Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 386 The Emperor's Attitude

Chapter 386 The Emperor's Attitude
Thank you Kang Kangan for your peace of mind, Sang Yu Nini, and Matsushita Creek for their support~

Daiyu stayed overnight in the warm isolation of Mrs. Jia. Early the next morning, after greeting Mrs. Jia and having breakfast with Mrs. Jia, Daiyu returned to the village outside the city.

But those eyes were really crying hard, even though they survived the ice, they were still a little red and swollen.Linde's family had been waiting in front of the villa's gate early in the morning, and Daiyu looked up and down as soon as she came back, looking at those still red and swollen eyes, not to mention how distressed she was.

But Daiyu didn't care, she changed the subject and asked: "How did Lai Sheng's family deal with it?" Linde's family laughed and said: "Yesterday, the girl just walked away, and I asked someone to send her back to Ningguo Mansion It's in front of the door, but I don't know what will happen after that." Daiyu raised her eyebrows and smiled, and then she let the matter go.

Unexpectedly, when it was almost time for lunch, Xia Shouzhong came to Zhuangzi, saying that he had followed the Queen's order.Lin De didn't dare to be negligent, so he stuffed a purse into Xia Shouzhong's hand, invited him to have tea in the flower hall, and ordered someone to bring his uncle to accompany him, and at the same time ordered someone to inform Daiyu to come.

Daiyu heard that it was an oral order, so she didn't change into the auspicious clothes. The weather was too hot, and Daiyu didn't want to wear such thick clothes at all. On the skirt, a moonstone butterfly hairpin was inserted, paired with two small bead flowers. The two drops of water-like moonstones hang lightly on the earlobe, and there is an oriental bead necklace around the neck.

When Daiyu walked to the Flower Hall, Lin Zhong and the others had already retreated, and Nanny Tang, Nanny Sun and the others accompanied Daiyu to meet Xia Shouzhong.

Xia Shouzhong's eyes lit up when he saw Daiyu's whole body was refreshed and elegant, and when he saw that Daiyu's eyes were red and swollen, he knew that he had cried hard yesterday, and it hadn't subsided yet, so he didn't point it out. Hastily saluted and smiled: "The empress said that the county magistrate has not entered the palace for a long time, and she misses her very much. She ordered the servants to invite the magistrate."

When Daiyu heard this, she frowned slightly, but said with a smile on her face: "I don't know how the empress is doing recently? How is the fifth prince? How is the grandson of the emperor?"

Xia Shouzhong's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't show it on his face, and hurriedly replied: "The county lord also knows that the eldest prince has gone, and the empress is very sad. Fortunately, the fifth prince accepted Huan at the empress' knees before, and he is a sensible person. You are clever, seeing that the empress is much better now, but the eldest prince and concubine have not been well recently, and she can't even take care of the emperor's eldest grandson."

Daiyu took a sip from the teacup and said with a smile, "Elder-in-law, please use the tea." Xia Shouzhong took a sip from the teacup knowingly, and praised: "No wonder the lady also said that the tea from the county lord's Well, it really is good tea."

Daiyu smiled and ordered: "Go and pack a tube for Mr. Xia." Seeing Xia Shouzhong staring at herself, she couldn't help explaining with a smile: "My tea here is all packed in bamboo tubes, and there are strands. Bamboo has a delicate fragrance, and I like the smell."

Xia Shouzhong thought, what the heck, the bamboo is packed with tea, the tide will be high in two days!Daiyu didn't give her time to think too much, and said with a smile, "I don't know who will take care of the emperor's eldest grandson?"

Xia Shouzhong took a sip of his tea, smiled as a matter of course, and said, "Of course the empress is taking care of it herself." As soon as this remark came out, Daiyu frowned in a subtle way, but didn't say anything else.He only asked: "Your Majesty, when did you tell me to enter the palace?"

Xia Shouzhong thought for a while and said: "It's better for the county lord to prepare now and go back with the servant. The empress ordered the servant to pick you up, but she didn't say when she will enter the palace."

Daiyu nodded and smiled, got up and walked out, Nanny Sun and others followed, but Nanny Tang left a purse with the wishful blessing pattern on the coffee table, nodded to Xia Shouzhong before going out.Xia Shouzhong took the purse in his hand, squeezed it, and put it into the armhole with a smile.

