Chapter 379
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The next day, the news that the emperor was furious at Huang Jiyun and Wujun Wang spread like wildfire in the imperial study, but he couldn't figure out why the emperor was angry.Prince Wu and Huang Jiyun started to confront each other in court, which everyone felt.

It took only three to five days for Huang Jiyun to gain the upper hand, Princess Wu went to Yongdinghou's mansion, and left angrily within an hour.In a blink of an eye, King Wujun found the right opportunity and impeached Huang Jiyun. Huang Jiyun was reprimanded by the emperor on the spot.The head of Yulin County moved out of Yongding Hou's Mansion and went to Hot Spring Zhuangzi outside the city.After that, King Wujun and Huang Jiyun quarreled more and more lively.

Everyone vaguely understood that the appearance of Prince Wu and Huang Jiyun was probably caused by the head of Yulin County.But the county lord of Yulin has now moved to the hot spring Zhuangzi outside the city, and the euphemistic name is: Appreciate Spring.

After the Ching Ming Festival on March [-], the head of Yulin County held a small banquet in Zhuangzi outside the city, inviting Princess Wen Wan and three other girls from the palace.At the same time, Huang Bilian, the only member of the Huang family who has not left the cabinet, and the three aunts of the Huang family were also invited to the banquet together.Accompanied by Jia Fulian's grandma and Shi Xiangyun, the eldest daughter of the historian family.

In the warm spring, when the willows are blowing on the dike, Daiyu’s hot spring village is full of flowers, especially the fruit forest in front of the village gate, with peach red and plum white, and the crops in the distance are green.Everyone played around for three days in Daiyu Zhuangzi.It was not until the ninth day of March that they returned to the capital one after another.

So far, the atmosphere between Prince Wu and Huang Jiyun seems to have calmed down.At least not so tit for tat anymore.

The envoy from Qianxiang Kingdom has been handed over to the Ministry of Rites for reception, and King Wujun is also preparing to return to the fief to send his daughter and son-in-law south.On March [-]th, at the queen's request, the fifth prince also worshiped Huang Jiyun as his teacher, and Daiyu has since gained a junior brother.

A farce, inexplicably started, and inexplicably ended.No one asked about the cause, and no one cared about the process. This is the result, which is very intriguing...

With the presence of the envoy from Qianxiang Kingdom, the Prince Wu's Mansion and the Marquis of Yongding's Mansion have gradually withdrawn from people's sight.The focus of everyone's attention has shifted to Nan'an County Prince's Mansion.

The king of Nan'an County was captured, and the envoy of Qianxiang Kingdom came to ask to marry Princess Tian//chao for King Qianxiang//in exchange.The emperor politely declined on the grounds that there was no princess of the right age to marry, and the next best thing to do was to ask to marry the princess of the sky//chao princess if there was no princess, as a bottom line, but who would marry a foreign country?

Concubine Nan'an had no choice but to run around, and finally recognized the girl from Jia's mansion as her adopted daughter.Its intention is self-evident, and the Pian Jia's mansion complied!It was known to the outside world as Concubine Nan'an, seeing that the girl was smart, dignified and elegant, and the Jia family also said everywhere that the two children were old relatives, but who cares?As long as it's not my own girl.

Since Daiyu held a spring banquet on the Third Daughter's Day in March, she followed the instructions of Huang Jiyun and King Wujun to stay at the Zhuangzi with peace of mind.Anyway, this Zhuangzi not only has the guards of Yongding Hou's mansion, but also the guards of Wujun Wang's mansion, Huang Jiyun and Wujun Wang both know that there are also secret guards sent by the sage!

As a result, Daiyu can be said to be deaf to what is going on outside the window, and naturally she has never heard of Qianxiangguo's proposal for marriage. Although she guessed it, she didn't take it to heart. In Daiyu's time, Wang Xifeng talked about Tanchun's confession of relatives.

Wang Xifeng took Daiyu's hand, disregarding Jia Lian's ugly face, sneered disdainfully: "I'm afraid Yu'er doesn't know yet? We have a concubine in our house, and now it looks like another concubine will be born." The second room is very crazy now!"

When Daiyu heard this, she had an epiphany. Needless to say, the concubine was the late Yuan Chun. This concubine...wouldn't be talking about Tanchun, would she?Although she had some guesses in her heart, Daiyu still looked at Jia Lian in disbelief.

