Chapter 382

Thank you Master Serving for your reward and encouragement! yzakrr, lazy girl's monthly ticket support!Suddenly full of savage power~O(∩_∩)Ohaha~...Finally finished coding three chapters...I'm going to die...(~o~)~zZ go to bed, recharge your energy, and code tomorrow...


The primrose-colored cloud brocade cardigan is trimmed with a sandalwood edge embroidered with winter jasmine flowers. The stamens outlined by gold thread, and the petals from shallow to deep are all fully visible.The shirt is made of duck-yellow silk thread, and the borders of the winter jasmine flowers are bounded, just like the winter jasmine flowers falling on the clothes.

The autumn-scented pleated skirt is covered with spring flowers and leaves with bamboo blue and dark green silk threads, and a silver chain inlaid with peridot is loosely tied around the waist.He stretched Tanchun's originally tall figure by two points, making him appear more graceful.

When Daiyu personally picked out a silver hairpin with moonstone as the main stone and inlaid with finely crushed peridot and put it on Tanchun's head, Tanchun finally couldn't help but get red eyes.

Daiyu sighed in her heart, in the end she just wanted to win, if she wasn't born as a concubine, why would she be here?Thinking of this, Daiyu smiled and said, "I don't have any shoes that fit your feet here. I can see that the light-yellow ones with a hundred discs on your feet are pretty good. What do you think?"

Tanchun hurriedly restrained his expression and nodded slightly, with a hint of a smile on his face.Daiyu picked and picked in the dowry again, but she couldn't find the one she liked. Seeing this, Zhixuan took out a box of palace flowers and said with a smile: "Miss, why don't you take a look at these palace flowers? It's still sister-in-law Xue. It was sent by someone."

Hearing Zhixuan talk about Mrs. Xue, Tanchun didn't realize it for a moment, and looked over at Daiyu, who smiled and said, "It's Xue Pan's wife, Yan Shi, since Sister Bao got married, she is now the head of the Xue family. "

Tanchun was very surprised and asked: "Sister Bao is married?" Daiyu nodded. When her son was married, she came to invite me. I happened to be busy and didn't go there. I only sent Linde's family to lead Zhixuan. Take a trip.Her family didn't lack anything, so she asked the master to write a subtitle for it, and filled ten jars of Baihua brewing and ten jars of Baiguo brewing for auspicious celebration.Count it as a boxing gift and send it to her. "

Speaking of this, Daiyu couldn't help covering her mouth with a smile: "She doesn't dislike her at all, so I didn't care. We sisters often come and go. Who cares about this? But her sister-in-law is more serious. It's a back and forth ceremony. Fortunately, the two of them look harmonious and beautiful now, and with the help of her brother and sister-in-law, life is going well."

Daiyu said that she had picked out the palace flowers and showed them to Tanchun, and said with a smile: "It's really cheap for you. Looking at the winter jasmine flowers, don't they match the clothes on your body?"

Seeing this, Tanchun couldn't help laughing, and said softly: "It can be seen that today's luck is good. Not to mention that I came to Sister Lin's place to get a set of clothes, and even the jewelry." He looked at Daiyu and Tanchun complicatedly, but didn't speak.

Zhixuan looked at the servant book, and said to Daiyu in a soft voice: "Miss, I'll clean up here, I'll go to Xiyuxuan to arrange it first, and the girl will have something to eat and drink when she comes over later."

Daiyu raised her eyebrows and glanced at her, seeing that her eyes were fixed on Shishu, she also smiled and said: "Since that's the case, you asked Shishu to go with you and see what the girls like to eat and use. The first thing is, if you can’t finish eating, pack it up and let them take it away.”

Shi Shu didn't expect Daiyu to order him, so he couldn't help looking at Daiyu in surprise, but Tanchun covered his mouth with a smile: "Sister Lin is not afraid of spending money, so Shi Shu will go too, and I will pick more delicious food for you." It's delicious."

Before Shi Shu woke up, Zhixuan smiled and pulled her away, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Tanchun, and saw Tanchun nodded to her.Only then did she follow Zhixuan away with peace of mind.

Only Daiyu and Tanchun were left in the room, and everyone else was waiting outside.Seeing this, Daiyu sighed, and said softly: "Since you have chosen this path, you must go on it well. There are pros and cons to everything. If you think about it clearly, don't regret it."

Tanchun didn't expect that Daiyu would say such a thing to him at this time. In Jia's mansion, Lian's sister-in-law didn't talk to him, and the old lady Jia even pulled him, and kept boasting that she was blessed. Aunt Zhao When he saw him, he only knew how to cry, and Brother Huan was silent. Thinking of this, Tanchun turned his head and nodded, wiping his eyes.

She chose the road by herself, so what can Daiyu say, she just took her hand and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go to the garden and see what flowers are blooming."

