Chapter 392
Mrs. Wang's words made Mrs. Jia furious.Mrs. Wang, however, looked directly into Old Mrs. Jia's eyes happily and fearlessly, and said very calmly: "I have discussed with the master, and I will move out so that my eldest brother and sister-in-law can make room, so that girl Feng can be the rightful head of the family." Director, we will start tidying up the house from now on, and we will move out after the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Mrs. Jia was a little dizzy with anger at Mrs. Wang's attitude. If it wasn't for Wang Xifeng who was supporting her, she would comfort her chest and comfort her: "Don't worry, old lady. I think the old lady called her second uncle." Come and ask."

Only then did Mrs. Jia shake her hands, nodded and said: "Yes, call that rebellious son!" Mrs. Wang sneered at the side.She didn't believe that with such a large fortune, Jia Zheng would really give up just because of his mother's few words!It has to be said that after decades of husband and wife, Mrs. Wang can see through Jia Zheng now.

And Wang Xifeng got the old lady Jia's order, supported the old lady Jia on the pillow, got up and walked out the door, when passing by Mrs. Wang, squinted her eyes, sneered, and strode out to Hu Po. He ordered: "You go there yourself, and just say that the old lady invited the second master to come over to discuss something."

Hu Po was taken aback, Wang Xifeng usually likes to find mandarin ducks to do anything, what's wrong today?Without waiting for her to think about it, Wang Xifeng stared at him coldly. Hu Po was startled, and quickly squatted down to salute, then turned and ran to the outer courtyard.

After Hu Po ran away, Wang Xifeng told Yuanyang anxiously in a voice that could just be heard by the people around him: "Quickly find the old ginseng and come out! Hurry up, cut two pieces and give the old lady to suck."

Yuanyang was startled, and quickly asked: "What's the matter, grandma?" Wang Xifeng sighed and shook his head, "Don't ask, go quickly." After speaking, Wang Xifeng urged: "Make some more ginseng soup for preparation or Let the old lady drink later." After a pause, he added: "You yourself, watch!"

Seeing Wang Xifeng's cautious appearance, Yuanyang quickly took orders.The people next to it were all in a state of mind, and had guesses about the situation inside.

Here, Wang Xifeng thought about it for a while, and in front of Zhou Rui's family, said to Zhao'er's family: "Go and invite the master, hurry up!"For a while, various speculations were filled, but no one dared to speak out at this time.

Wang Xifeng arranged the affairs outside, and didn't look at the crowd too much.Then he turned around and opened the curtain to go in.

As soon as he walked two steps in, he heard Mrs. Wang sneering in a slightly shriveled voice: "If the old lady really loves Baoyu so much, she won't let him live in the uncle's house! Now the uncle and his son are officials, and they are also the patriarch. .Where do you want us to put our master's face? The master has no face. Could it be that Baoyu can still have a good one?"

Mrs. Wang began to cry as she spoke.Wang Xifeng was so infuriated that he didn't die of anger, could it be that the dove occupied the magpie's nest, or was it the magpie's fault?Wang Xifeng couldn't help but pause, to hear what else she could say.

Mrs. Wang did not disappoint Wang Xifeng, she soon heard Mrs. Wang sneer and said: "But now, Uncle and his father and son, I am afraid they are still thinking about their background in the imperial examination and want to gain fame?" Speaking of this, Mrs. Wang smiled again, But she never heard Mrs. Jia make a sound.

Wang Xifeng was curious and anxious at the same time, at this moment, Mrs. Wang lowered her voice and said: "Did they forget that Jia Lian won the title of Captain Yunqi! Although he is only a small fifth-rank Martial Lord, but In the end, you can’t take the imperial examination!”

Mrs. Wang's words caught Wang Xifeng by surprise. She had long forgotten about it, but what she couldn't understand was why Jia Lian didn't mention it?Did you also forget?Did Huang Shufeng also forget?Wang Xifeng couldn't figure it out, and didn't want to continue thinking about it, so she coughed lightly and walked in.

Seeing Wang Xifeng coming in, old lady Jia opened her eyes reluctantly. Seeing that her face was very gray, Wang Xifeng couldn't help speeding up her pace, helped old lady Jia up, patted her back and stroked her chest.

Mrs. Wang, on the other hand, stopped making a sound after Wang Xifeng came in. She just leaned on the back of the chair, closed her eyes, and plucked the sandalwood rosary in her hand.

