Chapter 398
Thanks to Mid-air Snow Dance, zhuokanyunqi, yzakrr, Qian Yiyi Renyan for their support!Buried Wuhen rewards and encouragement!And the monthly ticket support of the crazy dandelion that QQ reads!Thank you for your love and encouragement!


When Jia Amnesty returned to the General's Mansion on Ningrong Street, his mood was very agitated, especially after he had been thinking about it for decades, he finally got his wish and lived in Rongxi Hall.

It doesn’t matter what other people think, even what Mrs. Jia thinks.Today's Jia Mansion is supported by Jia She and his son on the outside, and Mrs. Xing's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are in charge of the inner house.

As for Jia Zheng's first room, no matter it was the day when Jia Amnesty returned to Beijing or after, he turned a blind eye to it. It was not until after the housewarming banquet on September 25 that Jia Zheng brought Jia Baoyu to greet the old lady Jia, and Mrs. Wang paid her respects with her body. Because of discomfort, I stayed in Mitsui Alley in Dongcheng.The day when Jia Amnesty officially took over as the head of the Jia clan was set on September 28.

Looking at Jia She with an indifferent expression and an official authority, Jia Zheng didn't show it on the face, but he was very annoyed in his heart.As for Jia Baoyu, seeing Jia Lian again was extremely embarrassing.Jia Lian didn't give Jia Baoyu too much time to be embarrassed, so he found an opportunity to call him into the study.

When Jia Lian called Jia Baoyu into the study, Huang Jiyun was also called into the imperial study by the emperor.Jia Lian looked at Jia Baoyu and frowned, not knowing where to start.The emperor raised his eyebrows and looked at Huang Jiyun, as if he said casually: "Tell me about Jia Lian and his son, it should be resolved."

But Huang Jiyun didn't miss the flash of coldness in the emperor's eyes, and of course, the emperor didn't intend to hide it from him.

Huang Jiyun twitched the corners of his mouth rarely in the imperial study, showing an unruly and disdainful expression that he hadn't shown for many years, and replied coldly: "The matter of Wen Cang was promised by the Holy One back then, and Wen Cang has also returned to you all these years." Even if you work hard, these sages have seen it." Speaking of this, Huang Jiyun paused, and then said: "As for Jia Daotai, he can be regarded as conscientious."

The emperor took a deep breath, and unconsciously knocked on the table with his hand on the imperial case. After a long while, he smiled and said, "If that's the case, then let them separate!"

After the emperor finished speaking, he didn't look at Huang Jiyun again, but closed his eyes. The child who knelt in front of him and cried to go to the funeral that year appeared in front of his eyes again, and the palace man's reply seemed to echo in his ears: " Jia Guogong's grandson, broke into the palace to ask to see Master Huang!"

After a long while, a smile appeared on the corner of the emperor's mouth.As for Huang Jiyun, he bowed his head and thought for a while, smiled and bowed and said: "Minister, take the decree!" The answer was actually cleaner than usual.

After Huang Jiyun left the palace, he didn't go anywhere else, and went back to Huang's mansion directly.On September 27th, the day before Jia Amnesty took over as the patriarch of the Jia family, he brought a large number of Dengzhou specialties and took Jia Lian to Huang's mansion in person.

Not only did Huang Shufeng meet in person in the main hall, but he also hosted a banquet at noon, and was accompanied by Huang Jiyun, a senior scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion and Prince Taifu.However, with such an honor, after Jia She left the Huang's residence, the joyful look on his face when he first saw Huang Jiyun was gone.

Jia Lian rode his horse beside Jia She, and a few servants followed from a distance. Jia Lian looked at Jia She who was frowning, sighed and said softly, "It's actually not difficult."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Jia Amnesty looked up at Jia Lian, and Jia Lian hurriedly explained: "I don't know why, the second uncle and the others proposed the division of the family at first, but because the father has not returned, and the patriarch has not yet been settled, the old lady seems to be Not very willing. Son..."

Before Jia Lian finished speaking, Jia Amnesty sneered and said, "The old lady 'seems' to be reluctant?! The old lady will not allow it!"

Jia Lian smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Yes, the old lady is not willing." At this point Jia Lian changed the subject, and then said: "But the second uncle and the second aunt seem to be determined to separate the family, and the son should go ahead and suppress it." Come down. The son thinks that tomorrow the father can take advantage of the trend."

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he raised his head to look at Jia Amnesty, and said sincerely and cautiously: "Now the meaning of what the master and Mr. Huang said is very clear." At this point, Jia Lian paused again, and it took a long time before he lowered his head and sighed quietly: "Just treat it as a strong man cutting off his wrist!"

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he stared at Jia She with burning eyes. Jia She lowered his head and rode his horse all the way until he returned to General Jia's mansion on Ningrong Street.Jia Lian also stopped talking, and just followed Jia She silently.

After sending Jia Lian and his son away, Huang Shufeng and Huang Jiyun sighed together, Huang Jiyun shook his head and laughed, "If it wasn't for Yu'er..." Huang Shufeng put down his wine cup and said with a smile: "It is undeniable that Wencang is also a good boy !" Huang Jiyun smiled, and didn't say much, Huang Jiyun could still remember what Jia Lian looked like back then, so he shook his head and didn't speak.

