Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 362 Bad news frequently

Chapter 362
Today's last chapter...Gujing is about to die...hahaha

Daiyu didn't inquire about why the emperor suppressed the eldest prince, and Huang Jiyun and the Seventh Prince never showed up, but Daiyu never inquired again after that night.

The funeral of Concubine Zhen was being arranged wantonly in the palace, Wang Xifeng, as a concubine, naturally had to accompany Mrs. Jia into the palace to cry every day, but no one thought that at this time, Wang Ziteng was seriously ill on the way back to Beijing However, the news came, which made Wang Xifeng panic.

In the palace, Daiyu met Wang Xifeng who was pale and relaxed, she couldn't help frowning and asked with concern: "Sister-in-law, what's the matter? But what's wrong?"

Looking at Daiyu, Wang Xifeng said with tears in his red eyes, "I received the news that my father caught a cold on the way back to Beijing, and he rushed to the outside of Tongzhou city with a disease and became seriously ill. Now he is temporarily staying outside Tongzhou city."

When Daiyu heard this, her heart skipped a beat. What she had been worrying about all along had finally happened.But what should I say at this time?Looking at Wang Xifeng's sad expression and the tears she couldn't stop falling, fortunately it was the time of the concubine's funeral and no one noticed, but Daiyu still felt very flustered, especially the loss of the eldest prince. The prince's disappearance.

Daiyu had to think of Wang Ziteng's position back then, and Wang Ziteng's counterattack... Daiyu closed her eyes, tremblingly held Wang Xifeng's cold hand like her own, and said insincerely: "Sister-in-law, don't be so sad. , Thinking about the wind and cold is not a serious illness, maybe it is just resting in Tongzhou for a few days."

Speaking of it, Daiyu seemed to be convincing Wang Xifeng, more like convincing herself, and said: "Tongzhou is very close, and after two days, I don't have to go to the palace to cry, just let my brother accompany my sister-in-law to Tongzhou. Uncle decided I'll be fine, maybe it's not over here, uncle will be fine?"

These days, no matter Old Madam Jia, Mrs. Xing, or even Jia Lian, they are all busy going to the palace to cry, and no one has the time to comfort her like this.Now that Daiyu said so, Wang Xifeng has always been a strong one, at least she kept her mind steady.

Wang Xifeng wiped away her tears, forced a smile and said, "Look at me, maybe I'm just scaring myself with my size." Daiyu took a deep breath and nodded, she sort of revealed the matter.

On the second day after the crying in the palace just stopped, Wang Xifeng was discussing with Jia Lian: "Father has been recuperating in Tongzhou for many days, and he doesn't have time to go and have a look. Let's go and sit down sometime, so that parents can know that we are here. Be filial in your heart."

Hearing Wang Xifeng's words, Jia Lian couldn't help laughing and said: "When can't I go to sit down? Grandma will see when is the right time. Anyway, the Guozijian has closed classes. Grandma has packed up things. I just want to accompany you for a walk."

Hearing that the Imperial College has closed classes, and that Jia Lian has time to come in, Wang Xifeng is very happy, thinking that everyone is very tired due to the affairs of the concubine in the palace these few days, and it is also during the period of national filial piety, so there is no chance Whose family is visiting relatives and friends at this time, and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, why not accompany me tomorrow, I haven't seen my father for many years."

As soon as Jia Lian nodded in response, Wang Xifeng was very happy when she saw a little girl poking her head at the door. Before Wang Xifeng could ask, Xiaohong came out from the tea room and saw it too, and said with a smile: "What is this? Grandma It’s not as decent as it used to be.”

After speaking, Xiaohong explained to Wang Xifeng: "The family is busy going to the palace these days, and they haven't found a chance to report back to grandma. Siqi's mother saw that Siqi married the eldest girl well, so she decided to leave Wu Because of Deng Xin's family, I sent her sister in, and I didn't know what to do for a while, so I put her in our room to be a cleaning girl."

Wang Xifeng was in a good mood at this time, so she didn't care about these trivial things, raised her eyebrows and smiled and said: "It's a big deal, just do what you see. Go and ask what happened and where you are, if it's all right , anyway, you should also teach her the rules."

After receiving Wang Xifeng's words, Xiaohong raised the curtain and asked the girl to go, but Wang Xifeng didn't care at all, but the maid's voice was not only clear but also bright, Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian were discussing in the room, what to bring to visit Wang Ziteng , then heard the little girl reply in the yard: "It is said that the master of the family has gone, let me report."

Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng could hear clearly in the room. Jia Lian's words were interrupted abruptly in the middle of his mouth, and the smile on the corner of Wang Xifeng's mouth froze on his face.

Not to mention Wang Xifeng for a while, even Jia Lian couldn't believe it was true.Seeing Wang Xifeng's face turned pale in an instant, and his expression became even more rigid, Jia Lian's heart ached, and he suppressed the expression of laughter just now, hugged Wang Xifeng into his arms, and softly comforted: "Feng'er, don't worry, I'll go check it out right away. Maybe the little girl didn't make it clear."

Jia Lian's words were like the last straw, Wang Xifeng nodded while wiping tears, "Master, go quickly, go quickly."

