Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 403 Longevity Chapter

Chapter 403 Longevity Festival

First of all, I'm sorry that the manuscript was published so late. It is really difficult to type because the swelling of the hands has not subsided.In addition, I am very grateful to Tu Yan, Zan の Wuhen, for their rewards, and thanks to book friends 130825121341923, Lean Yuxie asuka, and book friends 160923113605778 for their monthly support!thanks.


After the Lantern Festival is the Longevity Festival. Although the entire New Year’s festival has been restrained due to the events of years ago, the nobles and officials in Beijing have restrained themselves, and the Lantern Festival is not held in the palace, but now the Longevity Festival, no one dares to celebrate it. The slightest negligence became more attentive.

The palace is also getting busier, and the Daming Palace, which has not been inhabited for a long time, has also been decorated with lights and festoons.Unexpectedly, the emperor personally went to Xishan Bieyuan to invite the Supreme Emperor back to the palace, but the Supreme Emperor closed the door and did not see him.From the meritorious deeds of the clan to the civil and military officials, the explanation is at a loss.

Even so, no one dared to show it, and they were still preparing for the ceremony of congratulations in a beaming manner.Even the Jia Mansion, it is rare to be united and prepared for this.

Daiyu saw that Mrs. Jia's spirit was getting better and Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng were busy all day, so she took sister Qiao and Qianqian to bid farewell to Jia's residence.

Wang Xifeng sent her aunt and nephew to Daoyi Gate, and then sighed: "The master sealed the garden and said it was dedicated to the Holy One, but now there is so much noise in the mansion that there is not even a place to stay." Apologetically, he took Daiyu's hand and said, "I have wronged my sister."

Daiyu smiled nonchalantly, "Look at what sister-in-law said? I think uncle has done a very good job."

As soon as Daiyu finished speaking, Wang Xifeng slapped her, and said with a smile: "Why can't I say it wrong?" After speaking, there was another sigh.Seeing that Sister Qiao was still following her, Daiyu winked at Zhixuan and said, "I'll have a few words with my sister-in-law, I think Sister Qiao is bored here, why don't we go to the car and have some snacks first."

Zhixuan understood, picked up sister Qiao and went to the gate, Qianqian saw Wang Xifeng and Daiyu hurriedly salute, so she chased after her.

After they walked away, Daiyu took Wang Xifeng's hand and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law is the most sensible. At the beginning, the garden was built for the eldest cousin's relatives, but after all, the eldest cousin did not marry into another family, it was the heavenly family. From then on, they are monarchs and ministers, not relatives." Speaking of this, Daiyu couldn't help shaking her head and sighing when she thought of the man with bright eyes and bright teeth.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng was about to say something, but Daiyu said with a smile: "Now that there are no more people, my sister-in-law is also aware of the current situation of the second uncle's family. We moved out and took away a lot of people, and now that the garden is closed for dedication, it’s just a good time to straighten out the family.”

Speaking of this, Daiyu pursed her lips and said: "There are only a few masters in this house? How many people are needed? Besides, now that the uncle and aunt are back, and the sister-in-law is a healthy person, don't worry about those things." It's a mess, it's only serious if you take care of your body!"

After speaking, Daiyu did not forget to give Wang Xifeng a look and said: "If it wasn't for visiting relatives, how could the child be gone? My sister-in-law has suffered for so many years, and my brother has also suffered for so many years. We, Brother Chun, can wait for our brother. Make an arm!"

When Wang Xifeng first heard Daiyu mention the events of the year, she felt sad and her eye circles were red, but before the tears fell, Daiyu changed the topic to Brother Chun again, and couldn't help but burst out laughing, annoyed He glared at Daiyu and said, "I still need you to teach me a lesson? Thanks to my pity that you have no place to set your feet, you are here to scold me!"

Daiyu gave Wang Xifeng an annoyed look and said, "Who is happy to scold you? If you don't look at our sister Qiao and Brother Chun pitifully, would you treat me as if I was free and meddling in your affairs?" Turning her head, she said to herself I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Wang Xifeng even pinched her face angrily and said, "Look at me tearing up your mouth!" The two laughed and quarreled before they walked towards the gate affectionately holding Daiyu's hand.

While walking, Wang Xifeng supported her inconspicuous stomach, and said with a low laugh: "I'd be happy to say that the garden is dedicated, I don't know how much money and things will be saved, and in this way, our manor It’s not so eye-catching anymore.”

Hearing Wang Xifeng mention the word "eye-opening", Dai Yufang stopped and said with a restrained expression: "Sister-in-law didn't talk about it, but I forgot, now our mansion is the general's mansion, but it is no longer the old country. The public residence, although the Ministry of Industry and Rites was ordered by the emperor to renovate last time, but in many places, I still see that it is against the regulations."

Hearing Daiyu's words, Wang Xifeng's face immediately changed, and he asked anxiously, "What did my sister hear? We don't talk about each other as a family, so if my sister has any news, I don't want to keep it from me."

