Lin clan.But the arrival of everyone in the Lin family did not attract anyone's attention, even the long convoy of thirty or forty vehicles, even the emperor who had been paying attention to Daiyu's movements.

Only everyone in Lin's mansion was very excited when they met, Aunt Luo also rushed over from Huang's mansion, and Daiyu even hugged and wept with Mother Yang.

Nanny Yang held Daiyu and cried for a while, just now she looked Daiyu up and down carefully, smiled lovingly and said, "Yu'er has grown up!" As she spoke, her eyes turned red.Seeing this, Aunt Luo hurriedly smiled and comforted her, "It's good to meet each other, don't make it so sad."

Nanny Yang nodded, and while wiping her tears, she looked at Daiyu's plain clothes and sighed, "Why did Yu'er have such a bad fate..." Speaking of which, don't talk about staying with Daiyu after guarding her mother. Nanny Yang, who was filial to his father, and even Nanny Tang, who came to Lin's mansion halfway, couldn't help but look sad.

At this time, Nanhai Yanzi was defeated and the counties were taken over by Qianxiang. The rumors had already spread, and the princess of Nan'an County traveled frequently, looking everywhere for a way to rescue the Nan'an County King.Cheng'en Gong's mansion has also set up a mourning hall to pay homage to Cheng'en Gong.

After everyone settled down, Jin'er came to report: "Girl, Mrs. Lin said that she wanted to see you for something, where do you think would be a good place to meet?"

Daiyu thought that she also wanted to ask about the situation of the ancestral house, so she smiled and said, "It's in the flower hall in the front yard. I'll change my clothes and go." Jin'er nodded and went to make arrangements, while Daiyu went in. Changed clothes in the inner room.

When Daiyu came to the flower hall, only two brothers Lin Zhong and Lin Yi were waiting in the flower hall. Lin Ping and Lin De guarded the door like guards. Seeing Daiyu coming from a distance, Lin Ping saluted with a smile. : "How many years have you seen the girl, how is the girl?"

Daiyu had never seen Lin Ping like this.In Daiyu's memory, Lin Ping was a very quiet and silent person, unlike Lin An, who was cheerful. Seeing the sunny smile on Lin Ping's face at this time, Daiyu couldn't help but also smiled, nodded and said: "I haven't seen you for many years." Big brother Lin Ping is gone, why don't you see big brother Lin An, how is their family doing?"

Daiyu's kindness made Lin Ping very happy, and he said with a smile, "The younger brothers and sisters are pregnant, and father left the two of them to guard the house." After speaking, Lin Ping took a slight sideways step and said, "Go in quickly, girl. Uncle and uncle are waiting for you."

Daiyu nodded, looked at Lin De again and said with a smile: "Have you prepared a dust-cleaning banquet? Finally, our family will gather together tonight, and it will always be lively." Lin De said with a smile: "Don't worry, girl. , Grandma Sun and our family are already cleaning up." After hearing this, Daiyu smiled with satisfaction, and explained a few more words before stepping into the flower hall.

Seeing Daiyu come in, the brothers Lin Zhong and Lin Yi stood up, and Daiyu hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile, "Uncle Lin is not polite, we are a family."

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, she saw Lin Zhong glance at Lin Yi. Lin Yi nodded and opened all the doors and windows in silence, and told Lin De: "Your boy, keep it safe for me. Who Don't come near this house either."

Daiyu was stunned for a moment, not knowing what had happened, she always felt uneasy, but she was not in a hurry to ask, when Lin Yi came back, Daiyu refilled Lin Zhong and Lin Yi's tea before laughing: "Lin Bo called Yu'er came over, but the ancestral house..."

Before Daiyu finished speaking, Lin Zhong interrupted: "Don't worry about the girls from the ancestral house and the family land, I'm an old bone, it's fine to keep a house."

Hearing what Lin Zhong said, Daiyu nodded, and was about to say something, when Lin Zhong lowered his voice and said: "We received the news that the Holy Lord gave the girl a marriage, so we packed up the things at home and rushed over. Who would have heard the news of Cheng Engong's death just after passing Cangzhou..."

