Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 355 Scorpio Lone Star

Chapter 355 Scorpio Lone Star
I would like to thank Kathy Lanyan, Meng Wei, and Yuanlai for your monthly support!Gujing will keep his promise and add another seven days~O(∩_∩)O~ In addition, thank you Dan Yu Sihan for your generous reward! O(∩_∩)O Thank you for your support!Chapter 2 delivered today!At eleven o'clock in the evening, let's see each other... I'll go to the code...


After Mo Xuan finished speaking, he walked over to Lin Zhong and Lin Yi, cupped his fists and said, "Please trouble the two old housekeepers to come here to pay homage to my father. The two old housekeepers also invite you to have a cup of hot tea."

Lin Yi was full of anger at this moment, and said with a sneer: "Mr. Mo, let's take care of the housework!" After speaking, Lin Yi wanted to return to the mansion.

Although Lin Zhong said that he was also very angry before, but after Mo Xuan made such a statement, he nodded and comforted Mo Xuan: "This is a little wish from the Lin family. The loss of benefactor is important, and it is too sad to think about it." After speaking, Lin Zhong signaled the servants to hand over the carriage to Mo Xuan.

But at this moment, Mo An squinted his eyes, and told the servants coldly and loudly: "Don't say that you are the slave of the lonely star of the day, don't even put a piece of paper in the house!" After finishing speaking, Mo An An gave Mo Xuan a bitter look, then turned and went into the mansion.

Mo Xuan was extremely angry, and was about to go forward to argue, but Lin Zhong held Mo Xuan with a cold face, took a few deep breaths, and then said in a deep voice: "Don't make things difficult for Third Master Mo, let's deal with you first." Father's funeral matters."

If Lin Zhong hadn't always remembered what Daiyu said before: this marriage was bestowed by the Holy Spirit, and it would be impossible to change it.How could Lin Zhong calm things down like this?After Lin Zhong finished speaking, he was really angry in his heart, and he stopped looking at Mo Xuan, turned around and waved his hand, and the servants of the Lin family who came to deliver things all turned around and walked back.

Unwilling, Lin Yi turned his head and glared at Mo Xuan. If Lin Zhong hadn't stopped him, Lin Yi might not have given up so easily.

Cheng Hui, the fourth prince who came to pay homage to Duke Cheng En, happened to see this scene from a distance. Seeing Mo Xuan standing in front of the mansion gate, watching the back of the Lin family's vehicle going away, a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.He didn't go into the mansion either, he lightly patted the small table inside the carriage, and the carriage went away with a "bah, dah".

The four emperors returned to the palace, with a faint smile on their lips, which was quite different from the gloomy look before. Even Concubine Qi could see that the fourth prince Chenghui was in a good mood, so she couldn't help pulling him and asked: "What's the matter with the emperor?" What happened to you? Are you in such a good mood?" After finishing speaking, Concubine Qi paused and said: "Your father is in a bad mood these days, you have to restrain yourself."

The fourth prince paused, nodded, and the smile on the corner of his mouth and eyebrows was quickly hidden by him.But within two days, the rumor that the head of Yulin County of Yongding Hou Mansion was the reincarnation of the lone star of Tiansha was spread to everyone.

Someone even found out evidence that back then, Marquis of Yongding—Lin Hai, his youngest son died young and his first wife died, and then Lin Hai himself died of a long illness and passed away at a young age... All kinds of rumors are justified, as if everything is true. In order to explain, the reason why Cheng'en Gong died before the battle was because Daiyu was married to Cheng'en Gong's mansion...

Daiyu stayed in the mansion, so naturally she didn't know about these remarks. Although the maids and daughter-in-law of the mansion had heard the news to some extent, they still felt sorry for Daiyu and dared not reveal it in front of her.

But the news spread so fast and widely, Jia's mansion naturally also received the news, although Wang Xifeng ordered the mansion not to mention this matter, otherwise they will be severely punished.But after all, this rumor was still spreading in Jia's mansion. The old lady Jia and Mrs. Xing Wang also heard the news, and even the little sister Qiao stared and listened for a while.

Mrs. Xing found Wang Xifeng after hearing this and asked, "Where did this word come from? Did Miss Lin's house send someone there?"

Wang Xifeng's expression darkened, and she told Mrs. Xing about the two old housekeepers Lin Zhong and Lin Yi personally bringing the sacrifices and personally representing Yongding Hou's mansion to pay homage to Cheng Engong. He couldn't help but also sank down, and asked, "Where's Lian'er? What did he say? Anyway, he's been called his brother for so many years."

Mrs. Xing didn't mention anything else, she just said that Daiyu called Jia Lian's elder brother for many years, and Wang Xifeng felt warm in her heart, and said with a smile: "My lord is also very angry, and I have brought people around to inquire about the news these days, but I just can't find out. What happened, the more ruthless the time travel. Even at home, I also told him repeatedly, but what's the use?"

Speaking of which, Wang Xifeng also sighed helplessly, and then said: "The second room seems to be afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and following the words, even the words of the old lady, are not very useful. What can I do?"

Mrs. Jia was naturally very worried about the marriage between Daiyu and Duke Cheng'en's mansion, and whether the Holy Majesty would take it back. This is a major issue related to whether Jia's mansion can climb up the ranks of the descendants, but now it is more than enough. Knowing that it was Madam Wang's room to spread it again, but there was no good way.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xing frowned and said: "I always took Miss Qiao to visit Miss Lin before, but somehow the Marquis of Yongding closed its doors to thank guests, so I can't go there again." He took Wang Xifeng's hand and said tentatively: "You said I took sister Qiao to see Miss Lin, okay? Just say that sister Qiao misses her aunt."