Daiyu saw that Wang Xifeng was very concerned about this, so she smiled and said, "Where did you hear the news? You just look at the few remaining ones, didn't they all return the plaque with uncle?"

Wang Xifeng's eyes lit up, and she nodded, and Daiyu continued: "I see that everything else is fine, especially since Jia's ancestral hall has also moved here, some places don't have so many people's attention, but Rong But Xitang couldn’t do it, so my sister-in-law told my aunt or brother that my uncle had worked in the Rites Department of the Ministry of Industry, and no one knew better than him.”

Wang Xifeng sighed, nodded again, and wanted to say something more, but saw Qiao's half body lying outside the car window, waving at them, Qianqian was holding Qiao'er tightly behind her, the nanny followed The nanny stood outside the car window to protect them, and it was very lively for a while.

Wang Xifeng couldn't help swallowing the words on her lips, and said with a smile, "Why is this girl so noisy?" After speaking, she turned to look at Daiyu and said, "Don't spoil her, if you don't turn out to be a good person, I will It's all up to you!"

Daiyu raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Our sister Qiao is beautiful and smart, how can we not be able to say that. Besides, how old is Miss Qiao?"

Wang Xifeng was just joking, seeing Daiyu ignoring her and walking straight towards sister Qiao, she couldn't help sighing to Zhao'er's family next to her: "The elder sister followed me, and then she followed the master and wife to take office. , it stands to reason that we should be estranged from my sister, but look, there is no one better than the two of them."

Zhao'er's family couldn't help laughing and said: "Grandma is so good that she is cheap? The eldest sister used to have a relationship with Miss Lin. Everyone knows this. Besides, Miss Lin is taking care of the eldest sister, so the wife can reorganize the house with peace of mind. For the matter, grandma has just taken care of her body to add another brother to the elder sister and elder brother, right?"

Wang Xifeng nodded with a smile, and saw Daiyu's head poking out from the car window, holding sister Qiao's hand, and waving at Wang Xifeng, seeing Wang Xifeng nodding her head, she sat back and put down curtain.

Daiyu, who was leaning on the soft pillow, looked at sister Qiao who was twirling the rope with Qianqian, and listened to the occasional cries from outside the car, feeling that life was peaceful.

Twenty or so servants, guarding the four carriages, slowly left the city, all the way to Daiyu's hot spring village.

Sister Qiao was very interested at first, but she felt very bored after a while, she pouted and shook Daiyu's arm in displeasure, and said, "Auntie, Auntie, how long do we have to go?" He opened a corner of the car curtain, looked out, turned his head and said dissatisfiedly: "Daddy said he would take me to ride a horse! Daddy lied!"

Talking about sister Qiao's eyes filled with tears, Qianqian hastily wiped away her tears and comforted her: "When the uncle comes to pick us up, the girl will ride a horse with the uncle again, Miss Lin can't ride a horse .”

Sister Qiao stared shallowly after hearing this, and said very confidently: "But there are so many people outside who can ride horses!"

Seeing this, Daiyu couldn't help laughing and said: "But the people outside who can ride horses are not Qiao's father!" Seeing Qiao's head lowered and her mouth pouted, Daiyu said with a smile: "Auntie, there are It's fun, do sister Qiao want to play?"

Upon hearing this, Sister Qiao raised her head, and stared at Daiyu flickeringly with her bright eyes. Seeing this, Daiyu reached out and tapped Sister Qiao's nose, and then took out a suit from under the seat. There are more than ten sapphire dishes, large and small, the small one is no more than the size of a palm, and the larger one is no more than two palms.

Daiyu arranged the dishes from small to large on the low table, took a small jade stick, and tapped it lightly, then tilted her head to look at sister Qiao, and asked with a smile, "Does it sound good?"

Sister Qiao's eyes widened immediately, and she kept nodding her head and said, "It sounds good! Where did Auntie find it?" Even Qian Qian's eyes widened. These jade butterflies were either engraved with characters or water. The moiré patterns may be endless, not to mention as thin as a cicada's wings, but they are all light and translucent, very delicate.

Daiyu handed the jade stick in her hand to Sister Qiao, held Qiao's hand again, and played a nursery rhyme from her previous life. Sister Qiao fell in love with it immediately, and started playing with Qian Qian.

Daiyu smiled slightly, and sat back on the chair, Qianqian saw that Daiyu closed her eyes, leaned on the soft pillow, and let Qiaojie happily jingle the jade butterfly beside her.Qianqian bit her lips, and asked softly, "Is the county lord tired?" As he spoke, he wanted to dissuade Miss Qiao.

Daiyu opened her eyes, smiled shallowly, shook her head and said, "I'm not tired, you guys play, let's go to the hot spring later!" Speaking of soaking in the hot spring, even Qianqian laughed.

