Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 397 The Return

Chapter 397 The Return
On September 23, Jia Zheng took Mrs. Wang and Jia Baoyu, bid farewell to Mrs. Jia, and moved to a house in the east of the city.

Although there is no separation, it is no different from separation.Although the old lady Jia was very sad, she didn't say anything more.He only closed his eyes and waved his hands, suppressing the reluctance in his heart.

In addition to the relocation of the second house of Jia's family, this day is also the anniversary of Lin Ruhai's death, and it is also the day when Jia Amnesty brought Mrs. Xing and others back.

Jia Lian took Wang Xifeng to Daiyu's Zhuangzi outside the city early in the morning, and together with Daiyu paid homage to Lin Ruhai.Therefore, the relocation of Jia Zheng's house not only seemed deserted, but even gave people a feeling of being kicked out.

But on September 25th, Mrs. Wang actually held a housewarming banquet, and posted widely to invite wives and ladies from various prefectures.

Mrs. Wang's intentions were clearly revealed, but no one pointed it out. There were not many wives and ladies who went that day, and more people used various excuses to shirk.After all, everyone can see that Mrs. Wang has lost power in the current Jia mansion, and Jia She's house will be the real master of the house.

Jia She, who had been out in Dengzhou for three years, returned to the capital for the first time with Mrs. Xing, Aunt Juan, Sister Qiao and Brother Cong.One is to report on his duties, and the other is to succeed the Jia clan patriarch.

What Jia She and his party didn't expect was that not only Jia Lian and his wife, but also the old and young men of the clan came to greet them. What was even more surprising was that Daiyu also accompanied Jia Lian and his wife to welcome their return.

Seeing Jia She again, the members of the Jia clan were all shocked. Jia She, who has experienced three years in Dengzhou, is no longer the same dandy image as before. Even before going to Dengzhou to take office, Jia She is quite different from the past. , but now Jia She has a faint majesty on his body.

Seeing Daiyu again, Jia She and Mrs. Xing were also very excited, especially after Mrs. Xing returned to Dengzhou from the capital last time, Jia She was also very worried about Zong Zong.

In the past, Jia She would not worry about others, but now, facing this delicate niece who is squatting down and saluting to him, Jia She has mixed feelings in his heart, and he doesn't know what to say.Stepping forward quickly, he helped Daiyu up with his own hands and nodded with emotion, "It's fine, it's fine, it's fine!"

Daiyu chuckled, stood up following Jia She's strength, tilted her head and asked with a smile: "Yu'er stays at home every day, what can I do?"

Looking at the smiling Daiyu, Jia She nodded and pointed to the carriageway behind him: "Yu'er, go and squeeze with your aunt, too, your aunt and sister Qiao will miss you too." Yushun got into Mrs. Xing's carriage obediently, and without waiting for greetings from the Jia family, Jia Amnesty lowered her expression and ordered Jia Lian, "Go and pay homage to your uncle!"

Daiyu, who had just gotten into the carriage, just heard such a sentence before the curtain was lowered, and before she could greet Madam Xing, she froze on the spot.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xing took Daiyu's hand, and smiled with emotion: "It's time to pay homage to your father and mother, but unfortunately our place is too far away from Gusu." She sighed and continued: "You Uncle has missed you very much these two years."

Daiyu heard Mrs. Xing say this, so she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing: "Uncle and aunt love Yu'er, and it's not like Yu'er doesn't know that every year, the annual gift that uncle sends back, except for grandmother, Yu'er It’s the first job, even my elder brother can’t compare to it.”

Daiyu was talking to Mrs. Xing, while sitting in the carriage, Qiao, who was like a dough ball, pounced on her, pulled Daiyu and shouted excitedly: "Auntie, Auntie, Did you see that Miss Qiao has grown taller?"

