Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 387 Sisters

Chapter 387 Sisters
When we first met, Miaoyu saw Daiyu wearing out-of-the-way clothes, so she smiled lightly and said, "It's just that there is no need to change clothes, let's go now." After so many years, Miaoyu still has such a non-human appearance, Dai Yu looked a little anxious, but Daiyu didn't know what was going on in Miaoyu's mind, but really didn't know what to do, and was a little helpless.

Hearing that Miaoyu said she was going out, Daiyu couldn't help being taken aback, and asked with a smile: "Seeing that the sky is getting dark, where are you going?"

Miaoyu glanced at her and said with a smile: "Everyone knows what happened in Ningguo Mansion, so I went to Muni's Temple to accompany Xichun for two days. I knew it was inconvenient for you to travel, so I didn't call you. The matter, today a pilgrim mentioned it in a chat, and we happened to hear a few words, Xichun is afraid that you will make things difficult, so let me invite you."

After thinking about it, Daiyu understood Miaoyu's meaning, and said with a smile, "it's late today, my sister will rest here for a night, and we will go there together early in the morning."

Miaoyu thought for a while and declined politely: "Since that's the case, I'll go back first. You will let the carriage pass by my door tomorrow morning, and you will pick me up." Daiyu still wanted to keep her, but Miaoyu said with a light smile : "Don't try to persuade me, I know it well."

After Miaoyu finished speaking, without waiting for Daiyu to say anything else, she turned around and walked out. Daiyu couldn't help but quickly chased her and sent her out of Zhuangzi.

Lin De's family looked at it, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Who are these people? Come and talk and leave if you want!" Daiyu smiled, shook her head and said: "It's just because of the same temper that they are so casual. Sex, if it's someone else, I'm afraid she won't come to the door."

Linde's family also shook their heads and said: "I haven't seen anyone who has been close to her in the past few years, even Miss Xing before and Miss Xi now, they both look indifferent." Daiyu sighed, Not wanting to continue this topic, he smiled and said, "Everyone has their own way of living, as long as you feel comfortable, that's it."

After speaking, Daiyu returned to the inner courtyard, packed up the painting utensils and other things bought for Xichun, and went to bed early.

Early the next morning, Daiyu went to pick up Miaoyu as she had agreed before, and went to the Muni Temple to see me Xichun together.

Xichun was very happy to see Daiyu coming early in the morning, but she didn't expect Daiyu to bring her painting utensils and clothes, as well as all kinds of pickles.Even Miaoyu did not expect to come all the way with Daiyu.

Seeing the astonished look of the two of them, Daiyu laughed in a low voice, "My sister has put away this pickle, so don't let anyone touch it." Seeing Xichun looking up, Daiyu nodded with a smile and whispered Said: "The beef added this time is delicious!"

Although Daiyu's voice was very low, but Miaoyu was standing next to the two of them, her face became a little strange when she heard this, while Xichun was smiling even more like a cat eating secretly.Seeing this, Daiyu was very happy!At any rate, although others saw the indifference between these two people, they were different from the original ones after all.

After Xichun packed up her things, she invited Daiyu into the meditation room.Miaoyu knew that the two of them had something to say, so she made an excuse and said: "I'll go to the front to offer incense, and I'll come back to see you." After speaking, without waiting for Daiyu and Xichun to react, she turned and walked out.

Seeing this, Xichun sighed, "Sister Miaoyu is always so quiet..." Speaking of which, Xichun looked at Daiyu uncertainly and asked, "Isn't that good?"

Daiyu sighed in her heart, unwilling to get entangled in Miaoyu's matter, she changed the subject with a smile: "Something happened in your house, and it's ridiculous to blame your brother, but I don't care about it I can't control it." At this point, Daiyu paused before asking, "Do you understand?" Daiyu stared closely at Xichun's eyes.

Xichun didn't expect Daiyu to be so straight-forward at first, even though she invited Daiyu to come here just for this moment, but at this moment when Daiyu asked, she really didn't know how to answer.Biting his lip lightly, he lowered his head.

Seeing this, Daiyu thought that Xichun was complaining, so she couldn't help sighing, she pulled Xichun to sit on the futon, poured tea for Xichun, and said softly: "Now you are keeping your filial piety in the temple, even if something happens to you , and it has nothing to do with you. What if I wait until you become a filial piety?" When Xichun heard this, she couldn't help raising her head and staring at Daiyu, as if full of doubts.