When Lin Zhong said this, he looked at Daiyu, but he couldn't see any expression.Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help comforting him: "If the girl is sad, it's good to cry."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, he was stared at by Lin Zhong, closed his mouth, and smiled embarrassingly: "Aren't I just afraid that the girl will be sad?" Lin Zhong ignored him, and asked Daiyu directly: "The girl is not young now. Yes, but I can't afford to delay." After finishing speaking, he paused and said, "Although it is said that the marriage was bestowed by the Holy Majesty, we haven't exchanged Geng Tie yet, and we haven't settled yet, girl, look..."

Daiyu understood what Lin Zhong meant, and her heart was warm, knowing that these people were all for her own sake, so she smiled and said, "Don't think about it, Uncle Lin. The marriage bestowed by the Holy Majesty cannot be judged according to common sense, right? subject to change."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Lin Zhong frowned and sighed: "Since that's the case, we will send a sacrificial ceremony to Cheng'en Gong's mansion tomorrow, and we must not let people say that our family of calligraphy and ink, which is handed down from generation to generation, doesn't understand etiquette and loses it." Master's face."

After finishing speaking, Lin Zhong asked again: "Who is suitable for the girl to see? What should we give away? We need to come up with a charter."

Daiyu thought for a while and said: "It doesn't matter. Let's look through the account books of previous years and see what my father and mother did when they were alive. Also, when my father passed away, other people gave me some money. What, let's add one or two according to the list."

Seeing that Daiyu had made up his mind, Lin Zhong nodded and stopped talking about it, and said with a lowered smile, "This time, let's come here. First, the girl needs a lot of things to leave the cabinet, and second, the ancestral house is not manned enough."

When Daiyu heard this, Mo Ming's heart beat faster, but she didn't interrupt, she just quietly listened to Lin Zhong's words, but when Lin Zhong said this, he glanced at Lin Yi, and Lin Yi nodded. He nodded and stood by the window.

Daiyu looked at Lin Zhong very puzzled, and heard him say in a very low voice: "Young lady brought all the things left in the ancestral house this time."

As soon as Lin Zhong finished speaking, Daiyu's complexion changed drastically and she stood up suddenly, and asked in a very low voice: "Uncle Lin is talking about the lotus pond..." Daiyu didn't finish speaking, but Lin Zhong already understood , nodded, but saw that Daiyu's expression became more dignified, and she said puzzledly: "It's all the girl's dowry. If you know the girl is getting married, you have to bring it here."

When Daiyu heard it, she sat back on the chair very weakly, closed her eyes and asked softly, "Who else knows besides Lin Bo?"

Seeing Daiyu's serious expression, Lin Zhong couldn't help but also frowned, and after careful consideration, he replied: "There is no one else, just Lin Ping and Lin An, who brought the guards in the mansion to take advantage of the night to pick up the things." Come out, we have a lot of people, but each of us doesn’t bring much luggage, so it’s not a big deal.”

Daiyu nodded, stared into Lin Zhong's eyes very seriously, and continued to ask: "Aunt Liu...do you know?"

Lin Zhong shook his head without thinking and said: "Aunt Liu is also poor. Since returning to the old house in Gusu, she has locked herself in the house to worship the Buddha. Except for the birthday and death of the master, she went to the clan to pay homage. Only on the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, I went to Guiyuan Temple to offer incense sticks. I guess I didn’t know about it.”

Hearing what Lin Zhong said, Daiyu felt at ease, and explained: "It's not that Yu'er can't trust Aunt Liu, it's just that those objects, except for ancient books, calligraphy and paintings, are mostly yellow and white. I'm afraid it will attract the attention of others. Yu Lin It is not good for Daddy's reputation."

Lin Zhong always thought that the box contained the dowry that Jia Min prepared for Daiyu back then, but when he heard that it was all yellow and white things, he stood up in shock.The person also asked tremblingly: "Young lady..." At this point, Lin Zhong stopped his voice and continued to ask: "These are all given by the master?"

Lin Zhong himself didn't notice the trembling of his words, but Daiyu could see clearly.He also remembered the time when Lin Ruhai entrusted a large sum of money to her.

