Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 391 Fear and Calculation

Chapter 391 Fear and Calculation

One day at the end of June, the fourth prince was canonized as Prince Jin. On August [-]th, he will marry the eldest daughter of Dong Yushi's family in the newly completed Prince Jin's Mansion.The so-called Prince Jin's Mansion was rebuilt on the basis of the former Ningguo Mansion.In other words, the fourth prince will live next to the lineage of the Old Madam Jia of the Jia Mansion.

When the news came out, Mrs. Jia was still happy, and she often told the people around her: "We must establish a good relationship with Prince Jin's mansion, and don't provoke the people in his mansion." Occasionally, he would tell Wang Xifeng: "Since Now that you are neighbors, there is not much difference in age between you, in the future Prince Yu Jin and Princess Yu will have to move around a lot."

Mrs. Wang has been in panic all day long since the accident happened at Zhen's house in Jinling.Finally, the matter of the Zhen family in Jinling was settled, and the Zhen family did not even have two people who were in charge of it. I know that those who sent things to her from the Zhen family back then were all convicted or beheaded. , or exile.

Mrs. Wang hadn't had time to be happy, she had acquired such a large amount of wealth for nothing, and suddenly something happened to the Ningguo Mansion in the east.

This made Mrs. Wang, who was just about to let go, raised her heart again, and even thought that the Holy Majesty must have moved the mind of the Zhen family's property, but mistakenly thought that it was in the Ningguo Mansion in the east, so Jia Zhen and others were dealt with.

Now that Jia Zhen has been sentenced to beheaded by Qiu Hou Wen, Jia Rong has been exiled, and only the unworthy Youshi sisters are left. If the Holy Majesty can't find anything, I'm afraid he will soon lock his eyes on the General's Mansion!After all, the old lady is still there, if something happened, it will be found out from the old lady, plus Jia Zheng is not an official now, but Jia Amnesty is still in the officialdom...

Thinking of this, especially when thinking of His Majesty asking the fourth prince, Prince Jin, to move to live next door to him, I don’t know if this is for the convenience of observing here, after all, I have copied two consecutively, and I can’t keep copying...

Just when Mrs. Wang didn't know what to eat and didn't know what to do, the Jia clan elected Jia She as the new patriarch, and Jia Lian became the young patriarch. The hope of approving property is to divide the family!

As long as the family is separated, my family will move out of General Jia's Mansion and Rongxi Hall, and all the things that are taken away from the library are clearly accounted for. Anyone with a discerning eye can see clearly at a glance.

When the time comes, I will put the Zhen family's finances together with my dowry and move out of the house, and they will become my own without anyone noticing, and I will leave it to Baoyu in the future!

And now, what is left of the Jia Mansion after the separation?In the past few years, the construction of the garden was just a matter of rambling, and later it was like sending money to the empress in the palace. Now, except for this house and the garden behind, there is nothing left but a skeleton, and besides, I have to divide it. something to go!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wang immediately made up her mind!Someone invited Jia Zheng to come over. The couple sent their family members away and locked themselves in the house for several hours to discuss.

That night, Mrs. Wang, regardless of her physical discomfort, dragged her long-sick body, changed her clothes and put on makeup, and went to Mrs. Jia's room to say hello.

Seeing Mrs. Wang coming from Zhou Rui's family and Aunt Zhao together, not to mention Hu Po Yuanyang and the others were surprised, even Old Madam Jia was in the house, and she was also shocked when she heard Hu Po shouting: "Second Wife is here!" Frowning, he asked Wang Xifeng, who was putting the bowl and chopsticks down, "What's the matter with your aunt?"

Wang Xifeng rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Perhaps I feel better today, I just want to pay my respects to my ancestors, and let my ancestors feel at ease." Then he sighed: "It's also my fault that I have been busy rectifying the internal affairs recently. People don't know how deep they are, and when the time comes, they will offend the people in Prince Jin's mansion and bring trouble to the mansion. I haven't visited my aunt for several days. "

Wang Xifeng was talking to Mrs. Jia here, and Mrs. Wang was "sent" in. Mrs. Jia refused to ask her to greet her, and frowned and instructed Zhou Rui's family: "Quickly let your wife rest on that chair. !” Then he looked carefully at Mrs. Wang’s expression.

