Chapter 375

Gujing keeps his word, Chapter 3 is here!We would like to thank Xia Yu Yinhe for its monthly ticket support! O(∩_∩)O~ Please praise me~ This is the third update of the last chapter... It won't work from tomorrow... The main reason is that Gujingmu has saved manuscripts... ⊙﹏⊙b Khan


The next day, Cheng Enbo and his wife went to Wu County Prince's Mansion to apologize, so it spread. Rumors spread.

On the afternoon of the same day, the head of Yulin County, regardless of dissuasion, moved out of the Wujun Prince's Mansion in tears, and the trouble soon became known to everyone.

The Queen summoned Princess Wujun in the sleeping hall, dismissed all the palace people, and talked for nearly two hours. What was originally a very secret matter was revealed in less than half an hour after Princess Wujun left the palace.

Concubine Qi soon learned that Princess Wujun had actually entered the palace to file a complaint, saying that the fourth prince had a grudge against the Holy Majesty for refusing to betroth Yulin to him, and spread the word that Yulin was the lone star of Tiansha through the quarrel between Cheng Enbo and the Yongding Hou's family. rumors in an attempt to sabotage the marriage between Yongding Hou Mansion and Cheng Enbo Mansion.

I have to say, the Empress has revealed the truth!It's a pity that Prince Wu and others don't think so, even the Empress herself doesn't think so.

The eldest prince died, and among the adult princes, only the third prince and the fourth prince remained. Unfortunately, the status of the third prince, mother and concubine was not comparable to that of Qi Concubine.If it is said that the fourth prince has no idea about that position, the empress would not believe it.

Although the queen didn't think so, but the concubine Qi believed it, and still firmly believed it.After all, Concubine Qi can see how much the fourth prince has feelings for the Lord of Yulin County.

At this time, it was heard that the concubines of Gong'e and Cai were all rumors that the fourth prince was unsuccessful in asking for a marriage, and spread rumors to retaliate against the Yulin County Lord.Concubine Qi was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she couldn't hide it even though she tried her best.Hastily sent people to find the fourth prince to see him.

When the fourth prince came in a hurry, he looked haggard and lost a lot of weight.Concubine Qi took the fourth prince's hand distressedly, looked him up and down and asked, "What's wrong with your son?" Her voice was anxious, but also faintly uneasy.

The fourth prince raised his eyebrows and said with a light smile: "My son is fine, mother and concubine are worried, I don't know if mother and concubine called my son to come, but what's the matter?"

Seeing the forced smile on the corner of the fourth prince's mouth, Concubine Qi couldn't help but wet the corners of her eyes, waved away the people in the palace, pulled the fourth prince to sit down in the side hall, and then said softly: "Nowadays there are rumors in the palace that the emperor Because I hated the Holy Admiral for giving Yulin a marriage to that Mo Xuan, I spread rumors that Yulin is the lone star of the evil spirit."

When Concubine Qi said this, she asked nervously: "I don't know the emperor, but do you know about this?" Concubine Qi stared closely at the fourth prince's eyes, and the flash of surprise in the fourth prince's eyes made Concubine Qi relax. Take a breath.

Concubine Qi decided that the fourth prince didn't know about this and was wronged!Then he smiled and said: "Emperor, don't worry about it. The mother and concubine are just afraid that you don't know about this matter, so you know the truth. Don't worry about this matter, the mother and concubine will tell your father and emperor, and give you justice, dignified Prince, how can those people slander at will?"

The fourth prince was shocked in his heart, and he didn't have the heart to listen to Concubine Qi's continuation. After a few vague sentences, he left in a hurry.

The fourth prince's expression was very ugly, and the servants who followed were all cautious, for fear of offending the master.But although the fourth prince had a gloomy face, he didn't say a word along the way, and returned to the Xiefang Palace silently, then kicked everyone out.

Seeing Chengchen with the golden swastika above his head, the Fourth Prince frowned. The development of the matter deviated from the original plan a little bit, and now there are even such rumors, and I don't know...

The fourth prince took a deep breath, called his personal servant Deshun and said: "Go and find out what happened to Wu County Prince's Mansion recently, and where the rumors in the palace came from."

