Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 378 Complaint

Chapter 378 Complaint
Thanks to Xiaotu Doudou and Qiaoge Muyong for their rewards and encouragement!Thanks!

Huang Jiyun came so fast, it was beyond Daiyu's expectation.Although Daiyu hadn't figured out how to tell Huang Jiyun what happened today, Daiyu hurriedly changed her clothes and went to the outer study to meet Huang Jiyun.

It stands to reason that now that Daiyu is older, she can no longer meet Huang Jiyun in such an unscrupulous Dao Study Room.But the relationship between Huang Jiyun and Daiyu is different, at least in the eyes of those who know Daiyu well, Huang Jiyun has almost replaced Lin Ruhai's role in Daiyu's life these years.

As long as people who mention Huang Jiyun, they will mention Daiyu unconsciously, and to praise Daiyu in front of Huang Jiyun is something that can win Huang Jiyun's favor.Especially Huang Jiyun's subordinates and colleagues know this very well.

And anyone who thinks of Daiyu will inevitably think of Huang Jiyun. Everyone knows very well that as long as Daiyu is won over, it is the big celebrity in front of the Holy Majesty, the prince and grand master, and the scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion—— Huang Jiyun.Therefore, Daiyu and Huang Jiyun never had any scruples, they never shy away from eating and chatting.

When Daiyu came to the study, Huang Jiyun was sitting on the rocking chair that Daiyu specially found a craftsman to make, drinking tea and rolling a book in his hand.

Hearing the noise, Huang Jiyun turned his head and said with a smile: "Yu'er is so eager to find a teacher, but what's the matter?"

Daiyu nodded, opened the doors and windows with her own hands, and ordered Zhixuan to guard the door, then went to Huang Jiyun and squatted on the footrest, lowered her head, organizing her words.

Seeing that Daiyu lowered her head, Huang Jiyun didn't know what she was thinking, but the action of Daiyu pushing the window and opening the door earlier made Huang Jiyun understand that what Daiyu was going to say must not be a trivial matter, so he also sat up and calmed down, saying: " Yu'er go over there and talk."

The main reason is this rocking chair, but it is placed not far from the window. Since you want to prevent being heard, you naturally have to sit a little farther away from the window.Daiyu looked up and didn't refuse, so she got up and walked to the big round table to stand.

After Huang Jiyun was seated, Daiyu changed Huang Jiyun's tea again, and then sat down next to Huang Jiyun, and explained in detail the arrangement of Prince Wu yesterday and the visit of the four princes today, although Huang Jiyun was listening. That complexion became more and more ugly, but he held back his anger and did not interrupt Daiyu.

When Daiyu finished speaking and looked at Huang Jiyun anxiously, Huang Jiyun gently comforted her: "Don't worry, Yu'er, I will leave it to my teacher at this time."

Daiyu didn't know what Huang Jiyun was planning, so she wanted to say a few more words, but Huang Jiyun said very seriously: "If there is such a thing in the future, Yu'er should not participate! Remember that this matter must not be spread, even if it is Neither can the Prince Wu's Mansion."

Seeing Huang Jiyun's serious expression, Daiyu nodded honestly.He also heard Huang Jiyun's order: "If the fourth prince comes again, you will not see me." After Huang Jiyun finished speaking, he paused and said, "Why don't Yu'er go back to Zhuangzi outside the city and let your mistress accompany you. Or It is also okay to go to the teacher's mansion to accompany your teacher's wife and Bilian."

Daiyu was very surprised when she heard that Huang Jiyun even mentioned that she was going to live in Huang's mansion, and thought to herself: Is this really such a troublesome thing?Back then I lived in Zhuangzi outside the city for so long, and my master never arranged it like this, but now...

Daiyu knew that things must be more complicated than she imagined, but it seemed inappropriate to go out of the city like this. After all, there are quite a lot of people living in the mansion at the moment, and many things are inconvenient to carry. After thinking about it, Daiyu said: "Master sees Yu'er complaining of illness, how about thanking guests behind closed doors?"