Seeing this, Tanchun also nodded, and went out of the yard with Daiyu. The two nuns were beaten by Daiyu earlier, but they were very honest and did not show up at this moment. I don't know where they were arranged by Jin'er to sit down and have tea up.There is only one Moxiang following Tanchun.

As soon as Daiyu and Tanchun entered the garden, Shishu and Zhixuan greeted them. They wandered around the garden for a while to see the birds that Daiyu kept. Going to Xiyuxuan, Daiyu naturally has no reason not to refuse.

Daiyu always thought that Tanchun had something to say when she came to see her, but when it was almost dinner time, she didn't say anything, and just chatted with Daiyu, talking about interesting things from the past.Until the two nuns appeared in front of Daiyu again, they smiled respectfully: "I want to report to the county lord, when I was about to leave, the concubine told me that I will have dinner with the princess in the evening."

After Tanchun heard this, the smile on his face froze slightly, so he stood up and said goodbye with a smile, Daiyu frowned, and if Tanchun didn't say anything, she couldn't force it.

Unexpectedly, when Tanchun was about to get into the carriage, he suddenly said to the people following him: "I have two important things I want to say to Sister Lin, you all stand far away." The two nuns looked at Tanchun, then at Looking at Daiyu, she twitched the corners of her mouth and finally backed away without saying anything. Naturally, the waiter led the maids back away.

Daiyu breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "What do you want to say to me?" Tanchun couldn't laugh, so he took Daiyu's hand and said, "I'm afraid Sister Lin doesn't know yet, I will send Brother Huan The branch office is just behind the vegetable market in Xicheng, and Sister Lin will find out as soon as she sends someone to ask. I have no other choice, and I beg Sister Lin to take care of him in the future."

Daiyu sighed and frowned and asked: "Since you can think about separating him, have you ever thought about what he does for a living?" Tanchun was stunned, shook his head, and Daiyu asked again: "Then he wants to do something in the future?" What, can you ask clearly? And how is your aunt now?"

Tanchun bit his lip and looked at Daiyu, shaking his head with red eyes, "How do I know that? I don't have time to plan..."

Before Tanchun finished speaking, Daiyu nodded and said, "I see. Later, I will ask Brother Huan to ask about other things. Don't worry, if he is willing, I will send him to Gusu to study. Or If you want to do business, please ask Mrs. Xue for help, there will always be a way." Hearing what Daiyu said, Tanchun nodded hurriedly and said, "Let him go to Gusu to study!"

Daiyu actually laughed, and said angrily, "It's he who wants to study, not you. If he doesn't want to, you can't help him, not to mention you will..." Speaking of this, Daiyu couldn't help feeling Two points sad.

Sending Tanchun to the carriage, Daiyu returned to Zhuangzi before the carriage went far.Tears finally couldn't hold back her eyes, and she sighed faintly: "In the end, the two places should be separated, each keeping safe..." Seeing Daiyu's eyelashes with teardrops on the side, Zhixuan hurriedly took a silk to wipe her tears , Hearing her say this again, he couldn't help asking: "What are you talking about, Miss?"

Two days later, on the sixth day of the fourth lunar month, the emperor stamped the jade seal on the letter of credence, acknowledging that Qianxiang Kingdom was a subsidiary state of the // dynasty, and married Princess Nan'an to King Qianxiang//Chu.On the sixth day of the fifth month after the Dragon Boat Festival, she married Qian Xiang.

It wasn't until this time that the news of Tan Chunyuan's marriage was confirmed, and Daiyu sent someone to find Jia Huan. After careful inquiry, Jia Huan decided to sell the house in Beijing and go south Gusu, Brother Chun and Brother Lang study together in the Lin Family Academy.

Since Daiyu agreed to Tanchun, she didn't push back, and asked people to help Jia Huan sell the house, and collected the money in front of Jia Huan.

When Daiyu handed over the money to Jia Huan, Jia Huan lowered his head and begged, "I have never been to Gusu, and I have never experienced anything at a young age. If Sister Lin doesn't mind, help me buy a school in Gusu." Let's go to the house, if there is a chance in the future, I can take my aunt over."

As soon as Daiyu heard that she was going to pick up Aunt Zhao, her heart seemed to be blocked, but she also understood that this was the nature of mother and child. If Jia Huan didn't think of Aunt Zhao at the moment, Daiyu would be even more displeased, and she won't in the future. What are you doing to help him.Sighing, Daiyu finally complied. After all, in the capital, it is always bad to see people who look up and look down.

Daiyu came to Lin Ping and told him the matter together with Yinzi in front of Jia Huan. On the seventh day of May, she sent off Tanchun and bid farewell to Aunt Zhao. Jia Huan followed Lin Ping with her luggage on her back. Get up and go south...

 Where exactly did Tanchun marry? In fact, there is no clear information showing that Gujing himself is more inclined to marry far away from Zhenzhen Country, but because of the space, I don’t want to go too here Gujing chose to compromise...hope Everyone understands.

(End of this chapter)

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