When Wang Xifeng heard this, he nodded and smiled and said, "I wanted to go, but there are so many things going on in the mansion, I really can't leave. Now the old lady and the second roomer like to ask me if they have anything to do. talk."

Speaking of which, Wang Xifeng sighed again, and then softly told her: "Mother took sister Qiao to visit my younger sister, but don't talk about anything else, I think there are old people in her house, and they all know the rules, so they definitely wouldn't treat these Miscellaneous words were passed to her ears."

Mrs. Xing saw Wang Xifeng's serious expression, she couldn't help laughing and said: "I just don't know anything, don't I even understand this? I just went to talk to her and let it go."

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng nodded, and teased Qiaojieer for a while, then arranged for someone to send Mrs. Xing and Qiaojie to visit Daiyu in Yongdinghou's mansion the next day.

Old Madam Jia found out that she was naturally very satisfied and praised: "She has improved a lot after going out in the past few years." After only saying one sentence, she saw Wang Xifeng standing aside with lowered eyebrows again, and then she woke up. He didn't say anything in front of the younger generation, but his satisfaction with Mrs. Xing was beyond words.

When Mrs. Wang first heard the news, she was terrified!Especially when he thought that he wanted to ask to marry Daiyu, he couldn't help sighing secretly: Fortunately, the Holy Admiral Tiansha Lone Star gave him a marriage to Cheng'en Gong Mansion, otherwise it might be the master or Baoyu who caused the accident!

Thinking of the trials and tribulations my husband and wife have suffered in the past few years because of Daiyu, my heart is hard to calm down, and I often sneer at Zhou Rui's family in private: "Take the lives of my parents for the title of county head, and I really think of myself Golden branches and jade leaves! They are also showing off their might in this mansion."

Mrs. Wang's expression was indescribably disdainful of ridicule. Zhou Rui's family saw it, and although they didn't agree with Mrs. Wang's words in their hearts, they still flattered her face: "No, we were almost deceived, no wonder she As soon as we live in our mansion, the grand master will go to the East mansion."

When Mrs. Wang heard this, she affirmed what she said, nodded quickly and said: "Who says it's not!" After speaking, her eyes were even more satisfied, and she said: "Some things should be known to everyone. Keep everyone in the dark."

Zhou Rui's family was startled when they heard this, hesitated for a while but nodded and retreated. Within a few days, the rumors about Daiyu in Jia's mansion became more and more bizarre, even compared to the rumors in the market. More than anything.

Only Huang Jiyun has been kept in the palace, unknown.Although the emperor was worried about state affairs and His Royal Highness the First Prince recently, he still heard the rumors, and the prince said: "My lord, if it was just a couple of quarrels in Cheng'en's house, it would definitely not spread like this."

The emperor glanced at Wang Gonggong, nodded and said: "Don't disturb others, secretly find out where the news comes from." .The emperor rubbed his brows with a headache, but didn't say anything more.

Mrs. Xing personally brought Sister Qiao here, Daiyu was very happy, not to mention anything else, Sister Qiao was carved in powder and jade, it was lovely to look at, and when she was young, Sister Qiao would stick to her.

Daiyu personally brought the nanny and Zhixuan to meet Mrs. Xing at the gate of the ceremony, but this time Qiaojie quietly hid behind Mrs. Xing, Daiyu couldn't help laughing: "Oh, our sister Qiao Are you going to be shy too?"

As Daiyu said, she stretched out her hand to hold Qiaojie'er, but Qiaojie's eyes widened suddenly and she asked sharply: "Auntie is next to Qiaojie, will Qiaojie die?"

As soon as Sister Qiao's words fell, Madam Xing's face changed, she hurriedly lowered her head and pulled Sister Qiao to her side and scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Sister Qiao has grown up so much, she has never seen anyone face her with a straight face, and she can't help crying because of her grievances. Seeing this, Daiyu calmed down, stepped forward half a step and said with a smile: "Sister Qiao is still young." , Auntie, don't scare her."

Mrs. Xing originally came to visit Daiyu, how could she expect such an incident?I couldn't help but smiled at Daiyu in embarrassment: "Children need to be disciplined. They have been playing wild with me and the master in Dengzhou for the past two years. Miss Lin, please don't take it to heart."

Although Daiyu was very surprised, how could a child say such words out of nowhere?But after all, he didn't take it to heart, and led Mrs. Xing to the flower hall.

Unexpectedly, sister Qiao felt that she had been wronged, and she yelled loudly as she walked: "They all said that my aunt is the lone star of the gods, and whoever gets next to her will die! It's not what sister Qiao said!" That grievance The appearance of her can't be faked at all.

Daiyu couldn't help being taken aback, she turned her head to look at Nanny Sun and the others, only to see Nanny Sun hastily turned her head away, her eye circles were red, and Zhixuan and the others also lowered their heads and did not dare to look at her.

Tang Nanny's eyes flickered and she said with a smile: "Maybe it's my sister who didn't hear a word or words clearly. I misunderstood, the county master, don't take it to heart." As soon as Tang Nanny finished speaking, Madam Xing looked like It was only then that she came back to her senses, and hurriedly explained: "Isn't that what Mammy said? Yu'er, don't think too much about it."

Mrs. Xing seldom called her "Yu'er" and seeing her face flushed, she knew that this matter must not come from groundless sources, but at this time it was inconvenient to ask more questions, so she nodded and smiled calmly Said: "Look at what my aunt said, I have become that stingy and ignorant person."

 "What is the system?" The end of the world has come, and so has the system. Cheng Xiaonan, a fierce female system with a mission, leads a blind and ignorant Lin Xiaodong and a cute male system Qin Xiaobei to fight to the end.Same kind, different kind, whatever, don't try to eat us!

(End of this chapter)

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