Jia Lian smiled helplessly and said, "It's not that I haven't persuaded you, but someone should listen, right? Even your sister-in-law has gone to persuade Tan girl, but that girl has always been high-minded, how can she listen?"

Daiyu nodded, sighed deeply, and said with a smile, "My arsenic is my arsenic, and that's honey. I can't tell you clearly. Sister Tanchun has always been smart, so she naturally has her plan." Daiyu After finishing speaking, he paused and asked again: "I just don't know what Aunt Zhao, Brother Huan and Sister Tanchun are planning?"

Hearing Daiyu's question about Tanchun's plan, Jia Lian showed a smile, raised his eyebrows and said, "I didn't think about it before, but Tan girl took this opportunity to make a request to my second uncle, saying that it was Brother Huan. The concubine was originally going to be separated, but I asked my second uncle to make the decision, so I will be separated and live alone, and I don’t need to ask about the marriage in the future."

As soon as Jia Lian finished speaking, Daiyu frowned and asked, "Second Uncle agreed?" Before Jia Lian could answer, Wang Xifeng sneered and said, "Now he is the princess! How can you not agree to this little request? Let's talk It's not a big deal."

Jia Lian added: "It is said that it was allocated a second-entry house in the west city. I'm afraid Tan girl also subsidized it. She moved there two days ago."

Daiyu raised her eyebrows and asked, "Have you moved there? Then Aunt Zhao followed?" Wang Xifeng smiled and said, "How is that possible! You don't know my aunt, she..." Before Wang Xifeng finished speaking, Jia Lian scolded her Said: "The matter of the elders, did you say that?"

Wang Xifeng was a little embarrassed by Jia Lian's remarks. Seeing this, Daiyu hurriedly poured a cup of tea for Jia Lian, and changed the subject, "Is that brother going to end next year?"

Jia Lian showed a smile and said, "That's natural. I didn't expect to get to this point after taking the exam for so many years, but I have already thought about it. I must not lose the face of my uncle and master. You have to try it if you succeed. Is it?" Daiyu nodded after hearing this, and several people talked about other things.

No two days later, when Huang Jiyun came to visit Daiyu, Daiyu asked about Tan Chunyuan's marriage, but Huang Jiyun shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, so don't bother asking, that Qianxiang Kingdom is not a fool, early After inquiring about the life experience of the girl in Jia's mansion, I heard that she is not a daughter of the clan, but a descendant of a prince who has lost her title, and she is also a concubine."

Speaking of this, Huang Jiyun sighed and said: "The Qianxiang country does not follow, but the emperor here is also very embarrassed. After all, the empress's brother, the first Cheng Engong, was killed in that battle. The king is also very prestigious. Now that there has been trouble, it just depends on what the trouble will look like."

Huang Jiyun's brows were full of exhaustion, and his face was a little helpless. Daiyu wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know where to start. After all, the concubine daughter who lost her title was from her maternal ancestral family... …

Huang Jiyun laughed at himself and said: "It's none of my business, anyway, there are people from the Ministry of Rituals arguing with them. But His Royal Highness Fifth Prince, let me ask you, is there any new album for Yu'er here?" Thinking about it as a teacher, the fifth prince is not young anymore, and his previous foundation is not bad, now is the time to talk about history."

Daiyu immediately understood that she was here to see if there was any painting album, and she was clearly asking herself to draw, so she smiled and said: "There are no ready-made ones, but the master has something to do, and the disciple will do his best. The master just asks what to paint."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Huang Jiyun laughed heartily, nodded after a long while and said: "I really don't have that much time to be a teacher. You were a worry-free person back then, but now I have to trouble Yu'er. Let’s draw a set according to Shiji, and when your teacher’s wife comes to visit you in a few days, just let her take it back.”

When Daiyu heard this, she frowned and asked, "Master hasn't come to see Yu'er recently?" Huang Jiyun frowned and thought for a while, "If I have free time, I will naturally come back to see Yu'er as a teacher, but now the people from Qianxiang Kingdom There is no definite date for the matter, I am afraid that we will have to wait for General Fuyuan to return to court before we can have a result, but I don’t know if General Qian can make it in time.”

(End of this chapter)

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