Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 361 Bad news frequently

Chapter 361 Bad news frequently ([-])
Today is Chapter 2~ Gujing is very trustworthy, there is another chapter at [-] o'clock in the evening~ See you all O(∩_∩)O~

Although he knew that His Royal Highness might not be able to delay for a long time, he never thought that the news would come so suddenly, and there was no news from the palace.

Thinking of this, Daiyu stood in front of the mansion gate and couldn't help being stunned. She carefully recalled the original work, but couldn't remember the part about the dead prince, so she couldn't help frowning.There is always a feeling in my heart that a storm is about to come.

Lin Ping stopped the carriage, and Nanny Tang got out of the carriage. Seeing Daiyu staring blankly at the direction Princess Hanyi's carriage was leaving, she couldn't help but took two steps forward to help her close her hood and said, "It's snowing outside. The county master should go in." Madam Tang's voice was very gentle, but it brought Daiyu back to her senses.

Daiyu nodded and followed Nanny Tang into the gate of the mansion. Seeing that she was not in good spirits, Nanny Tang told her softly: "The county magistrate has some dinner and rest early, and has to enter the palace tomorrow morning."

Daiyu took a few deep breaths, the feeling of being full of things but no one to tell, made Daiyu very uncomfortable, and thought of the eldest prince again, but Huang Jiyun hadn't shown up until now, so she couldn't help feeling uneasy, unexpectedly Unable to wait for a moment, he turned around and walked towards the gate of the mansion, and ordered: "Take the car and go to Huang's mansion!"

Tang Nanny has been by Daiyu's side for several years, and she also knows that Daiyu's attitude is very firm at this time, and it's useless to persuade her, so she can only let her go.Unexpectedly, when she was about to reach the gate of the mansion, Daiyu stopped her steps again and hesitated instead.

At this time, I rashly ran to Huang's mansion. If the master didn't return to the mansion, what would I say?If you didn't come to see me when you returned home, there must be a reason...

Daiyu was walking, and suddenly stopped, and couldn't help being surprised by Nanny Tang and others who were following her, but Daiyu ordered softly: "Let's go back, let Linde go to the Huangfu, Ask to see if the master is at home."

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, a little girl rushed to look for Lin De, but Daiyu stopped her again. Seeing that she was very young, she knew that she came to Beijing from Gusu with Lin Zhong and others. But it was inconvenient to ask more questions at that time, so he just told him: "Tell Lin De to go in person, don't disturb the people in Huang's residence, and come and answer me after you ask clearly."

The little maid looked very alert, after Daiyu asked her to repeat, she softly repeated Daiyu's instructions, Daiyu nodded, then turned and ran to find Linde.

After the girl ran away, Mother Tang smiled and said, "Look at her young age, she is not yet old enough to be an officer. She is clever, but unfortunately, the rules are not good." After hearing this, Daiyu laughed and said, "Madam is not I don't know, whether the children of our family are born or bought from outside, they will be sent to the Lin Family Academy when they are six or seven years old, and this one is probably less than six years old."

Nanny Tang laughed quickly and said, "It's also the kindness of the county lord, who gave them a chance to rebuild." After saying that, they went back to the backyard with Daiyu.

After a brief dinner, Jin'er Fang came in and reported, "Girl, our head of the house has already gone to inquire, and said that the husband has not come back yet." When Daiyu heard this, she couldn't sit still and stood up. , stared at Jin'er and asked in disbelief: "Can I ask you clearly? Did you never come back or went out again?"

Seeing that Daiyu's expression changed drastically, Jin'er knew that something serious must have happened, so she couldn't help becoming nervous, and replied in a low voice, "Every time the girl goes to Huang's mansion, Lin De drives the car there in person." , the boy at the porter recognized Lin De, and said that the husband hadn't returned home for a long time."

As soon as Jin'er finished speaking, Daiyu sat down on the brocade stool with a pale face, a layer of sweat dripped from her forehead, her hands unconsciously clenched into fists, her nails dug into her flesh.Sitting there with eyes wide open, but unfocused.

Seeing Daiyu's sudden panic, Jin'er quickly called out: "Nurse, let's see what's wrong with the girl?" Her voice trembled, and she looked very worried.

Seeing Daiyu like that, Mother Tang felt flustered. She patted Daiyu's back lightly, called "County Master" and signaled Lin De's family to let go of Daiyu's fist and pinch her. hole.

After a while of confusion, Daiyu just recovered her breath, her eyes were red, and she told Jin'er with tears in her eyes: "Sister Jin'er, let Linde work harder, and go to Prince Yi's mansion again, so don't disturb the prince." Wangfei, please ask quietly, has the lord returned to the mansion, or where is the lord?" Daiyu's tears flowed down as she spoke.

Seeing that Daiyu was crying, Jin'er immediately panicked and said: "It's not hard work, it's not hard work, what's the matter, girl, don't scare the slaves..." Jin'er's eyes were also red, and she took half a step forward to hold Daiyu. Yu hugged her in her arms.

But Daiyu sniffed, pushed Jin'er away and said, "This matter is very important, you tell Lin De to go immediately, and don't let others know." Seeing this, Tang Nanny also urged: "The palace is very important. If there is no need for other places, let Lin De be careful, so that no one will notice."

Seeing that Daiyu and Nanny Tang were so cautious, Jin'er couldn't help but shuddered, took a deep breath and nodded, "Don't worry, Miss, Lin De knows what to do. She will definitely live up to Miss's expectations."