Deshun is the little eunuch whom the fourth prince rescued a few years ago. He is very loyal to the fourth prince, even more loyal than the one arranged by Concubine Qi, and he is also clever.

As soon as the fourth prince had finished giving his orders, De carefully whispered, "My lord, the rumors in the palace came from the mouth of the grand maid of Kunning Palace, and the news from the Palace of the Prince of Wujun has already disappeared in the palace. Lock, I'm afraid I'll have to go check it out tomorrow."

The fourth prince narrowed his eyes, and unconsciously tapped his fingers on the kang table again and again. After Deshun finished speaking, he stood aside respectfully, knowing that the fourth prince was thinking about something, he lowered his head and did not make any sound.

It took a while for the fourth prince to beckon, De leaned over by the way, and the fourth prince ordered in a low voice: "Tomorrow morning, find a chance to leave the palace, and you can help me with two things." Speaking of which, the fourth prince is not Pause, Deshun didn't ask any questions, just listened quietly.

The fourth prince said: "Wang Quan, who is by my side, has a cousin, let him find a way to shut up his cousin. You don't have to avoid this person, let whoever inquires, but you can't leak the word, Don't be too blatant. Understand?"

Seeing the seriousness of the fourth prince, Deshun nodded and said, "I understand, Lord, don't worry, I will find a way to send news to Wang Quan early in the morning."

The fourth prince glanced at him and said: "Since this matter is entrusted to you, you just don't want to deceive others, so you can go there openly." Hearing this, Deshun looked at the fourth prince in confusion, and the fourth prince didn't explain. , and continued to order: "Try to inquire about the news of Wujun Wangfu. Don't let others know."

Deshun nodded, saluted and retreated, but the fourth prince fell into deep thought. This matter became more and more complicated. Since the news came from the queen's palace, and it was from the grand lady, it means that the queen did it on purpose , just do as you please.

Thinking of this, the corner of the fourth prince's mouth pulled a mocking smile, but Daiyu's figure appeared in his mind again, from the first meeting to the later details, especially Daiyu's hesitation when receiving the order at the palace banquet.The fourth prince whispered softly: "Don't be afraid, the matter will pass soon and everything will be fine."

At lunch the next day, Deshun sent back a message saying: "What the master ordered, the younger one has already been done, and the royal power asked the younger one to tell the master, so that the master can rest assured that he will take care of it." He paused, not knowing how to continue.

The fourth prince couldn't help but look up at him, his eyes were a little cold, Deshun swallowed his saliva, and said in a low voice: "I didn't find out anything else, the prince of Wu County lives in the palace now, and those stewards are very tight-lipped." Seeing that the fourth prince frowned, Deshun quickly added: "However, yesterday Cheng Enbo took his wife to say that he was going to apologize."

The fourth prince raised his eyebrows with a sneer and said, "And then?" Deshun hesitated for a long time before saying, "I don't know what happened. Not long after Cheng Enbo arrived, Princess Wujun hurriedly handed the sign into the palace, and the harem Then there were those rumors, and soon after Princess Wujun left, the Lord of Yulin County..."

Deshun was still hesitant when he said this, after all, others didn't know, but he knew very well how much the Fourth Prince attached to Yulin County Lord.

But who would have thought that as soon as he stopped, the fourth prince's eyes swept over him like a knife, and he said in a jerk, "It is said that the Lord of Yulin County has moved back to the Yongding Hou Mansion." After speaking, he added: "It is crying walking."

The fourth prince felt his heart tighten, and he stood up abruptly.After a while, he let out a breath slowly, sat down slowly and asked, "And then?" He didn't notice the tension in his voice, but Deshun could hear it very clearly, and replied in a low voice: "I heard that later Princess Wen Wan went to the Marquis of Yongding, but returned without having dinner."

The fourth prince nodded, and there was no need for lunch, he waved his hand and said, "Leave it, I'll be quiet." Deshun didn't dare to disobey the fourth prince's wishes, opened his mouth, did not say any words of dissuasion, and quietly withdrew After eating, we retreated out.

(End of this chapter)

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