Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 388 Bloodline Incense

Chapter 388 Bloodline Incense

First of all, thanks to Stephanie97, for the reward and encouragement of 早の无身!Thanks to Sang Yu Nini for the support of the monthly ticket!Secondly, Gu Jing is really not feeling well, so he went back to the hospital for an infusion... I didn't reply to my message in time, please forgive me...


After getting Xichun's letter of approval, when she returned to Zhuangzi, Daiyu immediately asked Lin An to bring a letter to Song Shi who was staying in Yongding Houfu in the city.

Song Shi had been helping Lin Ruhai with some official affairs before, and he was familiar with the various yamen in the capital, so Daiyu took 3000 taels of silver to Song Shi to manage, trying to bring out Second Sister You to give birth that child.Song Shi really lived up to Daiyu's expectations, but within three days, he sent the child to Daiyu to Zhuangzi.

Seeing such a small child, Nanny Tang and Nanny Yang frowned, and Nanny Sun even objected immediately: "No matter what, this child can't be raised in Zhuangzi!"

As he spoke, his eyes turned red and he said: "If someone knows, this is hiding a criminal, which is a serious crime! If someone doesn't know, what will happen if it gets out? Do you want to live? It's just that my uncle has no opinion. Gossiping will also drown the girl!" Saying this, Nanny Sun was about to take the child away.

Daiyu was so frightened that she quickly stopped Grandma Sun and said, "Mammy also knows that this child was rescued for Sister Xichun to leave a bloodline for the Ningguo Mansion. Where are you going to send it?"

Nanny Sun stared at Daiyu and replied: "Ever since I went to Lin's Mansion with my wife, I don't know what Rongguo Mansion and Ningguo Mansion are! I only know that my wife gave the girl to me before she died, so I can't look at her like this." Regardless!"

Daiyu listened to Grandma Sun saying that she didn't know what Ningguo Mansion and Rongguo Mansion were... She secretly laughed in her heart: I am afraid that Mammy has forgotten all about the past?But after thinking about it, no matter what happened in the past, Nanny Sun has been wholeheartedly for herself these years.

Daiyu sighed, and said in a slow tone: "Don't worry, mammy, it's definitely not suitable for this child to be raised in our village. But no matter what, you must let sister Xichun meet before you can say anything else, or please Let the nanny look at it, or send it to the south, it's up to Sister Xichun to make up her mind. After all, this is her own nephew."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Mother Tang frowned worriedly and said: "Miss Xichun lives in the nunnery, and she has a child with her, and she is still a child who has not been weaned. It is also very inconvenient. Besides, you Both of them are girls who have not left the cabinet!"

Grandma Sun got the support of Nanny Tang, and was even more determined to take the child away, but Nanny Yang softened her heart a lot because of her age, and discussed, "How about we find someone to adopt him? This child looks like He is white and fat, and his eyes are black and bright, and he is clever at first glance."

Daiyu said with a headache: "The matter of the Ningguo Mansion is not yet settled. If the people in the Ningguo Mansion are fine in the future, they may come to find this child. Now that they are sent away, they can be taken away in the future. What are you going to give back to your family?"

As soon as Daiyu said this, Nanny Sun paused, hesitated for a while and asked, "How about we send this child to Uncle Lian?" , this kid will wait until we make a move? Don’t forget, Ningguo Mansion is right next to Jia’s Mansion!"

Everyone understood what Daiyu meant, which meant that Jia Lian didn't want to care about the child at all, and couldn't help but feel a headache.

No matter what, on the second day Daiyu still stubbornly sent the child to Muni's nunnery quietly, and asked Xichun to meet him. Looking at the little man, Xichun also looked like she didn't know what to do. Grandma Sun, who accompanied her, persuaded, "The girl is young, how can she bring such a child?"

Xichun didn't understand what Sun Nanny meant, and looked at Sun Nanny suspiciously.But Daiyu immediately knew what Nanny Sun was going to say, and wanted to stop her, but was a step too late.

Grandma Sun looked at Xichun and persuaded: "Young lady and our county head are both girls who have not yet left the court, and our county head is now waiting to be married, so how can we raise a baby by his side? This will be passed on." I don’t know what will be said when I go out, even if the other people spit, they will drown our county lord!"

Xi Chunyuan didn't expect so much, and when she heard it now, her face turned pale with fright, and she asked tremblingly: "Are you going to throw this child away?" After speaking, she looked at Daiyu in fear and asked, "Sister Lin, Think about it quickly, this child is still so young."

