Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 384 Prepare the car!go to Jiafu

Chapter 384 Prepare the car!go to Jiafu
Thank you Qiye Hanju for your monthly ticket support! ~O(∩_∩)O~Although I was stuck for a while this afternoon and complained?Long-winded?Haha, I finally did not delay the business O(∩_∩)O~ I feel great~ By the way... our little Yuer is about to get angry in this chapter!I'm also a little annoyed...


In the summer afternoon, it was extremely hot, until the sun was setting, Daiyu had already put away the books that had been put out for drying, and Lai Sheng's family was still waiting to see Daiyu in Daiyu's village.When Linde's family came to report, Daiyu smiled coldly and ordered: "Please tell me that I'm back."

After finishing speaking, Daiyu turned around and went back to the inner courtyard from the small hallway behind the middle hall of the outer courtyard, changed into the clothes she had left, and went to see Lai Sheng's family.

Hearing that Daiyu was back, Lai Sheng's family finally breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't stop thanking the Bodhisattva from the bottom of their hearts.Seeing Daiyu, he even knelt down at Daiyu's feet and cried out: "The county lord, go and have a look! The empress in the palace has gone, and our princess has also married far away. No one puts the county lord on the bed In the eyes!"

Daiyu shrank her feet, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "What's the matter? I'm confused by this nonsense."

Seeing Daiyu's actions, Lai Sheng's family was not as flustered as he thought, so he couldn't help but "thump" in his heart, calmed down, and then continued to cry: "The county lord doesn't know, and neither do those officers and soldiers. Why did you rush into our mansion, we reported the name of the county lord, but we ignored it, and said that the county lord refused to accept it, and went to the emperor to argue!"

Lai Sheng's family was busy wiping away their tears, so they naturally missed the cold light in Daiyu's eyes, and Daiyu frowned and asked, "It's so strange, what are the officers and soldiers doing here? Let's talk about it." , Ningguo Mansion is not a small family, so officers and soldiers broke into it?"

Hearing that Daiyu's voice was getting colder, the Lai Sheng's family secretly rejoiced, and hurriedly nodded and said: "Didn't the officers and soldiers break in? Now the master, the three wives, the uncle and the second master are all locked up in the mansion, saying yes Don't let them move around."

Daiyu raised her eyebrows and looked at Lai Sheng's family with a half-smile and asked, "Since that's the case, how did you get out?"

Lai Sheng's family was very proud and said: "It happened that I was not feeling well those few days, and I didn't go to work in the mansion, so I escaped a catastrophe." Speaking of this, Lai Sheng's family patted his chest with some fear.Then he continued: "This news was also brought to me by our family, so I just asked the county magistrate."

Speaking of this, Lai Sheng's family smiled flatteringly: "How can I say that the master is also your eldest cousin? We are all one family, and we don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face. Those officials are too disrespectful to the county magistrate. gone."

Daiyu's eyes became even colder, but she didn't show it on her face, she continued to ask: "Do you know why the officers and soldiers broke into your residence? Why didn't you let them move?"

Daiyu saw some hesitation on the face of Lai Sheng's family after she finished speaking, so she sneered and said, "Since I am a relative, I will naturally help if I can." Speaking of which, Daiyu gently stroked the teacup in her hand. Bian Yan'er said casually: "But if I don't know anything, it's not like I have something to say to others."

When Lai Sheng's family heard that Daiyu was willing to take care of this matter, they didn't care too much. Now her husband and her son and wife are still locked up in the mansion!Then he gritted his teeth and said softly: "It is said that the old man gathered to gamble during the national filial piety."

After Lai Sheng's family finished speaking, they felt aggrieved again: "If you want to talk about this gambling gathering, you are really wronging the dead! It's just some close friends of the master who come and go often, come in and walk around from time to time."

Daiyu sneered in her heart, avoiding the seriousness and not mentioning it lightly, and even entangled her with nonsense, so she looked at Lai Sheng's family with a half-smile and remained silent.When Lai Sheng's family felt something different, when they looked at Daiyu, Daiyu asked again leisurely: "What is the reason?"