Huang Jiyun didn't know exactly how the Jia clan arranged, but the next day when he met the emperor in the imperial study room, the emperor's face that had been gloomy for a long time showed a smile, and he looked at Huang Jiyun and raised his eyebrows and said, "Finally we can The net is closed!"

Huang Jiyun's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't ask any more questions. He looked up at the emperor. The emperor's face was no longer smiling, his hand on the imperial case was tightly clenched into a fist, and his eyes were also narrowed.The emperor did not speak, but turned his head and looked out the window.

Seeing this, Huang Jiyun sighed, and was about to say a few words of relief, but the emperor sighed quietly: "De'er's revenge is finally fully avenged..."

When Concubine Xiande delivered news to Concubine Zhen, Jiangnan Zhen's family took the opportunity to make a move. Huang Jiyun knew about this. He never thought that the emperor would let Jia's life go, or let Jia Lian's lineage go.

After a long while, when Huang Jiyun was considering whether to resign, the emperor suddenly restrained his expression and ordered: "Just the day before the Winter Festival!"

Huang Jiyun's expression became serious, and he saw a gray-clothed waiter kneeling down beside him at some unknown time, with his head lowered very low, he couldn't see his face clearly, and his voice was hoarse but sonorous, a concise "yes", The answer is that Huang Jiyun felt cold all over his body.

Huang Jiyun didn't ask any further questions, after the waiter left, he discussed with the emperor about the Longevity Festival, then hurriedly withdrew.

The north wind became more and more violent, and the sky became colder and colder. After Jia Zheng and his family were divided, apart from Jia Baoyu, they had little contact with Ningrong Street.As for Jia Amnesty agreeing to Jia Zheng's request, regardless of the land property, he was very dissatisfied with taking away two four-entry houses in Dongcheng, eight shops on Zhuque Street, and 10 taels of silver.

Seeing Jia Lian coming in, Wang Xifeng hugged Qiaojie and gave him a cold glance, then said with a smile to Qiaojie: "Our Qiaojie likes beautiful clothes the most, but in the future, I'm afraid we won't be able to wear them."

When Sister Qiao heard this, she became anxious, grabbed Wang Xifeng's arm, stared at a pair of watery eyes and asked, "Why? Didn't mother say that she prepared a lot of beautiful clothes for Sister Qiao?" With a crying voice, he said, "I'm going to my aunt's place, I'm going to my aunt's place."

Wang Xifeng pointed to Jia Lian with a sneer smile and said, "Because your father gave away all the money used to buy your clothes!" As soon as she said that, she let go, and sister Qiao slid down Wang Xifeng's leg.

Sister Qiao rushed to Jia Lian in a few steps, raised her head, looked at Jia Lian in disbelief with her tear-filled eyes, and shouted uneasily, "Daddy..."

Although Jia Lian knew that Wang Xifeng was dissatisfied, she had avoided it a lot recently, but she never thought that one day, sister Qiao would look at her with such eyes, and she was at a loss for words for a while.She couldn't help but smiled wryly and looked at Wang Xifeng and said, "We'll live in peace after giving up the money, and the old lady is also satisfied, why should Feng'er be so fussy?"

Wang Xifeng snorted coldly: "Don't worry about it? What else does this General's Mansion have now? Apart from this house that can't eat or wear, and spends a lot of money every day, what else does this General's Mansion have?"

Speaking of this, Wang Xifeng slapped the table and stood up, pointed at Nanbian'er and asked with a smile: "Do you want to say that there is still a sacrifice in Nanbian'er?" After speaking, Wang Xifeng suddenly raised her voice and said sharply: "That is a sacrifice, is it It's for the dead. Lord, just treat us all as dead!" After saying that, Wang Xifeng turned around and flung the curtain to enter the inner room.

Sister Qiao had never seen Wang Xifeng like this before, she hugged Jia Lian's legs tightly, her eyes widened, she didn't dare to make a sound, her small body was trembling slightly.

Seeing this, Jia Lian sighed, knelt down and hugged Qiaojieer in his arms, and after a long while, he ordered: "Send Qiaojieer and Qianqian to Zhuangzi outside the city!"

When Sister Qiao heard this, her eyes lit up, and she asked with a smile, "Is Daddy going to take us to Auntie's place?" Seeing Jia Lian nodding, she clapped her hands and laughed, "Okay, oh~ go to Auntie's place! "After speaking, he took Qianqian's hand and went to pack the box.

Seeing the two small figures disappearing outside the door, Jia Lian sighed again, got up and lifted the curtain, and entered the inner room.

As soon as he entered, a teacup flew over. Fortunately, although Jia Lian had been studying all these years, he never let go of his fists and kicks, and the general avoided it.

Then there was a sound of broken porcelain inside the house, Zhao'er's family and Qing'er's family hurriedly waved away the two newly promoted little girls standing outside the house.Not wanting to, it gradually became quiet after a while, and then there was a burst of panting... The Zhao'er family and Qing'er's family looked at each other and smiled, and also walked out of the East University courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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