Grandma Sun suddenly said displeasedly: "Our county master takes care of you sisters everywhere, but you should also be considerate of our county master's difficulties, right? The county master has been..."

Before Nanny Sun finished speaking, Daiyu interrupted wearily: "Yu'er knows that Nanny is for Yuer." As she said that, Daiyu looked at Nanny Sun very sincerely, and then said: "I will It’s not okay to give this child away or throw it away, if that’s the case, why should I go to such lengths to get him out?”

Grandma Sun twitched her lips when she saw this, she was very unwilling to say anything more, but Daiyu raised her hand to stop her and said: "It's obviously not suitable for this child to be raised in a nunnery, why not keep him by my side."

To be honest, when Daiyu said this, her heart was trembling, not to mention what happened to other people, I am afraid that the emperor has discovered the whereabouts of this child long ago, after all, there are so many people guarding her own village, no one knows who It is the emperor's man, but the emperor did not come forward to stop it, which shows that he is still willing to leave a glimmer of life.

Thinking of this, Daiyu stabilized her mind, and forced herself to be calm: "Just say that the child I picked up outside Zhuangzi should be treated as a younger brother!"

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Nanny Sun said angrily: "No way! If this child takes the title of the county lord's younger brother, he will be a prince in the future! I don't agree, and I don't think Mr. Lin and they will either. Agreed! That title will be reserved for the county lord's child in the future!"

Xichun heard Nanny Sun's words clearly, and understood Daiyu's difficulties, but looking at the white and clean nephew by her hand, she was also torn in her heart, not knowing what to do. "I couldn't help but shed tears silently.

Daiyu turned around and saw Xichun's crystal clear tears falling on the child's swaddle, her heart felt sore, she hugged Xichun in her arms, and softly comforted her: "Sister, don't be afraid, sister will raise this child for you!"

Xichun looked back at Daiyu, her eyes that had been washed with water were extraordinarily bright, she forced a smile and said, "I know my sister's difficulty, but I made it difficult for her. I think it's better to send this child away." , After another year or two, I will be a filial piety, and I will take him back and put him by my side to raise him, so don't embarrass my sister."

When Daiyu heard this, she froze immediately, looked at Xichun in disbelief and asked, "Is my sister going to have a divorce with me?"

Xichun shook her head and said: "Mama is right. My sister is waiting to be married. Now I have a baby by my side. How can it be spread? Now I am in the nunnery again..." Speaking of this, Xichun hummed He stretched out his hand and shook the child's little hand, and said with a smile: "It's better to send him to someone's home, as long as he lives well, it's better than anything else!"

Hearing Xichun's words, Nanny Sun couldn't continue to say more, she thought for a while and suggested: "In my opinion, it's better to send this child to the northwest! Young Master is in the northwest, where there are Qiluo Now, it is better to let Qi Luo take you with me, explain to my aunt, and get my aunt to take care of you, than to hide it!"

Grandma Sun's words brightened Daiyu's eyes, she couldn't help but let go of Xichun, got up and hugged Grandma Sun, swept away the previous tragic and embarrassing, and said with a cheerful smile: "My good Nanny! It really gave me a good idea! You should have thought of it earlier, why are we in such a difficult situation?"

Xichun couldn't help looking at Daiyu, hesitating to speak, Daiyu was excited for a while before explaining: "Sister Qiluo, who was next to my mother, married Song Uncle's nephew, and now Uncle Song's finger is in the northwest. Bian'er is the chief soldier and has a child himself, we will send this child over and raise it with her child."

Speaking of this, Daiyu continued with a slightly red face: "At that time, I will also write a letter to Mo Xuan, explaining the identity of this child, and asking him to take care of him for a while. Such a small child, I think he will not would refuse."

Seeing Daiyu's flushed cheeks, Xichun couldn't help wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, and jokingly said, "Is that Mo Xuan my sister mentioned, but brother-in-law Lin?"

After a while, the two of them rested, Xichun and Daiyu sat around the child's swaddling baby, teasing the child's little hand with one hand, and said softly: "Just do as my sister said, and name this child Jia." Yun, if I want to take this child back in the future, it will be easier if I have my sister and brother-in-law around."

Strange to say, the child seemed to understand what Daiyu and Xichun said, with his eyes wide open, his small mouth open, and bubbles spitting out.This month is still young, if it is older, I am afraid that it should smile with a small toothless mouth?

(End of this chapter)

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