Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 383 May 6

Chapter 383 The sixth day of June
Daiyu thought that after sending away the envoy of Qianxiang Kingdom and Jia Tanchun, and making arrangements for Jia Huan, everything should calm down.For the Jia family, Daiyu was not too worried. After all, Jia Amnesty was far away from the capital, and Jia Lian was working hard.What else is there to worry about?Even Brother Chun and Brother Lan have gone to the south of the Yangtze River...

But what should have happened, still happened, and what should not have happened also happened...

June [-]th was originally an excellent day, Daiyu was leading the servant girls to tidy up the library, planning to take out all the books and dry them in the sun.But who knows, Linde's family hurried over sweating profusely and said: "Miss, it's not good, it is said that the Ningguo Mansion on the east side of Jia's Mansion was impeached. ..."

Daiyu waved her hand and stopped Lin De's family. She rubbed her brows with a headache and asked, "What are you impeaching them for? They don't have any official positions, but they are just inheriting the Air Lordship."

Lin De's family pursed their mouths, and then whispered: "Yes, Miss Xichun's elder brother married secretly during the family filial piety, and gave birth to a child during the national filial piety, and said..." Before the Lin De family finished speaking, Daiyu Then he interrupted in disbelief: "Sneak marriage? Who did you steal? And when did this childbirth happen? Why didn't we hear any news?"

Daiyu asked a series of questions, but before Lin De's family could answer, Daiyu sighed and asked again: "We don't leave the gate of the mansion, who will report to you?"

When Daiyu asked this question, her face was tense, and the Linde family was shocked when they saw it. The girl seldom gets angry, and she is very gentle with everyone on weekdays, and she doesn't pay much attention to the status of those people. , but once the girl gets angry, it's still very scary...

Lin De's family hurriedly explained: "It's not a letter reported to the slaves. It said that Lai Sheng's wife, the housekeeper next to your cousin, came over and said she was asking to see the girl, because she was thinking that the girl was in the front yard. Although we Everyone in the mansion avoided it, but after all it was not pleasant to say it, it means that the girl is not at home, and Lai Sheng's wife begged Madam Tang to come to the manor to find the princess to find a solution."

Daiyu sneered and said, "Give it back to me directly, don't bring up this matter again, you don't have to be ashamed to death! How dare you come and ask me for a girl who hasn't left the court?"

Lin De's family was stunned, and thought it was absurd, but they still added: "I heard that the emperor sent people to surround the mansion. At that time, many officials' children were caught in the mansion." Speaking of this, Lin De's family He lowered his voice and said, "They said they were gambling!"

Daiyu got a headache when she heard it, and kept waving her hands and said: "These have nothing to do with us, let's close the door and live our own lives, don't let any cats or dogs in!" She said, "Zhixuan just look at it, I'll lie down for a while." Then she leaned on the beauty's couch.

The Linde family originally wanted to persuade them again, after all, Daiyu and Xichun are good friends, everyone can see that something happened to Xichun's elder brother at this time, if Daiyu ignores it, the Linde family is afraid of hurting Xichun heart of.

But looking at Daiyu now, she is determined not to care about it, and thinking about it, it is true that a girl can't say much about such a thing.Linde's family couldn't help but sighed and told Zhixuan to take good care of Daiyu, then quietly retreated out.

When Linde's family left, Zhixuan quietly approached Daiyu's ear and asked, "Does the girl really not care? If Miss Xichun knows..."

Daiyu opened her eyes and smiled and said: "They guessed that I was worried about Xichun's feelings, so they dared to come to my door, but they didn't know that nothing happened, and if something happened, I wish it would happen sooner. Xichun keeps a filial piety in the temple, and if things go wrong, she can gain a reputation for filial piety. If things happen in the future, it will be hard to say."

Speaking of this, Daiyu raised her eyebrows and said with a more relaxed smile: "Besides, Xichun grew up beside her grandmother, even if there is any sewage, it can't be poured on Xichun, don't forget, There is an imperial concubine here, and now for the righteousness of the country, she has sacrificed a kinship princess!"

