Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 389 The Youshi Sisters

Chapter 389 The Youshi Sisters
Well, although Gujing said it before, because the ending is over, the writing is slower, so it will be about [-] words per chapter, but Gujing thinks that Gujing has not lost much updates... right? O(∩_∩)O~

Song Shi took Lin An and escorted the two nurses and Jia Yun all the way to the northwest. Fortunately, the weather is warm now, except for Daiyu's gift to Qi Luo and the others, there are not many salutes, two carriages are enough .

On the second day after Jia Yun was sent away, whether it was intentional or unintentional, the judgment of Jia Zhen and others came out.

Jia Zhen was found out, not only married secretly during the filial piety period, but also involved several lives.Jia Rong was also sentenced to exile in the Southwest, and even Aunt You committed suicide in fear of guilt during the trial because of her involvement in the murder case. Of course, no one asked whether it was a real suicide or something else.

When the three sisters of the You family helped each other out of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, they were extremely disheveled and embarrassed. It was the time when they were ashamed to see people but had nowhere to go.

The three of them were hesitating where to go, when a man in a blue fine-grain shirt approached, and the three of them hugged together in fright, even the always bold Third Sister You never expected to meet such a person At that moment, he couldn't help but pretended to be courageous and shouted sternly: "What do you want to do? Be careful that my aunt will let you go in and taste the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice!"

The visitor was stunned for a moment, took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Master asked me to pick up some wives." Second Sister You and Third Sister You looked at each other, saw smiles in each other's eyes, and hurriedly asked Said: "Master, are you okay?"

The person who came frowned and explained: "It's not the uncle in your mansion! It's the uncle Lian in the West mansion. Do you want to go or not!"

When they heard that it wasn't Jia Rong, the eyes of Second Sister You and Third Sister You darkened, and when they heard that it was Jia Lian, they immediately laughed and said hastily, "Go! Go! Go! We'll go with you!"

You Shi also showed a look of surprise, but asked: "Are you okay, little sister?" After all, You Shi is still the clan wife of the Jia clan, and it is impossible for Jia Shi to ignore her before a new patriarch is elected, but if To get the approval of Xichun and Jia Lian means that the patriarch has been re-elected, and she has a place in the Jia clan.

When the visitor heard Youshi asked about Xichun, his complexion improved a lot, he pursed his lips and said, "I don't know if Miss Xi is doing well, I only heard that she is still keeping filial piety in the Muni nunnery outside the city. The uncle just sent me to pick her up." The three went to settle down, and did not explain anything else. If the three are willing, you can follow me. If you are worried, it’s okay not to go, I will go back to the uncle."

Speaking of this, the three of them followed the visitor no matter what their thoughts were.

Not far from the prison of the Ministry of Justice, a carriage with gray curtains was parked. It looked narrow and small. Third Sister You frowned and glanced at the visitor, very dissatisfied: "Just use such a broken carriage to pick you up." Our sisters?"

The visitor sneered coldly and said, "You guys leave as soon as you want, you think I am willing to come and pick you up! If someone finds out, you may not be charged with any crime!" Third Sister You was furious when she heard this, and Second You Seeing that the situation is not good, the elder sister immediately grabbed the third elder sister You and said: "My good sister, don't make trouble, let's settle down first!"

Second Sister You is still thinking about her newborn child, and she doesn't know where the child is now, what is going on, it is said that she was rescued by Xichun... Now Second Sister You just wants to settle down quickly and go to the city again. Outer Muni Temple seeks Xichun to return her child.From Second Sister You's point of view, with that child around, she will be guaranteed in the future.

Third Sister You saw that Second Sister You was holding her desperately, and she also cared about her sister's poor health. Before she was confinement, she went into the prison cell. She was afraid of hurting her again, so she also listened to the persuasion, and pouted the spit on the man's face , humming coldly and got into the carriage.

Neither Second Sister You nor Third Sister You saw the coldness and sternness that flashed across the man's eyes, but Youshi, who was walking at the end, saw it clearly, and now he dared not get in the car, so he couldn't help covering his eyes. Rubbing his stomach, he said to the visitor: "My stomach hurts so much, I have to go to the clean room first!"

The visitor waved his hand irritably and said, "Get in the car! Where can I find a clean room for you now! There is no hut!" Hearing this, You Shi looked around and saw a small restaurant not far away, and smiled. Said: "I'll go over there to look for it, wait for me for a while, and I'll be right back." After speaking, Youshi didn't wait for the man to react, and went to the small restaurant with his hands on his stomach.

The man looked at the direction Youshi was going, waited for a long time, but he didn't see Youshi coming back, and thought: It's broken!Let nothing happen.So he said to the two people in the car: "I don't know where the eldest lady has gone, and I can't find it for a while. Let's go back first, and then send someone to look for it. If we wait any longer, I'm afraid something will happen."

Second Sister You was thinking about the child, so she hurriedly said, "Then let's go back first!" Third Sister You wanted to wait and wait, but she thought that she was not close on weekdays, especially after her two sisters married into Ningguo Mansion. The eldest sister pretended to be sick, so she also said arrogantly: "Then let's go quickly! It's almost noon!"

