Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 360 Bad news frequently

Chapter 360

Chapter 1 sent to ~O(∩_∩)O~Thanks to Danyu Sihan for the reward and encouragement~O(∩_∩)OThank you

After Princess Wujun returned to the capital, Daiyu stayed with Princess Wujun in the Palace of Wujun for ten days before she proposed to return to Marquis Yongding's Mansion.

Because Daiyu was originally the one who was bestowed by the Holy Majesty to be married, but now that Cheng Engong is gone, and Mo Xuan is leading the army in the Northwest, things have become a little complicated, and Princess Wujun can't force Daiyu to He stayed and sent her back in person.

Seeing that in November, officials reporting duties from all over the country returned to Beijing one after another. When Wang Xifeng visited Daiyu once, she also mentioned that her father Wang Ziteng was about to return to Beijing to report on his duties.

It was only at this time that Daiyu suddenly remembered that Wang Ziteng seemed to have died on the way back to Beijing, but seeing Wang Xifeng's joyful face, the words on her lips were stuck in her throat, but she couldn't say anything.

After sending Wang Xifeng away, Daiyu couldn't help but fell into worry, and couldn't help but send someone to find Jia Lian, and told her: "Sister-in-law has not been easy these years, taking care of the housework inside and out, if brother has I spend more time with my sister-in-law, even if something happens, my sister-in-law will feel at ease with my brother by my side."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Jia Lian couldn't help asking in surprise, "But what happened?" Daiyu looked at Jia Lian, but didn't say anything, but changed the subject and asked, "Is Brother Chun coming back this year for the Chinese New Year? "

Seeing that Daiyu didn't want to say more, Jia Lian didn't ask any more questions, but just smiled and said, "I didn't expect Lin Bo and the others to come so fast. I knew that it would be okay to bring Xin'er and let Brother Chun come back with me, but now I don't know." You don’t have to go alone.”

Daiyu saw that Jia Lian was telling the truth, but she also thought that brother Chun was still young, and she might miss her parents after not seeing her parents for a year.

Besides, if Wang Ziteng really has something, and with Brother Chun by his side, Wang Xifeng will feel better, so she persuaded: "It's not a matter of studying for a while, and people like us don't lack the money for the two boat hires." , besides, I haven't seen Brother Chun for many years."

As he spoke, he tilted his head and smiled as he did when he was a child: "Brother, let's send someone to pick it up. Besides, after Laba, there will be a holiday. Many students have to go home. It's not good to leave Brother Chun alone."

Seeing Daiyu's appearance, Jia Lian couldn't help thinking of the days in Gusu, and his eyes softened. Afraid of what Daiyu would say again, Jia Lian nodded and smiled, "I'll go back and discuss this with your sister-in-law, so I'll tell my sister again. When Daiyu heard what Jia Lian said, Fang nodded and said, "Come and let me know when you set a date."

After sending Jia Lian away, Daiyu couldn't feel much relieved. The first thing she didn't want to wait for was the news that the imperial concubine had passed away!

That night, when the first snow of the year fell, Daiyu was lying in the house where the ground dragon had been burned, thinking about something, when Zhixuan knocked on the door and came in.Daiyu sat up abruptly, and asked anxiously, "What's the matter?" Zhixuan was taken aback, and Fang replied, "I thought the girl was asleep, but there was news from the outer courtyard that the concubine in the palace had passed away. gone."

Daiyu was taken aback and asked, "Isn't he from Jia's residence?" Zhixuan said softly, "I'm afraid that the Jia residence may also get news at this moment." While speaking, she took Daiyu's clip The leather jacket came out and was roasted on the smoker cage, and then said: "I'm afraid the news has already spread, the girl tidied it up, and Mother Tang said that she will go to the palace in a while."

Daiyu nodded, and passed on the jacket inside, but stopped Zhixuan and said, "I don't need the leather jacket, give me some make-up." As she said that, she lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and after thinking about it, she ordered Said: "Give me two sets of those Firefox knee pads."

Zhixuan laughed puzzledly and said, "Girl is really greedy. A pair of Firefox knee pads are already extremely warm, so why do you need two pairs?"

Daiyu smiled and said, "What do you know? I told you to bring it, so go get it quickly." While talking, Tang Nanny led the girl and came in with hot water.Hearing what Daiyu said she wanted to take, she couldn't help but asked with a smile: "What is the county magistrate looking for at this time?"

After hearing this, Zhixuan learned what she had said just now. After listening, Tang Nanny glanced at Daiyu, and said with a smile: "The county master has his reason for ordering like this. How can you be a maid instead of a master?" of?"

Zhixuan felt that she had lost face in front of the little girl when she heard what Tang Nanny said, so she couldn't help but look a little disgruntled, but Daiyu explained: "It's not for other reasons, I just think that Teacher's mother is going to enter the palace today too. Go, it's not that you don't know the temperament of the teacher's wife, you are the most honest. I secretly brought it to her, and she will never refute my face. "

After Daiyu finished washing and washing, another little maid brought in a thumb-sized gold silk scroll, and Madam Tang wrapped it in a lotus and asked Daiyu to hide it in her sleeve.He tore her robe again, and put on a double-faced fox fur long fur coat.

Daiyu went out of the house, looked at the snowflakes falling one after another, looked at the ground in the yard, the roof, and the treetops, all with a thin layer of snow, even in the middle of the night at this moment, she felt a little dazzling.A chill came up inexplicably, and I felt very flustered.

Seeing that she was fine just now, Mother Tang suddenly changed her expression. Although she didn't know what was going on, she took Daiyu's hand to comfort her and said, "Don't be afraid, the county magistrate, butler Lin has already sent someone to take care of her." Prince Wu's mansion, let's see if the county lord can go into the palace with the concubine. The old servant has brought his men and is waiting for you outside the gate of the palace."