Jia Zheng came in with the mandarin ducks. When they came in, Mrs. Jia had just put the ginseng slices in her mouth.Seeing Jia Zheng, the old lady Jia immediately stared angrily, pointing at Jia Zheng with trembling fingers, but her lips were tightly pursed.

Seeing this, Jia Zheng knelt down in front of Mrs. Jia, bowed his head and said nothing.Wang Xifeng hurriedly stepped aside a little, and saw Mrs. Jia staring at Jia Zheng without speaking.When Wang Xifeng didn't know what to do, Jia Lian rushed over.

Jia Lian's arrival made Wang Xifeng heave a sigh of relief. At this moment, Wang Xifeng deeply felt that Jia Lian gave her such a strong sense of security!Looking at Jia Lian's eyes, they couldn't help being filled with water.

Jia Lian gave her a gentle smile, glanced around the room, and said softly: "Feng'er go back first." After Jia Lian finished speaking, he took a few steps forward, took old lady Jia's arm from Yuanyang, and said: "Sister Yuanyang Go down too, go make some ginseng soup for the ancestors, and send it over."

Yuanyang lifted up the pillow behind Mrs. Jia, and replied: "Grandma has ordered before, it's already boiled, and I'll bring it here." He squatted down towards Jia Lian before leaving.

Jia Lian heard Yuanyang say that Wang Xifeng had already made arrangements, turned around and smiled at Wang Xifeng and said, "Go back, I'm here!"

Wang Xifeng didn't want to stay here, she had heard too many things tonight, she also needed to think about it, and she still had a lot of things to ask Jia Lian, so she nodded and retreated.

Zhou Rui's family stood outside Mrs. Jia's door and turned around anxiously. Seeing Wang Xifeng coming out, he hurriedly greeted her with a smile and said, "Second Grandma, is our wife alright?" Wang Xifeng looked at her sideways and snorted coldly. : "You should ask the Bodhisattva to bless you, the old lady should have nothing to do!"

After Wang Xifeng finished speaking, she turned her head and left with Zhao'er's family who had just rushed over, and Xiaohong who had been waiting by the side before.

But the face of Zhou Rui's family suddenly changed. If Mrs. Jia really had something wrong with Mrs. Wang... Zhou Rui's family didn't dare to think about it anymore, but as Mrs. Wang's companion, she couldn't leave at this time, so she couldn't help being entangled up.Beads of sweat on the forehead are covered at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Fortunately, nothing happened to Mrs. Jia. As for what Jia Lian and Jia Zheng and his wife talked about in Mrs. Jia's place, Wang Xifeng didn't ask, and Jia Lian didn't say anything.

When Jia Lian returned to her own room in the East Courtyard, Wang Xifeng had already bathed, changed into a hang silk jacket, dismissed all the maids, and leaned alone on the big kang by the window, shaking a round fan, looking very leisurely. .A large piece of skin was exposed on the chest, white and tender, which made Jia Lian feel a little dry.

Jia Lian shook his head and smiled wryly, "If grandma has any orders, just do what you want. Why do you have to fight like this?" If you want to send Master, then you also want Master, don't you want to?"

When Jia Lian heard this, she knew that something must have happened, so she couldn't help but sat down next to each other, poured a cup of herbal tea and drank it in one gulp, and said with a smile: "Grandma, please fan me too. It's too hot!"

Seeing Jia Lian changing the subject, Wang Xifeng slapped the fan on Jia Lian angrily, and said sternly, "What's the matter with the scientific research? I know it. Before we got married, my master won the title of Captain Yunqi!"

When Jia Lian heard this, she couldn't help laughing, and said after a while, "Don't worry, grandma, I'm just going to try it out, and I may not be able to pass the exam." This is my uncle asking for the grace from the current Holy Master for me..."

Speaking of Lin Ruhai, the expression on Wang Xifeng's face also subsided, and she sighed before asking: "Just now the second wife and the old lady proposed to separate the family, if I didn't see the old lady's expression was wrong, I quickly called Yuanyang to cut the ginseng. Come on, I don’t know what to do.”

Jia Lian frowned and said, "Dividing the family is not a trivial matter. We have to wait until the end of the year when my father comes back to report on his work. Don't even think about it now. It's just that the second room wants to move out, and that's their own. It's okay, can we stop it?"

(End of this chapter)

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