Chapter 381
Chapter 2...(~o~)~zZ There will be another chapter later...the wrist is about to break...


Daiyu sent Concubine Qian to the Chuihua Gate, and was about to return, but she heard the report from Lin De's family in person: "The princess of Nan'an has arrived." Not to mention Daiyu, even Concubine Qian did not expect that such a standing The person on the cusp of the storm unexpectedly came to Daiyu at this time.

Concubine Qian turned her head, just in time to see Daiyu's surprise that she hadn't had time to hide, she said with a smile: "Since a distinguished guest has arrived, I will go with Yulin to meet her." Daiyu gave Qian Concubine a grateful look, But he smiled and said: "They are cousins ​​from my grandmother's family. How dare I bother you, but they are just here to chat."

After hearing what Daiyu said, Concubine Qian didn't say much, and told the servant girl behind her, "Go to the front and get in the car. Now that you know, it's good to see you."

After talking about Qian Concubine, she turned her head and smiled at Daiyu. Daiyu has always believed that people respect me one inch, and I respect others one foot.Since Concubine Qian made a face for herself, Daiyu also smiled and stepped forward to support Concubine Qian's arm, nodded and smiled, "It just so happens that I want to take you out too," and the two went to the gate of the village hand in hand and go.

When the two of Daiyu arrived, Tanchun was dressed in the auspicious attire of a princess, and was getting off the carriage with the help of two nuns, followed by a carriage, from which two big maids and four young maids jumped down.Daiyu frowned slightly when she saw this, but she let go of Concubine Qian's hand and greeted her with a smile.

When Tanchun saw Daiyu in the past, there was always more or less envy in his eyes, so today he came here wearing the auspicious clothes of the princess, who would have thought that Daiyu was so plain.The heart of the two bead flowers on the head are finger-sized oriental bead, but they have two eyes.

Tanchun raised his head but saw a luxuriously dressed lady standing behind Daiyu, he couldn't help being startled, Tanchun never thought that Daiyu would have guests here, and seeing that Concubine Qian was full of style, she was busy. Gathering his mind, he greeted Daiyu with a smile.

Daiyu hurriedly held Tanchun's hand, smiled at Concubine Qian, "This is my cousin from my grandmother's family, and her baby name is Tanchun." Then she introduced to Tanchun: "This is Concubine Qian from the Palace of Wujun. Concubine Qian's elder brother is the Fuyuan General Qian who just returned from the Northwest."

Daiyu was afraid of Tanchun's arrogance, thinking that she had some status and looked down on Concubine Qian, so she pointed out the relationship between Concubine Qian and General Fuyuan.

Tanchun is also a very transparent person, and she understands that Daiyu is implying that she, the princess, was only sealed because of General Qian's return to court. Although she was extremely unhappy in her heart, she gave money with a smile on her face. The side concubine performed a junior ceremony.

Concubine Qian received half the salute on her side, and said with a smile: "In the past, I only heard that all the girls in Jia's mansion are very juicy, but it's a pity that your mansion never comes out and walks around, and I have never had the chance to see them. "

Concubine Qian took off a gold inlaid jade Baiji peony bracelet from her wrist, and put it on Tanchun's wrist. The emerald green suet white jade was carved into blossoming peony flowers, Inlaid on the red gold bracelet, the bracelet is engraved with dense peony flowers and leaves, which looks extremely delicate.

Daiyu couldn't help laughing secretly when she saw this, the clothes Concubine Qian was wearing from head to toe today were all from Rongyun Nishang Pavilion...

Concubine Qian said with a smile: "It's not a good thing. It's fine for the princess to take it or play with it, or reward the maid." Tanchun was secretly startled. As a righteous daughter, Mrs. Jia and Concubine Nan'an gave her a lot of good things, but they have never seen such exquisite things.

The fruit grove at the gate of the village is very beautiful at the moment, but it is not a place to talk, and it is time for Concubine Qian to go back when she sees the time, so she doesn't talk too much, she just smiled at Tan Chun: "Today is the time It's not early, I still have some things to do at home, so I will go back first, and come to the palace to play when I have time."

Tanchun naturally smiled and nodded in response, but Concubine Qian told Daiyu: "Zhuangzi is cold, don't say that the princess misses you very much, even the sisters in the mansion miss you too, stay for a while Days, just go back, understand?" Daiyu didn't say whether she would go back, just nodded and smiled: "Please worry about it, Yulin understands."