Zhixuan looked at Daiyu's blinking eyes and radiant expression, she felt amused in her heart, and couldn't help pouring cold water on her and said, "I'm afraid Miss Xichun can't understand your painstaking efforts, and I feel angry with you!"

Daiyu pursed her lips and said, "If Xichun can't even see this point clearly, it will be a waste of my friendship with her." Speaking of which, Daiyu sat up and ordered: "You let people go and see Lai Sheng's family. Did you leave, if you leave, ask Mother Tang to send a message to the princess, just say that I know about it, and don't say anything else, the princess will understand."

Zhixuan thought for a while and asked: "Then do you want to send another message to Mr. Huang? They will beg Mr. Huang when the time comes."

Daiyu frowned and felt a little headache. She was deeply involved with the Huang family. Not only was she a student of Huang Jiyun and was protected by Huang Jiyun, but Jia Lian was also a student of Huang Shufeng. What's even more troublesome now is that his master Huang Jiyun is still the fifth prince The teacher who taught me...

Thinking of this, Daiyu nodded and said: "Go and arrange for the concubine first, I will write a letter to the master right away, and you will ask Lin An to deliver it in person in a while, and you must hand it to the master."

Zhixuan nodded, then bowed and left, Daiyu also got up and went to the study to write a letter to Huang Jiyun, writing down what she knew and her thoughts in the letter.

As soon as Daiyu finished writing, Zhixuan turned back, sneered angrily, and said, "The Lai Sheng's family doesn't know what they are thinking, but they really fell for it, so where are they crying and saying that they have to wait?" You are back!"

Seeing her appearance, Daiyu couldn't help laughing and said: "Since she wants to wait, let her wait. It's just a meal. Can she really stay? Besides, if she doesn't leave, we just happen to Take advantage of this time to arrange things."

As she said that, Daiyu pondered for a moment and said, "Nurse Tang is not free, I thought about it for Lin An to go to the master, but it's a bit too pretentious, let's go to Nanny Yang."

Zhixuan's eyes lit up and she said: "Miss, this is a good idea! Nanny Yang and Aunt Luo are old acquaintances, so it makes sense to visit. Aunt Luo will naturally not pass your letter on to others." Daiyu raped Zhixuan Xuan glanced at her, nodded her forehead and said, "Look at how promising you are!" After speaking, Daiyu and Zhixuan went to the hospital where Madam Yang lived.

Originally, when Lin Ping sent Jia Huan to the south, Nanny Yang wanted to go south with her, but the weather changed, and Nanny Yang was getting old, so Daiyu kept her behind, but Hu'er Follow Lin Ping south to go back to study.Now that Nanny Yang is idle all day long, feeling bored, when Daiyu came to find her, naturally she agreed happily.

After Yang Nanny left, Daiyu thought for a while and said: "I don't worry about others. It would be best if Tang Nanny could go, but now Tang Nanny is entangled here by Lai Sheng's family. Thinking about it, you should go to the palace."

Zhixuan nodded and smiled after hearing this: "Don't worry, girl, this servant will definitely transfer the matter to the girl and handle the matter properly." Daiyu nodded, and said: "Remember, don't worry too much about it." Say something else!"

Although Zhixuan was puzzled, she complied, tidied up and got a carriage back to the city.On Daiyu Zhuangzi, two carriages drove out, Lai Sheng's family didn't know, but the hidden guards sent by the emperor could see clearly.

 The disaster of Jia's mansion originated from Ning's mansion... In fact, regarding this point, Gu Jing personally thinks that it should not be from Jia Zhen's generation, but from Jia Jing's generation.It is only mentioned in the original book that Jia Jing is the only Jinshi of the Jia family, the East and the West, but he did not become an official. Instead, he resigned from the official position and passed the title to his son .I went to the Taoist temple outside the city by myself... There are many stories in it, and Gujing didn't want to make the text too long, so I won't describe it in detail here...

(End of this chapter)

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