As Daiyu said that, she was about to put down the teacup in her hand. You must know that Daiyu was different from Nanny Tang!Lai Sheng's family at Madam Tang's place can still hang on to death, but not here at Daiyu's. Seeing this, Lai Sheng's family panicked, and cried hastily: "I don't know which black-hearted person, our family added If you miss the second master, you will sue the master with jealousy!"

Daiyu pretended to be surprised and asked: "The second master is added? When did this happen?" After speaking, Daiyu seemed to have just remembered, and asked again: "I remember what you said just now about the second wife and the third wife. , I remember correctly, but there is only one master in the East Mansion, where did the second and third wives come from?"

Lai Sheng's family was stunned, and it took a long time to explain clearly. When Jia Jing passed away, You family had no other skills, so he had to invite Aunt You to bring the second sister You and the third sister to help look after the house.Who knew that the two sisters were attracted by Jia Zhen at the same time. It didn't take long for Jia Zhen to throw a banquet, saying that she married two sisters-in-law as the second and third wife, and they were all considered equal wives.

Youshi was so angry that he lay on the bed for more than half a month, but he had no children, and no one listened to his words, so he had to let him go after a long time.

Unexpectedly, the former son, the second sister You, gave birth to a son for Jia Zhen, and Tanchun was appointed as the princess and married to the king//the prince. This will be the princess in the future.Why is Jia Zhen still thinking about hiding it?Coupled with the habit of coming to the house to eat, drink and gamble together on weekdays, Jia Zhen threw a full moon banquet for the child in a lively manner.

Immediately the news spread, and there was a lot of commotion. If it weren't for Daiyu living in a village outside the city, Wang Xifeng has been very busy recently. Jia Lian, Huang Jiyun and others felt that this matter was unpleasant, and Daiyu might have heard about it long ago.

Those who were waiting for Lai Sheng's family, under the coaxing of Daiyu's words, after explaining clearly intermittently, Daiyu raised her hand, threw out the sweet white porcelain teacup in her hand, and smashed it to pieces!The little face was even more pale with anger.

Lai Sheng's family fanned the flames recklessly and said: "It has been said that our mansion is a relative of the county lord, and we often come and go with the Wujun prince's mansion. Walking around, those individuals didn't listen at all, which shows that they didn't pay attention to the county magistrate."

After talking about it, Lai Sheng's family suggested flatteringly: "The county lord should let those people see how powerful he is, and suffer a little bit!"

Daiyu closed her eyes and shouted angrily: "Give me a slap!" Lai Sheng's family hadn't reacted yet, and said with a smile: "Slapping is not enough! Those people should be put in the prison..." Without saying a word, Lin De The family has already stepped forward and slapped Lai Sheng's face twice.

Before Lai Sheng's family could react, Daiyu said in a cold voice, "Aren't you full? Please come over, Grandma Sun!"

Grandma Sun had heard that such a person had come to Jia's house, she was too busy at first to come over, and when she was done, she knew that Lai Sheng's family was here for this matter, and Daiyu didn't come to see her, Grandma Sun I knew it was inconvenient for me to come forward.

Until another little maid said that Daiyu had met Lai Sheng's family, Nanny Sun guessed that she might need her later, so she waited outside the door.Now hearing Daiyu's call, she immediately walked in.

When Lai Sheng's family saw Nanny Sun, it was as if they saw a savior. After all, they were all old people working in the two mansions, and they were familiar with each other.But Nanny Sun walked up to Daiyu without looking sideways, bowed and said, "What's your order, miss?"

Daiyu smiled coldly and didn't even look at Nanny Sun. She stared at Lai Sheng's family with evil eyes, and said coldly, "Prepare the car! Go to Jia's Mansion!"

 It's too demeaning to have the same knowledge as a slave... right? (~o~)~zZ Let's find the slave's master! (*^__^*) Hee hee...

(End of this chapter)

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