Daiyu shook her head and smiled, "Did my sister think that after you became a filial piety, you could still live with the old lady? Now that Yuanchun doesn't talk about it, she welcomes her sister to get married, and visits her sister to marry far away. In the garden, only Baoyu alone, is it suitable for you to live in?"

Seeing Xichun lowered her brows and pondering, Daiyu decided to add more fire, and then said: "When you give birth to filial piety, you will almost reach the age to talk about marriage. Now that the old lady is old, wait for more than a year, and she will still have the energy to take care of you." This matter? It's fine if it falls into the hands of your sister-in-law, but you have a brother and sister-in-law, so it's not your turn for your sister-in-law to take care of this matter, what should you do? "

Xichun Jiazhen couldn't help but think of the three Youshi, her face was flushed, and she didn't know what to say for a moment. Afraid that she would be sad, Daiyu gently shook her hand and said in a low voice: "Now they have committed a crime. It has nothing to do with you, if you commit a crime in the future, you won't be able to escape! What are you going to do?"

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Xichun raised her head abruptly, and said with tears in her eyes, "At worst, I'll just twist my hair and become a monk here and become a sister-in-law!"

Daiyu's heart tightened, she hurriedly got up and hugged Xichun, and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, something happened to them now, if we don't make trouble, it's fine, besides, you also know about such a crime, and I, a girl, can't do anything about it." Come out and help."

Hearing Daiyu say this, Xichun nodded and said: "I was afraid that my sister would make things difficult for me. Since my sister has already thought it through very clearly, I will not say more. I also want to thank my sister for helping me." I think about this a lot." Even so, Xichun still shed tears.

Daiyu felt a pain in her heart, she tightened her grip, and whispered in her ear: "In the future, if grandma still lets my younger sister go back, my younger sister will go back, if not, my younger sister will follow me. Alright! My sister must have food and clothing, even in the future, my sister will make plans for you!"

Daiyu had never said such a thing, and Xichun had never thought about it, but now that Xichun heard that Daiyu was sincere, she felt sad for a moment, and threw herself into Daiyu's arms and began to cry. .

While comforting Xichun, Daiyu laughed softly and said, "If there is a day when our sisters will open a gallery together, it would be good." Daiyu paused for a moment, then said, "We can't use our My own name, otherwise those literati and poets are afraid to have something to say, and the rumors will not be stopped."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Xichun stopped crying, and said with a chuckle, "Sister, I don't know what to write in my head all day long. Now, shouldn't my sister be thinking about her brother-in-law who is far away in the northwest? Why are you still thinking about it?" What did you think?" Daiyu scratched her upturned little nose angrily, and said, "I was kind enough to comfort you, but are you here to make fun of me?"

At this moment, Miaoyu came in and asked: "What are you making fun of? I also laughed when I said it." Ling Xichun also laughed.

Feeling that Xichun's mood has improved a lot, Miaoyu didn't ask any further questions, and followed Daiyu and the two of them for a while, Xichun calmed down and said: "But I invited my sister to come here today, in fact, I have something to ask for." Daiyu was stunned for a moment. , smiled and said: "What can we sisters ask for? If you have something to do, just talk about it. If it can be done, I will not shirk it."

Xichun smiled and said: "I know my sister is an honest person, and I don't try to trick her with words. Although I really don't want to care about the affairs of the house, I heard that my brother has a son, so there is no hope for Brother Rong, but This child is still young..." Xichun looked at Daiyu and said, "I want to leave some incense for the mansion."

When Daiyu heard Xichun say this, she knew that she had thought it through, so she couldn't help but restrain her expression, and asked very cautiously: "But you have thought it through?" Xichun nodded and said, "I want to live with this child. .”

Seeing that Xichun's gaze was very firm, Daiyu knew she couldn't change her mind, so she sighed and said, "Since that's the case, I'll think of a way, whether or not this child will be naturalized."

Hearing Daiyu's reassurance, Miaoyu frowned and wanted to persuade her, but Xichun laughed happily and said softly, "Thank you sister!" Daiyu gave her an angry look and said, "We are Sister, do you still need to be so polite?" Xichun's trust in Daiyu made Miaoyu stagnate...

(End of this chapter)

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