Over the past year or so, Mrs. Wang has not only looked sallow and haggard, but she no longer has the same demeanor as before. This is no longer a matter of dullness, but a bit horrible.Especially after Yuanchun went...

Thinking of Yuan Chun, the granddaughter she raised in front of her, Mrs. Jia also felt pain in her heart, but she was more helpless. She still remembered that when Miner was alive, she wrote a letter to dissuade her, but at that time no one could help her. I didn't care, and no one wanted to hear it... Now that Min'er is gone, Yuan Chun is gone too...

The old lady Jia restrained her mind, and then asked in a warm voice: "You are not feeling well, just take care of yourself, I don't lack people here, why bother?"

Mrs. Jia never dreamed that Mrs. Wang came here, what kind of greetings are there, she saw Mrs. Wang waved her hand weakly and said: "Go down, I have something to say to the old lady alone." His gaze was fixed on Wang Xifeng.

Wang Xifeng understood that she was afraid that she would make excuses to stay and listen, so she smiled coldly, raised her eyebrows and said to the old lady Jia: "Since my aunt has something to say to the old lady alone, it's inconvenient for us juniors to stay here. "Wang Xifeng paused after finishing speaking, and without waiting for Mrs. Jia to speak, she continued: "Madam, should we eat first or talk first?"

The meaning is very clear, eat first, I will stay here to serve you, if you want to talk first... then I will leave first!
Old lady Jia took a deep breath and said, "Yuanyang, you take them all outside and wait outside, girl Feng stays here." Old lady Jia's meaning is also very clear, you are the wife of the young patriarch and the future patriarch. Woman, there is nothing you can't hear.

Wang Xifeng looked at Mrs. Wang pretending to be embarrassed, and seeing Mrs. Wang's face turning blue and white with anger, she deliberately smiled and said: "My ancestor loves me, why don't you talk to your aunt first, and I'll go have some tea before coming back ?”

However, the old lady Jia took Wang Xifeng's hand and taught, "You think it's so easy to be a clan wife? You know that your mother is like a saw-mouthed gourd. In the future, the family will still need the two of you. The mouth supports it, and Lian'er outside is a motivated person, I am very relieved, you are also capable."

When Mrs. Jia said this, she said with deep meaning: "It's good to have your younger brothers and sisters take care of you!"

Seeing that the maids had all retreated, Mrs. Wang made it clear that she wanted Wang Xifeng to stay, and she was already a little dizzy and short of breath after sitting here for a while, so she said without waiting for Mrs. Jia to finish speaking: "Now the eldest brother has become the patriarch, and the children are all grown up."

Mrs. Jia didn't expect Mrs. Wang to say such a sentence suddenly, and she couldn't understand it for a while, but Wang Xifeng's eyes flashed, and she didn't point it out, she just listened quietly.Mrs. Wang took a few breaths before continuing: "Master discussed with me yesterday, it's better to move out."

Mrs. Jia was holding a teacup in her hand and was about to have a sip of tea. When she heard Mrs. Wang's words, she raised her hand angrily and threw the teacup over!He widened his eyes and scolded angrily: "What are you trying to do? I'm not dead yet!"

Fortunately, Mrs. Jia was old and her hands were not strong enough, the teacup didn't hit Mrs. Wang, but the tea splashed on her skirt.

But Mrs. Wang has already calculated that those properties can only be owned by Baoyu if she moves out. Mrs. Wang will never allow others to divide them, and only by moving out can she keep those properties. She has already agreed with Jia Zheng , must move out, never stay in this mansion!

As long as I move out, everything in this mansion has nothing to do with my own house!Mrs. Sui Wang didn't care about Mrs. Jia's attitude, and said directly: "The old lady loves us, we all know, but this house belongs to the eldest brother and the others after all."

Mrs. Wang's words were neither soft nor hard, but she just said that Mrs. Jia had nothing to say for a while, but Wang Xifeng sneered inwardly!Where have you been all these years?

(End of this chapter)

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