However, Daiyu, who returned to Zhuangzi, failed to accompany Sister Qiao and Qianqian to the hot spring.As soon as the carriage stopped, the Linde family came over with a happy face and said with a smile: "Girl, guess who gave the girl a gift today?" Thinking of the gift, the Linde family couldn't help but hide mouth laughing.

Daiyu didn't have time to pay attention to her. Seeing that Zhixuan and Nanny Tang got off the carriage behind, she ordered: "Send Qiao and Qianqian to clean up first, and we'll go to the hot spring later."

After Zhixuan brought Qiao's nanny and maids to send Qiao and Qianqian away, Dai Yu turned around and smiled at Lin De's family: "This year is over, who will give gifts now? But where is the happy event?"

Daiyu also got out of the carriage and walked towards the inner courtyard with the support of Nanny Tang and Lin De's family.

Linde's family laughed happily, "Young master has brought the girl a present!" Daiyu didn't react for a while, but Nanny Tang smiled and said, "Where's the person? Can you leave a meal? The girl changed into clothes." , you bring them over again." The Linde family nodded and smiled, then turned and left.

After Linde's family left, Daiyu woke up. Didn't this "uncle" refer to Mo Xuan?For a moment, she blushed with embarrassment, and she couldn't help saying angrily: "What kind of son-in-law, grandma is also talking nonsense!"

Seeing Daiyu's shy appearance, Mother Tang didn't make any distinctions, she just smiled and smoothed the hair on Daiyu's temples.But in Daiyu's eyes, the appearance of a girl in my family who has just grown up is in Daiyu's eyes.

For more than a year, with the Northwest side, you have exchanged gifts and letters constantly, and the two of them have become more and more intimate.At this time, being teased suddenly, Daiyu was really embarrassed.But she didn't say much, after she changed her clothes, and asked Zhixuan to take someone to accompany Sister Qiao to the hot spring, Daiyu just saw the visitor.

Daiyu couldn't help laughing when she heard that Mo Xuan had caught a pair of deer for the Supreme Emperor in the northwest as a gift for the Longevity Day, and at the same time caught a small deer for herself.

This deer is a symbol of longevity in China, so giving it as a birthday gift is perfect, but since I am young and it is not a festival, it is really nondescript to send a deer here suddenly, and I am not happy to return the gift.Thinking of the big and small birds, cats and dogs, and that big litter of rabbits and sables these years, Daiyu couldn't help laughing more and more.

For a while, the atmosphere in Daiyu's side became more and more harmonious and joyful, but the emperor was frowning at this time, walking around in the imperial study room, dropping memorials, inkstones, and teacups everywhere.

Huang Jiyun also frowned, and stood aside holding the teacup, and Wang Gonggong stood beside him carefully, not daring to make any noise, not even letting the little servant clean it up.

After a long while, the emperor took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Huang Jiyun, and said to Eunuch Wang, "Let the Lord of Yulin County enter the palace immediately!"

Huang Jiyun didn't expect the emperor to make such a decision suddenly, he was so surprised that he almost dropped the teacup in his hand, but he hurriedly shouted: "My lord, please slow down!" Huang Jiyun looked at the emperor after speaking, full of disapproval Authentic: "Yu'er is just a boudoir girl, what's the use of calling her here?"

The emperor glared at Huang Jiyun angrily and said: "Look at her, she is often more useful than you great scholars!" After speaking, he walked around the imperial study room twice before calming down.

Seeing this, the prince hurriedly asked: "Do you still want a servant to summon Yulin County Lord?" The emperor waved his hand impatiently, and the prince gave Huang Jiyun a sympathetic look, but he withdrew as if he had been pardoned Went to the imperial study room.

After the prince retreated, the emperor returned to the dragon chair behind the case and sat down. He closed his eyes and said exhaustedly: "You said that the day is getting closer and closer, and I will personally invite you..." Before finishing speaking, the emperor sighed deeply.

Huang Jiyun gritted his teeth, took a few steps towards the emperor, and said in a low voice, "It's not impossible!" The emperor knew that Huang Jiyun was afraid that Daiyu would be involved, so he gave him a glare, and said angrily: " There is a way, you spent two days here with me?"

Unexpectedly, Huang Jiyun closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, knelt down abruptly, and said softly: "Please allow your minister to accompany the imperial physicians of the Taiyuan Hospital to the Xishan Hospital."

After Huang Jiyun finished speaking, he rested his forehead on the bright gold brick, but the emperor fell silent.

Seeing that the emperor was silent, Huang Jiyun couldn't help adding: "As long as you declare to the outside world that the Supreme Emperor's holy body violates peace, and some ministers throw the imperial doctor to go, I think all the officials will not be suspicious, and the emperor must hurry up to arrange it here, and only say to the outside world. Just pray for the Supreme Emperor. As for the future..."

Huang Jiyun paused for a moment and didn't know what to say, but the emperor snorted coldly and said, "It's time for the Imperial Forest Army in the Xishan Bieyuan to change their defenses!"

(End of this chapter)

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