Huang Jiyun frowned and scolded: "Don't forget, you are waiting to be married now, how can you call yourself sick?" Daiyu said disapprovingly: "If Mo Xuan is jealous of this, then let's call off the engagement, anyway Yu'er doesn't want to marry yet As for people, Yu'er still wants to spend a few more years at the knees of her master and mother."

Seeing that Daiyu said she was willing to accept Huan's knees, Huang Jiyun felt very warm in his heart, but he shook his head and smiled, "What a girl, you still say such childish things." After finishing speaking, Huang Jiyun sighed: "As a teacher, I look at that kid from the Mo family. That's right, it will be a few years before he reaches full filial piety. In the past two years, Yu'er can still relax."

Hearing what Huang Jiyun said, Daiyu naturally couldn't continue to talk about other things, so she just said: "Then Yu'er listened to the master and arranged the personnel in the mansion, so she went to Zhuangzi outside the city."

Huang Jiyun nodded, and didn't stay for dinner, so he got up and said, "Yu'er is well arranged, and I have something to do as a teacher, so I left first." Hearing what Huang Jiyun said, Daiyu got up and delivered it in person without asking any more questions. Huang Jiyun went out before returning to the inner courtyard.

What Daiyu didn't know was that when Huang Jiyun left Yongding Hou's mansion, he went straight to Wujun Wang's mansion, and made a big fuss in Wujun Wang's mansion, and finally entered the palace by twisting Wujun Wang's mansion.

The emperor had just had dinner with the empress and was talking when he saw Xia Shouzhong poking his head at the door. The emperor frowned and scolded: "What are you doing so stupidly?" The emperor scolded him so much, he felt a little unhappy in his heart, so he also asked with a straight face: "But what's the big deal?"

Xia Shouzhong quickly came in to salute and said: "The prince sent someone to report, saying that Master Huang twisted the prince of Wujun to ask to see the sage. Slave..."

Before Xia Shouzhong finished speaking, the emperor frowned and waved: "Understood, let's go down." Seeing this, the queen persuaded: "Your Majesty, hurry up, there may be something urgent." The emperor snorted coldly: "He What can the two of you do urgently?"

Seeing that the emperor was suffering from a headache, the empress rubbed her brows and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, let's go and have a look quickly. Even if there is no urgent matter, it is definitely not a trivial matter to ask His Majesty."

The emperor took a deep breath and patted the queen's hand before raising his voice: "Place the imperial study!" The queen had just sent the emperor away, and before returning to the palace, she saw Concubine Qi supported by a dozen concubines, He walked over with a lantern.

The queen couldn't help frowning, looked at Concubine Qi and groaned coldly in her heart, but she stopped her steps back to the palace without showing it, and said with a smile: "My sister is so late, where are you going?" The concubine hurriedly stepped forward to pay her respects and said: "The concubine pays her respects to my sister. Yesterday Huier sent some little things to my concubine, so I thought of bringing them here for my sister to have a look at."

When Concubine Qi said this, her eyes were looking in the direction the emperor was leaving, and there was even a hint of anxiety between her brows.

The empress felt disdainful, she clearly came to find the emperor, but she made an excuse to give herself something!He also borrowed the name of the fourth prince!Thinking of the Fourth Prince, the Empress inevitably thought of the Eldest Prince, so she tried her best not to show it, and said coldly: "Since it was given to you by the Fourth Prince, you can just keep it and don't have to bring it to me."

After the queen finished speaking, she paused and said: "There is nothing missing in this palace, even if something is missing, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will come to make up for it."

After the queen finished speaking, she didn't even look at Concubine Qi again, she turned around and walked back, and said in a voice that Concubine Qi could hear: "Go and see what Xiao Wu is doing? His father just sent some fresh fruit Come here and let him taste it too."

Concubine Qi stood at the bottom of the steps, her face turning green and then white, but the nurse next to her reminded: "Don't be angry, Madam, who will have the last laugh in the future, so I should hurry up and find the Holy Majesty. It's going to be cold."

(End of this chapter)

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