Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 380 A Gift From Afar

Chapter 380 A Gift From Afar

The editor said that there is a recommendation from the customer service side today, asking for more... Although it is difficult, Gujing will try his best...~~~~(>_<)~~~~ Please give me strength!Dear...


On the second day of April, General Fuyuan, who had received the emperor's order to hurry, finally came back.This time, because of the offering of captives, the emperor still led hundreds of civil and military officials to welcome them outside the south gate of the city to accept the offering of prisoners.

No one knew that the envoy of Qianxiang Kingdom also went to the city gate to watch.But after that, the dispute about Qianxiang Kingdom becoming king//Chu marrying Tian//the princess of the dynasty suddenly eased a lot.Although most of the ministers in the DPRK and China knew it well, they didn't point it out.

What Daiyu didn't expect was that General Fuyuan was still going to offer prisoners, all of which had nothing to do with her, but on the fourth day of April, Concubine Qian of the Wujun Prince's Mansion suddenly paid a celibate visit.

When she heard that Concubine Qian was coming, Daiyu hurriedly changed her clothes and went out to meet her.Although Daiyu didn't have a deep impression of Concubine Qian, she remembered that she was the biological mother of Wanqing, the second daughter of Prince Wujun, and Wanqing was a very cold person as her name suggests.Daiyu didn't dare to be negligent, she changed her clothes in a hurry, changed into a honey-colored spring shirt, and replaced the wooden hairpin on her head with two layers of beaded flowers, and greeted her in person.

Concubine Qian is wearing a purple red palace satin jacket inlaid with bean green and wide borders, embroidered with begonias, even the borders are also embroidered with hibiscus flowers of different shades, and flowers and leaves made of jasper are inlaid on it.A gold skirt all over the floor is even more rich and gorgeous.

A bowl-sized peony flower is pinned to the pile of clouds, and two emerald bead strings of different lengths are hung between the double phoenix hairpin with beads in it.It added two points of ruddy to Concubine Qian's original fair skin, and the red gold emerald pair of earrings sparkled in the sun.

Concubine Qian's faint smile on the corner of her mouth and eyebrows, coupled with her luxurious air, was far beyond Daiyu's expectations, making Concubine Qian look very amiable and kind.

Daiyu stepped forward quickly, wanting to kneel down to salute, but Qian Concubine supported her one step faster than her, and seeing that she was dressed in a plain but elegant dress, she couldn't help but nodded secretly, and said with a soft smile: "The county Lord, you don’t need to be too polite, we are considered a family no matter what.”

Daiyu slightly raised her eyebrows and nodded with a smile, saying yes, she walked towards Concubine Qian and said calmly, "I thought Concubine Qian would be busy for two or three days when General Qian returned to the court. I don’t want to come to see me today.”

Concubine Qian did not play tricks with her, and said with a smile: "My elder brother can make great achievements in the northwest this time, and the help of Brother Xuan and Master Zhao is indispensable." Concubine Qian paused and said: "My brother yesterday But he praised Mr. Zhao fiercely in front of me, saying that he is a young hero. It is quite speculative to cooperate with him twice."

Daiyu didn't know what Concubine Qian meant, but she smiled and said, "Brother Zhao was originally the nephew of my father's friend, and he has helped my father a lot over the years. Now he can stay in the army at the Northwest Station. I feel at ease, but if I talk about the past, it was because my mother and father passed away one after another, which delayed him a lot."

Concubine Qian was a little surprised when she saw that Daiyu said this and didn't mention that Zhao Bing was once a servant in her mansion, nor that Zhao Bing married her mother's maidservant, but since Daiyu didn't want to mention , Concubine Qian didn't come here today to find trouble, so she smiled and said: "But if you want to talk about young heroes, there is no one who is afraid of Brother Xuan today."

Hearing that Concubine Qian mentioned Mo Xuan, Daiyu's heart moved slightly, but her complexion was not obvious, she lowered her head in a shy look, and said nothing.

Concubine Qian saw that she seemed very embarrassed, she covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Don't be embarrassed Yulin, the marriage is bestowed by the Holy Majesty. How lucky are you?" Saying this, Concubine Qian turned around and took a thin box of black lacquer pasted with shells and painted with colorful snails from the maid, and handed it to Daiyu.