Jia Lian hadn't seen such a hesitant Wang Xifeng for many years, but for a moment she didn't know what to say to comfort her, she nodded, turned around, lifted the curtain and went out the door.Jia Lian asked the little girl a few words in a low voice, Jia Lian looked back into the room, told Xiaohong to take good care of Wang Xifeng, and Jia Lian went out of the yard again.

As soon as he left the courtyard, he saw Mrs. Xing hurried over with her sister Qiao. After asking, she found out that at this time, let alone the East University courtyard, the old lady and Mrs. Wang also received the letter. to the news.Jia Lian hesitated for a moment, knelt down and said softly to Sister Qiao: "Your grandfather has gone, and mother is sad. How about Sister Qiao go to comfort her?"

Sister Qiao looked up at Mrs. Xing, then looked back at Qianqian, Fang nodded gently to Jia Lian.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xing sighed and said, "If Lian'er has something to do, I'll go and see Feng'er right now. Go and come back soon." Hearing Mrs. Xing's words, Jia Lian stood up and nodded gratefully to Mrs. Xing. Said: "Trouble mother." Mrs. Xing waved her hand and said, "One family doesn't talk about two families, so what's bothering you?" Then she took Qiao sister into the yard.

At this time, Mrs. Wang was wiping her tears while discussing with Mrs. Jia: "The old lady also knows that the master doesn't care about things, and my elder brother is in Tongzhou. Now that there are no people, I have no idea for a while." , what should I do?"

Mrs. Jia frowned when she heard this. The four great families of Jinling—Jia Shi Wang Xue, the Jia family has lost its prestige since the old Duke left, and the plaque was replaced by the old sage. one year.

Historians look at the two princes of one family, but the population is large, and the generations have been separated, and now they have long lost the glory of the founding of the country, but they are just trying to take care of the face of their ancestors.Besides, although my two nephews are both marquises, but one is a marquis and the other is earned by military exploits, but now they are not serving in the army, and their official positions in the court are not high.

Not to mention the Xue family, it was originally a family of merchants, but it was Ziwei Sheren, who almost lost his job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs two years ago. Live in your own home, seek asylum.

Whether it is in the temple or Yuanchun is in the palace, Wang Ziteng is the only one he can rely on. Now that he has gone suddenly, Mrs. Jia also has a headache. She pondered for a long time and ignored Mrs. Wang. Let Lai everyone come to see me."

Mrs. Jia ordered Lai Da to go to Tongzhou in person to find out what happened to Wang Ziteng. After all, the Wang family has not yet sent anyone to send an obituary. If the rumors are true, they will also inquire specifically about why he died of a sudden illness.Then there is the matter of preparing for worship.

The news was soon confirmed, relying on everyone's back and forth, seeing that Mrs. Wang was no longer in Mrs. Jia's room, she stepped forward and said to Mrs. Jia in a low voice: "It is said that the doctor prescribed the wrong medicine. It was just a cold, who knows?" It turned out to be windy and cold. People disappeared all of a sudden, and now they are still parked outside Tongzhou City."

Jia Lian also got the news, although he had never honored his father-in-law or anything, but at least he was relied on by his wife's natal family, so he couldn't help but frowned and learned the news from Wang Xifeng in a low voice.

Mrs. Wang also got the news from Amber, and she was thinking about who she could win over, so that Yuan Chun could be relied on in the temple in the future.Prince Teng died, everyone had different thoughts, only Wang Xifeng really fell ill.It was inconvenient for Daiyu to come, so she had to send Nanny Sun and Lily of the Valley and Shinan to bring medicinal materials to visit.

After Mrs. Wang found out, she suddenly thought that if she couldn't find support for Yuan Chun in the temple, she would win over Daiyu.

Mrs. Wang was still planning how to win over Daiyu, and Wang Ziteng's coffin was transported back to the capital.Whether it is Mrs. Wang who is full of worries, or Wang Xifeng who is sick, they all rushed back.

At this time, the servants in the palace came to Jia's mansion again, and news came out that the concubine Xiande was seriously ill!

After Mrs. Wang learned about it, she handed over signs several times asking to see Concubine Xiande, but the Queen rejected Mrs. Wang's request to visit the palace on the grounds that Concubine Xiande was seriously ill and needed to rest.

When Mrs. Wang was helpless and angry and anxious, someone suggested to her to ask Daiyu for help. Mrs. Wang was unwilling before, but after passing the sign many times to no avail, Mrs. Wang had to go to Yongding Hou Mansion, but Was told by the concierge that Daiyu was no longer in the mansion!

Mrs. Wang suddenly felt angry and ashamed, and when she looked at the six big characters on the door lintel from the gap in the curtain of the car, she hated it even more.

At this moment, Zhou Rui's family suddenly got into her carriage, flatteringly said in a low voice: "Ma'am, this servant has gone to find out, and it is said that Yulin County Lord has gone to his grandmother's house." After speaking, he smiled obsequiously at Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang was taken aback, then nodded secretly and said: "This girl Lin still has some winks. If it wasn't for her bad luck, she would be a good match with my Baoyu."Now I am a little more anxious, because she should have come to visit her uncle and aunt.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wang's brows became less anxious, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she immediately told the driver: "Go home!"

However, what Mrs. Wang didn't expect was that when she just returned to the mansion, a little maid came to report: "Madam please come over and talk."

(End of this chapter)

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