Daiyu recognized Tang Nanny's consolation, nodded and smiled back at Tang Nanny, and then sighed: "This year's snow fell so early, I don't know..."

Daiyu looked up at the swirling snowflakes falling from the sky, she didn't finish her sentence, but she couldn't help worrying in her heart, she didn't know what was going on in the northwest.Thinking of the Eldest Prince, the master hasn't come to visit him for a few days, and every time he went to Huang's mansion, the master was not there, nor did he leave a word, Daiyu didn't dare to inquire about the news from the palace.

All kinds of complicated thoughts came one after another, but no one was able to whisper, and the expression could not help but feel a little sad.Nanny Tang and Zhixuan looked at each other, seeing Zhixuan shook her head lightly, she stopped asking.

At this time, another little maid came to report: "Princess Wujun's carriage stopped outside the gate of the mansion to pick up the county lord, and the girl entered the palace. The butler asked me to invite her."

Daiyu heard that she belonged to both the county head and the girl, and said with a smile: "Remember in the future, you can call yourself a 'girl' at home, and call you a 'county head' when you go out, do you understand?" Hearing what Daiyu said, the servant girl nodded her head and replied crisply: "Your servant will remember it!"

Tang Nanny looked at it and nodded and smiled: "That's fine, there is a rule so that the regulations will not be messed up." Daiyu turned her head and nodded to Tang Nanny.All the people embraced Daiyu and went to the outer courtyard.

After crying for a whole day under the snowflakes in the palace, Princess Wujun was very tired, not only her eye circles were red and swollen, but her face was also very pale.

Seeing this, Daiyu hesitated for a moment, then told Mother Tang, Lin An and others who came to pick her up: "Send mother and concubine back to the mansion first, and you will follow behind."

Seeing this, Princess Wujun patted Daiyu holding her hand and said: "Don't send me off, this crying spirit is not a matter of a day or two, you go back first, and I will pick you up in the morning." To decline, Hanyi's car approached.

Daiyu also saw Han Yi in the palace before, but now Han Yi is pregnant and summoned to Kunning Palace by the queen, so she has nothing to say.At this time, he found that Han Yi's complexion was like that of the princess of Wu County, which was particularly bad.I couldn't help wondering, this concubine is the concubine of the Zhen family, why is Han Yi so sad?
Han Yi met with Princess Wu Jun, forced a smile and said, "Don't worry, Auntie, it's the same when I send Yu'er back."

Han Yi's words made Dai Yu stunned, but Princess Wu nodded wearily and said: "In that case, I will take a step first. I will pick up Yu'er and enter the palace together in the morning. You should also go early Let's go back." Said Princess Wujun looked up at the sky and sighed: "I don't know when the snow will fall."

The snow has been falling since last night until now. Although it is not heavy, it has never stopped. Following the words of Princess Wujun, Daiyu also looked up at the sky, and frowned, wondering whether she had overlooked the snow. what.Although Daiyu was puzzled, she still followed Hanyi to help Princess Wujun get into her carriage first.

Hanyi and Daiyu saw Princess Wu away, and said in a hoarse voice, "Let's go too." Saying that, Hanyi waved off the girl who was close to her, and got into the carriage with Daiyu. Lin Ping drove the carriage and followed behind.

But Daiyu didn't expect that Princess Hanyi suddenly leaned on Daiyu's shoulder and cried as soon as she closed the car door and put down the cotton curtain.

Daiyu panicked immediately, and hurriedly asked: "Sister Hanyi, what is this?" But Hanyi just shook her head and said nothing, and Daiyu couldn't help becoming more and more anxious.

Just when Daiyu didn't know what to do, Hanyi whispered into Daiyu's ear intermittently: "Brother Emperor, let's go..." After saying these four words, Princess Hanyi was sobbing.

Daiyu couldn't help feeling tense, she didn't know what happened to Huang Jiyun who treated the eldest prince, and she didn't know what would happen to the empress who lost her beloved son.Thinking of the eldest prince's gentle smile, Daiyu couldn't help but her eyes turned red, and tremblingly asked softly: "Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

At this moment, Hanyi couldn't answer Daiyu's question, but lay on Daiyu's shoulder and wept.Thinking of Han Yi's pregnancy, Dai Yu couldn't help comforting her anxiously: "Sister, you must take care of yourself, there will be no trouble!"

But when Hanyi is sad, how can he listen?Wept all the way from the palace gate to the gate of Yongding Hou's mansion, but the carriage didn't stop. After wandering around the Nanshi City and returning to Zhuque Street, Hanyi stopped crying just now, sniffing his nose, tried his best to steady his voice and ordered: : "Go to the Marquis of Yongding!"

After Hanyi finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at Daiyu, trying to pull out a smile, but she failed after several attempts.Daiyu looked very sad, so she shook Hanyi's hand and said: "Sister, don't be like this, you are pregnant with a child now, if something happens, what will you ask the empress to do?"

Hanyi's hands were very cold, but he nodded and said: "Don't worry, Yu'er, I won't fall down." After speaking, he wiped the corner of his eyes and said: "Tomorrow, you should also go to see the queen mother." , she misses you a lot."

Daiyu didn't care about anything else at this time, so she nodded in response.After a while, the carriage stopped in front of Yongding Hou's Mansion, and Daiyu comforted Hanyi a few more words before getting out of the carriage.

 "Walking in the Mirror" Conscience Author: Dou Di
  The way of heaven is damaged, the way of immortality is indistinct, all living beings are in various states, joys and sorrows, all in "Walking in the Mirror".A story that seems to be fantasy but full of truth can be decomposed and aggregated.The text is fresh and simple, yet interesting.A fantasy novel that can cleanse the soul.

(End of this chapter)

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