The visitor twitched the corners of his mouth coldly, but without making a sound, he jumped up and sat on the edge of the carriage, raised his whip and whipped him down, and the carriage drove away...

It wasn't until the carriage went a long way that You Shi got out from under the shed next to the small restaurant.Regardless of his embarrassment, he didn't even dare to go to Jia's house to inquire, so he asked the direction of the Muni Temple outside the city wholeheartedly, and headed towards the Muni Temple.

What happened to Second Sister You and Third Sister You, You Shi didn't know, and she never saw this pair of sisters again after that.In You Shi's heart, if Jia Zhen hadn't fallen in love with the sisters, the second sister You and the third sister, how could Ningguo Mansion have ended up like this?She is still the head wife of Ningguo Mansion!
Youshi didn't care about the pair of sisters, let alone others.The man pulled Second Sister You and Third Sister You out of the city quickly, without stopping, all the way to the south.When the You sisters found out that something was wrong, they had already walked a long way. As soon as the two sisters started arguing, a few thick men got up on the carriage...

Although the carriage was bumping badly, it didn't stop and went all the way south.A few months later, it was said that on the Slender West Lake outside the city of Yangzhou, a pair of beautiful sisters appeared...

When Youshi went out of the city and stumbled to find the Muni Temple, it was already dark. She had never walked such a long way before. She was tired, hungry and sleepy at the moment, but she dared not rest. With Xichun, she can relax.

When Xichun came out and saw her sister-in-law Youshi, she was really startled, she hurriedly brought her into the meditation room, and ordered to go into the painting to find hot water to wash with her, after a long while, she simply cleaned Youshi up, and asked her carefully Recently, when I heard that Second Sister You and Third Sister You were taken away, especially when someone claimed to be sent by Jia Lian, Xichun frowned.

Early the next morning, someone sent a message to Daiyu, and that afternoon Daiyu rushed over with her clothes.For Youshi, Daiyu didn't have any bad feelings, and even felt that he was a kind and good person, but he was too honest, so she didn't have any opinions.

But Daiyu thought about it again, how similar is Youshi's status in Ningguo Mansion to that of Mrs. Xing in Rongguo Mansion earlier?So he just sighed.

Hearing Youshi narrate the matter again in fear, Daiyu thought for a while and asked, "Does sister-in-law want to find your two younger sisters now? Or do you want to settle down first?" Youshi did not expect that Daiyu would have When she asked this question, she didn't understand Daiyu's meaning for a while, so she couldn't help turning her head to look at Xichun.

Seeing this, Xichun sighed and said, "Sister, what I mean is, if my sister-in-law wants to find your two sisters, it will take some time, and there may be no results after a while. If you want to settle down, let's do it again." Add it all up, think of a way." You Shi hurriedly said: "Settle down first! Settle down!" You Shi was really scared.

Seeing this, Daiyu nodded, looked at Xichun and said, "It's not easy to find a house for a while. When the sisters get married, I always prepare a set of make-up. Now I will prepare the set for my sister. Give the house to my sister."

When Daiyu said this, seeing Youshi's eyes lit up, Daiyu smiled and said: "At first I thought that my sister would live with me in the future, but I couldn't tell where I would be. So after my sister got rid of the clothes, there will be It's a place to stay. Brother Yun took it back, and it's reasonable to be raised by his aunt, it's better than being with a younger sister who has a bad reputation."

Hearing what Daiyu said, Xichun lowered his head and thought for a while and nodded, "Sister's arrangement is just that. I begged my sister to save brother Yun, but I just wanted to leave a trace of blood. My sister's arrangement is also very good. I just want to bother my sister. People are going to pick up Brother Yun."

Daiyu nodded towards Xichun, Fang looked at Youshi and smiled, "My younger sister will first lend the dowry house to my sister-in-law and nephew to live in. In the future, my sister-in-law will buy it for my younger sister. I don't know what your sister-in-law wants?"

When You Shi heard that not only did he have a house to live in, but also the child could be raised under his knees, his eye circles were red with excitement, and tears fell down, and he nodded while wiping his tears: "Okay!" , okay, it’s all up to Miss Lin’s arrangements!”

Daiyu Zhuangzi could not find anyone to chase Song Shi and others back, so he had to ask Jia Lian. After hearing what happened from Daiyu, Jia Lian couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I didn't expect my sister to be a bodhisattva." .” Daiyu shook her head and laughed, “It’s just the second aunt.”

Hearing what Daiyu said, Jia Lian couldn't help being taken aback, then shook his head and smiled wryly.If I hadn't met Uncle Lin, how would I be different from Jia Rong?
Thinking of this, Jia Lian didn't say anything more, and personally rode his horse to chase Song Shi and others. It was not until seven or eight days later that he and Lin An drove Jia Yun back with two nurses in a carriage.Song Shi didn't come back with him, he only brought a letter and a gift prepared by Daiyu for everyone, and continued to drive towards the northwest.

(End of this chapter)

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