Concubine Qian didn't say much, she nodded and got into the carriage.After seeing off Concubine Qian, Daiyu led Tanchun to the village.Seeing Tanchun in such formal auspicious clothes, Daiyu thought for a while and led Tanchun to the second hall of the inner courtyard to sit down.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they sat down, the maids served tea, Tan Chun took a sip of tea, put down the teacup and said with a smile: "I remember that there is a Xiyu Pavilion in Sister Lin's garden, which is built with bamboo on the water stream, why not?" Where are we going to sit down?"

Daiyu looked at Tanchun and struggled for a while, not knowing what to say. Tanchun thought that Daiyu was unwilling, and felt even more displeased, but she heard Daiyu sigh and asked tentatively: "Sister Tanchun, do you want to change clothes?" ? I still have two new ones here, they haven’t been worn yet, they’re just a little more clean.”

Hearing what Daiyu said, Tanchun came back to his senses, it turned out that his attire was not suitable, so he couldn't help but blushed, and quietly glanced at the maid serving in the room.

Zhixuan was standing next to Daiyu, and everyone else had already retreated, but behind her was not only Shi Shu, Mo Xiang and two, but also two old mothers from the palace sent by the Nan'an concubine. Mammy... Tanchun couldn't help sweating from her temples.

Daiyu naturally saw Tanchun's embarrassment, and couldn't help laughing: "Sister Tanchun, go and try it with me. I see that my sister is tall and slender, and she must be very well dressed. On the contrary, I, who is short, Even if I want to wear it, I can’t hold it up, so I just put it away when it’s ready, and if my sister doesn’t come, I don’t dare to take it out and wear it.”

How could Daiyu not wear the tailor-made clothes for Daiyu?Tanchun naturally understood that Daiyu was trying to save her from a siege, so she got up with a smile and followed Daiyu to the courtyard where Daiyu lived.

Seeing that the two nuns were following Tanchun closely, Daiyu couldn't help taking a sneaky look at Tanchun, seeing that Tanchun was also frowning slightly.Daiyu smiled at the two mothers: "My place is small, why don't the mothers go and have some tea before coming back?"

Seeing that it was Daiyu who spoke, the two nuns hurriedly squatted down and saluted, "That's so embarrassing, I have always heard that the tea in Yulin county magistrate's mansion is good, even the empress in the palace loves it very much, now I can win the county magistrate The reward is the blessing that this old slave has cultivated in several lifetimes."

Daiyu froze on the spot for a moment, Zhixuan laughed even more when she saw this: "Oh, don't be surprised, mammy, I didn't know that the mammy would come here before, our county magistrate didn't make enough tea this year, so there's only a little tea in total. I gave some to the empress in the palace, some to honor Princess Wujun, and some to Princess Wenwan and Mrs. Jia, and I didn’t leave behind either.”

When Zhixuan said this, she said with embarrassment: "Why don't you wait a minute, mother, and our county head will make a new system later, so I can send you some too?"

The faces of the two nuns turned pale with fright. Neither Princess Wen Wan nor Old Madam Jia could compare to her, not to mention the Empress Empress and Princess Wujun.The two mothers knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "It's the old slave who overstepped, please forgive me, the county lord!"

Zhixuan pretended to be puzzled and stepped forward to help the two nuns, and said in a panic, "What are you doing? If someone spreads the word, those who don't know will think that our county lord has no distinction between superiority and inferiority and punished Nan'an County." What about the people around the Lord!"

Those two nuns didn't dare to say anything more, they stood on the side with their shoulders shrunk and their heads lowered. Seeing this, Daiyu was about the same, so she asked, "I don't know what the two nuns' surnames are. They used to live in that palace." Errand?"

The two nuns were about to answer, but Daiyu said again: "Just one thing, the past is the past, and the present is the present. You will all follow Nan'an Princess in the future, and will be used by Nan'an County Master." Yes." After Daiyu finished speaking, she stared into the eyes of the two nuns and asked, "You guys, do you understand?"

Tanchun still couldn't tell that Daiyu and Zhixuan sang together, they were clearly supporting him to vent his anger, his eyes were reddened, but he turned his head hastily, for fear that Daiyu would find out.

(End of this chapter)

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