At this moment, Daiyu didn't care about anything else, she just nodded and told Jin'er to go quickly.Seeing this, Mother Tang comforted her and said, "Don't worry too much, the county lord. Why don't you take a shower and rest first. If there's anything else, we'll wait for Linde to report back."

Seeing Daiyu sitting there motionless after finishing speaking, Mother Tang had no choice but to persuade: "Master Tang will enter the palace early in the morning, so she must be spiritless." Daiyu looked up at Mother Tang, but Yes shook his head.

Mother Tang saw that Daiyu first asked if Huang Jiyun had returned to the mansion, but when she heard that she hadn't, her expression changed drastically, and she hurriedly inquired about the whereabouts of the Seventh Prince. Already panicked, I must not be confused.

Nanny Tang thought she couldn't be messed up, but kept finding things for herself to do. For a while, she ordered Xia He to add a stove, and for a while, she let Xueyan warm the bed, or she asked Qinghe to boil hot water to make tea again. Just can't rest.

A whole room of people came in and out, dangling in front of Daiyu's eyes, but Daiyu sat beside the flower table, biting her lips and clenching her fists, just pretending she didn't see anything.

It wasn't until more than half an hour passed, and it seemed that the curfew was about to come, that Jin'er came to report in a panic: "Girl!" After speaking, remembering that there were others in the room, she asked the maids to retreat.Regardless of the snow falling outside, all the doors and windows were opened, and even the cotton curtains on the doors and windows were lifted together, only saying that the room was smelly and breathable.

After arranging everything, Jin'er glanced at Nanny Tang standing beside Daiyu, only to see Daiyu staring at her tightly and nodding.

Jin'er approached Daiyu with a bloodless face and whispered: "Girl, Lin De came back and said that the people in Prince Yi's residence said that the Seventh Prince hadn't returned to the residence for several days." Jin'er paused and took two breaths Only then did he continue: "This time Lin De opened his mind a bit more, and found out that the Seventh Prince had entered the palace in the past ten days, and there has been no news since then."

As soon as Jin'er finished speaking, Daiyu closed her eyes and let out a long breath.Seeing this, Jin'er called out uncomfortably: "Girl?"

But Daiyu smiled and said: "It's getting late, go back and rest, Lin De has been busy all day today." Seeing Daiyu, Jin'er didn't want to say more, but her mood improved a lot, and she turned to Madam Tang Mammy took a look, but hesitated to speak.Seeing this, Mother Tang smiled and said, "The Linde family can rest assured, I will accompany the county master tonight."

When Jin'er heard what Nanny Tang said, Fang nodded and closed the door and window, then put down the cotton curtain, and then backed out.

After leaving it open for a while, the wind burned the ground dragon, and there was no warmth in the room.Nanny Tang urged Daiyu to wash up. Daiyu nodded after thinking for a while and said, "I'm a little cold, let someone boil hot water and take a bath."

When Mother Tang heard Daiyu say she wanted to take a bath, she wanted to stop her, for fear of getting caught off guard.But when the words came to his lips, he didn't say them in the end. He nodded and agreed, and went to arrange.

After soaking in a hot bath comfortably, Daiyu lay on the warmed blanket and soon fell into a deep sleep.She knew in her heart that regarding the eldest prince's matter, if her master Huang Jiyun might be blamed, then the Seventh Prince would never be able to.Hearing that the Seventh Prince and his master Huang Jiyun generally did not return home, Daiyu's heart inexplicably settled down.

As expected, Nanny Tang kept her promise to stay in Daiyu's room with Daiyu, but Daiyu smiled and said, "Mammy should go to rest earlier, she will get up early tomorrow."

Seeing that Daiyu was really stable, Nanny Tang was also relieved.And when she found that Daiyu could detect the truth from very small things, Mother Tang was very happy to tuck Daiyu in the quilt, and backed out with a smile.

Once again, he entered the palace with Princess Wujun, and cried for a long time with the wives before the death of the concubine.Daiyu went to Kunning Palace to ask to see the Empress Empress while she was resting in the middle.Seeing Daiyu who came here with a lot of make-up, the queen called her to her side without waiting for her to salute. She held Daiyu's hand and choked with sobs, "If it wasn't for Yu'er last time, something big might happen..."

The queen wiped her tears while talking, and said: "Yu'er has been wronged." Daiyu was wronged, and it was the first time Princess Wujun heard about it. Before that, Daiyu told Princess Wujun that the eldest prince He talked about the emperor's decision to establish the emperor's grandson, but he didn't mention the matter of being slapped by the eldest concubine. He was surprised to hear the empress mentioning it at this time.

The queen was also very embarrassed in front of her sister. Anyway, Daiyu was nominally the adopted daughter of Princess Wujun, so she explained: "Your sister-in-law was also hit. Yu'er should not blame her. It is."

The matter has passed, and Daiyu didn't want to say more, she nodded and said: "Your Majesty can cry when she is sad, and she can be sad, but the Holy Majesty is also sad, but there is no one to cry, no place to be sad. Besides, Her Royal Highness Princess Hanyi yesterday My son cried all the way back when she left the palace gate, now that she is pregnant, she can't be upset."

When Daiyu said this, seeing the queen raised her eyes to look at her, she showed a smile and softly comforted her: "His Majesty and Princess Hanyi saw that the empress is so sad, so they can only be more sad, but they can't show it, for fear of offending the empress. Sad, but if the empress doesn't take care of them at this time, no one can take care of them."

(End of this chapter)

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