Daiyu couldn't help but reddened her eyes and said: "It's not like Uncle Lin didn't know about the situation back then, I'm a little girl, if something happens, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep what my father gave me, whether it's from the Lin clan or not. People, or my grandmother's house, I can't believe it, but if it's just to keep the old house, I'm still a little bit sure."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Lin Zhong also nodded with red eyes, and said with relief: "It's all over, girl, don't be sad, and we will be married in the future. I will discuss with my son-in-law to let a child be named Lin with the master, and continue the master's life." This incense stick is fine if you think about it.”

When Daiyu heard Lin Zhong talking about this, she couldn't help but blush, she changed the subject and asked, "Now these things...?"

Lin Zhong laughed and said, "It's in the box that was pulled back dignifiedly." Daiyu heard Lin Zhong say this, and just now knew that Lin Zhong and others packed the original box in a new box and transported it to the capital. She couldn't help laughing and said: "You have to find a place to store it." Lin Zhong nodded and said: "It should be so. The girl can do whatever she sees. The girl has been smart since she was a child."

Daiyu heard Lin Zhong praise her so much, she shook her head and smiled, but she didn't say anything more. In the evening, five tables were opened in the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard, one came to wash the dust for Lin Zhong and others, and also came to entertain Lin Tao, the head of the Lin clan His son and daughter-in-law, after all, they came all the way here for Daiyu.

Lin Zhong and the others rested for a whole day, and on the third day after they built the sacrificial shed, they took a cart of sacrifices and went to Cheng'en Gong's mansion.At this time, Princess Wujun had also received the news and was on her way back.

Although Daiyu once explained that it is enough to add one or two to the previous gift list, Lin Zhong, Lin Yi and others discussed it and felt that this was Daiyu's in-law's family, and the person offering sacrifices was also Daiyu's father-in-law, so they naturally wanted to give it to her. It should be thicker.

But no matter whether it is Lin Zhong or Lin Yi, neither of them thought that the carriage of the Marquis of Yongding stopped in front of the gate of Duke Cheng'en's mansion to hand over the post, and they could not meet the steward, but Mo An, the eldest son of Duke Cheng'en, the new The old Cheng Enbo drove out with his servants in filial piety.

Mo An glanced at everyone in the Lin family, and scolded coldly: "A group of bereaved stars, and I'm from Cheng Engong's family?"

After speaking, regardless of the expressions of everyone in the Lin family, Mo An flicked his sleeves and said, "Get out of here quickly! If the Holy One hadn't given a marriage to our family, my father would have suffered such a disaster!"

After finishing speaking, he winked at the guardian guard at the door and said: "From now on, I will drive away such people! They are not even allowed to approach the door!" After speaking, Mo An flung his sleeves and walked into the door , leaving behind the stunned servant of the Lin family and the brothers Lin Zhong and Lin Yi who were full of anger.

Not long after, Mo Xuan rushed out in the same filial attire, but before he could speak, Mo An went back, stared at Mo Xuan and scolded in a cold voice: "If you still admit that you are from the Mo family, you still admit that you are from the Mo family." It’s my father’s son, get the hell out of here!”

Mo Xuan clenched his fists, took a few deep breaths and said, "No matter what you think, I was born as a child of the Mo family, my father's son. No one can change this!"

After finishing speaking, Mo Xuan paused for a moment with a sneer and said with a sneer: "Mr. Lin is my wife who was bestowed by the Holy Majesty! If you are dissatisfied with the marriage bestowed by the Holy Majesty this time, you can ask the Holy Majesty to argue! But now, Mrs. Lin is still the one that the Holy Majesty bestowed on me. Yes, wife!"

 "Poor Housewife". Opening up wasteland to repair water conservancy.. Relief from famine..
  Even if my writing can benefit the common people, and my martial arts can stabilize the country, so what
  I have no intention of killing the enemy on the battlefield, let alone standing in the court, I only want my family to be happy
  For my loved ones, for those who follow me, I am willing to go far away
  I don't want to serve a husband with her, I'd rather not marry for the rest of my life
  If you have to marry me, then I might as well marry myself
(End of this chapter)

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