Daiyu looked up at Concubine Qian in puzzlement, but Concubine Qian raised her eyebrows, she stuffed the box into Daiyu's arms, and said with a smile: "My elder brother came to see me yesterday and brought me a When such a box came over, I thought it was something my elder brother brought me, but unexpectedly, my elder brother asked me to bring it to you."

The two of them had already returned to the inner hall after saying this, and sat down as guests and hosts. Daiyu took the box and didn't rush to ask questions. Serve tea and fruit.If it wasn't for looking at people and shaking in front of my eyes, I'm afraid I wouldn't notice it.

Seeing this, Concubine Qian couldn't help but nodded secretly, and said with a smile: "The people here in Yulin are good at teaching." Daiyu didn't respond, and just smiled: "Try it, Concubine Side, this dessert is made by our family. , I don’t know if it suits your taste, but if it’s okay to eat, I’ll bring some back to the concubine and sister Wanqing later, that’s my kindness.”

Concubine Qian picked up the white porcelain cup from Ru kiln, took a sip, the taste was fragrant, and there was a hint of sweetness, she couldn't help but praised: "This tea is good. I have heard that the tea made in Yulin is good, but I haven't tasted it yet. Now it’s a real treat and an eye-opener.”

Daiyu smiled slightly, and said softly: "If you like it, I'll make some for you later. There's not much tea here, but it's just a joke when you have nothing to do. You'll laugh at me."

While Daiyu was talking, Concubine Qian gently picked up a piece of snack, took a bite, and praised: "It seems that Brother Xuan is also a blessed one. No wonder many people in the capital want to marry Yulin back. The imperial gift from the sage, I am afraid that the gate of the palace will be crushed by those people."

Concubine Qian covered her mouth with a smile and said, "I'm just busy eating snacks, Yulin hasn't looked at what's in the box, has she?" Concubine Qian blinked at Daiyu, and Daiyu suddenly felt that she didn't know what to say. What's the matter, although Concubine Qian is also very young, she looks like she is only about 30 years old, but after all, she is still in the same generation as Princess Wujun...

Daiyu lowered her head as if she hadn't seen it, put down the teacup in her hand, and opened the box. Inside was a pair of turquoise dotted coral beads and silver distracting hairpins. In the middle was a piece of beeswax the size of a pigeon egg. It was smooth and oily, and looked very beautiful. gratifying.

Seeing Daiyu's eyes brighten up, Concubine Qian covered her mouth and said with a smile: "I also thought it was very beautiful, and complained why my elder brother didn't think of bringing one back for me too. Brother Xuan has a heart, so I will give it to you." After looking for such a thing, I asked my brother to bring it back after traveling thousands of miles."

Although Mo Xuan often gave her presents in the past, this was the first time the emperor gave her something after the marriage was bestowed on him. Not to mention the jewelry, he also invited outsiders to bring it, which made Daiyu feel ashamed.

Concubine Qian was able to send things to Daiyu, one was because General Qian was entrusted by Mo Xuan, and Mo Xuan and that Zhao Bing made great efforts in this northwest campaign.The second is that Mo Xuan is the nephew of the princess, and Daiyu is the righteous daughter of the princess and the county head personally appointed by the Holy Majesty.If you can win over Daiyu, you will win over Mo Xuan.

In this way, whether I am in my natal family or in front of Princess Wujun, I will be more respectable, and I think it will be more secure for Wanqing's marriage in the future.Then Concubine Qian accepted the job.

Now it seems that this trip is not in vain, and Daiyu is not as cold and aloof as the rumors say.Concubine Qian really wanted to make friends with her.Then he smiled and said: "Don't just stay in the Zhuangzi, it's just because the prince and concubine have some problems, it's good to talk about it, after all, it's a family, go back and sit down more, the concubine misses you very much."

Daiyu didn't say yes, she didn't refuse, she just chatted with Concubine Qian nonchalantly, Concubine Qian was not in a hurry when she saw this, she got up and left after chatting for a while.Daiyu hastily asked someone to make tea and snacks, filled two cans full, and laughed with the two food boxes: "Bring some for Wangfei and Sister Wanqing, the things are not good, just try something new."

Concubine Qian did not refuse, she was very happy to be accepted, and Dai Yufang personally sent Concubine Qian out.Unexpectedly, he met an unexpected person at the door, even Concubine Qian, who was also very surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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