Daiyu stroked Sister Qiao's head with a smile, tilted her head as if thinking, and Sister Qiao couldn't help becoming nervous, her pink mouth was pouting, her phoenix eyes stared out vividly. Feeling the smell of almond eyes, he looked at Daiyu very uneasy.

Seeing her like this, Daiyu couldn't help but want to tease her, deliberately pondered for a moment, and pursed her mouth.Seeing Daiyu's actions, Qiao'er's mouth became more and more pouty, and her two delicate eyebrows also raised. Madam Xing couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, Yu'er, stop teasing her soon. Our sister Qiao wants to wear aunt's beautiful clothes, but has been thinking about it for a long time."

When Daiyu heard Mrs. Xing's words, she finally understood why Sister Qiao asked her if she was taller, so she couldn't help but also laughed, took Sister Qiao into her arms, nodded her wrinkled little nose and said with a smile: "Let's Sister Qiao has grown taller!" After finishing speaking, she added: "Even if she hasn't grown taller, Auntie still has beautiful clothes for Sister Qiao."

When Sister Qiao heard this, her eyes lit up, and she asked crisply: "Auntie, don't lie!" Seeing Daiyu smiling and nodding, Sister Qiao even grinned and said to Mrs. Xing with a very unreserved smile. : "My aunt has a lot of beautiful clothes."

Wang Xifeng didn't follow up, but went to Daiyu's Zhuangzi first.Daiyu and the three were chatting and laughing in the car, while Jia Amnesty led a group of members of the Jia clan and did not return home, but went directly to Zhuangzi outside Daiyu's city.

Although many members of the Jia clan were dissatisfied with this, they also knew that their arms could not twist their thighs. Now the Jia clan is still an official in the court, but Jia She is the only one.

The carriage stopped at the second gate, Wang Xifeng rushed up to meet her, Daiyu smiled sweetly at her, and turned around to hug Sister Qiao, Wang Xifeng hadn't seen her daughter for several days, so naturally she missed her very much, who would have thought that Sister Qiao Holding Daiyu and not letting go, made Wang Xifeng feel quite sad.

Seeing this, Daiyu smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, why don't you give me sister Qiao as your companion? Look at how nice we are." After speaking, Daiyu approached Wang Xifeng with a low laugh and said, "Our aunt and nephew are better than your mother and daughter. Darling!" He raised his eyebrows at Wang Xifeng as he spoke.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Who cares, just take it if you want." Then she stretched out her hand to help Mrs. Xing down.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xing patted Wang Xifeng on the back of the hand, and said angrily, "You are the one doing this?" Who would have thought that at this moment, sister Qiao shouted loudly: "I want to be with my aunt! I want to be with my aunt!" As she said that, she turned her head and pouted at Mrs. Xing and said coquettishly, "Grandmother, let me be your aunt's companion."

Sister Qiao's words made Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng both dumbfounded. Mrs. Xing laughed and scolded: "You heartless little thing! Grandma treats you badly?" Daiyu laughed so hard that she couldn't help but laugh.

Sister Qiao didn't know what Daiyu was laughing at, but she thought about it seriously: "Grandmother treats Sister Qiao very well." Mrs. Xing was about to speak when she saw this, but Sister Qiao added: "But Grandma is not as beautiful as my aunt's clothes, but my aunt still has delicious and fun things!"

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng laughed and said: "It seems that mother can't raise her well, thanks to mother who protects her like that." After finishing speaking, she reached out and tapped sister Qiao's forehead, and deliberately scolded with a straight face: "It's really good!" A little white-eyed wolf!"

Daiyu was not happy to hear these words, she hugged Sister Qiao in her arms and replied, "Our sister Qiao just has a relationship with Auntie, doesn't he? I just like Auntie's place." Sister Qiao nodded hurriedly, Daiyu Seeing this, she raised her eyebrows proudly and looked at Wang Xifeng and added: "Then sister Qiao will stay with aunt in the future, okay?"

Sister Qiao was naturally overjoyed, her little head kept clicking like a chicken pecking at rice, which made Daiyu laugh again.

