Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 376 Telling You Alone

Chapter 376 Telling You Alone

The fourth prince quietly left the palace. When the emperor received the news, he just smiled coldly and waved the servant back without saying anything.Wang Gonggong frowned and borrowed the time to exchange tea for the emperor, and asked in a low voice: "Do you need to send someone to follow the Fourth Highness?"

The emperor shook his head and said: "If it's someone else, it doesn't matter if I do what he wants."

When the emperor said this, the prince also understood that the emperor still felt sorry for the fourth prince, but the Lord of Yulin County couldn't do it.So he didn't say anything more, looked at the emperor's recently white temples, sighed in his heart, and quietly stepped aside.

The fourth prince went out of the palace all the way towards Yongding Hou's Mansion, but stopped suddenly when passing by Huang's Mansion.

He had already heard that Huang Jiyun once went into the palace to find the Holy Majesty to divorce because of rumors.But Huang Jiyun just did it!
Unfortunately, in the end, Huang Jiyun failed to divorce the engagement.The fourth prince couldn't help but sighed deeply, thinking of Deshun saying that Daiyu left the Prince Wu's mansion in tears, his heart ached, he wanted to see her, he wanted to explain to her, but he was afraid that she might misunderstand I don't want to see myself...

After hesitating for a long time, the fourth prince finally sat in the middle hall of Yongdinghoufu.Originally thought that there was no male lead in the Marquis of Yongding, Daiyu would choose the flower hall or the garden if she wanted to meet him, but she never expected that she would so solemnly ask the housekeeper to welcome him into the central hall.

The layout here is very different from that of Zhuangzi outside the city. There are red sandalwood tables and chairs in the same color, and on the raised table, there is a cloisonné enamel three-legged tripod.

"Snow River Picture" hangs on the wall, and four gentlemen hang on the left and right sides.The couplet is a pair of camphor. It is written by the ancestors of the Lin family according to the inscription.There is a plaque with the same camphor hanging on the top, and the inscription: Chengzhi, two characters.It can be seen that the couplets were written by one person, and the brushstrokes are vigorous and vigorous, which is worthy of being a century-old family.

While the fourth prince was sighing, Daiyu walked in in a green dress with a veil on her face, the fourth prince was stunned, Daiyu had already saluted and greeted her.

Daiyu's voice was not as gentle as the ones she had heard before, she said coldly, "I don't know what your Highness wants to do when you come here. My parents died early, and there is no one to host the reception. If you are rude, please forgive me. "

Hearing Daiyu's words "Parents died early", the fourth prince felt that Daiyu deliberately slapped him in the face.I just felt the burning pain on my face, and couldn't help but whispered: "I'm not..." But seeing Daiyu followed by two nuns, two big maids, and four little maids standing at the door, the second half of the sentence was just He suffocated and went back.

Seeing that Daiyu was still in the posture of saluting, she stepped forward two steps to help her up, Daiyu had already stood up, and calmly ordered: "Serve tea and fruit for His Royal Highness Fourth Prince." As soon as the words fell, the maids They came in in an orderly manner, holding tea and fruit products, which were obviously prepared long ago.

The Fourth Prince frowned subconsciously, but he didn't know what to say. Looking at Daiyu's neither sad nor happy face, he suddenly felt a little dull.

Daiyu had already sat down on the main seat, and asked again: "I don't know if His Highness came for a sudden visit, but what orders do you have? It's a pity that there is no one in the Lin family, and Lin Hui is a daughter. I'm afraid she has no power to help His Highness."

The fourth prince looked at Daiyu, moved his lips, and asked sullenly after a long while: "Can I say a few words alone?" After finishing speaking, the fourth prince glanced at Nanny Tang and Nanny Yang behind Daiyu.

Nanny Yang just came out of the palace. Hearing what the fourth prince said, before Nanny Tang could speak, she took a half step forward and saluted: "The old slave is overstepping, but the county lord is the daughter of the boudoir. Waiting to be married, even the emperor, can't make such a request. I hope His Highness will respect himself."

Mother Tang's two words made the fourth prince's ugly face even paler, but the fourth prince didn't want to give up, stared into Daiyu's eyes, and asked again: "Can I have a few words with you alone? "

Afraid that Nanny Yang and others would speak again, the fourth prince hastily added: "Just a few words, right here!" After finishing speaking, he said softly with a pleading tone: "Let Nanny and the maids stand outside the door, Is it ok?"

Daiyu took a deep breath, she originally planned to move away from the Wujun Prince's Mansion, she wanted to see how the Fourth Prince would act, to confirm the rumors and what their purpose was.Unexpectedly, I just moved out yesterday afternoon, and today the fourth prince will come to visit in a grand manner!

Daiyu frowned involuntarily. If word got out, not only would her reputation be hindered, but her father Lin Ruhaizhen's death would also ruin the century-old reputation of the Lin family!
But in front of so many people, I'm afraid the Fourth Prince wouldn't say anything, right?Then why did he frame himself?To spread rumors like that?what is the benefit?Daiyu couldn't think of it, so she couldn't help turning her head to look at Nanny Yang and Nanny Tang.Nanny Yang shook her head without thinking, but Daiyu hesitated for a moment.

Daiyu's hesitation, in the eyes of the Fourth Prince, turned into a pleasant surprise, and she couldn't help saying softly: "I have no other intentions, and I came here quietly, we are here to speak in a fair and fair manner..."

Before the fourth prince could finish speaking, Daiyu said to Nanny Yang and Nanny Tang: "Manny wait outside, Zhixuan stay with me."

Mother Yang frowned, glared at the fourth prince, and said softly: "The county master should think about it, and it's not good to pass it on to Cheng Enbo's residence." Daiyu nodded and smiled, "Don't worry, mother, Yu Er knows it well. Besides, Zhixuan will stay with me again."

Daiyu smiled faintly at Nanny Yang, in the eyes of the Fourth Prince, it was like flowers blooming in spring, dazzlingly beautiful!Unfortunately, it's not about me.

After Daiyu finished explaining to Nanny Yang, without waiting for Nanny Yang and Nanny Tang to withdraw, she returned to her neither sad nor happy look, looked at the fourth prince and said softly: "Your Highness has something to say, just speak it out, Zhixuan He was always by my side."

The fourth prince nodded and looked up at Nanny Yang. She had stopped her before, but now Nanny Yang didn't back out immediately after Daiyu gave her orders, and the fourth prince couldn't help frowning.

Nanny Yang looked at Daiyu, frowning as if she had made up her mind to pay attention.Or Mother Tang thought about it, pulled Mother Yang, and walked towards the door first, but Mother Tang did not go out, but pushed open the window, Mother Yang sighed and followed suit open the window.

After Nanny Yang and Nanny Tang opened all the windows and stood outside the door, Nanny Tang told the little maids: "Mr. Huang will come for dinner later, and the county master asked someone to go to the kitchen to explain. .”

In this way, although Xueyan was surprised to explain such a sentence, why did two nuns need to come together, but she didn't think much about it, and after squatting down for a salute, she quickly walked towards the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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