Daiyu changed into a summer blouse with a double-breasted brocade with a dark pattern of hundreds of flowers and a stand-up collar, and a gold thread-stitched gauze skirt, and asked Zhixuan to make a bun with hundreds of flowers, and changed into a set of pearl hair and face. Although there was no red on the whole body, it still showed color He followed Xia Shouzhong into the palace with extra vigor.

Daiyu hadn't entered the palace for a long time, she thought that the empress called her into the palace with such a great fanfare, there was something important, at first Daiyu even thought that the empress was going to blame the fourth prince, but when she arrived in the palace, the empress only stayed with Daiyu Yu had lunch together, chatted for a while, and then let Daiyu leave the palace.

The queen didn't mention the fourth prince or the fifth prince, and even the eldest grandson of the emperor didn't show her...

Daiyu returned to the mansion full of doubts. Huang Jiyun had been waiting in the manor for a long time. Seeing Daiyu's return, before Daiyu could salute and say hello, he smiled and said, "Is it going well when you enter the palace today?" Daiyu smiled reluctantly. He told Huang Jiyun about his journey in the palace today, but Huang Jiyun laughed out loud after hearing it.

Daiyu pouted dissatisfiedly and asked, "Master, what are you laughing at? I feel like I've been tricked by a monkey!"

Seeing Daiyu's small appearance, not to mention Huang Jiyun, even if she was hidden in the dark and watched by the emperor's dark guards, she thought it was very amusing.When it was reported to the emperor, the emperor also smiled happily like Huang Jiyun...Of course, this is a later story.

After laughing, Huang Jiyun explained: "Yu'er doesn't need to think too much, this is just an attitude of the Holy Majesty."

Seeing Daiyu looking at him suspiciously, Huang Jiyun explained in a good mood: "Yesterday someone came to you to intercede for the Ningguo Mansion. After entering the Ningguo Mansion, the Empress will welcome you into the palace, and those who are interested will naturally understand what the Holy Majesty means, and no one will dare to harass you."

Hearing what Huang Jiyun said, Daiyu's eyes lit up, and after thinking about it carefully, she recalled it, and she couldn't help but also smiled.

Huang Jiyun, on the other hand, has a rare sense of accomplishment. You must know that this student is not a bother since he was a child. There are not many things he can teach. He has a bit of talent in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. He worked very hard, as for chess skills... Thinking of chess skills, Huang Jiyun quickly shook his head, not thinking deeply, he was really tortured.

And poems and songs... This girl is completely next to each other, so she can't save it!I don't know if it's because the spirituality is used in the painting or the painting is not intentional, but the theory is very good, but it's a pity that he can't pass the exam. Huang Jiyun is not without regrets.

In recent years, this girl's spooky ideas have emerged in an endless stream. Many times, Huang Jiyun feels that he has nothing to teach. Now that he can solve this girl's doubts, Huang Jiyun is very satisfied, and he can't help but sigh secretly: It seems that this girl has something to learn. There are many more!
Huang Jiyun stayed at Zhuangzi in a happy mood for dinner, and took an examination of Daiyu's poems, and found that the progress was not much.Daiyu herself was also very frustrated, so she wanted to get back her place, so she took out the "Spring Manor Picture" she had painted recently and showed it to Huang Jiyun for appreciation.

The painting is Daiyu's own Zhuangzi, but according to Huang Jiyun's point of view, there are no poems and no words, which lacks two charms, so he proposed words and wrote poems for Daiyu with great interest.Seeing this, Daiyu was even more dissatisfied, rolled her eyes, and said with a smile: "Master hasn't played chess with Yu'er for a long time, it's rare to have time today, why don't we have a freehand talk with master?"

When Huang Jiyun heard this, he frowned, but Daiyu smiled brighter and brighter. When Huang Jiyun was thinking about how to get rid of this girl, Linde's family came to report: "Girl, Ms. Miaoyu is here, please check the arrangement." Where?"

When Huang Jiyun heard it, he felt amnesty, and quickly smiled and said: "Since Yu'er has a little sister here, I won't delay you as a teacher." After speaking, he waved his hand very chicly and said: "Go, go, As a teacher, it's time to go back to the city, tomorrow is still early."

Seeing this, Daiyu could only frown and stare at Linde's family. Linde's family didn't know what happened, and when they were struggling, they heard Huang Jiyun laugh out loud.Daiyu took a deep breath to suppress her dissatisfaction, and she knelt down to salute and leave.

Walking out of the study, Daiyu laughed too, she never thought that the world would become more and more childish in the past ten years...

(End of this chapter)

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