One side laughs happily, over there Jia Lian has already let Jia She and others into the main hall, Lin Zhong and Lin Yi even came out to receive them in person.I heard that they came to pay homage to Lin Ruhai and his wife, not to mention Lin Zhong and Lin Yi, even the Lin De brothers looked not very good.

Lin Ruhai and his wife have passed away for so many years, except for Jia Lian and his wife who come every year, no one else has ever seen them.Hearing Jia She's proposal to pay homage to Lin Ruhai, Lin Zhong and the others couldn't help but look at the members of the Jia clan behind Jia She, and bowed their heads in dismay.

Jia She frowned and looked at Jia Lian. Jia Lian didn't know what to say for a while, but it was Lin De who broke the deadlock and said with a smile: "Although the ancestral hall in our village is a small ancestral hall, it's not up to us servants to make decisions. , I have to ask the girl about this matter."

When the members of the Jia clan heard this, they were very displeased, and some even showed it on their faces. Jia Amnesty naturally saw it, and after pondering for a moment, he ordered the members of the Jia clan very dignifiedly: "In that case, you should first When I go back, I also tell the old lady and the second master that I will go back after paying homage to my sister and uncle."

The members of the Jia clan obviously didn't expect Jia Amnesty to make such an arrangement, and they were all stunned there for a while. Seeing this, Jia Lian sneered in his heart, but quietly comforted him and said: "I think the old lady is also waiting impatiently, and I am very troublesome for the clan uncle to go back. Let me know, my sister is a boudoir girl after all, so it is inconvenient for so many people to come out to meet each other."

The words have been said very clearly, these people naturally don't want to say much, although they seem to be very dignified towards Jia Amnesty, in fact, they are more afraid of Jia Lian.

Seeing Jia She's behavior, Lin Zhong, Lin Yi and others secretly nodded in their hearts, but they still sent someone to report to Daiyu.Daiyu heard that those members of the Jia family had dispersed, so she went to join Jia She and his son at the gate of the ancestral hall.

Seeing that Sister Qiao didn't follow, Jia Lian couldn't help frowning and asked, "Why didn't my sister bring Sister Qiao? After all, she is also a great-uncle, so she should kowtow. It doesn't matter if she wasn't at home in previous years. There is absolutely no reason not to kowtow when you come."

As soon as Jia Lian finished speaking, Jia She also nodded, and was about to say something, when she saw Wang Xifeng leading Mrs. Xing and Sister Qiao coming over.

At this time, Sister Qiao and Mrs. Xing had already changed into plain clothes, and seemed extremely cautious. Seeing this, Daiyu's heart warmed up, her eyes turned slightly red, but she quickly restrained herself.Jia Lian nodded in satisfaction and smiled gently at Wang Xifeng.

On the other hand, Wang Xifeng sneered coldly: "Master, I'm afraid you think our mother and I are such people who don't understand the rules?..." Wang Xifeng wanted to say more, but Daiyu interrupted: "Uncle, please!" Come and visit my father and mother." As she spoke, Daiyu made a gesture of invitation.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng didn't want to say anything more, so she glared at Jia Lian. Jia Lian could only smile sheepishly, and followed Jia She into the room.

Looking at Jia Min's spirit seat, Jia Amnesty held back his tears with great difficulty, but he didn't say much. Several people offered incense to Lin Ruhai and Jia Min, and stayed at Daiyu's village for a vegetarian feast. Urged by Daiyu, he returned to the city.

Returning to Jia's Mansion was naturally quite lively, but it was only at this time that Jia She knew from the population of the Jia clan that Jia Zheng's family had moved out of the General's Mansion just this morning.Looking at the empty Rongxi Hall, and thinking back to the old lady Jia's indifferent expression when he saw Mrs. Jia before, Jia She felt mixed feelings in his heart, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth after all.

(End of this chapter)

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